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PostPosted: 06/15/13 3:41 am • # 1 
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:\'( Maybe the woman can sue for the trauma it caused her kids.

Cop cleared of wrongdoing after shooting kittens in front of screaming kids
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Published time: June 13, 2013 21:13
Edited time: June 13, 2013 23:08

An Ohio policeman shot to death a litter of kittens on Wednesday, telling a group of screaming children that the animals would be going to “kitty heaven”. But instead of firing the officer, the local police department cleared him of any wrongdoing.

Humane Officer Barry Accorti was responding to a report of a litter of feral cats that were located in the woodpile of a home in North Ridgeville on June 10. The resident who made the call said the cats were bringing fleas to the home and leaving dead wildlife in her backyard. Twenty minutes after the call was made, the officer arrived at the scene. After spotting the five kittens, he told the resident’s distressed children that the cats would be going to heaven. Shortly thereafter, he took a gun from his vehicle and shot the animals to death.

“He informed [the resident] that shelters were full and that these cats would be going to kitty heaven,” Ohio SPCA Director Teresa Landon told the Cleveland Sun News. “She assumed he would be trapping them or something and taking them to a shelter and they would be humanely euthanized if they were not adopted.”

Initially, the woman who made the call assumed that the gun was a tranquilizer. But to her surprise, the 8-to-10 week-old kittens were shot dead, just 15 feet from the back door to her house.

“She was very distraught when this happened,” Landon said. “He started shooting them right in front of her. Her children were upstairs in view of the windows. They started screaming and crying because they heard the gunshots. They started screaming, ‘Mommy, he’s killing the kittens.’”

The homeowner’s four children are all between the ages of 5 months and 7 years.

Landon told the Sun News that the incident is heartbreaking and inexcusable, and that a humane officer should never resort to using a weapon unless the animal is in severe pain or attacking the officer.

Landon said that Accorti should be fired and charged with animal cruelty. But instead, Police Chief Mike Freeman cleared the officer of any wrongdoings and concluded that his actions were appropriate.

“After visiting the scene, talking with the responding officer and re-interviewing the complainant, I have decided his actions were appropriate and have decided not to impose any disciplinary measures for the incident,” Freeman wrote in a press release, describing the cats as having been “euthanized”. He also stated that research and animal organizations perceive shooting as a humane form of euthanasia. But Landon still believes the officer should be prosecuted

“The kittens were just sitting there,” she told The Morning Journal. “They didn’t have to die. They were only 10 months old at most and they still could have been socialized.”

PostPosted: 06/15/13 8:49 am • # 2 
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Joined: 01/22/09
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See what happens when you take guns away from kittens. Only the cops have guns.

PostPosted: 06/16/13 12:15 pm • # 3 
:brhrt The officer was a brute...not the type to instill respect of LE in little children...words cannot describe how despicable his action was! :drfl

PostPosted: 06/16/13 4:59 pm • # 4 
Hate the cop. Hate that police department.

PostPosted: 06/17/13 10:26 am • # 5 

Joined: 01/16/16
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jimwilliam wrote:
See what happens when you take guns away from kittens. Only the cops have guns.

See what happens when you take guns away from kittens. Only the cops assholes have guns

PostPosted: 06/17/13 10:53 am • # 6 
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Joined: 01/22/09
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Sometimes, though, guns really can save you life. Here's an example:

Woman Stops Grizzly Attack With 25 Caliber Pistol !

This is a story of self-control and marksmanship with an "itsy bitsy shooter" by a woman facing a fierce predator.

What is the smallest caliber you trust to protect yourself?

The 25 cal. Beretta Jetfire:

Here's her story:

While out hiking in Wyoming with my husband we were surprised by a huge grizzly bear charging at us from out of nowhere. She must have been protecting her cubs because she was extremely aggressive.

If I had not had my little Beretta Jetfire with me I would not be here today!

Just one shot to my husband's knee cap was all it took.
The bear got him and I was able to escape by just walking away at a brisk pace.

It's one of the best pistols in my collection.

PostPosted: 06/17/13 11:04 am • # 7 
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Joined: 05/05/10
Posts: 14091
LOL! Too funny.

PostPosted: 06/17/13 12:08 pm • # 8 
That's hysterical.

Course I would have shot him in the kneecap just for making me camp, but the bear story's pretty good, too.

PostPosted: 06/21/13 6:55 am • # 9 
A "Humane Officer" needs to carry a gun?

Oh the Humanity!

I hope there's a special place in hell for this cop.

PostPosted: 06/21/13 7:47 am • # 10 
Well, I kinda think this cop rates right there with the antichrist in my book!

Loved the bear tale!!

PostPosted: 06/21/13 8:44 am • # 11 
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Joined: 01/20/09
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There are dozens of cases just this year alone of police shooting innocent creatures. I'm not sure if it always went on and we just hear about it more thanks to social media, or if it's increasing. Almost every day, there's another incident. But it seems clear to me that we need a)better training and b)tougher laws that apply to all who abuse animals INCLUDING those in positions of power.

All a friendly family dog has to do these days is move towards an officer...and it's a reason to shoot. ... 80611.html

“This dog wasn't after him. This dog was just running up going 'hey what are you doing?' and they have a right to do that. This is my yard; this man should not have even been there. He could have killed my husband's best friend,” said Renata Simmons.
The Simmons also tell KVUE they have never heard of the man police were looking for. The warrant was for a man named Bradly Neal Simpson, who is wanted for an expired vehicle registration.
The address on the warrant is in Cedar Park, not Liberty Hill, where the Simmons have lived for nine years. However Leander police say their database shows Simpson’s last known address as the same one where the Simmons live.
“I’ve never heard of him,” said Simmons.
After entering the Simmons’ gate and knocking on their front door, the Leander police officer began walking around to the back of the house.
According to the officer, two German Shepherds starting running toward him, so he fired three shots and one of them struck Vinny in the back of the neck.
The Simmons say not only was it a close call for their dog, Vinny, but it was also a close call for their six-year-old terminally ill grandchild playing just around the corner.
“I was in my house, my grandchild was at the back picnic table, my husband was in the kitchen getting a snack and my dogs do what they do; run in and out.”

******* ... 9c0992f16f

Dog Deaths by Police Officers 2011-2013
This map is a partial list of reported dog deaths in 2011-2012 shot by police officers in the United States. The map is limited to deaths where the circumstances surrounding the event are disputed. This includes differing statements from police and dog owners, eyewitnesses video, or a court case.

PostPosted: 06/21/13 9:01 am • # 12 
I've known of cases where the cop has shot the family dog...but I didn't realize it was such a widespread problem! one time the cops were looking for a guy and they were going yard to yard in the daytime, and I intercepted the cops to let me put my "man-eating basset" in the house before they came into our yard:

They just laughed and said, "Don't think we need to check your yard! but thanks for warning us!"

Some cops are nice...

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