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PostPosted: 06/05/13 7:27 pm • # 1 
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Joined: 11/07/08
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YIKES!!! ~ each/every decision ever made by this bitch should be reviewed for any whiff of her obvious bigotry, hostility, and "... blatant misconduct" ~ :angry ~ Sooz

Federal Appeals Court Judge Said Blacks, Hispanics ‘Predisposed To Crime,’ Lawsuit Alleges
By Nicole Flatow on Jun 5, 2013 at 10:15 am

A federal judge who, until recently, led what is arguably the nation’s most conservative federal appeals court said blacks and Hispanics are more prone to commit crimes, according to a lawsuit filed this week. Although the remarks by U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Judge Edith Jones were not recorded, five students and one attorney who attended a February event at the University of Pennsylvania law school signed affidavits attesting to what she said that day, the Associated Press reports.

Among her comments were that “racial groups like African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime,” are “prone to commit acts of violence,” and more likely than people of other ethnicities to be involved in “heinous” acts. She also said the death penalty provides a public service by allowing an inmate to “make peace with God,” citing an article called “Hanging Concentrates the Mind,” according to the Austin Chronicle. She said claims that the death penalty is discriminatory, imposed arbitrarily, and violate international law are just “red herrings” used by those who oppose the death penalty; that claims of “mental retardation” disgust her; and that Mexicans would prefer to be on death row in the United States than serving prison terms in other countries.

Jones, a Reagan appointee who was chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit until last October, is known for her hostile and discriminatory comments. She erupted at one of her fellow judges during oral argument in 2011, and told him to “shut up” while asking him to leave the courtroom. And she wrote a dissenting opinion claiming that a woman who “was repeatedly propositioned, was groped and grabbed, [had] pornography [] placed in her locker, and [had] other employees broadcast[] obscene comments about her over the company’s public address system” did not experience sexual harassment. Jones is also one of the most frequent attendees of junkets for judges, corporate-sponsored legal education getaways.

The lawsuit by several civil rights organizations alleges Jones’ comments amount to judicial misconduct, and is signed by nationally known legal ethicists. Ethicist James McCormack wrote in an affidavit accompanying the complaint:

I view this episode as a very sad and unfortunate chapter in the history of our federal judiciary. Most federal judges strive mightily to act fairly and impartially and to strengthen, rather than erode, public confidence in our system of justice. … Judge Jones’s conduct militates in the opposite direction. In my opinion, unless an appropriate disciplinary authority strongly disapproves of … Jones’s statements and properly addresses her flagrant misconduct, our judicial system – and our federal appellate courts in particular – will suffer the consequences of diminished public respect and confidence.

Jones’ alleged comments dismissing racism in the death penalty come while at least one death penalty case pending before her alleges that racially biased statements tainted the case. In fact, the complaint alleges that Jones made comments on several death penalty cases now pending before the court, in violation of legal ethics rules.

PostPosted: 06/05/13 8:17 pm • # 2 
We got this country by slaughtering the native Americans. We built this country through slavery. Most of the mass murderers and serial killers, by far, have not been black or hispanic. We get what we need or want through war waged by whites. Masses of people are losing everything they have through white collar crimes committed by whites. While I hate the crimes committed by blacks and hispanics in this country, they pale in comparison. I don't see that they are the ones most predisposed to commit crimes. I see that whites are most predisposed to overlook their own crimes and consider others to be worse.

PostPosted: 06/06/13 7:37 am • # 3 
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Joined: 11/07/08
Posts: 42112
This woman should be forced off the bench and disbarred, including losing all the federal life-time judicial retirement perks ~ she is a disgrace ~ :angry ~ Sooz

Ten Things You Should Know About The Federal Judge Accused Of Racism
By Ian Millhiser on Jun 5, 2013 at 3:47 pm

Earlier this week, several civil rights groups filed an official complaint against Judge Edith Jones, a former chief judge of the powerful United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, alleging that she claimed that African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed towards violent crime and that the death penalty is a public service because it allows inmates to “make peace with God.” Though these allegations will need to be proven during the formal ethics process, they are entirely in line with Jones’ past record. Here are some other facts you should know about Judge Edith Jones:

1. Edith Jones Waved Off Horrific Sexual Harassment

A paper mill worker named Susan Waltman’s supervisor told her to have sex with a co-worker, “pinched her buttocks with pliers and tried to put his hands in her back pockets,” and fellow employees hung used tampons from their lockers. When she complained to a manager, she was told she should “expect this type of behavior working with men.” After she complained, an employee of another company that worked in the mill grabbed her arm while she was carrying a vial of hot liquid, and another worker stuck his tongue in her ear. One of her co-workers told her “he would cut off her breast and shove it down her throat.” He later dangled her over a stairwell thirty feet above the floor. Though she met with senior managers about these incidents, the harassment continued. At one point, a co-worker “grabbed Waltman’s breasts and directed a high pressure hose at her crotch.”

