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PostPosted: 06/19/13 10:34 am • # 1 
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Amazing [in its own way] ~ :g ~ I wish there was an easy way to test if someone has any working brain cells before giving her/him a public pulpit ~ Sooz

Christian host: Liberals want immigration because conservatives are having more sex
By Arturo Garcia
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 11:30 EDT

Christian radio host Bryan Fischer waded into the recent discussion over immigration and “fertility” on Wednesday, saying liberals are behind reforming U.S. immigration laws out of concern over being outnumbered by natural procreation.

“Conservatives are just outbreeding liberals, and that’s a huge problem for liberals, because there’s just gonna be more conservatives,” Fischer said, arguing that liberals were pushing “amnesty” for undocumented immigrants out of fear of being outnumbered in 10 or 20 years.

“We are breeding our own voters,” Fischer continued. “We are conceiving our own voters. They’ve gotta import them. They’re not producing them, so they’ve gotta import them.”

Fischer’s comments seemed to be a response to a June 14 speech by another conservative, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R), who encouraged conservatives to embrace immigration reform because “immigrants are more fertile. And they love families and they have more intact families and they bring a younger population.” Bush also suggested that immigrants would be needed to take care of older Americans.

Former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin pushed back against Bush’s remarks a day later, saying, “it’s kind of dangerous territory, territory to want to debate this whole one race’s fertility rate over another, and I say this from someone who’s kind of fertile herself.”

But Palin herself was criticized by Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker, who wrote on Wednesday that Palin’s “coquettish reminders that her field is still tillable diminishes her credibility as anything other than a one-liner comedienne.”

Watch Fischer’s remarks on immigration, posted by Right Wing Watch on Wednesday, below. [Sooz says video accessible via end link]

PostPosted: 06/19/13 10:46 am • # 2 
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“Conservatives are just outbreeding liberals, and that’s a huge problem for liberals, because there’s just gonna be more conservatives,
“We are conceiving our own voters. They’ve gotta import them.

uh huh. Like Cruz, Rubio and Jindal.............and no telling how many others who are immigrants or born to immigrants. :whatever

PostPosted: 06/19/13 10:57 am • # 3 
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"Conservatives are just outbreeding liberals, and that’s a huge problem for liberals, because there’s just gonna be more conservatives..."

What's this guy saying? Conservatives...they breed like rabbits? Conservatives...they can't bend over to tie their shoes without getting pregnant? Whom is he really criticizing here?

PostPosted: 06/19/13 12:01 pm • # 4 
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I knew it! All the reports that the white race is or will be soon in the minority are fake. Probably a conspiracy by the leftwing, government-run drive-by media, just like Glenn Beck tells me every day.
The communists in the Obama regime want us cons to believe that we whiteys don't stand a chance against the liberal "majority" so we resign and stay home at the next elections.
Damn, I think I took the wrong pills today. :hmm

PostPosted: 06/19/13 12:33 pm • # 5 
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i can only think of one appropriate response:

go fuck yourself.

PostPosted: 06/19/13 3:47 pm • # 6 
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macroscopic wrote:
i can only think of one appropriate response:

go fuck yourself.

That's not gonna get me pregnant.

PostPosted: 06/19/13 5:29 pm • # 7 

Joined: 10/20/15
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It might if you could!

PostPosted: 06/19/13 8:41 pm • # 8 
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grampatom wrote:
"Conservatives are just outbreeding liberals, and that’s a huge problem for liberals, because there’s just gonna be more conservatives..."

What's this guy saying? Conservatives...they breed like rabbits? Conservatives...they can't bend over to tie their shoes without getting pregnant? Whom is he really criticizing here?

Didn't anyone tell you that all liberals are required to have at least 5 abortions in order to get the official liberal bumper sticker?

PostPosted: 06/19/13 8:45 pm • # 9 
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Chaos333 wrote:
grampatom wrote:
"Conservatives are just outbreeding liberals, and that’s a huge problem for liberals, because there’s just gonna be more conservatives..."

What's this guy saying? Conservatives...they breed like rabbits? Conservatives...they can't bend over to tie their shoes without getting pregnant? Whom is he really criticizing here?

Didn't anyone tell you that all liberals are required to have at least 5 abortions in order to get the official liberal bumper sticker?

Don't forget our abnormal anal, oral, and definitely constant sex with animals!

PostPosted: 06/21/13 8:03 am • # 10 
Aw, he's just confirming the conservative attitude towards women: they belong barefoot in the kitchen, pregnant and if the little woman dares to object she can be spanked, raped and told to mind her man!

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