I have an immediate distrust of someone who won't look me in the eyes while speaking to me. Conversely, I am uncomfortable if anyone looks into my eyes for "too long". I don't know why.
When I had staff to supervise, I had to force myself to keep my hands at my sides in a relaxed position when I needed to correct them. My first impulse was to cross my arms (confrontational).
Body language is very interesting. Serious poker players can explain about "tells" and will study all of their opponents to learn them. I am a great poker player! I always look innocent (or honest, I'm not sure) or am hiding a delightful secret. Opponents tend to think I'm bluffing. I have won probably about 80% of all the hands I've played...in the past. My first hubby's friends refused to let me sit in on a game after I decimated them a couple of times.
I don't play now.
Luck plays a part too, but skillful playing and not overthinking a hand is useful. I never cared enough to sweat it.
I'll watch the video when I have the time. Probably this weekend.