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PostPosted: 12/02/13 6:45 pm • # 1 
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Joined: 11/07/08
Posts: 42112
The Grand Canyon is spectacular in its natural beauty ~ and this had to be an amazing sight ~ please take the time to view the slide show [link below] for yourselves ~ there are some "live links" to more information in the original ~ Sooz

Monday, Dec 2, 2013 01:19 PM CST
Rare, spectacular photos show the Grand Canyon filled to the brim with fog
The "once in a decade" weather event occured twice in one weekend.

(Credit: Grand Canyon National Park/Facebook)

National parks always make for great nature porn, but the photos taken at the Grand Canyon this weekend are uniquely breathtaking. In what the Grand Canyon National Park, on its Facebook page, referred to as a “once in a lifetime, outstanding, crazy, amazing, mind blowing” temperature inversion, the gorges on Friday filled entirely with rolling clouds of fog. About 4.17 trillion cubic meters of it.

Park rangers, apparently, wait years to catch sight of the inversion. While it can occur once or twice a year, it usually only fills the canyon partially, or else happens on cloudy days. Ranger Erin Whittaker told the Daily Mail that Friday was like a “really awesome beach day” for the people who work there, with everyone abandoning their posts to check out the sight. Tourists, not realizing how special the event was, complained that the regular view of the Colorado River was blocked.

And just as the rangers were telling us how rare of a moment we’d missed, it happened again on Sunday. Below, check out some of the best photos taken from the rim’s edge: [Sooz says the 14 photo slide show is accessible via the end link]

PostPosted: 12/03/13 12:48 am • # 2 

Great nature porn?!! Image

PostPosted: 12/08/13 7:26 pm • # 3 
The photos are awesome...

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