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PostPosted: 11/09/14 9:49 am • # 126 

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What floors me is that the so-called "Tea Partiers" are really wanting to fight party politics so they form a "party within a party" to do it. Then they wonder why they look like retards. It's because they are.

PostPosted: 11/16/14 9:41 am • # 127 
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Here is this week's installment, showcasing just how unhinged the right-wing really is ~ :ey ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
5 Egregious Right-Wing Moments This Week: Fox News' Impeachment Follies
Boy do conservative morons hate when the president actually tries to do something.

November 15, 2014 | 1. Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and Charles Krauthammer beat the impeachment drum . . . by likening undocumented immigrants to murderers.

Fox News loves Charles Krauthammer because they think he has the ability to sound rational, smart and calm while saying totally bonkers things. Fox thinks he gives them a veneer of respectability.

Fox also thought that of George Will, who calmly said insane things like how campus rape victims enjoy “special status.”

So, two Fox "smarties," Megyn Kelly and Charles Krauthammer, were discussing their favorite topic this week, which is how the hell can we get rid of this black president, and when can we start the impeachment proceedings?

This week’s “impeachable offense” that has so addled their uni-brain is the imminent prospect of Obama taking executive action to shield five million undocumented immigrants from being deported. It's been done before, by both Reagan and Bush, but somehow, when Obama does it, it's completely different.

“There’s no doubt that what he is doing now is a flagrant assault on the Constitutional system,” Krauthammer said, doing his best imitation of a person who actually knows something. “I’m sure Obama will be able to find a bunch of lawyers who say it is okay. This is clearly illegal. “

We're sure he will. Those lawyers will say anything. Especially when there are plenty of precedents.

But wait, Megyn Kelly has some law background, and it was her turn to try to sound smart. “There’s no doubt that the president has prosecutorial discretion. But it’s a sliding scale. Just as a prosecutor has discretion. He might decide not to prosecute one murderer. But if he said he is not going to prosecute any of the murderers, that would be unacceptable.”

So, yeah, she’s comparing undocumented immigrants to murderers. And no, that is not a mistake.

What it is is unacceptable and disgusting. Quite apart from the whole impeachment discussion, which is merely ridiculous.

2. Ted Cruz: Net neutrality is the Obamacare of the Internet. Also, it’s like Hitler.

Texas Tea Partier Ted Cruz does not understand neutrality. What he does understand is that now that President Obama has come out strongly in favor of not selling the Internet out to the highest corporate bidder, Cruz is against it. You know what else Cruz does not like? Obamacare, or, for that matter any word starting with Obama. So, this week, Cruz tweeted: "'Net Neutrality' is Obamacare for the Internet; the Internet should not operate at the speed of government."

Of course the tweet makes no sense, but since when did making sense become a priority of Ted Cruz? It’s all marketing anyway with those right-wingers. As Matt Iglesias at Vox explained, making sense is not the point: “What, if anything, that phrase means is difficult to say. But its political significance is easy to grasp. All true conservatives hate Obamacare, so if net neutrality is Obamacare for the internet, all true conservatives should rally against it.”

Crazy conspiracy theorist Alex Jones backed Cruz, saying net neutrality reminded him of Hitler. Because everything Obama does and says and all government regulation remind him of Hitler.

Still, not even conservatives were buying either the Hitler connection nor the Obamacare link, as numerous comments on Cruz’s facebook page attested. Sample comment from one Jinnie McManus: "Goddammit, stop making my party look like morons and look up net neutrality. It doesn't mean what you and your speechwriters think it means."

Well, goddammit Jinnie, your party does a goddamn good impersonation of morons.

3. Senate’s lead climate change denialist is really bummed that the Chinese seem to believe in man-made climate change.

Something terrible happened this week. President Barack Obama and the leader of China took a major step to prevent the planet’s destruction, when they agreed to both cut carbon emissions. Boo. Hiss. How rotten can world leaders get? Shouldn’t you go back to selling out to big business and waging futile wars in the Middle East right away?

