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 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/28/13 10:20 pm • # 76 
Paula, Paula, Paula......

Ya know, 'learning' that she had used the N word before didn't surprise me in the least bit. I don't know if there really are that many people that haven't used the word at least once. I know I have. I used it against my brother, in my mother's presence. I was very young. When I regained consciousness, she explained to me what the word was all about and what her and my father went through growing up in the south and for that matter even here out west. I have not used that word since and it makes my flesh crawl to hear it. Only ignorant people use that word and that ignorance comes in all colors.

That being said, I don't think people realize everything Paula has said and done. Not just in the past but recent enough for this suit to be brought against her. She has brought negative attention on 'brands' that weren't negative and those that employed her services have decided to sever their relationships. That's the nature of business. Do I think Paula is a bad person? No, not really. Just very ignorant. And it is costing her bundles. I heard that she has done a lot for the underprivledged and for some of the black communities (neighborhoods) where she's from. She's, unfortunately for her, learning a hard lesson the hard way.

One more thing. I don't think people are jumping on any bandwagon. It's great to see that this type of behavior is abhorred by so many in not only the US but all over the world. I just wish those that are defending her realize just exactly what it is she has done..

ps...where the hell is the spellcheck button???

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/28/13 11:46 pm • # 77 
What I think is a shame is people can't look at the some of the beautiful things about the South without thinking about the horrible things that happened in the South... like slavery. It amazes me that when a person loves the old plantations for some that only must mean people liked the slavery days and those people who likes plantations are racist. Talk about ignorant.... I love watching the old Shirley Temple movies so I am sure for some that means I am a racist. What about you people on here who are bashing Paula yet claim to be a Christian. What does it say in the Bible about forgiveness, turning the other cheek, and judgement. And most of all Paula is a human being. If you won't accept her apology without finding fault with it also, than that says more about what kind of person you are more than what kind of person she is.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 5:35 am • # 78 
She wanted a wedding with plantation scene including subservient blacks all dressed up in their cute little uniforms serving the whites. Glorifying the subservience. Nothing beautiful about that.

Of course, I'm not one who claims to be Christian and I don't really give a damn about what the Bible says about anything. However, forgiving is one thing. Continuing to pay and deal with a person who has demeaned a large portion of your audience and customer base is another. Plus, accepting an apology would assume it was sincere. I haven't seen a sincere apology yet. She's only sorry she is losing so much. She is what she is and will not change. Her words. Her racism. Her attitude = her loss.

Dee, you sure do try to defend Paula by bringing up a lot of "but so and so did it, too"s. More than one person can be wrong. Didn't the Jeffersons and Fred Sanford follow Archie Bunker? Doesn't really matter. I just couldn't watch any of them. People did protest the racism in Archie and George and Fred. Fact is, they have nothing to do with Paula and her racism. Comparisons do not change the facts of HER words and attitude.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 5:38 am • # 79 
Paula's #1 cookbook will not even be published. ... index.html

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 6:30 am • # 80 

Joined: 01/16/16
Posts: 30003
Dee wrote:
WHY was it ok for George Jefferson to make cracks about white people on his TV Show continually calling them HONKY'S and WHITIES ? And there was Fred Sanford who also continually calling the same names of whites, HONKY'S, WHITIES and CRACKERS. I never saw anyone protesting against these people. My guess is everyone thought it was funny. These men profited from making jokes about white people.

It wasn't ok then and it isn't ok now. Race shouldn't even be an issue but it is and it has to be changed.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 8:08 am • # 81 
Grumpyauntiejeanne, just reading your posts tells me you have more hate in your heart than anything else. If Paula wanted a plantation wedding with black servants and the black people were willing to do it and get paid why should you care? You seem to me that just because you have a black husband you are still fighting the civil war. Why not focus on the war going on today with voter supperssion and I'll fight right along beside you because that is something that is intended to hurt black people but hating a woman who wanted a plantation style wedding for her brother is just plain stupid. Destroying a womans career who is a rags to riches person is simply not right for anyone, of any color. You are correct in more than one person could be wrong.. Did you ever consider you might just be wrong about you assumption of why she wanted a plantation wedding? I seriously doubt it. You can wallow in your hate all you want but it's only going to hurt you in the end.

