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PostPosted: 05/16/11 12:20 am • # 1 
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Steve Benen does a 'From the weekend' post every Monday morning that summarizes [with links] his [shorter] weekend postings ~ I generally pick-and-choose those topics that interest me and that I think will/should generate discussion ~ but there are many other items that others might find interesting ~ so I'm going to start posting this 'From the weeked' post on Monday mornings ~


Last edited by sooz06 on 12/05/11 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 05/16/11 12:22 am • # 2 
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May 09, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed.

On Sunday, we talked about:

* Wanting the United States to strive to be a more perfect union is not unpatriotic. Someone ought to tell Rick Santorum.

* On Mother's Day, the heartbreaking story of a pregnant 30-year-old Somali woman named Hinda Hassan isn't just a personal tragedy; it also speaks to a larger policy truth.

* The case of the high school cheerleader pressured to root for her accused rapist deserves to be heard.

* With Wisconsin Republicans worried about losing recall elections, GOP state lawmakers are trying to ram through far-right proposals before voters can weigh in.

* Former Bush White House Chief of Staff Andy Card looks awfully petty whining about President Obama “pounding his chestâ€

PostPosted: 05/16/11 12:23 am • # 3 
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May 16, 2011 7:15 AM
[url=#]From the weekend[/url]
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed.

On Sunday, we talked about:

* House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is worried about upsetting our creditors and exorbitant interest rates. So, he's pursuing a strategy likely to upset our creditors and cause exorbitant interest rates.

* Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) wants to impress Standard & Poor's. He appears to have forgotten 2008.

* As Newt Gingrich helps remind us, the Jim Crow era may be gone, but it's not forgotten.

* The easiest way to win an election has nothing to do with candidates, fundraising, or grassroots operations. It's to stack the deck long before the election — rigging the system so that those most likely to vote the “wrongâ€

PostPosted: 05/23/11 4:24 am • # 4 
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May 23, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed.

On Sunday, we talked about:

* An enduring question that keeps coming up: “Are Republicans losing their grip on reality?â€

PostPosted: 05/30/11 12:52 am • # 5 
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May 30, 2011 7:30 AM
[url=#]From the weekend[/url]
By Steve Benen 

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed.

On Sunday, we talked about:

* For all kinds of policy challenges, we can see the crises coming, and know exactly how to address them. It's conservative politics that gets in the way of responding.

* The Romney campaign wants to talk about candidates and “experience.â€

PostPosted: 06/06/11 1:10 am • # 6 
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June 06, 2011 7:15 AM
[url=#]From the weekend[/url]
By Steve Benen

We covered even more ground than usual over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed.

On Sunday, we talked about:

* House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) believes the Obama administration's success with the American automotive industry is “nothing to celebrate.â€

PostPosted: 06/13/11 12:50 am • # 7 
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June 13, 2011 7:15 AM
[url=#]From the weekend[/url]
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed

On Sunday, we talked about:

* Mitt Romney's campaign has a simple pitch: “I'm a successful businessman, I'll create jobs and fix the economy.â€

PostPosted: 06/20/11 1:54 am • # 8 
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June 20, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed

On Sunday, we talked about:

* Jon Stewart argued on “Fox News Sundayâ€

PostPosted: 06/20/11 3:00 am • # 9 
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I'm fed up with people/politicians hiding behind some mumbo-jumbo "addiction" when they screw around! I'm certain that it's the politicians who pressured the psychological/mental health community to brand sexual problems as mental health problems. Gives it a legitimacy it shouldn't have and brings about a sympathy that is not deserved. IMO

I know there are people with real sexual addiction problems, but they are determined as such after intensive psychological testing, not just after a horny indescretions. Image

PostPosted: 06/27/11 1:27 am • # 10 
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roseanne wrote:
I'm fed up with people/politicians hiding behind some mumbo-jumbo "addiction" when they screw around! I'm certain that it's the politicians who pressured the psychological/mental health community to brand sexual problems as mental health problems. Gives it a legitimacy it shouldn't have and brings about a sympathy that is not deserved. IMO

I know there are people with real sexual addiction problems, but they are determined as such after intensive psychological testing, not just after a horny indescretions. Image

Terrific post, roseanne ~ I'm also fed up with people/politicians who lie without blinking and then walk back their comments as having 'chosen the wrong words' or clarifying that  was 'not intended to be a factual statement' ~ total BS ~



PostPosted: 06/27/11 1:29 am • # 11 
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June 27, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed

On Sunday, we talked about:

* Will President Obama's 2012 odds improve in battleground states thanks to extremely unpopular Republican governors? Maybe.

* It's likely the Republican presidential race will come down to Mitt Romney and the “Not Mitt Romney Candidate.â€

PostPosted: 07/04/11 1:41 am • # 12 
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July 04, 2011 7:35 AM
From the Weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed.

On Sunday, we talked about:

* Mitch McConnell says Senate Republicans are united in opposition to no new revenues. That's not quite true.

* Mitt Romney thinks the closing of the Allentown Metal Works plant in Allentown helps bolster his economic case. He actually has it backwards.

* The public's confusion about the basics of American history — when the Declaration of Independence was signed, which country we rebelled against — is discouraging.

* Herman Cain says he's not “going down this color roadâ€

PostPosted: 07/11/11 3:49 am • # 13 
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July 11, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed.

On Sunday, we talked about:

* The Republican Party's approach to the debt ceiling: “A gamble where you bet your country's good name.â€

PostPosted: 07/18/11 1:55 am • # 14 
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July 18, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed

On Sunday, we talked about:

* For the rest of this Congress, President Obama needs to understand that whatever he's for, Congress will be against.

* If contemporary rules applied, Lincoln and FDR would probably be considered huge sellouts who were too quick to compromise, even when their vital principles were at stake.