Five minutes later, America’s absurd right-wingers said this was the "worst deal since the Trojans accepted a horse from the Greeks." The Senate’s two most powerful climate denialists, Mitch McConnell and James Inhofe, vowed to fight tooth and nail against this blatant and shameless attempt to possibly save the planet. Inhofe wrote a whole book about how climate change is a grand hoax, and has been rewarded the chairmanship of the Senate’s environment committee because no way do his views in any way reflect his close ties with the oil industry. But he could only muster the criticism that the deal is a “non-binding charade.” He doesn’t trust China and he does not like the EPA.

Wait, is that all you got? Nothing about the whole hoax thing, Senator Inhofe? A hoax that the leadership of China now seems to be in on?

4. Kirk Cameron gets into the Christmas spirit by attacking “pagans,” women who won’t stay in the kitchen, and Christians who do Christmas wrong.

Holidays bring out the best in fundamentalist Christian former actor Kirk Cameron. He already trick-or-treated his followers to his bizarre notion that Halloween is a Christian celebration hijacked by pagans. Now, he is fearlessly trying to rescue Christmas, and not from all us secularist heathens, but from other Christians. Huh?

Turns out lots of Christians are doing Christmas wrong, according to the former “Growing Pains” star. Only his brand of Christians are doing it right. In Cameron’s book, sure Christmas is about Jesus’ birth, but also Santa Claus is downright “biblical” because he once “punched a heretic.” So, go Santa!

Also, in Cameron’s book, good Christian women need to pull their weight, get back in the kitchen and cook for their families. “Because Christmas is about joy, and if the joy of the Lord is your strength, remember, the joy of the mom is her children’s strength, so don’t let anything steal your joy. If you let your joy get stolen, it will sap your strength,” Cameron said, sounding very loony indeed.

5. Men’s rights activist: Women and their vaginas ruin the workplace.

Paul Elam, founder of A Voice for Men, is not a big fan of vaginas, which are another word for women, since women tend to be the ones who carry vaginas around. If men had vaginas, then vaginas would be A-OK in Elam's book. Elam went on “ManStream Media this week and shared his view that work should be a vagina-free zone. Because everything was fine and excellent when only men and their penises populated the workplace.

“I’m sorry, ladies,” he says in the interview, “but if we want society to advance, we need to leave men alone to do their work — to do their thing and be with each other to get things done. Because that’s how it works.”

Is it just us, or does his apology to the “ladies” seem a tad insincere?

Elam argues that ever since women showed up in the workplace, men can’t do what they have always done and what makes their work so excellent, which is harass each other!

Elam does a really excellent imitation of how women really talk, “‘Hi!’” he says in a high, falsetto voice, “‘I have a vagina and a whole new set of rules! Never mind what’s worked for thousands of years, because I’m female and I know how to make 9,000 people work together to build a bridge across two miles of river!’”

We know we always start conversations by pointing out that we have a vagina.

PostPosted: 11/23/14 10:37 am • # 128 
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Here is this week's installment ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
6 Off-the-Wall Right-Wing Moments this Week—Celebs Who Like to Lecture Rape Accusers
Plus Fox and Republican apoplexy about immigration rages on.

November 22, 2014 | 1. CNN’s Don Lemon offers advice to Cosby rape accuser on how not to be raped.

CNN anchor Don Lemon scored an interview with one of the growing number of women to have come forward and accuse Bill Cosby of sexual assault this week, a woman by the name of Joan Tarshis. The interview took a turn for the worse when Lemon decided to offer his opinions of what Tarshis, who said she was drugged and incapacitated at the time, should have clearmindedly done in the situation.

"You — you know, there are ways not to perform oral sex if you didn’t want to do it." Just in case his meaning wasn't clear, he specified that he meant “the using of the teeth.”

How very helpful of Lemon, who pressed on to amply demonstrate his lack of understanding of the power dynamics of rape. The only question is: Did the fact that he and Cosby bonded over their shared view that African-Americans needs to take more “personal responsibility” influence his line of totally inappropriate questioning? Or, does his misunderstanding of rape and willing perpetuation of rape myths stand all on its own?

Lemon apologized after, not that it matters, and not that we believe him. This is a guy, after all, who has found himself nodding in agreement with Bill O’Reilly on how blacks must solve their own problems. It isn’t so hard to not say stupid, deeply offensive things on the air. And it helps if that isn’t your mindset to begin with.

