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PostPosted: 08/13/13 11:10 am • # 1 
A federal judge in Georgia threw out the racial discrimination claims made against Paula Deen by Lisa Jackson in a suit that stated she was subjected to sexual harassment and racism while she worked at a Savannah restaurant co-owned by Deen and her brother Bubba Hiers.

In her deposition for the suit, the 66-year-old celebrity chef said under oath in May that she had used the N-word in the distant past. That admission caused the Food Network, Wal-Mart and QVC to all cut ties with Deen, costing her millions, ABC NEWS reported.

U.S. District Court Judge William T. Moore Jr. ruled in a 20-page opinion that Jackson had no basis to sue Deen and her brother for racial discrimination because she is in fact white herself. The sexual harassment claims are still open.

“There are no allegations that defendant Hiers’s racially offensive comments were either directed toward plaintiff or made with the intent to harass her,” Moore said.

“We are pleased with the court’s ruling today that Lisa Jackson’s claims of race discrimination have been dismissed,” Deen’s rep said in a statement. “As Ms. Deen has stated before, she is confident that those who truly know how she lives her life know that she believes in equal opportunity, kindness and fairness for everyone.”


PostPosted: 08/13/13 11:20 am • # 2 
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That doesn't mean it didn't happen. That means that because she was not the target of racism, she can't bring charges.
So, yes, it's good news for Paula unless someone black comes forward.

PostPosted: 08/13/13 2:27 pm • # 3 
Don't know how many of you have been keeping up with this but there have been several past and present black employees who are backing Paula on this.

PostPosted: 08/13/13 6:09 pm • # 4 
Dee wrote:
Don't know how many of you have been keeping up with this but there have been several past and present black employees who are backing Paula on this.

And several who aren't.

As roseanne said, this doesn't mean it didn't happen. And, as some of us said previously, this has nothing to do with our view that she is a racist.

PostPosted: 08/18/13 12:20 pm • # 5 

Barton: Justice delayed, denied Paula Deen
Posted: August 18, 2013 - 12:34am

By Tom Barton
You don’t have to be a judge to figure out the lawsuit filed last year against Paula Deen was as phony as dime-store jewelry.

You don’t even need a law degree.

Instead, you just need a degree of common sense.

Let’s briefly look at the facts in the trumped-up claims of racism made against Savannah’s celebrity chef, which were originally intended to force a wealthy and successful businesswoman to fork over $1.25 million in hush money to a former, five-year employee.

Not that it matters to corporate America. It has already judged her guilty — with an assist from a federal judge in Savannah who took his sweet old time in tossing out this rubbish Monday.

But facts still matter. As do laws.

They matter whether you’re a fan of this Southern-fried showwoman or someone who wouldn’t touch her cookbooks with a 10-foot baguette. They matter because justice matters — whether you’re promoting a brand or pushing a broom.

Let’s sum this case up in simple, real-life terms regarding racism and injury:

You can’t be a victim of racial discrimination if the person who’s allegedly discriminating is the same race as you. In this case, the alleged victim is Lisa Jackson. She’s as white as Deen. She worked for Deen’s family-run enterprises, then sued for damages when Deen refused to pay her off.

Was she injured? Her white boss promoted her from a $7-an-hour hostess job to general manager, where she pulled down $114,000 a year. If that’s hurtful, bring on the pain.

That doesn’t mean people can’t make bogus claims. It happens and keeps some lawyers in pinstripes. But that’s why we have courts. They’re designed to separate the wheat from the chaff.

We’re a nation of laws, not of men. Right?

After the Paula Deen debacle, I’m not so sure.

One reason is Senior U.S. District Judge William T. Moore Jr., who handled this high-profile case.

Moore has been a jurist for the Southern District of Georgia for 19 years. In 2010, he was the judge who correctly rejected claims of innocence by convicted cop killer Troy Anthony Davis, who was executed in 2011.

Moore’s handling of that case was impressive and meticulous. But in the Deen case, which was a zillion times less complex, it was as if he mailed it in.

For example, Savannah attorney William Franklin, Deen’s lawyer up until recently, made a motion to dismiss the claims against Deen on Dec. 18, 2012. But Moore didn’t make a ruling until Aug. 12, 2013.