Oskar... when it comes to race, nothing is going to change here in the United States, IMO.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 8:20 am • # 82 
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Sorry, but I have to dissent. It was ok then on a comedy show. Those CHARACTERS (not real people, ya know) were parodies of the prevailing attitudes. They were actually mocking the way those words were used and the people who used them. Archie was called out by his family. George was a very successful black man. There were little "lessons" about racism and bigotry throughout those shows.

Deen is a real person who used real words AND actions against other real people in real life in a disparaging way. Her words and actions were meant to demean blacks.

I see the distinction. It's like the difference between M.A.S.H. and the Korean war.

Rest easy. Her cooking mag will still be published in Birmingham.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 8:48 am • # 83 
Dee wrote:
Grumpyauntiejeanne, just reading your posts tells me you have more hate in your heart than anything else. If Paula wanted a plantation wedding with black servants and the black people were willing to do it and get paid why should you care? You seem to me that just because you have a black husband you are still fighting the civil war. Why not focus on the war going on today with voter supperssion and I'll fight right along beside you because that is something that is intended to hurt black people but hating a woman who wanted a plantation style wedding for her brother is just plain stupid. Destroying a womans career who is a rags to riches person is simply not right for anyone, of any color. You are correct in more than one person could be wrong.. Did you ever consider you might just be wrong about you assumption of why she wanted a plantation wedding? I seriously doubt it. You can wallow in your hate all you want but it's only going to hurt you in the end.

Oskar... when it comes to race, nothing is going to change here in the United States, IMO.

Ha, Dee, you crack me up. I hate bigotry, always have and always will. I hated it for 60 years before I married my black husband. Amazing that someone who doesn't care who I'm married to has mentioned it twice so far. I am still fighting the civil war because of him? Say what? That makes no sense. Do you recognize that there is still racism? Do you recognize that there is never a non mean way to use the n word? Do you recognize that blacks on the plantations were treated as inferior? Do you realize that was wrong and racist? Do you realize that anyone who looks back on those days and longs for that white superior to black is wrong and racist? It doesn't matter whether or not some blacks would be willing. Her desire for that shows her attitude. It shows her racist attitude. I care because I hate bigotry. How can I be wrong about her reasons for wanting the plantation wedding? She loved the days when the blacks wore their outfits and served the whites. I don't hate her. I hate her bigotry.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 10:43 am • # 84 
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Dee wrote:
Grumpyauntiejeanne, just reading your posts tells me you have more hate in your heart than anything else. If Paula wanted a plantation wedding with black servants and the black people were willing to do it and get paid why should you care? You seem to me that just because you have a black husband you are still fighting the civil war. Why not focus on the war going on today with voter supperssion and I'll fight right along beside you because that is something that is intended to hurt black people but hating a woman who wanted a plantation style wedding for her brother is just plain stupid. Destroying a womans career who is a rags to riches person is simply not right for anyone, of any color. You are correct in more than one person could be wrong.. Did you ever consider you might just be wrong about you assumption of why she wanted a plantation wedding? I seriously doubt it. You can wallow in your hate all you want but it's only going to hurt you in the end.

Oskar... when it comes to race, nothing is going to change here in the United States, IMO.

Just out of curiosity, Dee. Would you still be saying "so what" if someone wanted a wedding where they and the guests dressed as SS troops and were served by Jewish people in concentration camp rags while a sad looking quartet played chamber music in the background?