2. Whoopi Goldberg acts like a total jerk about the Bill Cosby rape allegations.

Not anyone’s definition of a right-winger, Whoopi Goldberg is outspokenly progressive on a lot of issues. Rape is not one of them. She and her fellow co-hosts on "The View” expressed some general skepticism about the accusations against Bill Cosby drugging and raping multiple women this week, mostly, because Bill Cosby is a friend of theirs, and that’s, like, totally awkward. Goldberg has wrestled with the definition of rape before—for instance she opined that a 43-year-old man sodomizing an unconscious 13-year-old girl apparently isn’t “rape-rape” in her world.

Rape-rape requires blood and bruises. Really serious injuries are great. And no one questions a dead woman, apparently.

Goldberg made it amply clear that she does not believe Cosby accuser Barbara Bowman, who is one of more than a dozen who say they was sexually assaulted by Cosby, in her case repeatedly.

“Quite honestly, you know, look, I’m sorry, having been on both sides of this where people allege that you do something, it doesn’t matter now,” Goldberg said. “The cat is out of the bag, people have it in their heads. I have a lot of questions for the lady. Maybe she’ll come on.”

No doubt she will with a welcome mat like that.

Goldberg took the opportunity to offer a lecture on the proper behavior of a rape victim. “The police might’ve believed it,” Goldberg said. “Or the hospital, where you go — and don’t you do a kit when you say someone has raped you? Isn’t that the next step once you make an allegation?”

All "The View" ladies, save Rosie O’Donnell, agreed that the fact that women are accusing Cosby of rape has put them in a really terrible position since they are kind of obligated to discuss the news and current events. How thoughtless of those women.

3. What the hell was Lemony Snicket, a.k.a. Daniel Handler thinking?

It’s bad enough dealing with the constant onslaught of racism and hate-spew from Fox News, newly elected Republican nutjobs and other assorted old white men, but when it comes from supposedly intelligent cultural success stories. Really, wtf? The writer Daniel Handler, author of the popular Lemony Snicket books, was a presenter at the National Book Awards last week, and idiotically made a racist "joke" at the expense of one of the winners, Jacqueline Woodson, whom he says is a friend.

After Woodson accepted her award for young people’s literature for her “Brown Girl Dreaming,” Handler got up and took the stage, saying:

"I told you! I told Jackie she was going to win. And I said that if she won, I would tell all of you something I learned this summer, which is that Jackie Woodson is allergic to watermelon. Just let that sink in your mind."

Again, wtf?

"And I said you have to put that in a book. And she said, you put that in a book. And I said I am only writing a book about a black girl who is allergic to watermelon if I get a blurb from you, Cornell West, Toni Morrison, and Barack Obama saying, 'This guy’s okay. This guy’s fine.'"

You might have thought he’d figure it out from Woodson’s response to his suggestion, “you put it in a book.” But no, he ran with this idiotic, racist story that took all the attention away from this woman's accomplishment. Because he’s soooo funny and successful and such a good guy, and has black friends, and it’s okay if he says stuff like this, because he gets it.


He apologized later, of course, first calling it an “ill-conceived attempt at humor,” then later allowing that it was just plain old racist. But apologies like this seem kind of irrelevant. It’s just not that hard. Don’t be racist. That’s all. And if you can't manage that, just don't talk.

4. Fox Newsians hate the fact that Obama quoted “Scripture” in his immigration speech. “No fair,” Tucker Carlson, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Mike Huckabee whine.

To review, Obama is Hitler, Caesar, the Antichrist and a Muslim extremist wrapped into one.

So, how offensive was it that this not-Christian enough president had the audacity to quote the Bible during his immigration speech? Fox Newsians were really incensed about that, among other things, this week. In case you missed it, (and you probably did, since the networks did not see fit to air the President’s speech) Obama said:

“Scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger — we were strangers once, too. My fellow Americans, we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too.”

Nice turn of phrase, right?


On "Fox & Friends," Tucker Carlson said Obama was just trying to claim that “God is on [his] side.” The nerve!

