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PostPosted: 05/06/13 8:46 pm • # 1 
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Fox guarding the hen house? :angry I don't think I'd want any female member of my family in the armed forces these days. Notice the use of "wingMAN" and "airMEN" on the website concerning sexual abuse in the final paragraph.

Jeffrey Krusinski, Air Force Officer In Charge Of Sexual Assault Prevention Program, Arrested For Alleged Sexual Assault

The Air Force officer in charge of the military branch's sexual assault prevention program was arrested for sexual assault, ARLNow reported Monday.

Stars and Stripes confirmed that Lt. Col Jeffrey Krusinski, the chief of the Air Force Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program, was arrested early Sunday in Arlington, Va.

The police press release reads:

On May 5 at 12:35 am, a drunken male subject approached a female victim in a parking lot and grabbed her breasts and buttocks. The victim fought the suspect off as he attempted to touch her again and alerted police. Jeffrey Krusinski, 41, of Arlington, VA, was arrested and charged with sexual battery. He was held on a $5,000 unsecured bond.

According to Wired reporter Spencer Ackerman and NBC News, the Air Force has removed Krusinski from his post, pending an investigation into the allegations.

The Air Force has recently faced a number of sexual assault scandals, most notably at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. More than 30 training instructors and drill sergeants have been disciplined in the scandal, which is still under investigation. Almost 60 potential victims have come forward with reports of sexual abuse at the San Antonio training facility.

According to a Defense Department report, an estimated 19,000 members of the armed services were victims of sexual assault in 2011.

"Our core values and respect are the foundation of our wingman culture -- a culture in which we look out for each other and take care of each other," reads the description of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program on its website. "Incidents of sexual assault corrode the very fabric of our wingman culture; therefore, we must strive for an environment where this type of behavior is not tolerated and where all Airmen are respected." ... 25155.html

PostPosted: 05/07/13 11:12 am • # 2 
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The op is irony at its finest ~ I'm not defending the guy, altho I hasten to add that it's a safe bet that we've all done something stupid and/or out of character when "over-served" ~ sexual assault is an epidemic in the military ~ the stats are sobering [no pun intended], but even more alarming are the estimates of sexual assaults NOT reported ~ :g ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating info in the original ~ Sooz

Pentagon survey: More than 70 military sexual assaults occur per day
By Stephen C. Webster
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 11:08 EDT

Survey data to be released this Tuesday by the Pentagon will explain that every day, more than 70 sexual assaults are carried out against members of the U.S. military, with more than 26,000 in 2012 alone.

Word of the report’s shocking details came by way of Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), who broke the news during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Monday, according to The Associated Press. The report also comes a day after the sexual assault prevention officer for the U.S. Air Force was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a complete stranger amid a drunken stupor.

Additional data from the 2012 survey, sent in advance to USA Today, adds that only 3,374 members of the military actually reported assaults, while just 3,000 pressed charges.

The 2012 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response survey represents a dramatic increase over 2010′s survey results, when just 3,230 sexual assault claims were filed and 19,300 said they believed they were victimized. The 2010 survey (PDF) also found that 71 percent of women and 85 percent of men did not report incidents of sexual assault the year prior, meaning the massive jump seen in 2012 could be due to increased reporting instead of an increase in sexual assaults.

However, it’s also possible that there were far more than 70 sexual assaults per day in 2012. The Pentagon estimated in 2011 that about 86 percent of sexual assaults went unreported.

PostPosted: 05/07/13 12:35 pm • # 3 
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See? This is why we need military chaplains pushing the good book. :lol

PostPosted: 05/07/13 1:56 pm • # 4 

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Chaplain Tells Military Sexual Assault Victim: "Rape Was God's Will"

After former Army Sgt. Rebekah Havrilla was sexually assaulted by a fellow service member while serving in Afghanistan, she sought guidance from an Army chaplain. “The rape was God’s will,” the chaplain told her, according to her testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday. Havrilla said the chaplain explained that, “God was trying to get my attention so that I would go back to church.”