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 7:58 pm • # 85 
Indeed I would Jim because no one knows why another person wants a wedding the way they want it and who am I to say "that's not right" when I am not the one paying for it? It's none of my business but I will also say this..... I don't think Paula intended to have that wedding to have others look down on the black people serving the food. I don't think Paula is as evil as some here think she is. I think some people are just too stuck on "words" and their opinion on what Paula ment to give any consideration to anything else. I think the old plantations were beautiful.... It's only peoples opinion that Paula's desire to have a plantation wedding shows she has a racist attitude. I will never believe that woman is a racist and I have known racist in my lifetime. Lived 10 years in Atlanta, Ga and saw plenty of it there but I also saw some black people feeling like everything was owed to them and that still shows up in some of them today.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 8:50 pm • # 86 
I do not understand the need for Americans to believe they actually know a celebrity. To get SO invested and actually think they know their character, etc.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 9:00 pm • # 87 
mpicky wrote:
I do not understand the need for Americans to believe they actually know a celebrity. To get SO invested and actually think they know their character, etc.


Gotta tell ya Dee, some of your comments on this thread have blown me away.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 10:08 pm • # 88 
Why have my comments blown you away Monster? I am just a live and let live person unless it directly affects my family and except when it comes to politics and that's when I take things really serious because politicians can and will do the most damage to the majority of Americans if allowed to. Aside from our President, I have never seen/read so much hate coming from people where Paula Deen is concerned. I really am surprised some of it is coming from this very board. I don't mean to offend you Monster .. just telling you how I see things and I don't see Paula as a racist.

Here is a link to a poll taken regarding Paula and I think you might find the results interesting. ... 854#!/854/

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 10:25 pm • # 89 
Dee wrote:
Why have my comments blown you away Monster? I am just a live and let live person unless it directly affects my family and except when it comes to politics and that's when I take things really serious because politicians can and will do the most damage to the majority of Americans if allowed to. Aside from our President, I have never seen/read so much hate coming from people where Paula Deen is concerned. I really am surprised some of it is coming from this very board. I don't mean to offend you Monster .. just telling you how I see things and I don't see Paula as a racist.

Here is a link to a poll taken regarding Paula and I think you might find the results interesting. ... 854#!/854/

Not offended at all, Dee. Just surprised that you are standing up for some of the racist things this woman has said and done. While a plantation my be beautiful on the surface, what it represents isn't. While Paula might find blacks dressed as slaves as 'exciting' I find it repulsive. If she considers a wedding with 'servants' dressed in slave attire, southern, my parents who were born and raised in the south would have a difference of opinion. Paula is in the spotlight and for her to make the comments she has made, they were rather recent, she has to deal with the public backlash. It's the price you pay for fame and fortune. I don't know if Paula is a racist or not. But I do know, if she made the comments she made, she is one ignorant woman. I have been reading a lot of what has come out in the civil suit and it just isn't good. A company has a right to sever ties with someone that has brought negative attention to their products.

Paula made her bed and now she has to lay in it.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/29/13 11:27 pm • # 90 
Monster, since when has black pants, white shirt and bow tie been considered slave attire? If this is the case then it's still going on today because you see many business men in black pants, white shirts and bow ties. And why does this represent slave attire? Because that's what the men on the plantations had to wear? What if they wore top hats? Black patent leather shoes? What if the women wore white uniforms like many cooks still do today? I'm just not understanding what you mean here by slave attire. Should people today not wear these pieces of clothes I have mentioned?

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/30/13 12:51 am • # 91 
Dee wrote:
Monster, since when has black pants, white shirt and bow tie been considered slave attire? If this is the case then it's still going on today because you see many business men in black pants, white shirts and bow ties. And why does this represent slave attire? Because that's what the men on the plantations had to wear? What if they wore top hats? Black patent leather shoes? What if the women wore white uniforms like many cooks still do today? I'm just not understanding what you mean here by slave attire. Should people today not wear these pieces of clothes I have mentioned?

Here you go again. Either you are being obtuse or.....You obviously are getting your info from pro Paula sites. She SAID she wanted a real southern wedding. Complete with slaves and all. She wanted the black men to wear black pants, white shirts and bow ties like THE SLAVES wore back in the day. It's not the clothes but who, how and why she wanted them dressed in that fashion.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/30/13 5:02 am • # 92 
Dee: "I am just a live and let live person unless it directly affects my family and except when it comes to politics and that's when I take things really serious because politicians can and will do the most damage to the majority of Americans if allowed to."