“It’s repugnant,” Carlson said, “for this guy specifically, the president who spent his career defending late-term abortion, among other things, lecturing us on Christian faith? That’s too much. That is too much. This is the Christian left at work, and it’s repugnant.”

The Christian left, huh? Would that include, uh, Jesus?

Elisabeth Hasselbeck chimed in that Obama’s wasn’t “proper use” of the Bible, whatever the hell that means. It’s only properly used when people on the right try to justify their actions, apparently.

Mike Huckabee whined and simultaneously showed his awareness of current events on his Facebook page, saying, “I always thought that Scripture was eternal and unchanging. But apparently, now that Obama is President, Scripture gets rewritten more often than Bill Cosby’s Wikipedia entry.”

Ooh, burn.

5. Rand Paul makes bizarre parallel between Obama’s action and Japanese Internment camps.

Libertarian Rand Paul sometimes gets trotted out (by people like Bill Maher) as a potentially reasonable, centrist alternative to Clinton in the next presidential election. The only problem is, he’s a little batsh*t crazy.

Paul’s lunacy was on display this week when he made a peculiar historical analogy between Obama’s executive order on immigration and President Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive order authorizing Japanese-American internment camps during World War II.

Well, they were both executive orders, weren't they?

In Paul’s words:

"I care that too much power gets in one place. Why? Because there are instances in our history where we allow power to gravitate toward one person and that one person then makes decisions that really are egregious," Paul said. "Think of what happened in World War II where they made the decision. The president issued an executive order. He said to Japanese people 'we're going to put you in a camp. We're going to take away all your rights and liberties and we're going to intern you in a camp.'"

"We shouldn't allow that much power to gravitate to one individual. We need to separate the power."

We should not allow any power to gravitate to Paul, that's for sure.

6. Fox’s Eric Bolling has a theory that even he thinks is “crazy” about Obama’s immigration order.

"Fox Five" cohosts Eric Bolling and Kimberly Guilfoyle were just chatting about Obama's immigration order. You know, just chatting.

"Can I be a little conspiracy theorist here for a minute?" Bolling said, launching into a peculiar idea about the timing of the president's announcement. "He’s going to do it because he promised his base he would do it before the end of the year. That's like six weeks, so why now? What’s coming down the pike now?"

"The Latin Grammys?" Kimberly Guilfoyle interjected. Ooh, she’s a pistol, that gal.

No, said Bolling. It was a rhetorical question. Don’t step on my line.

Guilfoyle compliments herself for her clever answer though.

“Ferguson,” said Bolling.

See how it all fits together?

"There’s going to be news about Ferguson and that’s going to distract everyone," Bolling predicted. "Two or three weeks later, everyone is going to say, ‘did he just slip amnesty in without anyone talking about it much?’"

Don’t know about you Eric, but it seems like there’s been a fair amount of talk about it.

“I don’t know maybe I’m crazy,” Bolling said, disingenuously.

Crazy might be too nice a word.

PostPosted: 11/30/14 9:27 am • # 129 
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Here is this week's installment, which does not fail in raising my own "disgust" meter ~ :g ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
5 Awful Right-Wing Moments This Week: GOPer’s Bizarre Facebook Rant Against Sasha and Malia Obama
The right found plenty of ways to be offensive besides Ferguson.

November 29, 2014 | Racist reactions to the Ferguson grand jury’s refusal to indict Darren Wilson dominated the right-wing airwaves this week, not to mention Wilson’s own televised assertion that he’d shoot Michael Brown all over again. But resourceful Fox newsians and Republican operatives aimed their offensive comments at other topics as well. Here’s a sampling.

1. Insane GOP staffer writes open letter to Sasha and Malia Obama criticizing their facial expressions and bar-ready attire.

Sasha and Malia Obama crossed their arms and did not laugh much at their father’s attempt at humor during the somber annual oval office turkey pardon this week. Also, the two teenagers wore skirts. All of this really pissed off GOP staffer Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, who thought it a good idea to write an open letter to the first daughters on Facebook:

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” Lauten began, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class."

In case the Obamas don’t know what class is, Lauten is just the gal to show them.

