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PostPosted: 05/06/13 6:00 pm • # 1 
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Isn't it "interesting" that states can always find BIG $$$ to pay litigation costs to defend clearly unconstitutional laws? ~ :ey ~ Sooz

Kansas, Justice Department on nullification collision course
By Steve Benen - Mon May 6, 2013 10:39 AM EDT

A few weeks ago, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) signed into law a measure called the "Second Amendment Protection Act," which states that, "Any act, law, treaty, order, rule or regulation of the government of the United States which violates the second amendment to the constitution of the United States is null, void and unenforceable in the state of Kansas."

At the time, a far-right activist and nullification enthusiast told a local paper, "The Kansas Second Amendment Protection Act, in my opinion, is potentially the most important state level bill passed in modern American history."

Clearly, that was hyperbolic, but there is a burgeoning legal fight underway that's worth following closely.

Attorney General Eric Holder has written to Brownback that the law is unconstitutional and that the government "will take all appropriate action including litigation if necessary, to prevent the State of Kansas from interfering with the activities of federal officials enforcing federal law."

Brownback replied that he stands by the law and that it has broad support in the state, from Democrats and Republicans. "The people of Kansas have clearly expressed their sovereign will," he wrote Thursday. "It is my hope that upon further review, you will see their right to do so."

Kris Kobach, the right-wing anti-immigrant activist who now serves as Kansas' Secretary of State, helped write the legislation. After Holder tried to remind Brownback of modern jurisprudence, Kobach was filled was bravado: "With respect to any litigation, we will happily meet Mr. Holder in court."

That's nice, I suppose, and I hope Kobach and his allies will be equally happy to honor court rulings after Kansas loses.

The state-based "Second Amendment Protection Act" tries to play a little legal game, declaring that federal gun laws don't apply to firearms manufactured and owned in Kansas that do not cross state lines. It also takes the next step of telling law enforcement that federal laws can't be enforced in Kansas on firearms manufactured and owned in Kansas.

This is the sort of legal thinking that was common in the South before the Civil War, but which was resolved by the end of the conflict. A state doesn't have the discretionary power to nullify federal gun laws.

It's worth emphasizing that much of this is theoretical, at least for now. As The Hill reported, "Practically speaking, there are no guns that fit [Kansas'] definition as of yet. But Kobach said it was likely that some small outfits seeking protection from federal regulations might begin to manufacture firearms stamped 'made in Kansas.'"

But that doesn't change the underlying legal fight.

"The state is not free to nullify valid federal laws," said Adam Winkler, a constitutional law professor at UCLA and author of a book on gun rights. "Federal laws regulating the sale of firearms, even within one state, are clearly constitutional under the commerce clause." The part of the law that bars state officials from enforcing federal gun laws is "on sounder ground," he said, as long as those officials don't interfere with federal law enforcement.

The conservative Heritage Foundation put out a fact sheet last year, "Nullification: Unlawful and Unconstitutional," that says, "there is no clause or implied power in either the national or the various state constitutions that enables states to veto federal laws unilaterally."

PostPosted: 05/07/13 9:48 am • # 2 
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A few weeks ago, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) signed into law a measure called the "Second Amendment Protection Act," which states that, "Any act, law, treaty, order, rule or regulation of the government of the United States which violates the second amendment to the constitution of the United States is null, void and unenforceable in the state of Kansas."

Maybe I don't understand, but, if a law is unconsititutional isn't it null, void and unenforceable everywhere in the U.S., not just Kansas?

PostPosted: 05/07/13 9:54 am • # 3 

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Yeh, but you need a legal decision from the courts first.
Then they waste time and miney taking it to the SCOTUS.

PostPosted: 05/07/13 10:01 am • # 4 
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oskar576 wrote:
Yeh, but you need a legal decision from the courts first.
Then they waste time and miney taking it to the SCOTUS.

Correct. That gets you the prized A-rating from the NRA.

PostPosted: 05/07/13 10:19 am • # 5 

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Fook. Not even an A+?

PostPosted: 05/07/13 11:07 am • # 6 
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Does the act mention anything about who gets to decide what's constitutional and what isn't? You'd think they'd put something about that in there.

PostPosted: 05/07/13 3:26 pm • # 7 
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grampatom wrote:
Does the act mention anything about who gets to decide what's constitutional and what isn't? You'd think they'd put something about that in there.

I believe there's a fine print at the end of their act defining unconstitutional anything bearing the signature of that Obama guy.

PostPosted: 05/07/13 3:59 pm • # 8 

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jabra2 wrote:
grampatom wrote:
Does the act mention anything about who gets to decide what's constitutional and what isn't? You'd think they'd put something about that in there.

I believe there's a fine print at the end of their act defining unconstitutional anything bearing the signature of that Obama guy.

He wasn't around back then.
Reckon they screwed the pooch once again?

PostPosted: 05/07/13 4:19 pm • # 9 
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oskar576 wrote:
jabra2 wrote:
grampatom wrote:
Does the act mention anything about who gets to decide what's constitutional and what isn't? You'd think they'd put something about that in there.

I believe there's a fine print at the end of their act defining unconstitutional anything bearing the signature of that Obama guy.

He wasn't around back then.
Reckon they screwed the pooch once again?

A few weeks ago, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R) signed into law a measure called the "Second Amendment Protection Act," which states that, "Any act, law, treaty, order, rule or regulation of the government of the United States which violates the second amendment to the constitution of the United States is null, void and unenforceable in the state of Kansas."


PostPosted: 05/07/13 4:22 pm • # 10 

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so SCOTUS lost as well, eh?

PostPosted: 05/07/13 11:04 pm • # 11 
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so SCOTUS lost as well, eh?

How so? The ultimate body for determining if something is unconstitutional is the Supreme Court. Nothing I've seen in this law changes that and, even if there were something in it that tried to deny the powers of the Court, that particular provision would, itself, be unconsitutional and, therefore, nul and void. Again, even with this law, if SCOTUS says a law doesn't violate the Consitution, it dopesn't violate it in Kansas or anywhere else in the U.S. and vice versa if they find the law does violate it.

PostPosted: 05/08/13 2:55 am • # 12 

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A bit of sarcasm, jim.

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