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PostPosted: 12/30/12 9:54 pm • # 1 
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Joined: 11/07/08
Posts: 42112
I'm guessing this is the result of Graham's fear of a primary opponent, which one of the TP groups threatened to support if he didn't toe the TP line ~ for me, letting his reactivated sense of self-preservation trump simple decency, common sense, and his oath of office moves him into the POS category ~ :angry ~ bolding/emphasis below in in original ~ Sooz

Lindsay Graham: I Will Destroy America’s Solvency Unless The Social Security Retirement Age Is Raised
By Ian Millhiser on Dec 30, 2012 at 10:25 am

Although official Washington is currently fixated on the so-called “Fiscal Cliff,” the biggest threat to American prosperity is the debt ceiling, which must be raised in February to prevent economic catastrophe. If Republicans refuse to reach a deal on the so-called cliff, the Congressional Budget Office predicts that they will spark a new recession in 2013. But if Republicans block action on the debt ceiling, they will make that potential recession look quaint. Without raising the debt ceiling, the United States will be forced to embrace austerity so severe it will lead to “a bigger GDP drop than that experienced during the Great Recession of 2008.”

But in an interview on Fox News Sunday this morning, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) threatened to oppose this must-pass bill unless Social Security benefits are taken away from millions of future retirees:

I’m not going to raise the debt ceiling unless we get serious about keeping the country from becoming Greece, saving Social Security and Medicare [sic]. So here’s what i would like: meaningful entitlement reform — not to turn Social Security into private accounts, not to take a voucher approach to Medicare — but, adjust the age for Social Security, CPI changes and means testing and look beyond the ten-year window. I cannot in good conscience raise the debt ceiling without addressing the long term debt problems of this country and I will not.

Watch it:

This is extortion, plain and simple. It is the budgetary equivalent of threatening to break America’s legs unless Congress agrees to break the backs of millions poised on the edge of retirement. Graham’s position is that seniors should have to wait longer for their retirement benefits — even if they work in physically demanding jobs that literally tear the body apart by the time a worker reaches age 65 — and that those benefits should be reduced in the future.

And if Congress won’t agree to this deal, then Graham is prepared to thrust the nation into an economic calamity unheard of since the Great Depression.

PostPosted: 12/31/12 9:27 am • # 2 
Eliminate the cap on FICA. Or raise it to $500K. These problems are solvable.

PostPosted: 12/31/12 9:58 am • # 3 
What petri dish were these idiots spawned from?

PostPosted: 12/31/12 10:48 am • # 4 

Joined: 01/16/16
Posts: 30003
Sidartha wrote:
What petri dish were these idiots spawned from?

Toilet bowl?

PostPosted: 12/31/12 10:51 am • # 5 

Joined: 08/04/09
Posts: 660
Graham rules me and mine. DeMint is leaving. Wilson does not recognize democrats.

Avoid SC.


PostPosted: 12/31/12 12:37 pm • # 6 
Graham and McCain and their ideas are two people who need to be put out to pasture.

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