“At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”

Sweet, right? She really cares, and she is in no way attacking a 13- and 16-year-old in order to make a political point.

“Nevertheless, stretch yourself, rise to the occasion,” she continued, sagely. “Act like being in the White House matters to you. Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar. And certainly don’t make faces during televised, public events.”

For the record, they wore skirts and sweaters and rolled their eyes when their dad made a corny joke. Straight to reform school they go.

Shockingly, people reacted negatively to Lauten’s letter. I mean, she was just saying. So, she did what any reasonable person would do. She prayed. And she asked her mommy and daddy what she should do, because they are very good role models. Look what a nice young woman they raised!

"After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents and re-reading my words online, I can see more clearly how hurtful my words were. Please know that these judgmental feelings truly have no place in my heart."

She promised to learn and grow, and presumably keep it classy. No word on whether that includes not calling teenagers barflies.

2. Dinesh D’Souza and Megyn Kelly agree: Education and unions are brainwashing our kids.

Political commentator Dinesh D’Souza and Fox host Megyn Kelly have an announcement to make: They have uncovered the vast left-wing conspiracy that has infiltrated the education system and is brainwashing our children to hate America.

It’s chilling stuff. And it’s not limited to universities, those well-known bastions of radicalism. The dangerous insurrectionists are getting to our children as early as elementary school and definitely by high school.

Wild-eyed nursery school teachers went underground when the ‘60s officially ended with Ronald Reagan’s election. But not so far underground that they couldn't continue to indoctrinate our children. “Innocent parents are funding these colleges and prep schools,” warns D’Souza, who as a convicted felon is certainly in a position to lecture people on what is right and wrong. “Their values are being subverted by these radical professors.”

“How do these people get into our storied institutions?” Megyn Kelly asked, panic rising in her voice. One culprit, she figured, could be the unions that won’t let “teachers get fired, no matter how radical.”

Be afraid, be very afraid. Of your child’s nursery school teacher.

3. Faux News faux doc Keith Ablow travels deep inside the mind of protesters in Ferguson and concludes that low self-esteem, rather than injustice, is what makes people riot.

No one does pseudo-psychoanalysis better than Keith Ablow, resident quack at Faux News. This week, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Eric Bolling showed some footage of the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri in the wake of the Michael Brown verdict. They wanted to know what goes through the mind of a violent protester. So, they asked a protester, right? Wrong. They traveled deep into the mind of Dr. Ablow, who compared the mostly African-American protesters in the clip to misbehaving children who have been sent to their room and smash things up because they “know they have done wrong.”

They also touched on the issue of protesters who wore Anonymous masks, although they called them “looters” not protesters.

“Psychiatry is wonderful because you can see so many things that are seemingly obvious, but also a bit disguised,” Ablow said. We'd also add that psychiatry is wonderful for Keith Ablow because you can just make shit up and spew it, as long as it fits with the reactionary politics of your television network. “People wearing the masks have no identity and are empty inside,” Ablow said.

He should know.

4. Pat Robertson gets into the spirit of the season by reminding viewers that gay people are destroying America and need to be destroyed.

After running a clip about pilgrims and religious freedom, “The 700 Club” host Pat Robertson somberly managed to miss the entire meaning of “religious freedom.” Instead he warned his viewers that the success of “aberrant lifestyles” in America’s courts, by which he means the steady march of gay rights, is ruining the country. These advances in freedom and equal rights are somehow taking away people’s religious freedom, which again, means the freedom to discriminate against people who practice lifestyles and religions you don’t like.


“Ladies and gentlemen, our warning should be today, we can’t lose that [religious freedom],” Robertson said. “And when you have courts that are taking away the very essence of our democracy, the ground from which this great country came, when courts are saying that is unconstitutional, when they’re exalting aberrant lifestyles and saying that’s constitutional, when they’re defying the very essence of this nation, they are sowing the seeds, not of a new, prosperous nation but of the destruction of the one that’s already here.”

