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PostPosted: 06/05/13 6:59 am • # 1 
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Joined: 11/07/08
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I had saved this read until we learned if the prediction would come true ... and IT IS ~ Obama will announce today his selection of Susan Rice as his National Security Advisor ~ she is eminently qualified and there's not a thing the GOP/TPers can do because the appointment does not require confirmation ~ I love love love when the GOP/TPers get what they want, only to see it blow up in their faces ~ :b ~ emphasis/bolding below is mine ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating info in the original ~ Sooz

Rice's rehabilitated reputation
By Steve Benen - Fri May 17, 2013 1:19 PM EDT

When Time's Michael Crowley reported this week on what we learned from the disclosure of internal administration emails on Benghazi, it noted three larger takeaways, one of which was "Susan Rice got hosed."

That was true before, but it's even more obvious now. Republicans, led by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), set out to destroy the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations last November, blaming her for Benghazi talking points. The campaign against Rice worked -- she was not nominated for Secretary of State -- but it's now painfully clear she "played no role in crafting the talking points," and simply shared with the public the best information available at the time.

Indeed, our friends at Politics Nation are asking a good question: "Where's the apology for Susan Rice?" The Rev. Al Sharpton added, "The GOP smear campaign against Ambassador Rice was vicious, personal, and wrong. That's why she deserves an apology, but I won't hold my breath."

Neither will I, though there will apparently be a consolation in prize.

Insiders with ties to the Obama administration tell The Cable that U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has become the heir apparent to National Security Advisor Tom Donilon -- a post at the epicenter of foreign-policy decision making and arguably more influential than secretary of state, a job for which she withdrew her candidacy last fall amid severe political pressure.

"It's definitely happening," a source who recently spoke with Rice told The Cable. "She is sure she is coming and so too her husband and closest friends."

"Susan is a very likely candidate to replace him whenever he would choose to leave," agreed Dennis Ross, a former special assistant to President Obama and counselor at the Washington Institute. "She is close to the president, has the credentials, and has a breadth of experience."

The post would not require Senate confirmation, so it wouldn't much matter if Republicans hoped to destroy her again, but Foreign Policy added that "prominent Republicans don't seem inclined to make a fuss" about Rice again.

PostPosted: 06/05/13 9:49 am • # 2 

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The consequences of a Republifizzle.

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