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PostPosted: 08/18/13 9:03 am • # 1 
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Joined: 11/07/08
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I've posted many times that I've become a BIG fan of "ridicule" ~ mostly because I don't see any other way to confront the deeply idiotic mindset of the GOP/TPers ~ I'm thinking even they themselves can't/don't believe at least some of what they are spewing ~ they are strictly playing to their "base" ... which, by any standard, are people who demand their own "isms" be front and center ~ :g ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
7 Idiotic and Dangerous Statements From Right-Wing Nut-Jobs Just Last Week
"We can't have a woman president until every other country has a woman leader"...and much more.

August 17, 2013 | 1. GOP Congressman: Multiculturalism is bad. There is “an American race.”

At a townhall meeting in El Dorado Hills, California, Rep. Tom McClintock enlightened attendees about his views on immigration reform. He suggested that immigrants need to shed their own culture and become something he termed the "American race” then added that if they can’t do that they should just go home. “There’s only one race here: it’s the American race,” he said.

Later, a Latino man who had been in the audience challenged McClintock’s view, saying that people who bring different cultures and personalities to this country is in fact what makes it both great and strong. So McClintock took it a step further: Multiculturalists want to “divide America into warring factions separated by culture, by language, by attitude,” he told the man.

Suggestion to McClintock: Read a history book! Diversify your friend pool. Something.

2. Donny Deutsch: The U.S. can’t have a woman president until Al Qaeda does.

Donny Deutsch may have been a genius brander/advertising guy, but as a political analyst, umm...not so much. In an appearance on "Morning Joe" this week, he laid out his theory of why a woman (read: Hillary Clinton) should not be president. In a nutshell, it seems to be because she’d have to deal with foreign leaders who are men. And that wouldn’t be fair.

We’ll let him dig his own grave. Here’s what he said:

Problem: we have a woman, but our enemies are still on the opposite side of the equation. I don’t think the Al Qaedas of the world are going to be headed by women, so it falls apart a little bit. Women plus women equals a win to me. Women and still men on the other side of the table? Theoretically the world would be a better place with women running it. It doesn’t solve the problem.

“If you have two women down to negotiate something, it’s going to get done without bullets,” Deutsch continued, undeterred by the ridiculousness of his position. “On our side of the equation, we solve it, but there’s a world that’s still a century behind in our evolutionary state or progressive state in how we feel about women.”

So no woman president until every other country has a woman leader. As Jezebel quipped: "Does Angela Merkel know about this?"

3. Minnesota Rep. offers conceal carry permits and target practice to donors.

Here’s a novel idea for a fundraising event: Promise more gun privileges to every donor. This Saturday, gun-loving Minn. Republican lawmaker Cindy Pugh offered free concealed carry gun-training classes to people who donate a minimum of $125 to her campaign. For those potential donors who already have concealed carry permits, the deal was sweetened by having their permit automatically renewed, for a mere $100 donation.

Pugh was really pleased with herself for coming up with this idea. As she told

I’ve heard from a lot of people that they’ve never heard of anyone doing this before and I don’t know that it has been done before. But this is an idea that my campaign team came up with as we were brainstorming ways to connect with my voters and my constituents and just heighten awareness about issues that are important.

This should in no way be construed as buying votes (or donations) though. That is something only Democrats do when they, say, offer food stamps to hungry seniors.

4. Rush Limbaugh bullies listeners into choosing between God and science.

One mark of a borderline personality, we’re told, is seeing the word in black-and-white terms — either/or — no nuance allowed. An armchair diagnosis of Rush Limbaugh suggests that syndrome may apply to him. Another diagnosis: intellectual (using the word loosely) bullying.

And so it was this week when Limbaugh made it plain to his listeners that they could not simultaneously believe in God and in climate change science. Take your pick, he said, ‘cause you can’t have both. His comments were occasioned by Secretary of State John Kerry having the audacity to say in a speech to the Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives that climate change was “a challenge to our responsibilities as the guardians — safe guarders of God’s creation.”

Here’s how Limbaugh put listeners between a rock and hard place:

“See, in my humble opinion, folks, if you believe in God, then intellectually you cannot believe in manmade global warming … You must be either agnostic or atheistic to believe that man controls something that he can’t create.”

Black or white. See? Simple.

5. Rick Santorum says “middle class” is a Marxist term.

Former and perhaps future presidential candidate Rick Santorum is so tired of hearing about the middle class. This is not because of the sad fact that the middle class is shrinking or just becoming part of the poor or one step away from it, it’s because he has decided, the very notion of the middle class is “Marxism talk” because, “Since when in America do we have classes?”

This is Santorum’s notion of creative problem-solving. It is also always good to attach the Marxist/socialist label to Obama, because if there’s one thing Americans hate, it’s socialism.

As Salon reported:

“Who does Barack talk about all the time?” Santorum rhetorically asked a group of Republicans recently in Lyon County, IA. ”The middle class. Since when in America do we have classes? Since when in America are people stuck in areas, or defined places called a class? That’s Marxism talk. When Republicans get up and talk about the middle class we’re buying into their rhetoric of dividing America. Stop it."

6. Steve King asks Obama to have clown summit.

Even his fellow Republicans wish Iowa Rep. Steve King would shut up. He is not doing the brand or the shrinking voter base any good with his comments on immigrants having cantaloupe calves, and other assorted bigoted remarks. Most self-respecting Republicans also disavow blatant racism, and almost everyone agrees that the Obama-mask clown at the Missouri State Fair that lent the event the air of a KKK rally was over the line.

Not Rep. King, however. Perversely appointing himself the arbiter of what is racist and funny, he tweeted:

Mr. President: Invite the rodeo clown 2 the White House 4 a beer summit. Take the temperature down, have a laugh, relax. It's not about race.

As if Obama did not have enough clowns to deal with in Washington.

7. Former Navy Chaplain: Obama is secretly creating an atheist military to attack Christians.

Former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt is full of fire and brimstone, and some would say insane paranoia, these days. Having been court-martialed for wearing his navy uniform to a protest a few years back, he is convinced of a huge conspiracy to rid the armed forces of Christians. To do this, he says Obama is amassing an atheist army to attack God-fearing Christians.

Klingenschmitt told Dove TV, “The Obama administration is stockpiling armored personnel carriers, and the Department of Homeland Security [has] billions of rounds of ammunition; who are they going to use that against? If there’s no Christians serving in the government, eventually that is all going to be turned against us.”

Other eminently sensible recent remarks from Chap. Kling according to “Wendy Davis is ruled by a demon of murder and should be prosecuted,” and, “What gays do behind closed doors is not love, it’s lawlessness.”

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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