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PostPosted: 11/17/12 10:01 am • # 1 

Oh, no! Hostess is going out of business! :\'(

(I loved all their food -- except Wonder Bread, which I absolutely HATED!)

What will you miss most... Twinkies? Ding Dongs? Small Pies? Cupcakes? Last call to eat something Hostess forever!!


PostPosted: 11/17/12 10:13 am • # 2 

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Somebody will snap up the top brand names. After that, who knows?

PostPosted: 11/17/12 11:48 am • # 3 
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According to the news it's just the American version that's going out of business. The Canadian Twinkie supply is safe. In fact, for a little consideration of the lucrative kind, a Twinkie or two just might find it's way across the border.

(The Mohawks will probably take this one over. Cigarettes moving north and Twinkies on the southbound route.)

PostPosted: 11/17/12 2:52 pm • # 4 
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i will miss nothing.

PostPosted: 11/17/12 3:55 pm • # 5 ... t-bankrupt

The commonly sold story by many media outlets (i.e. Fox News) is that Hostess went bankrupt because of a greedy and stubborn union which increased the company's labor costs beyond all reason. However, a deeper investigation of the facts shows that Hostess failed for a variety of reasons, many of them unrelated to unions.

Decreasing Demand

The number one culprit behind Hostess’ demise was a decrease in demand for many of their products. Hostess has blamed a union strike over the past week, but in reality Hostess has been struggling to make a profit for quite some time, and had already filed for bankruptcy once in 2004.
Hostess itself admitted to decreased demand in a recent statement it released to debtors.


Hostess primary products are Wonder Bread and “junk food” like Twinkies. Over the past decade carbohydrates and fatty foods have become less popular. Many supermarket chains sell their own brand of bread at cheaper costs, and also feature a bakery to sell freshly baked bread. Parents who used to put a Ding Dong in their child's lunch bag everyday now put an apple or orange in there instead. Many of the consumers rushing to buy Twinkies now have not bought Hostess products in many years, which tells you all you need to know about the company’s struggles.

A Mountain of Debt

In addition to decreasing demand, Hostess has also struggled because it was burdened with over $860 million in debt with just $1 billion in assets. The company has over 100,000 creditors, including the labor unions and pension funds which represent the employees, and will now undoubtedly lose out on some of their claims because of Hostess newest bankruptcy.

Hostess mysteriously tripled the pay of their CEO just months before asking union members to take a pay cut to “save the company.” One could understand how union members found it hard to believe the company was strapped for cash after raising the CEO’s salary from approximately $750,000 to $2,555,000. Nine other executives at the company also received massive pay raises earlier this year, which now appear to be part of a “golden parachute” package. Other CEO's, like the head of American Airlines, freezed or reduced their pay over the past four years when they asked unions to make similar sacrifices.

It is also worth remembering that Hostess executive agreed to pay the labor unions their high wages and generous pensions in an earlier contract. Much like NHL owners, the Hostess executives were trying to take back an earlier contractual promise made to the union.


It is easy to blame the death of Hostess on labor unions, but the reality is that the company was probably going down regardless. But take heart America, Hostess' popular brands like Twinkie surely will be sold off as part of the bankruptcy. The Twinkie will still be on American store shelves in the future, just made by a better run company.

PostPosted: 11/17/12 4:09 pm • # 6 

Check out these prices of Twinkies on eBay! ... &_from=R40

PostPosted: 11/17/12 4:12 pm • # 7 

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Gotta love those "job creators", eh?

PostPosted: 11/17/12 4:22 pm • # 8 
"Hostess mysteriously tripled the pay of their CEO just months before asking union members to take a pay cut to “save the company.” One could understand how union members found it hard to believe the company was strapped for cash after raising the CEO’s salary from approximately $750,000 to $2,555,000. Nine other executives at the company also received massive pay raises earlier this year, which now appear to be part of a “golden parachute” package."

One word for that:


PostPosted: 11/17/12 4:29 pm • # 9 
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About once a year I like to indulge in the cupcakes or the snowballs. When I was a stoner, the cupcakes were my favorite munchies. lol

PostPosted: 11/17/12 5:11 pm • # 10 
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I always wondered why they call WonderBread bread.

I sometimes buy or ask a homeowner for a slice when I have to sweat copper pipes and the main water shut-off doesn't close completely.
You can't sweat if there are still droplets of water reaching the sweat point.
Take a slice of American "bread" and make a ball. Stuff it into the pipe until the water stops. Now you have just enough time to heat the copper pipe with your torch and the solder melts. That "bread" stuffed in the pipe gets dissolved into nothingness as soon as you open the water main.

Otherwise I have not found any useful purpose for American "bread", Wonder or not.

PostPosted: 11/17/12 5:13 pm • # 11 
Well... the next time I have to sweat copper pipes, I "wonder" if I'll remember that.

PostPosted: 11/17/12 5:19 pm • # 12 

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Wonder what plumbers will do to replace Wonder?

PostPosted: 11/17/12 5:30 pm • # 13 

PostPosted: 11/18/12 9:38 am • # 14 
I always wondered why they call Wonder Bread bread.


Wonder Bread is the name of a brand of bread. It is sold in North American stores and produced by Weston Bakeries Limited, a subsidiary of George Weston Limited, in Canada and by Grupo Bimbo in Mexico.

Wonder Bread was originally produced by the Taggart Baking Company of Indianapolis, Indiana and debuted on May 21, 1921, after a blind promotion with ads that only stated a "Wonder" was coming on May 21, 1921. When it was launched, the new brand was named by vice president for merchandising development Elmer Cline, who was inspired by the International Balloon Race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Cline was filled with "wonder" by the scene of hundreds of balloons creating a kaleidoscope of color resulting in the iconic red, yellow and blue balloons featured on the Wonder Bread logo.

When I was a kid growing up in the 1960s, Wonder Bread advertised a lot on the cartoons and children's shows. Their slogan was: "Wonder Bread builds strong bodies 12 ways." My brothers, classmates and I used wonder what those 12 ways were, and joked that the bread got its name by making people wonder what those 12 ways were. Image Later, Wonder Bread revealed that it was the number of added nutrients. As I mentioned in the initial posts, I actually disliked -- hated, even -- the flavor of Wonder Bread, so my mom did not buy that brand for our family.

PostPosted: 06/24/13 10:37 pm • # 15 

Hostess is coming back under new ownership!

Twinkies to Return to Shelves July 15, Hostess Says


PostPosted: 06/25/13 12:28 pm • # 16 
:bow2 :happydance :elephant

PostPosted: 06/25/13 1:06 pm • # 17 

Joined: 01/16/16
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I don't see anything I'd want to eat.

PostPosted: 06/25/13 1:32 pm • # 18 
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yet another case of labor destruction in the US.

PostPosted: 06/25/13 5:43 pm • # 19 
The picture posted of the cupcake is my very favorite one but I haven't has any for over a month now. Been without any kind of soda for 36 days and only drinking water with lemon and have been on the Atkins diet for over a month and am down 9 1/2 lbs. This is actually the easiest diet I have ever been on. But getting back to Hostess.... I am so glad it's coming back.

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