There is the big difference between us. I don't have to be black to hate bigotry against blacks. Or Jewish to hate bigotry against Jewish people. Or gay to hate bigotry against gay people. It doesn't have to directly affect me or my family for me to care. A lot of things that are done by the politicians you mentioned are done because of our apathy. A lot of things that should be done by them are not done because of our apathy. Apathy, not caring when it doesn't directly affect me, is one of the deadliest attitudes in history. Slavery would still be going on here if all people had had that attitude. Millions were killed throughout Europe during WWII because of that attitude. If we just let things go it will continue and grow again. There are places that thrive because of the hatred of Rush and others. They have their specific audience and because of freedom of speech they can have their bigots. However, the broader audience does not accept it. People who care do not accept it. Paula shows her racism for the exact reason you mentioned. To her plantations were beautiful. Yep, to many whites plantations were wonderful. She and you can just ignore what they were to blacks. Live and let live.....if you're white.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/30/13 8:28 am • # 93 
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She wanted a wedding with plantation scene including subservient blacks all dressed up in their cute little uniforms serving the whites. Glorifying the subservience.

While I'm sure that's the way you-and plenty of other people-see it, it's not logical to assume any of us know HER true motives. Lots of people romanticize the old south, like others who are civil war buffs and spend their weekends in costume. Any accurate reference to that period, if it's going to be an honest one, will include the truth about society at that time, even if we see it differently now. That doesn't mean we have to make the leap to assuming that someone condones what went on or thinks it would be appropriate today.

It just seems strange to me that folks are getting so worked up over a flippant comment about an Old South theme wedding with costumes from a TV dingbat.

Legal issues about what went on with employees is another matter. That's *today*, when we know better.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/30/13 9:17 am • # 94 
Chaos333 wrote:
She wanted a wedding with plantation scene including subservient blacks all dressed up in their cute little uniforms serving the whites. Glorifying the subservience.

While I'm sure that's the way you-and plenty of other people-see it, it's not logical to assume any of us know HER true motives. Lots of people romanticize the old south, like others who are civil war buffs and spend their weekends in costume. Any accurate reference to that period, if it's going to be an honest one, will include the truth about society at that time, even if we see it differently now. That doesn't mean we have to make the leap to assuming that someone condones what went on or thinks it would be appropriate today.

It just seems strange to me that folks are getting so worked up over a flippant comment about an Old South theme wedding with costumes from a TV dingbat.

Legal issues about what went on with employees is another matter. That's *today*, when we know better.

Hmm.......we disagree. I would think that glorifying it today is indeed condoning what happened then. What other motive is there than she liked the times when the blacks were subservient? Maybe not because they were subservient, but that is part of what she considers a beautiful time and it can not be ignored. Don't we get upset at the confederate flag and what it represents? Plantations represent the same thing. I think glorifying the old south with no regard for what it meant for blacks represents an attitude. That together with the n word and possibly the treatment of the employees shows much more than a flippant remark. It, imo, shows racism.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/30/13 10:19 am • # 95 
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Joined: 11/07/08
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I have one foot out the door to go visit my mom, but a couple of thoughts that I'll come back to when I get home later today ~

I'm thinking a lot of racism or other bigotry is innate ~ iow, we are all products of our environment so some things and reactions are more or less automatic/unthinking ~ coming from a liberally reformed Jewish family, I was brought up to fight against all bigotry ~ and I know my sensitivity to racism has been deepened with my experiences at our school, both the hurdles getting it up and running and my continuing involvement with tutoring kidlets ~ we grow as we learn ~

