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PostPosted: 06/02/13 1:40 pm • # 1 
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Holy shit! I don't know why I am continually shocked by the racism. You'd think this was 1913, not 2013. I think this ad is precious. Kudos to Cheerios for standing by their ad and their values. Video posted below story.

Cheerios ad featuring interracial family sparks backlash

A new television commercial that features an interracial family having some fun with the popular Cheerios cereal brand has sparked an onslaught of racist comments online.

The 30-second TV advert, which debuted in the U.S. last week and was uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday, shows a young biracial girl asking her mother if the popular breakfast cereal is "good for your heart."

Her white mother, sitting in the kitchen, answers yes. The little girl then runs away, clutching the yellow cereal box. Next, the ad cuts to the girl's napping father, who is black, before he awakes on the couch with a pile of the cereal on his chest.

The "Just Checking" ad closes with the world "Love" on the screen.

But since the ad first aired, its message touting the cereal’s health benefits has been shadowed by thousands of hateful comments online.

On YouTube, where the spot had registered close to 900,000 views on YouTube by Saturday afternoon, comments have now been disabled.

According to Adweek, the shut down came after a slew of commenters made references to Nazis, "troglodytes" and "racial genocide" in their messages about the video.

On Reddit, a social news website where users can upload content, a string of racist messages were also posted. "Should be for multi-grain cheerios" said one commentator. "Why are we celebrating race traitors and ugly monkey children?" posted another.

But despite the racial backlash, General Mills said they are standing by their ad. "At Cheerios, we know there are many kinds of families and we celebrate them all," Camille Gibson, the cereal brand’s vice president of marketing told Gawker in a statement.

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PostPosted: 06/02/13 3:08 pm • # 2 

Joined: 01/16/16
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Bigots and idiots... hard to tell them apart.

PostPosted: 06/02/13 5:17 pm • # 3 
just one more reason why i love cheerios! Basically laid up for the past 3 wks I have watched a lot of TV--have not seen this commercial aired...i have cable and watch a local areas "censor" cable programming?? IMO, the commercial is a definite winner! Too bad they couldn't come up with it for SuperBowl! :fl

PostPosted: 06/04/13 8:30 am • # 4 
Saw the commercial last nite on local cable--precious!

PostPosted: 06/04/13 9:34 am • # 5 
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Joined: 02/09/09
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Racism is alive and well and I fear we will never be without it.

I have seen it in my own family. I have a relative who uses the word "democrats" as code for blacks. The house across the street is up for sale and my neighbor tells me he doesn't care who moves in as long as they don't have kids or are black.

Sometimes I wish I was more of a confrontational person and would criticize these people for their remarks, but then I'm not sure my words would change anything.

Racism doesn't come from a dislike of things that other people do. It's not that blacks or whites or Hispanics or Jews or Muslims or Christians or the Chinese do things to warrant dislike. It's stems from a uncomfortableness with that which is different. It is a primitive characteristic of humans that arose from the concept that it is safer to trust those that look like you.

It is therefore rooted in ignorance.

And ignorance is like a disease that can spread from person to person without them being aware.

PostPosted: 06/04/13 1:52 pm • # 6 
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Hubby had a question. Do you think there would have been as much backlash had the woman been black and the man white? What about an Indian woman and a white man, or a Chinese woman and a white man....or vice versa?

Maybe Cheerios will test those waters with their next ad...... ;)

PostPosted: 06/04/13 3:08 pm • # 7 

Joined: 10/20/15
Posts: 4032
Yep, that occurred to me as well Rose.

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