The hearings were the first to be held on the issue in almost ten years, and were prompted by recent attention to the matter brought on by films such as the Academy Award-nominated documentary The Invisible War, based in part on Columbia Journalism professor Helen Benedict’s work on the issue. In November, there was a public outcry after the aggravated sexual assault conviction of Air Force Lt. Col. James Wilkerson was overturned and he was reinstated. New Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel ordered a review of the decision in a letter he made public Monday.

The Dart Center has a multitide of resources on sexual violence, including our quick tips on covering sexual violence, from preparing to writing the story. Click for a tip sheet from Miles Moffeit and Kristen Lombardi, who give advice on how to interview victims, and a recent blog on Helen Benedict's question: do we refer to someone who has been sexually assaulted as a “survivor” or a “victim?" ... pitol-hill

PostPosted: 05/07/13 4:40 pm • # 5 
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“The rape was God’s will,” the chaplain told her, according to her testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday. Havrilla said the chaplain explained that, “God was trying to get my attention so that I would go back to church.”

Yeah, that's the ticket! Cause/allow something terrible to happen so that someone will go back to church. If anything, that kind of thinking would keep me AWAY from that God and church.

I was at the doc's today for my physical and we talked about the mentality in the US regarding religion and God. Then, of course, we got into the whole gun nut culture. It was an interesting discussion, considering what he was doing at the time. :o :rollin He's a hoot!

PostPosted: 05/09/13 9:06 am • # 6 
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Step #1 in annihilating "rape culture mindset": STOP making excuses! ~ :tearhair ~ emphasis/bolding below is mine ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating info in the original ~ Sooz

Top Air Force commander blames ‘hookup culture’ for rise in military sexual assault
By Arturo Garcia
Wednesday, May 8, 2013 15:06 EDT

The top commander in the U.S. Air Force (USAF) suggested on Tuesday that the rise in reported sexual assaults against military service members was caused by a more permissive social climate, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“Some of it is the hookup mentality of junior high even and high school students now, which my children can tell you about from watching their friends and being frustrated by it,” Gen. Mark A. Welsh III said at a Senate hearing on the issue.

Welsh said that “roughly 20 percent” of women in both the Air Force and the Defense Department reported being sexually assaulted before joining.

Welsh’s remarks came amid not only the release of a Pentagon study showing more than 70 sexual assaults commited per day against miltary members, but the arrest of Lt. Col. Jeff Krusinski, the USAF’s Chief of Sexual Assault Prevention, on sexual battery charges and the surfacing of a “prevention and response” brochure saying, “it may be advisable” for airmen being raped to submit to their attackers.

The statements were criticized by Protect Our Defenders, an advocacy group for sexual assault victims who serve in the military.

“General Welsh should know that the solution lies in reform of the military justice system and culture of misogyny, victim blaming and failure to prosecute perpetrators,” the group’s president, Nancy Parrish, said in a release. “It is a problem that requires leadership, not blaming the troops as an excuse.”

The group said it had contacted prosecutors in Arlington, Texas, where Krusinski was arrested, and urged them to deny the USAF’s request to have his case transferred to a military court. In March 2013, Secretary of State Chuck Hagel ordered a review of the overturned sexual assault conviction of another USAF officer, Lt. Col. James Wilkerson. A senior commander, Lt. Gen. Craig Franklin, said the evidence against Wilkerson was not enough to justify the original verdict. Military regulations allow Franklin to not have to explain his reasoning.

[h/t Feministing]

PostPosted: 05/09/13 9:29 am • # 7 
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I read a tweet yesterday that was re-tweeted to me by a fellow liberal for the sole purpose of putting this idiot in his place.

It read something like this: "What did the morons think would happen when they put men and women together?"

My reply was "Expect that no crime would be committed? Men and women are together everywhere, yet there is not a high percentage of assaults. No excuse!"

There was tons of "whoop-ass" released on this moron. rofl

IOW, he was in essence blaming mostly the men, since the majority of assaults are commited by men. He's saying the can't control their urges. I wonder if he realizes that? Probably not. :eyes

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