Aww. Sweet. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

5. Someone called the cops because a black guy had his hands in his pockets. Cops check out “suspicious" behavior.

This just in from Pontiac, Michigan where it is reportedly a tad chilly. Well, freezing, actually. A black man was walking around with his hands in his pockets. Seeing this suspicious behavior, a concerned citizen of indeterminate race called the police. A police officer dutifully checked it out, that being his job. The black guy, who identified himself as B McBean on the YouTube video he posted of the incident, was a little flabbergasted. “There’s got to be 10,000 people walking around with their hands in their pockets,” he tells the officer politely.

The cop says, “There’s been a lot of robberies.” And yes, that does seem like a bit of a non sequitur. The two men have a kind of stand-off where both of them have their phones out, aimed at each other to record the incident while they discuss the absurdity of their predicament.

The police officer explains that they got a call about “suspicious” behavior.

Add it to the list: Walking around with your hands in your pockets in Michigan, in the cold, while black, is suspicious.

PostPosted: 11/30/14 10:11 am • # 130 

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Add it to the list: Walking around with your hands in your pockets in Michigan, in the cold, while black, is suspicious.

Is "whiteface" racist?

PostPosted: 12/07/14 8:24 am • # 131 
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Here is this week's installment, which exposes more of the far-right/whacko-dom mindset ~ :ey ~ there are some "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
5 Right-Wing Lunacies This Week: O'Reilly Goes Way Off the Deep End
"Protests are a vast left-wing conspiracy," the conservative blabbermouth warns.

December 6, 2014 | 1. Bill O’Reilly: There’s a vast left-wing conspiracy behind the protests of the Eric Garner decision.

Bill O’Reilly, or Papa Bear, as Stephen Colbert so fondly calls him, has a warning for all right-thinking Americans: There is a vast, left-wing conspiracy coming to get you. Those protests that erupted on the streets of New York City and around the country following the Eric Garner grand jury decision not to indict the cop who choked him to death? They are a plot. An orchestrated plot. “They are not spontaneous,” O’Reilly said, nice and slow, so his watchers could comprehend.

OMG, what are they Papa Bear?

“They are well-planned disruptions from professional, anti-establishment provocateurs,” O’Reilly said, again, very slowly, and using graphics to illustrate his point. “That’s important to understand, because it is the American system that is being attacked, not the individual sagas of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.”

After careful investigation, O’Reilly warned, his program has learned that “radical far-left groups” like the Service Employees International Union, as well the group “This Stops Today” are being funded by “shadowy radical billionaire George Soros." (Those shadowy radical billionaires are the worst.)

You can tell this is all the work of dangerous leftists groups because they are using dastardly methods like social media to rally people to their cause. The horror. Also, as O’Reilly points out, New York is “Ground Zero” for the radical left, just as it was for Occupy Wall Street.

O’Reilly also named two other “grievance groups,” Communities United for Police Reform and “Hoodies for Justice,” as evildoers behind these peaceful protests. Some commentators have guessed that his impeccable researchers could have been referring to Million Hoodies Movement for Justice, which was an organization formed after the shooting death of hoodie-clad Florida teen Trayvon Martin and acquittal of George Zimmerman in 2012.

Earlier in the week, O’Reilly said that the members of the St. Louis Rams who made the “hands up, don’t shoot” gesture indicating solidarity with the protesters in nearby Ferguson, Missouri—where another police officer escaped charges for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager—were “not smart enough” to understand what the gesture means.

That too is indicative of the vast left wing conspiracy that is sweeping the land.

2. Mike Huckabee: Obama invited “thugs and mob members to the White House.”

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee accused President Obama of inviting “thugs and rioters and mob members" to the White House on Tuesday for a post-Ferguson summit to discuss civil rights and frayed police/community relations. Among those "thugs and mob members" were New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, Ferguson community organizer and activist Rashneen Aldridge, Jr., and executive director for the St. Louis Office of Teach for America, Brittany Packnett. Sounds like some dangerous characters to us. Huckabee told Newsmax TV those people “ought to be getting an invitation to the big house," rather than to the White House.

Good one.

Huckabee, the author of “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy,” and lunatic presidential aspirant has a message for all those who see injustice in the police killings of unarmed black men. “This is not about race," he said. "This is about law and order."

We sure are glad he straightened that out.