I'm also thinking about the role empathy plays ~

More later ~


 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/30/13 10:58 am • # 96 
grumpyauntjeanne.. you really need to take a class in interpretation because you fail so badly in MOST of what I say. But that's your problem and not mine and I'm not about to make it mine. You keep fighting that civil war and see where it gets you. I don't stick my nose in everyone else's business nor do I fight their fight. I am for the gay community having equal rights, I am for single/working women being able to properly provide for their families as well as men. But I won't fight a fight based on someone like you who wants everyone else to hate the plantation days because in your mind it's means they look down on blacks. If my neighbor down the road wants to grow and smoke pot... why should I stick my nose in his business and start a riot over it? If my married friend wants to date other men why should I stick my nose in it? If I see a man/women abusing a child you better believe I will stick my nose in it! If I see anyone abusing an animal you can count on me putting a stop to it. However, for people like you who get so obsessed over what you think another person means by what that other person likes or dislike is just too simple minded for me to waste anymore time on.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/30/13 11:04 am • # 97 ... 7dfdbe0461

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/30/13 11:27 am • # 98 
The author of this article needs to learn the definition of "Alleged". He used the word but obviously hasn't a clue what it means. It seems he wants to tar and feather Paula before any of these allegations has been proven true. I posted here the women who started this was a white woman so I'm not as stupid as he wants people to think we are who are standing behind Paula. I did notice he used the words "just like her" . Humm interesting choice of words there. Maybe he should familiarize himself with ALL the facts and not ALLEGED facts before he spews his hate. The FACT that some of his civil rights associates are backing Paula could very well be they know more than this man does.

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/30/13 11:53 am • # 99 
I am 59 years old, from PA and read Little Black Sambo and recited

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a n!gger by the toe.
If he hollers, let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

in very early gradeschool when we still recited the 23rd psalm at the beginning of the day.

I don't know Paula Deen, I HATE cooking shows. I've read all your posts, but I am having difficulty wrapping my head around the issue. She was planning an Antebellum Wedding Reception? Just use waiters of multiple races and the problem is solved. Isn't the role of waiter subservient? I just came back from Norwegian Cruise lines and would it be racist to cast Indonesian men in the roles of food servers and housekeeping?

 Post subject: Re: Paula Deen furor
PostPosted: 06/30/13 12:17 pm • # 100 
Dee wrote:
grumpyauntjeanne.. you really need to take a class in interpretation because you fail so badly in MOST of what I say. But that's your problem and not mine and I'm not about to make it mine. You keep fighting that civil war and see where it gets you. I don't stick my nose in everyone else's business nor do I fight their fight. I am for the gay community having equal rights, I am for single/working women being able to properly provide for their families as well as men. But I won't fight a fight based on someone like you who wants everyone else to hate the plantation days because in your mind it's means they look down on blacks. If my neighbor down the road wants to grow and smoke pot... why should I stick my nose in his business and start a riot over it? If my married friend wants to date other men why should I stick my nose in it? If I see a man/women abusing a child you better believe I will stick my nose in it! If I see anyone abusing an animal you can count on me putting a stop to it. However, for people like you who get so obsessed over what you think another person means by what that other person likes or dislike is just too simple minded for me to waste anymore time on.

Sigh. I wouldn't expect you to fight a fight against anything that doesn't directly affect you. As I explained, we differ in that way. What does pot smoking have to do with bigotry? Whose rights does that deny, whose oppression does that glorify? What does adultery have to do with bigotry? Ha, I'm glad you wouldn't stick your nose in it ..... but so what. You are the one who says live and let live when it comes to bigotry. You are the one who thinks the n word should be ignored and glorifying bigotry should be ignored. You're the one who thinks words can't hurt anyone, apparently even little black kids who hear racist shit every day. If it doesn't affect you, you don't care unless maybe when it's physical abuse. Some of us care about all abuse. Verbal, bigotry, emotional, and physical etc. I'm not the simple minded or shallow one here. Words represent a lot. The choice of words can show attitude. Simple minded is ignoring that fact. You also do not answer questions. Hard to have a discussion that way. Someone tries to get clarificaton and you ignore it and bitch about them not understanding. Pretty funny, Dee. I'm the simple minded one here? Ha.

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