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 Post subject: "Squeezably Soft ..."
PostPosted: 07/24/13 3:41 pm • # 1 
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I think my head just might explode ~ :tearhair ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
Squeezably Soft Fetus Toys Slipped Into Kids' Candy Bags at North Dakota State Fair
"It's beautiful detail, softness and weight can really move hearts and change minds," pro-life website says of its creepy doll.

July 24, 2013 | North Dakota pro-lifers may have recently lost in federal court their bid to ban abortions at six weeks, ("Unconstitutional," said a federal judge), but that hasn't stopped them from trying everything they can to win the battle against choice.

In a particularly creepy ploy, anti-choicers slipped squishy fetus toys into children's candy bags during a parade a North Dakota State Fair. The doll, called "The Precious One" is manufactured by Heritage House, a pro-life store, and retails for $1.50 apiece, less if you buy them in bulk, which apparently the pro-lifers did, since there were lots of five and six year olds running around squeezing, throwing and playing with their squeezable fetus toys afterwards.

Here was the reaction of one mother who attended the event, according to Jezebel:

Amber Mendez, a mother of three who attended Saturday's parade, was likewise affected by the "Precious Ones" she found in the candy bags her kids got for free during the event. "They're so lifelike. I'm squeezing it. It's fleshy."

Mendez says she's "in the middle" when it comes to abortion, but feels that her rights as a parent were compromised at the parade when her children were handed the fetuses along with informational pamphlets that included lines like "Week 1: conception; the baby is smaller than a grain of sugar, but the instructions are present for all that this person will ever become."

"My kids can read," she said. "I shouldn't have to explain to five and six-year olds what abortion is at a family event. I doubt these people would be allowed to hand out condoms to little kids. But it's okay to talk to them about abortion without my permission?"

The dolls are designed to brainwash youngsters—pregnant women, too—out of ever terminating an unwanted pregnancy. "Its beautiful detail, softness and weight can really move hearts and change minds," the Heritage House website says. Usually, the fetus toys are given directly to pregnant women and to kids at school demonstrations.

PostPosted: 07/24/13 4:43 pm • # 2 
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i just got an idea to compete with it: fetus candy!

PostPosted: 07/24/13 5:34 pm • # 3 
I'm pro-life but i would be hopping mad if someone "slipped" such a toy into my child's bag of candy...very poor judgement on the part of the pro-lifers...course it is as some say, that some pro-lifers seem to care less once the kid is born...

PostPosted: 07/24/13 7:50 pm • # 4 
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Good news about South Dakota

PostPosted: 07/24/13 8:03 pm • # 5 
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there were lots of five and six year olds running around squeezing, throwing and playing with their squeezable fetus toys

That's just hysterical!!

PostPosted: 07/25/13 5:36 pm • # 6 
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Great. Hydrocephalic Barbie.

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