3. Charles Barkley: “There is a reason why they profile us.”

One of Huckabee’s favorite black people, NBA superstar and ESPN commentator Charles Barkley, announced this week in a CNN interview his full support for the Ferguson, Missouri grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown. On what basis? Oh, none. Was he there, and does he therefore know for a fact that Michael Brown did not have his hands up when Wilson shot him dead eight times? Nope. Is he bothered by some of the police lies that have subsequently come to light, such as the distance Michael Brown was from Wilson’s patrol car? Nope, doesn’t seem so.

Barkley called Ferguson rioters “scumbags,” winning the plaudits of many a right-winger, and took the opportunity to further criticize his fellow black people.

"We as black people, we have a lot of crooks," he said to CNN’s Brooke Baldwin on Tuesday. "We can't just wait until something like [the Michael Brown shooting] happens. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror.”

We’d contest Barkley’s assertion that we never talk about race until something bad happens. Seems to us, we often talk about race, even when we deny that we’re talking about race, like when President Obama’s birth certificate is questioned for the umpteenth time, or when he was accused of trying to kill Americans with Ebola. Or when John Boehner and the House Republicans seriously contemplate not inviting the President to give the State of the Union address.

It appears what Barkley means when he says “talking about race” is pretty much what Rudy Giuliani means when he tries to change the subject of police shootings of unarmed black men to his preferred subject, “black on black crime.”

"There is a reason that they racially profile us in the way they do,” Barkley admonished. “Sometimes it is wrong, and sometimes it is right.”

If this seems eerily reminiscent of Giuliani’s admonishment to black people to stop killing each other so white cops don’t have to, well, it is.

4. Rick Santorum: Separation of Church and State is a Communist Idea.

Sure hope Rick Santorum runs for president again. This theocracy booster told listeners that the words separation of church and state do not appear anywhere in the U.S. Constitution. You know where they appear? “It was in the constitution of the former Soviet Union,” Santorum said in a conference call with members of right-wing pastor E.W. Jackson’s STAND America.


Someone needs to do some time-traveling quick to inform Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other Founding Fathers that the amendment they drafted into the Constitution is a commie plot to separate us from Jesus!

5. Catholic League President: Atheists and agnostics are insane and die early.

A generous and eminently reasonable spiritual leader, Bill Donohue of the Catholic League, has generously offered to pay for therapy for unbelievers. That’s how concerned he is about our immortal souls.

Appearing on the Malzberg Show on Newsmax, Donohue pointed out that “secularists” have inferior “mental health, physical health” and a lot of them are in “asylums.” To which we say, "Wait, are there still asylums?"

Donohue says unbelievers are sick because they think they can do whatever the hell they want and don’t believe in those three little words “that we got from our Jewish friends: 'Thou shalt not.’”

He later pointed out he wasn’t talking about all atheists, just the small, organized cabal that is determined to “stick it to us.”

But he is willing to make a deal: He’ll pay for therapy if those pesky, war-on-Christmas-waging atheists “just take your hands, your mitts off the Catholics during Christmas.”

PostPosted: 12/14/14 8:40 am • # 132 
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Here is this week's installment ~ there are a few more "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
6 Insanely Stupid Right-Wing Moments this Week: Michele Bachmann Goes Out with a Bang
Geraldo Rivera and the 'Princeton Mom' spewed shockingly dumb victim-blaming stuff.

December 13, 2014 | 1. Michele Bachmann has a very cuckoo Christmas wish.

Michele Bachmann has just one big wish for Christmas this year: Mr. President, please bomb Iran. That’s what the outgoing Minnesota Rep. told President Obama at the White House holiday party on Monday.

Festive, no?

Bachmann described her exchange with the President to the ultra-Conservative site the Washington Free Beacon.

"I turned to the President and I said, something to the effect of, ‘Mr. President, you need to bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities, because if you don’t, Iran will have a nuclear weapon on your watch and the course of world history will change. . . . And he got his condescending smile on his face and laughed at me and said, ‘Well, Michele, it’s just not that easy.’"

Imagine that. The President did not take this insane woman's foreign policy suggestion seriously.

