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PostPosted: 06/27/13 3:08 pm • # 1 

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PostPosted: 06/27/13 6:23 pm • # 2 
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oskar576 wrote:

sounds like Boehner is not going to bring it to a vote.

PostPosted: 06/27/13 6:32 pm • # 3 
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Boehner is apparently being threatened that if he violates the "Hastert Rule" again, he will be bounced out of the Speaker's chair ~ while I personally support most of this law, I almost hope the House GOP/TPers don't pass it ... which I'm thinking will seal their fate for a number of election cycles ~


PostPosted: 06/27/13 9:33 pm • # 4 
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i think this is a good, bipartisan bill. if it can't pass the house, then bipartisan solutions are dead there.

PostPosted: 06/28/13 11:30 am • # 5 
Seems like a "wall" (fence) keeping people "out" could also be used to keep people "in"...also, I think history is replete with "walls" that eventually had to be torn down...just off the "top of my head (cavern) you understand... ;)

Besides my "claustrophobia" of being "fenced in" I am against this horribly expensive wall for a more serious reason: as Mexico's economy keeps improving, I think there will be less illegal immigration...but the immigrants from Central America will still try to cross, and they will be forced to cross into more dangerous terrain in their effort...many are already dying who cross into this dangerous terrain, and more will die if this is the only avenue open to them: I am not against more border guards, as this might actually save lives, but I think the fence is a poor idea....

PostPosted: 06/28/13 2:46 pm • # 6 

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Have to cure USian paranoia first.
They hate you for your lack of freedoms, ya know.

PostPosted: 07/01/13 1:04 pm • # 7 
Lol, perhaps I am a little "paranoid" concerning being 'fenced in' :o but my other reasons for being against the fence are sound: in reading about the border situation (and I've read quite a bit) others more in the know than I have voiced the objections I tried to convey--mainly that more lives will be lost as illegal immigrants attempt to cross across more dangerous terrain....

Also, at a time when sequestering is going to cause cutbacks in almost every avenue of life in America, from classroom size to meals on wheels to the elderly, then I think it is absolutely insane to be spending billions on a fence...

If the gov't has $billions to spend, let it spend it on education and healthcare....

PostPosted: 07/01/13 1:19 pm • # 8 

Joined: 01/16/16
Posts: 30003
If the gov't has $billions to spend, let it spend it on education and healthcare....

And have a people who are healthy, educated and difficult to fool?
Are you serious?

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