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PostPosted: 05/29/13 7:29 am • # 1 
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Is it my imagination ... or is Pat Robertson getting more offensive and more ridiculous with age? ~ for me, he's overstayed his welcome by at least a couple of decades ~ :g ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating info in the original ~ Sooz

Pat Robertson threatens ‘nasty’ progressive group with ‘full-scale exposé’
By Stephen C. Webster
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 15:00 EDT

Television preacher and one-time Republican presidential candidate Pat Robertson warned on his “700 Club” show Tuesday that he’s inclined to run a “full-scale exposé” on a web publication that he refused to identify, calling them a “nasty group” that focuses on “embarrassing conservatives” who appear on television.

There are only two groups he could be talking about: Media Matters and Right Wing Watch, both of which specialize in video clips of conservatives saying untrue, insensitive or otherwise appalling things. Given his status as America’s premiere television soothsayer, Robertson’s show is a frequent stop for both groups, but only one of them recently caused a stir at Robertson’s network.

Right Wing Watch, a project of People for the American Way (PFAW), recently clipped Robertson saying something not so original for him, but always alarming when he repeats it. On a recent episode, he told a female viewer that her husband had an affair because she had not done enough to keep his attention, adding that she should focus on all the nice things he does for her instead, like letting her live in his house or giving her food and clothing.

Robertson has said essentially this before, telling a woman who wrote into his show in 2010 to “make yourself as attractive as possible” in order to prevent her husband from cheating, which Media Matters noted at the time.

When he repeated this meme earlier in May, Right Wing Watch was the group standing by to catch the ball, and that irked Robertson. “There are organizations, there is one in particular which I will not name, but it is set out for one purpose: to embarrass those who are conservative on television,” he said Tuesday. “So they take my words and they twist them and distort them.”

Just earlier this month, it was Robertson’s host network CBS that was embarrassed. The network explained in a statement that Robertson’s comment on adultery “was not to condone infidelity or to cast blame,” insisting they “regret any misunderstanding.”

Despite Robertson’s insistence, Right Wing Watch quoted him accurately and completely in context. “This organization misconstrues deliberately, they want to do everything they can do to make my words and they twist them,” he complained. “I will not identify the organization but one day we may have a full-scale exposé because it’s a nasty group.”

“Pat Robertson doesn’t understand how ridiculous and extreme he sounds to a mainstream audience,” Josh Glasstetter, PFAW’s research director, told Raw Story in an email. “For decades, he’s lived inside the bubble of the Christian Broadcasting Network. Right Wing Watch faithfully reports Robertson’s comments and provides appropriate context. There’s no need to ‘twist and distort’ his words to make them sound crazy or offensive. They are inherently both.”

As for that “full-scale exposé” the televangelist threatened, Glasstetter claimed he’s happy to hear it. “Robertson can’t threaten us into silence,” he explained. “He’s been attacking our founder, Norman Lear, for decades and even blamed us for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. We take his outbursts as a badge of honor.”

This video is from “The 700 Club,” aired Tuesday, May 28, 2013.

PostPosted: 05/29/13 7:41 am • # 2 
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He does have the power of GAWD on his side, ya know. :tinfoilhat

PostPosted: 05/30/13 5:56 pm • # 3 
Oh geez! Robertson would make a saint swear! He is a relic of hopefully a soon to be past era in the is an up and coming new generation with the likes of Joseph Prince and Joel Osteen...their message is one of peace hope and love, not the condemnation and hatefulness of the past...plz don't judge all Christians by the like of Robertson! :run

PostPosted: 05/30/13 6:45 pm • # 4 
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Today's pied pipers don't use the old-fashioned instruments of the old guard anymore. They are still pied pipers, though, on their daily hunt for donations from the believer.

PostPosted: 05/30/13 7:02 pm • # 5 

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...plz don't judge all Christians by the like of Robertson!

We don't. Only the hypocrits, perverts, charlatans, extremists, whackos...

PostPosted: 05/31/13 11:04 am • # 6 
Well, it just seems like everyone watches the obvious whackos as if to confirm their own opinion of Christianity instead of listening to the genuine analytically (note I said analytically, not critically) so as to really listen to their can one reject what one does not listen to? it's like rejecting doctors because of a few/lots quacks.... To reject a group of people based on little knowlege of them, to dislike them without knowing them--seems like there's a word to describe that attitude, mindset.... :s :run

PostPosted: 05/31/13 11:17 am • # 7 
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I haven't seen anyone say they don't like all Christians. We like you! :)

I have known many, many Christians and even was one. My beef is with religions in general and the idiot Christians like Robertson. Just as I have a problem with Imams who preach violence, sects who espouse talking in tongues, the ones who handle snakes, the Mormons who force polygamy on young get the picture.

It just so happens that Christians seem the most vocal and publicized in today's political arena in N. America.

PostPosted: 05/31/13 11:23 am • # 8 
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how can one reject what one does not listen to?

How do you know that the rejection didn't come after listening to your favorite pied pipers?

