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 Post subject: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 8:31 am • # 1 
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Is anyone else feeling like the whole world is at a tipping point? ~ I can only speak for myself, but I don't ever remember a time before when everything, EVERYTHING, was sooooo screwed up ~ the local, domestic, and international news brings a new nightmare scenario daily ~ I don't see any way to "prioritize" since everything seems to be at a "critical" stage ~ here in the US, I [admittedly a liberal/progressive] put the majority of blame on the GOP/TPers, whose behavior is ugly/hurtful beyond measure, unprecedented, and detestable in forcing their belief set on everyone and in being obstructionist on everything, just because they can ~ solvable problems are mushrooming into crises, largely thanks to out-of-control egos ~ it's feeling overwhelming to me ~ :g

I renew my call for a universal time-out ~


 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 8:39 am • # 2 

I think it's just your perspective.

Consider: There aren't really any true wars going on right now anywhere in the world. The entire world is essentially at peace.

And in the Mid-East, the people are peacefully overthrowing their dictator regimes for democracy. And it's not just in the Mid-East. Berma and Argentina also recently became democratic.

I don't see the world at a tipping point at all. I see the world as more or less stable right now.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 8:54 am • # 3 
SciFiGuy wrote:
I think it's just your perspective.

Consider: There aren't really any true wars going on right now anywhere in the world. The entire world is essentially at peace.

And in the Mid-East, the people are peacefully overthrowing their dictator regimes for democracy. And it's not just in the Mid-East. Berma and Argentina also recently became democratic.

I don't see the world at a tipping point at all. I see the world as more or less stable right now.

You've got to be kidding.

What's a true war vs what is happening in Afghanistan? Our kids are just as dead, innocent civilians are just as dead, brain injuries are just as serious, limbs are just as gone.

There is terrible violence going on in Syria, Iraq, etc. In Egypt there was a military coup which has the democratically elected leaders under arrest. The overthrows have not been peaceful in places like Libya. Some of the leadership in the "democracies" is not much better than the dictators were. Kids are still killing kids in several other African countries. Drug cartels and the oppressive Mexican govt are killing thousands. The world is not stable. Things are on the edge in so many places.

Optimism and being positive is one thing, closing your eyes is another.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 9:40 am • # 4 
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sooz, there are days that I feel that way. That's usually when I don't post much, lol.

I don't think the world is any closer to a meltdown than it has been before, but I do feel the US is closer. :( Something's got to give so that our government can get back to the proper business of governing for all of the citizens and not pandering to the ignorant, angry masses via obstructionism and misinformation or things will only get worse. imo

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 10:41 am • # 5 

Joined: 01/16/16
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Not sure I'd call it a tipping point but, IMO, we'll be seeing more and more civil disobedience. Governments are terrified of the internet and are digging in their heels while the people are only learning what a powerful tool they have.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 11:45 am • # 6 
I actually think part of it is our age, sooz.

I think horrible things have happened throughout our lifetimes but they affect us more NOW!!! Is it learned wisdom from living ours lives and observing the present and looking back at the past? I think so.

In a way I agree with sci. We don't have a President who declared a war of choice with a Country because a rogue terrorist attacked us (and the majority of the country approved and reelected him!!!!) Our economy bounced back for near collapse. We did elect and reelect Obama. That does demonstrate some steps in a positive direction.

I agree with oskar, too. The net is both a force for good and evil and we don't have a clue on how to modulate it.

I agree with Jeanne that much of the world are power kegs ready to explode.

I don't know what to do about it, except campaign for those I think will help the world, care for my family and try to do as well as I can.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 3:29 pm • # 7 
grumpyauntjeanne wrote:
SciFiGuy wrote:
I think it's just your perspective.

Consider: There aren't really any true wars going on right now anywhere in the world. The entire world is essentially at peace.

And in the Mid-East, the people are peacefully overthrowing their dictator regimes for democracy. And it's not just in the Mid-East. Berma and Argentina also recently became democratic.

I don't see the world at a tipping point at all. I see the world as more or less stable right now.

You've got to be kidding.

What's a true war vs what is happening in Afghanistan? Our kids are just as dead, innocent civilians are just as dead, brain injuries are just as serious, limbs are just as gone.

There is terrible violence going on in Syria, Iraq, etc. In Egypt there was a military coup which has the democratically elected leaders under arrest. The overthrows have not been peaceful in places like Libya. Some of the leadership in the "democracies" is not much better than the dictators were. Kids are still killing kids in several other African countries. Drug cartels and the oppressive Mexican govt are killing thousands. The world is not stable. Things are on the edge in so many places.

Optimism and being positive is one thing, closing your eyes is another.

Don't forget the 60000 pluS refugees swamping Uganda from the Congo...a huge humanitarian crisis....

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 3:33 pm • # 8 
Sooz... I keep saying it: It's the "new" fascism - Corporatism. And since companies no longer need to recognize borders, they've spread their meme globally. Is it at a "tipping point"? I think we still have a way to go before it gets there but I do see it coming. I may not be here for it but future generations are in for a rude awakening.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 3:41 pm • # 9 
I have a gut feeling that many of the present and future generation are already seeing the clouds on the horizon and in their own way are preparing for the future...and the internet will be one of their strongest weapons....

