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PostPosted: 12/26/09 8:21 pm • # 1 
William Shatner asked a good question. Rush gave a very telling answer.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 5:25 am • # 2 
... you will be forced to listen to William Shatner and Rush Limbaugh every second for the rest of your life.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 5:35 am • # 3 
Yup, for some, life's a beach, for others ..........

PostPosted: 12/27/09 6:21 am • # 4 
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Is it a figment of my own imagination or does the "I've got mine, screw you" mindset seem to be so much more prevalent today? ~ we are still one of the richest countries in the world ~ and we have vets and families living in cars and on the streets ~ we have babies and elderly going to sleep at night, hungry and cold ~ it seems to me that the only "rationing" and "death panels" are being pushed by the selfish SOBs ~ I am deeply ashamed that Rush Limbaugh calls himself "American" ~ hell, I am deeply ashamed that the Rush Limbaughs of the planet call themselves "human" ~ Image


PostPosted: 12/27/09 6:34 am • # 5 
In 1948 Eleanor Roosevelt and other great people wrote the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

HR Article 25 states...

  • (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
  • (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

I believe that Rush and his apologists believe that these things are privileges and not rights and this is the basis of our primary disagreement in this country.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 7:03 am • # 6 
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Eleanor Roosevelt has long been, and remains, one of my personal heroes ~ I have a small magnetized plaque of one of my favorite Eleanor Roosevelt quotes on my desk: "Do one thing every day that scares you." ~

There is a JFK quote [more recently repeated by Teddy Kennedy] along the lines of "to whom much is given, much is expected" [or required], which is apparently a phrase from Luke ~ I'd like to see that quote tattooed on the Rush Limbaughs amongst us ~


PostPosted: 12/27/09 7:33 am • # 7 
If being a socialist or a liberal means caring for other people, then I am proud to be considered among those who see past the narrow interests of "self". Yes! By all means, if you have the money you can have the beachside cottage - no one is stopping you - BUT that's just a lifestyle OPTION. Health and access to health care is a NECESSITY we ALL share.

Why is it that the people who are quick to say "screw you! I've got mine!" are the same people who are oh so quick to spout the beatitudes or the ten commandments in a fit of righteousness?

PostPosted: 12/27/09 8:08 am • # 8 
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gopqed wrote:
... you will be forced to listen to William Shatner and Rush Limbaugh every second for the rest of your life.

Shatner should have pushed him a LOT further. he let him off easy.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 8:10 am • # 9 
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kathyk1024 wrote:
In 1948 Eleanor Roosevelt and other great people wrote the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

HR Article 25 states...

  • (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
  • (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

I believe that Rush and his apologists believe that these things are privileges and not rights and this is the basis of our primary disagreement in this country.

they clearly don't believe in the UDHR, the TAT, and the GC. that puts them on the same side as the worlds greatest war criminals. what wonderful company.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 8:13 am • # 10 
The "right" has no respect for the UN so why would they have any respect for any of it's declarations?

PostPosted: 12/27/09 9:04 am • # 11 
macroscopic wrote:
gopqed wrote:
... you will be forced to listen to William Shatner and Rush Limbaugh every second for the rest of your life.

Shatner should have pushed him a LOT further. he let him off easy.

Yea, he did. Rush gave him a great opening and he had no idea what to do with it. I have no idea why Shatner even has this show. It was taped in August BTW.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 10:06 am • # 12 
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Sidartha wrote:
The "right" has no respect for the UN so why would they have any respect for any of it's declarations?

and, by analogy, they have no respect for the rule of law, since all of those treaties are called into our own law (and with equal standing to our own law) through article VI of the constitution.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 12:18 pm • # 13 
they clearly don't believe in the UDHR, the TAT, and the GC. that puts them on the same side as the worlds greatest war criminals. what wonderful company.

and, by analogy, they have no respect for the rule of law, since all of those treaties are called into our own law (and with equal standing to our own law) through article VI of the constitution.

1) What's the "TAT"?

2) The UDHR is not a treaty and has no legal significance. It's a statement of principles.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 12:21 pm • # 14 
Uhmm...WTH Image!!..When did Shatner get a talk show??? I'm going back to the football blogs, makes more sense.....W's & L's, S.O.S., cheerleaders...those things I understand....

PostPosted: 12/27/09 12:21 pm • # 15 
You all spend way too much time listening to Limbaugh and supporting his need for attention. The image of William Shatner interviewing Rush Limbaugh is something so inane that not even the writers for Saturday Night Live could conjure it up. Image

PostPosted: 12/27/09 12:29 pm • # 16 
The point is not that Shatner is bizarre and a poor interviewer. Rush believes that there will always be poor people and if you are poor you don't get health care.

