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 Post subject: "Spanking for Jesus ..."
PostPosted: 06/20/13 6:02 am • # 1 
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I wonder how Jesus-the-pacifist would react to this? ~ :angry ~ I read the Daily Beast article mentioned and linked below and the detail is nauseating ~ this "movement" is a text-book definition of physical and emotional domestic abuse ... or brain-washing ~ there are other "live" links to more/corroborating info in the original ~ Sooz

‘Spanking for Jesus’ movement lets God-fearing husbands feel good about punishing their wives
By Eric W. Dolan
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 21:29 EDT

What happens when you combine Fifty Shades of Grey with fundamentalist Christianity? “Spanking for Jesus” — or a movement known as Christian Domestic Discipline. The alternative lifestyle fell into the media spotlight on Wednesday thanks to The Daily Beast and Jezebel.

Both publications detailed the household arrangement, in which men dominate women using divinely-approved spankings. It sounds like a crude parody, but The Daily Beast estimates that thousands of couples have actually embraced the Christian Domestic Discipline way of life.

Two websites devoted to Christian Domestic Discipline both emphasize the absolute power of a husband over his wife, a situation that is purportedly supported by biblical teachings. defines the unusual relationship as a marriage “set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God’s Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking.”, on the other hand, defines the relationship as “simply a traditional, male-led, Christian marriage” in which “one partner is given authority over the other, and has the means to back up that authority, usually by spanking.”

A Beginning Domestic Discipline “Beginner’s Packet” reported on by Jezebel instructs husbands on how to best manipulate their wives using psychological tricks and corporeal punishment. The manipulation tactics range from taking away privileges like “going out with friends” to bare-bottomed spankings with a wooden paddle.

Surprisingly, many women seem to willingly enter into the Domestic Discipline lifestyle and approve of it. Those involved deny the punishments are domestic abuse.

“Most of the women who write about their CDD experiences online are not complaining,” Toronto-based writer Laura Rubino, who accidentally stumbled upon the practice earlier this month, noted. “Many of them report feeling extremely calm and relaxed after being disciplined, and believe it is an expression of their husband caring about them and their marriage, enough to help them modify their behaviour.”

Experts, however, view the household arrangement as little more than the symptom of disturbed minds. Forensic psychologist Jim Alsdurf told The Daily Beast that Christian Domestic Discipline appeared to be more of an unhealthy and distorted way to fulfill a suppressed sexual desire than a religious lifestyle.

“No fool in his right mind would buy this as a legitimate way to have a relationship,” Alsdurf said. “A relationship that infantilizes a woman is one that clearly draws a more pathological group of people.”

PostPosted: 06/20/13 6:16 am • # 2 
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Forensic psychologist Jim Alsdurf told The Daily Beast that Christian Domestic Discipline appeared to be more of an unhealthy and distorted way to fulfill a suppressed sexual desire than a religious lifestyle.

I say it's more of a way to express something other than "straight sex" with legitimate permission of God. ;) Nothing wrong with light spanking in sex play. Some people do enjoy more hard core S&M. To each his/her own.

However, to promote it for dicipline and to be used without mutual consent as part of lovemaking is typical of male dominated religious freak shows. Gotta keep the womenfolk "in their place" don't ya know? I wonder how they would feel if it were reversed? :rolleyes

PostPosted: 06/20/13 1:53 pm • # 3 
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God is kinky.

PostPosted: 06/20/13 2:12 pm • # 4 
Between reading this and Tony and Carmela were a great love story I am too almost tired to comment. However, I will.

“A relationship that infantilizes a woman is one that clearly draws a more pathological group of people.”

One of the things I was always surprised by watching The Sopranos was that the mob wives reminded me of little girls.

I am not pro "spanking wives" for discipline. I am not pro staying with lying, cheating, murderers and calling it love.

PostPosted: 06/20/13 3:03 pm • # 5 

Joined: 10/20/15
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I was taught as a child that a real man would NEVER hit a woman.

If a guy does it he's contemptible. If a woman puts up with it she's crazy.