Judge Jones wrote a dissenting opinion claiming that this woman’s sexual harassment suit should be thrown out.

2. Edith Jones Thinks Victims Of Employment Discrimination Should “Take A Better Second Job Instead Of Bringing Suit”

In a speech at the University of Texas, Jones claimed that employment discrimination suits “seldom turn on evidence of race- or sex-based discrimination” and generally involve “petty interoffice disputes, recrimination, second-guessing and suspicion.” She advised workers claiming discrimination to “[t]ake a better second job instead of bringing suit,” according to the Houston Chronicle.

3. Edith Jones Thinks A Man Whose Lawyer Slept Through Much Of His Trial Should Be Executed

Judge Jones joined an opinion holding that a capital defendant could be executed despite the fact that his lawyer slept through much of his trial. Though that opinion was eventually reversed by the full Fifth Circuit, Jones dissented from that reversal.

4. Edith Jones Would Allow Porn Bans And Bans On “the ‘F’ word in public venues”

Jones once accused the Supreme Court of “overstepping its bounds” when it decided “pornography cases [and] the cases involving free speech that included those where people were allowed to spout the ‘F’ word in public venues.”

5. Edith Jones Told A Fellow Judge To “Shut Up” During A Court Hearing

While she was the Fifth Circuit’s chief judge, the full court heard a case involving a criminal defendant’s drug conviction, and her more liberal colleague Judge James Dennis posed a series of skeptical questions to the prosecution. Jones objected so strenuously to Dennis’ continued questioning, which she claims was preventing other judges from asking questions, that she slammed her hand down on the table, pointed towards the door, and asked Dennis if he would like to leave the courtroom. When Dennis asked her to repeat herself, she said that she wants Dennis to “shut up.”

6. Edith Jones Urged The Supreme Court To “Re-Evaluate Roe“

In a case attempting to reopen Roe v. Wade, Jones wrote an opinion claiming that “the Court’s constitutional decision making leaves our nation in a position of willful blindness to evolving knowledge should trouble any dispassionate observer not only about the abortion decisions, but about a number of other areas in which the Court unhesitatingly steps into the realm of social policy under the guise of constitutional adjudication.” She urged the Supreme Court to “re-evaluate Roe.”

7. Edith Jones is A Big Fan Of “Junkets For Judges”

Jones ranks fourth, according to a 2010 report by the Alliance for Justice, among judges who have accepted free junkets paid for by conservative groups. These kinds of “junkets for judges” are often sponsored by groups funded by corporate donors with business before Jones’ court.

8. Edith Jones Went To Bat For The NRA

A little over a month ago, Jones authored an opinion saying the court should have struck down a federal law restricting handgun sales to people under the age of 21. According to Jones, “the panel’s approval of banning young adults from the commercial and federally regulated market for ‘the quintessential self-defense weapon’ is class-based invidious discrimination. . . .”

9. Edith Jones Think People File Bankruptcy Because They Lack “Personal Shame”

In an article co-authored with conservative law professor Todd Zywicki, Jones argued that a major reason for increased bankruptcy filings is “a decline in the level of personal shame and societal stigma that previously deterred individuals from filing bankruptcy.” In reality, the primary driver of personal bankruptcies is medical costs. One study found that “62.1% of all bankruptcies have a medical cause,” and the number of bankruptcies attributable to medical expenses increased 50 percent from 2001 to 2007.

10. Edith Jones Could Have Been On The Supreme Court

When Justice Sandra Day O’Connor retired from the Supreme Court, Jones was widely reported as being on the “short list” of potential nominees. President Bush eventually gave the seat to Chief Justice John Roberts.

PostPosted: 06/06/13 4:38 pm • # 4 
How old is she? Perhaps she is meno-pausal, or developing Alzheimer's Disease? For sure, she is incompetent!

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