There is no moral superiority assigned to health care. It appears this is the thinking of the right wing.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 2:59 pm • # 17 
Sidartha wrote:
The "right" has no respect for the UN so why would they have any respect for any of it's declarations?

It's not just the right that has no respect for the UN. Most people I know have no respect for the UN.

I do agree with Eleanor Roosevelt and the UDHR. However, I don't see that the UN is doing much to prevent things like child soldiers and babies dying from starvation and disease, much less adequate health care.

Rush is an idiot and I agree with gop that people spend too much time listening to him and discussing his views as if they had merit.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 3:10 pm • # 18 

Rush is NOT idiot. He is making a fortune speaking to a willing audience.

What is baffling to us who don't like a word he says is "Why does he have an audience?" "Do people agree with him?"

This for me is also wrapped up in "Why was Bush elected to a second term?" We knew the measure of the man long before the reelection and America reelected him anyway. "Why? "

PostPosted: 12/27/09 3:19 pm • # 19 
Katy51 wrote:
Sidartha wrote:
The "right" has no respect for the UN so why would they have any respect for any of it's declarations?

It's not just the right that has no respect for the UN. Most people I know have no respect for the UN.

I do agree with Eleanor Roosevelt and the UDHR. However, I don't see that the UN is doing much to prevent things like child soldiers and babies dying from starvation and disease, much less adequate health care.

Rush is an idiot and I agree with gop that people spend too much time listening to him and discussing his views as if they had merit.

It seems to me the UN can't do much if it doesn't have the respect of the people and nations the institution supposedly represents. The declarations of the UN can't mean much when signatories don't abide by their intent. So what would you have the UN do about the problems you cite along with all the other global issues when member nations sign on to lofty principles they have no intent on abiding by?

As for Rush... ignoring the idiot allows him to continue spewing his bile unabated. His stupidity should be exposed and ridiculed for what it is...

Besides... everyone needs a good laugh once in a while.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 3:36 pm • # 20 
The UN has no respect because it has earned no respect. The UN is impotent. It needs to be shut down. Often it condemns a reaction without even addressing the actions that caused it. It makes sanctions against countries like Iran and North Korea but did nothing about Bush's and now Obama's threats to them. It is simply a venue for countires to say there we tried and then do what they damn well please anyway. It was a good idea but has been a failure from the start. As you say the countries talk nice but any decisions made are worthless.

You think talkng on here about what Rush says will abate it? This is exactly what he wants, attention (as gop said). He's on and his show gets sponsors because of the people who hate him, not the few who like him. I don't find him amusing. I also give credit to people to know what he says is bullshit. Anyone who doesn't never will.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 3:41 pm • # 21 

Kathy, we disagree. Rush IS an idiot. He makes no sense at all. The thing that keeps his show going is controversy. The more ridiculous his statement, the more people talk.

As for Bush getting reelected, people were still afraid. Kerry did not present a good alternative. Many liberals could not make themselves vote for him.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 3:49 pm • # 22 
The UN is just an institution... a collection of documents detailing the supposed ideals of the institution's members. Is it the fault of the inanimate documents that the signatories are hypocrites and failures?

As for Rush... after reading a few lines here and elsewhere, then having a good chuckle at his stupidity, I move on. He is irrelevant and most people know that. The only ones who don't are his blind followers and maybe (just maybe) himself.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 3:59 pm • # 23 
Sidartha wrote:
The UN is just an institution... a collection of documents detailing the supposed ideals of the institution's members. Is it the fault of the inanimate documents that the signatories are hypocrites and failures?

As for Rush... after reading a few lines here and elsewhere, then having a good chuckle at his stupidity, I move on. He is irrelevant and most people know that. The only ones who don't are his blind followers and maybe (just maybe) himself.

The UN is a collection of countries that supposedly work together to handle problems in the world together. The countries don't and never have. Shut it down so we don't even pretend anymore. The hypocrisy is expensive. Following is the preamble to the United Nations Charter. It's only a joke, since the UN does none of these things in reality.


  • to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
  • to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
  • to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
  • to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

PostPosted: 12/27/09 4:01 pm • # 24 

I don't think us talking about Rush on this teeny message board is causing people to listen his radio show. I don't listen to his BS and wouldn't know where to find his show if I wanted to. Am I supposed to boycott his sponsers in protest?

I posted this thread because during his babble I think he made a very telling statement. He and the right think health care in a privilege not a right.

I also don't think that us talking here about anything will have an overall effect on the world. In some kind of one person at a time fashion possibly, maybe.

PostPosted: 12/27/09 4:11 pm • # 25 
You know that would be a really good way to fight his idiocy. Boycott his sponsors.

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