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 5:19 pm • # 10 

Joined: 10/20/15
Posts: 4032
I can see a range of massive problems in the future. Just to give one example, climate change is going to have far reaching effects on our economic, social and political situations. I mean, what do you do with 150 million plus Bangladeshis when most of their country becomes uninhabitable?

Having said that, there have been some pretty nasty "tipping points" in the past and, by and large, we've managed to get through them.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 6:25 pm • # 11 
It's the "getting through them" that concerns me. Yeah... we "got through" WWII - but at what price? And wouldn't you think that after such a traumatic event, we humans would learn something other than better ways to kill or destroy?

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 8:21 pm • # 12 
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I see people in this country becoming more belligerently ideological, more selfish. Their tolerance and civility are sloughing off. They're saying, in effect, "Oh screw it, I'm tired of being nicey-nice. Let's face it, those other people are a problem, they're not like us and that's their problem, because we're good and we're right and they're not, so screw them." We're losing sight of the fact that we will always disagree about things which are important to us, but we have act agreeably if we're to live in peace with each other.

We are becoming more tribal, less apt to recognize our common humanity with other tribes.

I don't know what to do about it. There's big money now in encouraging people to be each others' throats, ad money, political contribution money, TV reality show money, etc. Not much money in encouraging people to be civil. It's about money. Antagonistic propaganda is one of our major industries. Our most famous personalities are in the business of aggregating aggravation. Big money in opinion nowadays. It's fashionable now for people to be collectively antagonistic.

Still when you approach almost anyone anywhere individually, person to person, you find the empathy and kindness and decency that has always been there in individuals. If we can just manage not to ruin that, maybe we'll be OK.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 9:01 pm • # 13 
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nice post, gramps. I wonder if the tipping point is between the progress of human society and the beginning of it's decline?

I also think we're at a serious environmental tipping point.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/16/13 10:11 pm • # 14 
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Yeah, Greenie, the environmental change will be a stressor, for sure. A big segment of the population will attribute that to God's wrath, and they'll try to root out sin, which is always a big pain in the patoot. A threat to liberty, for sure.

What with the ability to "see" the whole world now, via our marvelous technology, I am afraid we'll just see more in each other to disapprove of. Pessimistic tonight, for some reason.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/17/13 2:50 pm • # 15 
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Is anyone else feeling like the whole world is at a tipping point?

We've already reached the tipping point. The world has passed the population limit.

Not to sound overdramatic, but we are already starting to see the fighting for basic survival.

Canadian mayor criticizes Waukesha's Great Lakes water plan

Great Lakes ‘ground zero’ for water needs
Climate change adds pressure

Concerns Mount Over Declining Water Levels in Great Lakes

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/17/13 4:29 pm • # 16 
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Anything north of the border is OURS and you can't have it. Neener, neener. ;) It's either that or quit harassing our American residents (about taxes) and make the border easier to cross. Otherwise, you're on your own. Put up a huge "fence" acros the lakes that cross the border. :b

LOL! j/k, j/k . Canada has one of the largest supplies of fresh water in the world and the largest in N. America. Seriously, we could get stingy if water becomes more scarce. Wanna buy some? It may not be for sale.

I, however, think that the greedy government (like all others) will sell it at a premium and at the expense of it's own citizens. :whatever

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/17/13 4:31 pm • # 17 
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Here is a great article published by McGill University about the coming water wars. Very long, but worth the read:

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/17/13 5:08 pm • # 18 

Joined: 01/16/16
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The "water wars" started several decades ago. Take our water we cut off your energy supply.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/17/13 5:24 pm • # 19 
Water is one of the reasons for some of the conflicts in the middle east and some areas in Africa... drinking water and access to waterways.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/19/13 8:59 am • # 20 
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I have argued that world population is a problem since I was in high school.

I see this as playing out in one of two ways.

1. An event such as a massive pandemic wipes out a good portion of the population. Other possibilities include an asteroid or comet stike on the Earth or major war. Obviously these are things we hope won't happen and it's quite possible they never will.

2. We are forced to take drastic steps to deal with population growth. It may start with something like removing tax incentives for having children. It may go as far as forced abortions. At this point, who knows?

The one thing that seems certain is that steps will not be taken until we are forced to deal with it. That's unfortunate, because much like dealing with climate change, the sooner we respond the less severe our actions need be.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/19/13 2:17 pm • # 21 

Joined: 10/20/15
Posts: 4032
The best way to reduce population growth rates is to give women a proper education. That's what all the studies show. And I'm not just talking about sex education.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/19/13 5:15 pm • # 22 
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Cattleman wrote:
The best way to reduce population growth rates is to give women a proper education. That's what all the studies show. And I'm not just talking about sex education.

And respect their bodily autonomy - stop with the laws restricting access to abortion and stop cutting funding to healthcare and other social services programs for the poor and low income people.

 Post subject: Re: Serious question
PostPosted: 07/21/13 7:51 am • # 23 
I know some things have changed but I am not so sure it's more/less than it's ever been but due to technology we just hear/read of it all more often.

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