The enjoyable part for me is that the GOP/TP/CPAC-ers are
doing this to themselves ~ maybe they've all become entranced by John Mellencamp's "Hurts So Good" ~
~ there are a few "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz
Trump Tops Eastwood’s Rambling ‘Empty Chair’ Speech With Rambling ‘Empty Room’ Speech2013/03/15
By Justin "Filthy Liberal Scum" Rosario
In a display of “Huh?” worthy of Clint Eastwood and the Empty Chair, Donald Trump gave what Business Insider is describing as “confusing and terrible:”
Trump said he was upset that President Barack Obama did not return his calls about a free ballroom he offered to build. He also made a strange statement about how he wants the U.S. to go back to Iraq to take some oil.
Conservative writer David Freddoso tweeted that the crowd stopped applauding before Trump had even left the stage. He also said:
“I feel dumber for having listened.” [Source]
Trump also claims to have been told by several high-ranking officials that we went to war with Iraq to get their oil and that we should go back and take it as payment for the hundreds of billions of dollars that we wasted there. It’s curious that Trump is so interested in the money to be had but has shown little to no concern for the thousands of American lives lost in Iraq, the tens of thousands maimed, to say nothing of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians killed in the crossfire. Sure, he wants to give the family of each dead soldier a million in oil money. How about not getting them killed for oil in the first place?
Oh yeah, the room was empty:
This year’s CPAC has many scratching their heads in that right extremists like Trump, Palin, Allen West and Dick Morris are headlining but more moderate voices have been completely ignored. If the conservative movement is planning on swaying Latinos, independents and moderates to vote for them, they’re not doing a good job of recasting themselves as the party of serious adults.
Perhaps CPAC is putting all the loonies on display to really show the right-wing how NOT to act? We should only be so lucky.