* Jeff Greenfield is the latest establishment pundit to argue “both sidesâ€

PostPosted: 07/25/11 2:58 am • # 15 
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July 25, 2011 7:15 AM
From the Weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed.

On Sunday, we talked about:

* Where things stand in the debt-ceiling crisis Republicans created, as of 8 p.m. last night.

* The more House Speaker John Boehner pretends Democrats don't control the Senate and the White House, the more likely it is the economy will crash.

* Nick Kristof goes there, argues in his print column that Republicans may be destroying the strength of the United States, due entirely to a fanatical agenda.

* Speaker Boehner believes he, unlike President Obama, is “worried about the country.â€

PostPosted: 07/25/11 3:39 am • # 16 

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[i]* The so-called “Grand Bargainâ€

PostPosted: 08/01/11 2:31 am • # 17 
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August 01, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend, though for some reason, I appear to have been preoccupied with one topic in particular. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed.

On Sunday, we talked about:

* They struck a deal.

* Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) probably didn't love the debt deal, but he endorsed it.

* It was a formality, but mid-day, the Reid compromise plan couldn't overcome a GOP filibuster.

* Congressional Republicans aren't just radicalized, aren't just pursuing an extreme agenda, and aren't just allergic to compromise. The congressional GOP is also changing the very nature of governing in ways with no modern precedent. Welcome to the normalization of extortion politics.

* It's often overlooked, but the surest way to reduce the deficit is to grow the economy.

* Nancy Pelosi said John Boehner went to the “dark sideâ€

PostPosted: 08/08/11 2:01 am • # 18 
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August 08, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed

On Sunday, we talked about:

* Given the consequences, was the GOP's debt-ceiling hostage strategy the worst thing a major party has done since the Civil War? Possibly.

* The S&P downgrade is a classic example of putting a pox on one house, though some in the media prefer to pretend otherwise.

* Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said it was important for policymakers to “impressâ€

PostPosted: 08/08/11 2:22 am • # 19 

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* S&P prepared an analysis to justify a specific conclusion. The analysis was off by $2 trillion. Treasury explained to S&P that the analysis wasn't even close to being accurate, which led the ratings agency to concede they'd made a mistake. And a few hours later, S&P decided to reach the same conclusion anyway.

There are times when Bennen doesn't "get it".

PostPosted: 08/15/11 1:54 am • # 20 
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August 15, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed

On Sunday, we talked about:

* The White House is debating its next move on economic policy. My advice: swing for the fences, don't lay down a bunt and hope to get on base.

* Republican presidential primary voters may very well decide that Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) is unelectable, but don't count on it.

* GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann thinks she can appeal to Democrats and independents. No, seriously, that's what she said.

* Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty was the first Republican presidential candidate to get in the race. He was also the first to quit.

* In his announcement speech, did Perry signal his support for higher income taxes on working-class families? Indirectly, yes, he did.

And on Saturday, we talked about:

* Bachmann won the Iowa Straw Poll, and Perry outpaced Mitt Romney entirely through write-in votes.

* Do results out of Ames have any predictive value? Unfortunately, yes.

* Rick Perry is running as a savior candidate, jumping into the race months after his rivals. History isn't on his side: savior candidates tend to fail.

* Major news organizations don't usually tell the public, “Republicans are economically illiterate,â€

PostPosted: 08/22/11 1:53 am • # 21 
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August 22, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a fair amount of ground over the weekend. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed

On Sunday, we talked about:

* I'm fairly certain this wasn't the lede Republicans wanted to see in an AP article: “News flash: Congressional Republicans want to raise your taxes.â€

PostPosted: 08/29/11 2:02 am • # 22 
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August 29, 2011 7:15 AM
From the weekend
By Steve Benen

We covered a little less ground that usual over the weekend, due in large part to Hurricane Irene and the relative scarcity of political news. Here's a quick overview of what you may have missed:

On Sunday, we talked about:

* Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul doubles down, rejects the very idea of FEMA's existence.

* To put it mildly, al Qaeda has been on quite a losing streak recently. Over the weekend, the terrorist network's second in command was killed in a U.S. attack.

* Will Congress shut down the government at the end of September? At this point, the odds are against it.

* International Monetary Fund Chief Christine Lagarde wants policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic to follow a familiar path: address long-term fiscal issues while at the same time, focusing on job creation and economic growth in the short term. In the U.S., she also stressed the importance of aggressive efforts to improve the housing market, assisting underwater homeowners. That's good advice.

* Some on the right aren't responding well to the hazardous weather conditions. Fox News ran a piece calling for the elimination of the National Hurricane Center and National Weather Service, while Glenn Beck called Hurricane Irene a divine “blessing.â€

Last edited by sooz06 on 08/29/11 2:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 08/29/11 4:02 am • # 23 

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Over the weekend, the terrorist network's second in command was killed in a U.S. attack.

How many "second-in-command"s has Al Qaeda got? 13,467?
Methinks there are only a few hundred left.

PostPosted: 08/29/11 4:10 am • # 24 
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oskar, that's been my first reaction, too, every time I read '2d in command killed' ~ but it makes sense that as one is 'disabled', another is 'promoted' ~


PostPosted: 08/29/11 4:16 am • # 25 

Joined: 01/16/16
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sooz08 wrote:
oskar, that's been my first reaction, too, every time I read '2d in command killed' ~ but it makes sense that as one is 'disabled', another is 'promoted' ~

Except that Al Qaeda isn't a cohesive organisation but a loose, ever-changing, unstructured hodge podge of separate cells operating more or less independently.
So how does one become Al Qaeda's "second-in-command" when there is basically no command structure?

Or is it merely the sound-bite-du-jour?


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