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PostPosted: 05/31/13 9:48 am • # 1 
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Joined: 05/05/10
Posts: 14091
IMO, this is wonderful! It reverses the roles. One girl who is the only straight girl in town and gets bullied. It was shown at a school in Canada and one parent is protesting. His 13yo son passed out watching it. The dad says it is too graphic and it does show some blood at the end. I think the son may have passed out at the sight of blood, as some people do. However, it is no more graphic than the games kids play or the movies they watch.

IMO, these anti-bullying videos need to be graphic, because it happens. It's a new reality for kids these days.

PostPosted: 05/31/13 12:34 pm • # 2 
At the end of the vd it said the events depicted in the vd were true as far as the bullying went--sometimes the truth exposed is ugly and graphic--the hopeless despair that overwhelmed this beautiful girl who was "different" is heartbreaking....

I thought it was a very impacting vd and should be shown in all schools...and churches... I despise the anti-gay rhetoric being spewed from so many pulpits today... :puke

PostPosted: 05/31/13 9:12 pm • # 3 

Very powerful vid. I'm sharing it on my facebook now. I'm sure to catch a lot of slack from some of my 'friends'!

PostPosted: 06/01/13 8:09 am • # 4 
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Joined: 11/07/08
Posts: 42112
Finally had time to watch this video today ~ as others have said "VERY POWERFUL" ~ our school year is over in less than 2 weeks, but I'm sending the link to this video on to our principal and both our primary and middle school "deans" to incorporate it as part of our ongoing anti-bullying campaign ~ thanks, roseanne ~


PostPosted: 06/02/13 6:16 pm • # 5 
A little off topic, but did anybody get to MLK the other nite?

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