PostPosted: 05/31/13 11:48 am • # 9 
I haven't seen anyone say they don't like all Christians. We like you! (Roseanne)

I kno! You all have shown not only love, but a whole lot of patience when I get on my soapbox! :o

But I get so frustrated with the likes of Robertson :tearhair and self righteous jerks who judge and pronounce condemnation on America and those who have suffered disaster, etc...These jerks make God out to be a monster and they claim to be Christian! If all I had to judge by was the words of these creeps, I would be a non-believer too!

PostPosted: 05/31/13 12:01 pm • # 10 
jabra2 wrote:
how can one reject what one does not listen to?

How do you know that the rejection didn't come after listening to your favorite pied pipers?

Touche! Jab, I don't know but I'll let you in on a little secret: I have my own very strict personal code so to speak (sometimes I have to watch that it does not become a "critical" spirit!) and I have to watch that while I am open to goodness or apparent goodness in a teaching I check it out with the Bible--if it's not scriptural, I usually reject it--once in a while I'll watch some preachers, but the only one I full heartedly endorse is Joseph Prince not because he is good looking :) but because of what he teaches... But he too is a mortal man, and if he ever quits teaching Grace (God forbid!), I will quit watching him too! I am not a follower of the preacher, but the message.

PostPosted: 05/31/13 12:35 pm • # 11 

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But he too is a mortal man, and if he ever quits teaching Grace (God forbid!), I will quit watching him too! I am not a follower of the preacher, but the message.

If he taught Helen instead of Grace, would that be ok? ;)

PostPosted: 05/31/13 12:39 pm • # 12 
:happydance Funny!! : :D

PostPosted: 05/31/13 3:43 pm • # 13 
Cannalee2 wrote:
I haven't seen anyone say they don't like all Christians. We like you! (Roseanne)

I kno! You all have shown not only love, but a whole lot of patience when I get on my soapbox! :o

But I get so frustrated with the likes of Robertson :tearhair and self righteous jerks who judge and pronounce condemnation on America and those who have suffered disaster, etc...These jerks make God out to be a monster and they claim to be Christian! If all I had to judge by was the words of these creeps, I would be a non-believer too!

I don't think this imaginary friend is a monster based on what the likes of Robertson say. I base it on what the Bible says. It was written my "mortal" men supposedly inspired by god. It describes a sadistic, vengeful monster.

PostPosted: 05/31/13 5:16 pm • # 14 
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Grumpy, you just have to pick and choose what kind of god you want to imagine. The bible gives you plenty of options.

PostPosted: 05/31/13 5:56 pm • # 15 
jabra2 wrote:
Grumpy, you just have to pick and choose what kind of god you want to imagine. The bible gives you plenty of options.

True, Jabra. That seems to be the one consistency amongst the "Christians" I have heard. They pick and choose which parts of the Bible to believe in or follow. That's not necessarily a bad thing but it's not necessarily a good thing either. Love can be found in the New testament. Hatred and intolerance can be found in both testaments.

PostPosted: 05/31/13 5:58 pm • # 16 

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Hatred and intolerance can be found in both testaments.

That's the Robertson et al version... 'ceptin' the love of money from suckers.

PostPosted: 05/31/13 6:10 pm • # 17 
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I'm still looking for a poor active tele-evangelist preaching the gospel, whatever that means.

PostPosted: 05/31/13 6:12 pm • # 18 

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Hey, dey's gotta pays da bills.
Dem hookers 'n da snort 'n Jack Daniels don' come cheap, ya know.

PostPosted: 05/31/13 6:37 pm • # 19 
Do you remember Jim and Tammy Fay Baker? Their followers helped them get air conditioned dog houses (doggie mansions).

PostPosted: 05/31/13 7:24 pm • # 20 
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Tammy, the all-time darling of the cosmetic industry!
I think she was the inspiration for the Penguin in the Batman movie.

PostPosted: 05/31/13 8:53 pm • # 21 
Okay. I have had enough. Pat Robertson is not a MONSTER. Please stop calling him a MONSTER. You are giving us REAL MONSTERS a bad name!!!!!

PostPosted: 06/01/13 8:01 am • # 22 
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What's funny is that the most heated criticism of Joel Osteen comes from devoted 'christians'.

PostPosted: 06/01/13 8:15 am • # 23 
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the monster wrote:
Okay. I have had enough. Pat Robertson is not a MONSTER. Please stop calling him a MONSTER. You are giving us REAL MONSTERS a bad name!!!!!

LOL, monster! ~ there is the fine distinction between "A monster" and "THE monster" ~ I can only speak for myself, but I vow to respect your sensitivities ~ :b


PostPosted: 06/01/13 9:47 am • # 24 
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Chaos333 wrote:
What's funny is that the most heated criticism of Joel Osteen comes from devoted 'christians'.

I resent that. I am not a devoted Christian and I despise Osteen's "If God loved you, you would be rich like me" style of preaching with his never ending "send me more money and I'll put the fix in with God for you." About the only thing he has going for him is his spin of making his believers feel good about being avaricious money whores.

PostPosted: 06/01/13 12:32 pm • # 25 
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What annoys me about so many Christians is that they seem to worry more about how others live than about themselves.

Robertson is arguably tops on that list.

The best Christians generally go about their lives quietly, attempting to follow the teachings of Jesus the best they can while not condemning others for believing differently.

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