Why? I know federal judges have lifetime appointments and never have to explain themselves. But this was black-letter law.

Jackson’s claims could have been tossed in eight seconds. Not eight months.

Equally inexplicable — and ultimately, hugely damaging to Deen’s bank account — was the judge’s decision that forced lawyers to take depositions. Neither side wanted to make this big investment in time and money. And you can’t blame them. It makes more sense to first know what the judge thinks about the case and whether it will go forward. Both sides even filed a joint motion on Jan. 11, 2013, asking for a legal time-out.

Moore denied it without explanation three days later, on Jan. 14, 2013.

That was huge. It led to Deen’s May 17 deposition. It produced a 147-page transcript, of which only a tiny bit was made public, first in June by the National Enquirer: Deen truthfully admitted that she used the N-word 30 years ago.

Within weeks, the Smithfields and Wal-Marts and Targets of the corporate world — the same companies that couldn’t get enough of Paula — treated her like toxic waste.

Had the judge put everything on hold before making the easiest call of his judicial life on Monday, this racial slur that Deen uttered in her ancient past would have remained buried in her past. She’d still have those million-dollar deals. She wouldn’t be forced to prove a negative: I am not a racist.

“Paula Deen is done despite legal win,” screamed a headline in Tuesday’s edition of USA Today. I’m not buying it. Her fan base is still big. Americans tend to be a forgiving people.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s another book from Deen down the road. But not one with recipes. Instead, this one is for the legal profession.

“Paula Deen’s Unjust Desserts: Justice delayed means justice denied.”

Read it, then weep.

Tom Barton is the editorial page editor of the Savannah Morning News.

PostPosted: 08/18/13 2:34 pm • # 6 

Joined: 01/16/16
Posts: 30003
U.S. District Judge, William T. Moore Jr., in Evil, Insane ruling declares Troy Davis can't have a new trial

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PostPosted: 08/23/13 2:31 pm • # 7 
IMO, despite all the loss Paula has received due to this insane lawsuit, she will prevail and have the last laugh in the end.

Parties Agree To Dismissal In Paula Deen Case
WSAV News 3 has learned that the sexual discrimination portion of Lisa Jackson's lawsuit against Paula Deen has been agreed to be dismissed.

News 3 has learned that the agreement was filed with prejudice which means that plaintiff Lisa Jackson cannot refile the lawsuit.

A Clerk Of Court tells that a judge has not signed the order, so it has not been finalized.

According to the Order of Dismissal, there is no award of any costs or fees to any party.

The development comes less than two weeks after a federal judge dismissed Jackson's other half of the lawsuit which claimed racial discrimination.

Jackson, a former employee, can't claim to be a victim of racial discrimination targeting African-American workers because she is white, U.S. District Judge William T. Moore Jr. ruled.

"At best, plaintiff is an accidental victim of the alleged racial discrimination," Moore wrote.

Jackson's federal lawsuit accused Deen and her brother, Bubba Hiers, of numerous acts of violence, discrimination and racism.

Jackson worked at The Lady and Sons and Uncle Bubba's Oyster House for five years.

Jackson began as a hostess at Uncle Bubba's in 2005 and eventually became general manager.

She was fired in August 2010. ... -deen-case

PostPosted: 08/25/13 2:11 pm • # 8 
imo, her losses are due to her racist mindset that she herself showed. It doesn't matter what happens with the lawsuits. Lots of racists laugh.

PostPosted: 08/25/13 10:32 pm • # 9 
I would expect a response like this from you Jeanne. I bet you say the same about anyone who makes a negative remark about a black person whether the remark is true or not.

PostPosted: 08/26/13 1:11 pm • # 10 
Dee wrote:
I would expect a response like this from you Jeanne. I bet you say the same about anyone who makes a negative remark about a black person whether the remark is true or not.

Ha. If you care to remember, I have made negative remarks about specific black people. Some black people are assholes. The difference between that and Paula is I don't use the word she uses and I don't look back with fondness at the days of slavery. I have no problem with truths. I have problems with a word that is not a truth but a racist insult and with a racist mindset like Paula's.

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