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 Post subject: Which is worse ...
PostPosted: 07/18/13 8:29 am • # 1 
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House GOP/TPers or the NRA? ~ :angry ~ Sooz

House Republicans reject proposal to ban gun sales to suspected terrorists
By Eric W. Dolan
Wednesday, July 17, 2013 19:22 EDT

A proposal to ban the sale of firearms to individuals on the FBI’s terrorist watch list was defeated by House Republicans on Wednesday.

Reps. Nita Lowey (D-NY) and David Price (D-NC) offered an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations bill that would have given the U.S. Department of Justice authority to block suspected terrorists from purchasing firearms and explosives.

“Terrorists are knowingly exploiting our laws,” Lowey said, citing American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn.

The amendment was defeated in the House Appropriations Committee by a 19-29 vote.

“Americans expect our government to keep guns out of the hands of felons, domestic abusers, the mentally ill, and terrorists,” Lowey said in a statement. “A suspected terrorist cannot board a plane but can pass a background check to buy a gun. It is absurd that my Republican colleagues opposed our amendment to close this dangerous gap in our gun safety laws.”

Similar legislation has been proposed — and defeated — before. The National Rifle Association claimed in 2011 such proposals were “aimed primarily at law-abiding American gun owners” and “sponsored by gun control extremists.”

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 Post subject: Re: Which is worse ...
PostPosted: 07/18/13 9:23 am • # 2 
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Joined: 01/22/09
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Strangely enough this is one where I agree with the GOP although my objection is more to the "suspected" terrorist list than to background checks or keeping guns away from them. Those various lists are put together with no rhyme nor reason. They are put together using unknown criteria and, by their very nature, sweep in people the government knows are probably innocent of any wrong doing. Further, the victim on the list isn't even told he is on them, why he is on them and has no effective appeal to be removed from them.

 Post subject: Re: Which is worse ...
PostPosted: 07/18/13 12:57 pm • # 3 

Joined: 01/16/16
Posts: 30003
Is there a way to foment a Tea Partiers vs NRA shooting war?????

 Post subject: Re: Which is worse ...
PostPosted: 07/18/13 4:57 pm • # 4 
oskar576 wrote:
Is there a way to foment a Tea Partiers vs NRA shooting war?????

Give 'em guns and bullets and lock 'em in a concrete bunker. Wait 1 hour.

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