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PostPosted: 07/18/13 7:11 am • # 1 
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The 21st was in Alabama. Same old story. Mom forgot that she had the 11 month old with her as she arrived and entered her work, until the sitter called her to ask where she was. :(

A VERY easy solution to this. Take one of those "Baby on Board" signs and hang it from your rear view mirror. That reminds you to look at least.

Put the diaper bag (or whatever bag you take with your kid) by your purse/briefcase in the FRONT SEAT! Don't sling it into the back when you put the baby in. As you grab your purse, you see it. If you are a man, put the bag in the passenger seat or on the console if there is room.

Set a reminder on your cell phone for several minutes before your expected arrival.

There are many ways to "cue" yourself that you have the baby with you. There is no excuse.

PostPosted: 07/18/13 7:41 am • # 2 
There is no excuse. Woman should go to jail. How do you forget a baby in your car?

PostPosted: 07/18/13 7:51 am • # 3 
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Busy Mom. Perhaps a tad self-involved. Thinking more about if her hair is just so, if she wore the "right" clothes (or if she looks fat in the outfit) or her makeup is done well.

Many times it's the person who doesn't usually take the child.

Not making excuses, just stating how it may happen.

We once loaded the car up to go visit relatives with our firstborn. We had tons, like you do with a semi-long distance (90 miles) and a weekend stay. Car seat, play pen/port-a-crib, clothes, toys, formula, diapers.......

Anyway, we got into the car to drive off and realized we didn't have the baby, who was always the last "thing" loaded, especially if she was sleeping in her crib. :\'(

PostPosted: 07/18/13 8:17 am • # 4 
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I repeat my wish for a charge for criminal stupidity ~ :angry


PostPosted: 07/18/13 9:50 am • # 5 
Mother, Diana and I went to breakfast this morning. It's 92 degrees already. I told them both this story, and we were all mortified. We had to stop at CVS on the way home to pick up Mother's pills, and we made Mother go in with us. We'd never be in that long, but she had on a long sleeved sweater and it's just too hot for the seniors, too.

PostPosted: 07/18/13 11:54 am • # 6 
sooz06 wrote:
I repeat my wish for a charge for criminal stupidity ~ :angry


I don't know of a punishment that could be worse than returning to one's car to find one's child cooked to death in the car! the heartbreak is just too overwhelming to comprehend... :brhrt :drfl :drfl

PostPosted: 07/18/13 12:53 pm • # 7 
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One day, some mother asked her husband to drop their child off at day care. She usually does it but she had a meeting that morning. He happily agreed and the day care was on is way to work anyway. He lovingly strapped his little girl into the car seat and proceeded to work. The baby had a habit of falling asleep in the car, and promptly did so .They day care was only a 10 minute drive from the house. About 25 minutes later the man was wondering what the funny whistling noise was that his car was making. Imagine his shock when he realized it was his baby sleeping in the back making that whistling sound. He had completely forgotten she was there.

It's not that hard to do. You don't have to be stupid or neglectful, just busy and overwhelmed at times. Sure, some idiots leave their kids in the car on purpose and go shopping. I investigated many of these cases when I worked for child welfare. The majority were people lacking some parenting skills. But not all of them.

PostPosted: 07/18/13 2:27 pm • # 8 

Joined: 01/16/16
Posts: 30003
Never forgot my kid.
Forgot my wife, though. Might be why she's now an ex-wife.

PostPosted: 07/18/13 2:37 pm • # 9 
oskar576 wrote:
Never forgot my kid.
Forgot my wife, though. Might be why she's now an ex-wife.

That would be a good reason.

PostPosted: 07/18/13 3:00 pm • # 10 

Joined: 01/16/16
Posts: 30003
I forgot me once and everywhere I looked I wasn't there. I even tried calling myself at home and there was no answer.

PostPosted: 07/18/13 4:55 pm • # 11 
oskar576 wrote:
I forgot me once and everywhere I looked I wasn't there. I even tried calling myself at home and there was no answer.

Where can I get some?

PostPosted: 07/18/13 7:16 pm • # 12 
it really must be good stuff... :happydance

PostPosted: 07/19/13 5:47 am • # 13 
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Joined: 05/05/10
Posts: 14091
FYI, about the Mom from Alabama:

On Wednesday, Luong put a sleeping Ella in her car seat and started the 10-mile drive to work. She was supposed to drop her off at the babysitter's house at 9:30 a.m.

But her mind was on overload - filled with thoughts and worries of a friend and employee who just recently hanged himself in a closet, only to be found there a week later. There was also concern for a close family friend, who is like a father to her, still hospitalized after having a stroke.

And in the midst of her worry and grief, she was planning Ella's first birthday party, set for Sunday at Oak Mountain State Park. It was too much, Luong admits.

"I had an uneasy feeling,'' she said. "I told my mom I felt like something was going to happen."

"She had too many things on her mind,'' Huynh said. "She was traumatized over her employee's death because she's never known anyone who has died, and there were so many people calling her yesterday about the birthday party."

"She was on the phone the whole time, and she said that cost her her baby's life,'' Huynh said. "She blames herself."

Unaware that she had left the baby inside the SUV, Luong went on with her day at work. When she arrived at the salon, she and her husband watched video on her cell phone from Ella dancing at their home the night before. "Music and dance was her passion,'' Luong said.

It was about 1:15 p.m. when the babysitter called, and asked Luong if Ella was sick and that was why she hadn't show up. It was then that the frantic parents realized what happened and found Ella unconscious in her car seat. "I want you to tell everybody I wish I was in that car seat,'' Luong said. ... rt_m-rpt-2

PostPosted: 07/19/13 9:26 am • # 14 
That picture made me feel worse. That little girl is sooo precious.

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