PostPosted: 06/20/13 3:54 pm • # 6 
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Cattleman wrote:
I was taught as a child that a real man would NEVER hit a woman.

If a guy does it he's contemptible. If a woman puts up with it she's crazy.

I would add a caveat to that these days: A real man would never hit a woman unless she hits first.

I'm not talking a slap, but there are women who have a great right hook and can do a lot of damage. Anyone should be able to defend themselves.........just sayin'

PostPosted: 06/20/13 3:57 pm • # 7 
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Cattleman wrote:
I was taught as a child that a real man would NEVER hit a woman.

If a guy does it he's contemptible. If a woman puts up with it she's crazy.

Crazy ......or Roseanne. Sounds like she doesn't mind being "disciplined" once in awhile. :angel

PostPosted: 06/20/13 4:05 pm • # 8 
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God is kinky.

That comment made me spit Caesar salad at the puter screen. Now I have a mess to clean up! :hmm

PostPosted: 06/20/13 4:25 pm • # 9 

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My ex hit me a couple of times Rose. I never hit back, just walked away.

I've been king hit by a guy and knocked flat on my back. I got up ok. I figure I can take a punch or two.

PostPosted: 06/20/13 6:12 pm • # 10 
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jimwilliam wrote:
Cattleman wrote:
I was taught as a child that a real man would NEVER hit a woman.

If a guy does it he's contemptible. If a woman puts up with it she's crazy.

Crazy ......or Roseanne. Sounds like she doesn't mind being "disciplined" once in awhile. :angel

Ahem. No comment. :angel

PostPosted: 06/20/13 6:27 pm • # 11 
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Cattleman wrote:
My ex hit me a couple of times Rose. I never hit back, just walked away.

I've been king hit by a guy and knocked flat on my back. I got up ok. I figure I can take a punch or two.

While I appreciate your attitude, I don't think that it applies in 2013 as much as it did in the past. Women are not the shrinking violets of the past and if they can dish it out, they'd damn well better be prepared to take it. Women have stood behind that artificial veil of fragility too many years, imo. Ask the battered men who are too afraid to defend themselves for fear of being accused of being the aggressor.

PostPosted: 06/20/13 6:54 pm • # 12 

Joined: 10/20/15
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I can see your point Rose, but the attitude is so ingrained in me that I doubt if I will ever change.

By the same token, I could never kick a man when he is down. I think that's still acceptable :-).

PostPosted: 06/22/13 9:08 am • # 13 
Sigh...........I hate this. Consenting adults. If a woman willingly goes into a marriage consenting to being spanked when the husband thinks she's been "bad", then that is their right. I have never and will never understand why a person would agree to this, regardless of what the damned Bible says. If, however, they involve kids in the abuse, I want them both dead.

PostPosted: 06/22/13 5:57 pm • # 14 
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If, however, they involve kids in the abuse, I want them both dead.

Well, if there are kids in the household where there is abuse, those kids are involved. Little kids edxtrapolate from their households to the world. Daddy hits Mommy? Well then, that's normal, that's the way the world works, especially if Mom seems to accede to it, which I can't actually imagine a woman sincerely doing.

PostPosted: 06/23/13 1:52 pm • # 15 
grampatom wrote:
If, however, they involve kids in the abuse, I want them both dead.

Well, if there are kids in the household where there is abuse, those kids are involved. Little kids edxtrapolate from their households to the world. Daddy hits Mommy? Well then, that's normal, that's the way the world works, especially if Mom seems to accede to it, which I can't actually imagine a woman sincerely doing.

I totally agree about the kids, grampa. There are women who do like this crap, though. I worry for the women who think it's ok because they did see mom hit and figure that's the way it's supposed to be. In those cases, it's not really their choice, but rather their acceptance of what they think is inevitable. Society needs to do a lot better job of teaching the kids and women that this is not the way it should be and teaching the men that it is not acceptable. And yes, it is not acceptable for the women to abuse the men either.

PostPosted: 06/24/13 10:37 am • # 16 
Hitting another person, whether it is a child or adult is not right except in self don't BEAT a person and expect them to love and respect you! :hmm

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