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 Post subject: In My Mailbox...
PostPosted: 05/31/13 5:57 pm • # 1 

Joined: 01/16/16
Posts: 30003
Have politics got you down?

Do you lie awake in bed at night, wondering if your senators have repaid all the money they owe?

Have you had trouble concentrating, distracted by strange voices on the phone who won't tell you who they are or who suggest your polling station has moved when it hasn't?

Or perhaps you are experiencing anger management issues after hearing reports of what your mayor may or may not be smoking.

If any of this sounds familiar, you may be suffering from Political Revulsion Syndrome (PRS). But you are not alone, and there is help.

Try Petitionex-- the best-known cure for PRS.

Petitionex is not like most medicines. You don’t take any pill; instead, you take action. You just need a computer, a bit of time, and a desire to make things better.

Simply start a petition on about something you care about or would like to see change - something like holding a politician accountable or clearing their name - and then share it with friends, colleagues, and everyone else in your networks.

Feel better immediately as signatures grow and others join the cause; watch your cynicism dissipate as you build pressure on decision-makers; and learn to be happy again as you begin to realize you’ve truly got the power to change things.

PRS is a serious condition. If left untreated, it can quickly spread and increase the risk of damage to your democracy. If you think you may be suffering from PRS, it’s important that you act without delay.

When politicians bring you down, return the favour. Try Petitionex - start a petition on today!

WARNING! Side effects include meeting and collaborating with new people, achieving tangible results, and feeling more empowered than you ever have before.

Actual fine print: Petitionex is not a real drug. Indeed, Petitionex is not a real product of any kind. Petitionex is an idea: specifically, the idea that you should start a petition on is the world's largest petition platform where you can create petitions and drive real change. So get to it!

 Post subject: Re: In My Mailbox...
PostPosted: 05/31/13 6:18 pm • # 2 
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Joined: 04/05/09
Posts: 8047
Location: Tampa, Florida bookmarked! :)

 Post subject: Re: In My Mailbox...
PostPosted: 05/31/13 6:25 pm • # 3 
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Joined: 11/07/08
Posts: 42112
Clever advertising ~ I've signed several petitions ~


 Post subject: Re: In My Mailbox...
PostPosted: 05/31/13 8:24 pm • # 4 
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Joined: 02/09/09
Posts: 4713
I suffered from PESD (Post-Election Stress Disorder) for about 8 years.

It went away in 2008.

I worry that it may just be in remission.

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