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PostPosted: 07/26/13 10:49 pm • # 1 

You may have heard that some vandal threw green paint on the Lincoln Memorial.

BUT WAIT! The more interesting story is the COMMENTS received. Would you believe the wacky right blames OBAMA?! Yes, Obama is to blame for someone committing vandalism!! Image

Image USA Today - Friday, July 26, 2013


Dennis Sullivan · Top Commenter
Obama has so demoralized this nation that nothing is sacred anymore. He has pretty much trashed every institution and tradition to where REAL pride in America is almost gone. Expect more of this kind of thing because too many people just don't care anymore. Obama was a "success" after all.

Joe Lucas · Top Commenter · Owner at South Side Custom Painting
This guy Obama gets a lot of blame from you idiots. The stock market was at 6000 something when Bush left it is 15000 now. Cars averaged 12 mpg when Bush was in, 25-45 mpg now. Importing most oil when Bush was in,second most producing nation soon. When Bush was in office I could was not allowed health insurance. Now with Affordable Car e Act I have insurance and it is affordable(imagine that).

Obama guy is so bad after all

Eric Gafford · Follow · Savannah, Georgia
That is the most ignorant remark I have read today. Blaming the President for graffiti! LMAO.

Nazareth Savage · Works at TD Bank Financial Group
Lmao, must be a pitiful existence feeling the need to blame obama for everything. I can imagine you walking outside to see bird $h !t on your car and shaking your first saying "that damn obama". Lol. Pathetic

Robert Burke · Top Commenter · Works at Walsh Construction
Wow Joe Lucas,
That has to be the most ignorant and fat from the truth comment, I have ever seen posted. You better go do some research on what you just stated. Koo koo!

Kevin Lehning · Illinois Institute of Art - Schaumburg
Get a life and get real. America was effed up before he stepped in.

Marilyn Kille · Cornell University
Time for you to grow up; take responsibility for your own contribution to the diabolical negativism that seemingly prevails rather than piggybacking blame where it's both unrelated and unjustified. I bet you blame your mother for your dirty laundry too! Pathetic!

Dennis Sullivan · Top Commenter
Uh Joe, you were "not allowed" insurance under Bush? And you have affordable insurance now even though Obamacare hasn't been implemented? Care to expound? As an aside, no one has refuted my point yet.

Jeremy Klapprott · Top Commenter
"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country" -Michelle Obama 2008...
she was 44 at the time....Wow. There's some real pride.

Blame Bush or Obama they serve the same master...'Murica is in some deep dookie.

Kevin J Tremblay · Top Commenter
I have a very simple metric for determining the worst President in American history -Civil War. Lincoln made what WAS a voluntary union, a union of conquered states thereby enslaving us all to an invincible Federal Government. He was assassinated as a tyrant and his memory "cleansed" to aid the "reconstruction". And I can't even excuse the atrocity of vandalizing his memorial.

Impurator Serpentis · Top Commenter · Guitarist at Serpentis
You sir are an idiot!

Vincent C St John · Top Commenter · Richmond, Virginia
my face hurts. Kevin, just stop.

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