I'm feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the events of last week ~ I'm not particularly emotional by nature ~ well, that's not exactly true ~ I'm not particularly
overtly emotional by nature ~ I tend to keep a lot inside while I work thru the issues ~ but I'm feeling like I'm on overload ~ I know there's nothing that could have been done to stop the marathon bombings, and I see the aftermath as being handled as well as humanly possible ~ I also recognize that it could have been FAR worse ~
The plant explosion in Texas is awful ~ the loss of life, including several first responders, and the surrounding physical damage ~ what's gnawing at me is that I see this as a belated but direct result of deregulation and horrendous "city planning" ~
And the background check failure has left me feeling sick at heart ~ we are in the midst of a deadly epidemic, our streets/neighborhoods/schools becoming war zones ~ you need a background check to get a job or rent an apartment or buy a home, but not to buy semi-automatic weapons or massive amounts of ammo????? ~ I'm waffling between deep sadness and rage ~