In other news, Bachmann blabbered inanely in her farewell speech to Congress about how Moses, the "ultimate lawgiver" is watching over them and staring right into the eyes of the Speaker of the House.

Damn, she’ll be missed.

2. Fox News has a clear winner in the contest for dumbest reaction to the CIA torture report.

Fox News really outdid itself this week to trivialize the shocking brutalities exposed in the CIA torture report. Sean Hannity acknowledged that being waterboarded 183 times probably “wasn’t pleasant.” But Eric Bolling wondered what all the whining was about. “Three were waterboarded. Five rectal rehydrations,” he allowed. “But zero died. Zero dismembered. Zero jumped to their death.” Yeah, c’mon guys, let’s not be so hard on ourselves. It’s not like we have a collection of hacked off body parts!

But for sheer idiocy, no one held a candle to Andrea Tantaros, who thought the occasion called for a pep talk about how “awesome” America is. Her speech: “The United States of America is awesome. We are awesome. But we’ve had this discussion. We’ve closed the book on it. And we stopped doing it. And the reason they want to have the discussion is not to show how awesome we are. This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we are not awesome.”

Now we know what it takes to qualify for a job at Fox News. Be 12 years old and have a vocabulary of, oh, about two words. America and awesome. Say them, mix them, switch them. Repeat, ad nauseum.

Jon Stewart had a hilarious segment on this, which you can watch here.

3. Geraldo Rivera has new slogan for black protesters: It’s all our fault.

Geraldo Rivera has a very bizarre propensity for getting hung up on clothing when unarmed black men get killed by armed white men. First there was his off-kilter rant about hoodies being the source of the problem when Trayvon Martin was shot. This week, he expressed his displeasure with LeBron James’ ‘I Can’t Breathe’ tee-shirt, which the NBA superstar wore to express his solidarity with Eric Garner and those protesting his homicide. Geraldo Rivera thought LeBron should wear a tee-shirt that said, “Be a father to your son.”

Hmmm, definitely doesn’t pack the same punch.

There was an uproar, and then Rivera doubled down in a Facebook post, saying he “understood how the issue of young black men being killed by cops has touched a deep nerve,” which is rather an understatement. But he still thinks we should instead be talking about the favorite conservative talking point, which is how black people are to blame for their problems. Then he went back to giving James sartorial advice and wondered why he doesn’t use his fame to wear shirts that chastise black people for their perceived moral failings.

In other words, Rivera thinks James should be more like Charles Barkley, who is always happy to chastise black people.

4. Princeton mom: Getting raped at college while drunk is a wonderful opportunity to learn.

Author Susan Patton, a.k.a. Princeton Mom, has as great deal to say to young women about how they should comport themselves in college and how they need get busy hunting for husbands RIGHT NOW! But if you do get raped in college, gals, Patton suggests that you chalk it up “to a learning experience.”

Hoo boy.

The occasion for the pearl-clad ‘50s throwback to bestow this wisdom was a CNN interview about college rape, which she is just really confused about. Why, it’s all people talk about on college campuses these days! She’d like us to get back to the more important college topic of husband hunting and why no one seems to want to date her son.

“What makes this so particularly prickly is the definition of rape,” Patton said to indignant host Carol Costello. “It no longer is when a woman is violated at the point of a gun or a knife. We’re now talking about or identifying as rape what really is clumsy hook-up melodrama or a fumbled attempt at a kiss or a caress.”

“This is with a friend, this is in your own home,” she said, sounding completely flummoxed. "It makes one wonder, why do you not just get up and leave?”

Why didn’t anyone think of that? Patton knows all about it because she once talked to a real-live rape victim, although she did not really believe her. “There’s rape, and then there’s rape,” she said, unoriginally. “I believe that she experienced something that she regretted. I believe that she got very drunk, and had sex with a man that she regretted the next morning. To me, that’s not a crime. That’s not rape. That’s a learning experience. That has to do with making choices and taking responsibility for those choices.”

But, she insisted, she was in no way blaming victims. She was just assigning them responsibility and lecturing them about what they did wrong. That’s different. She also invited rape victims to come talk to her to get this lecture in person.

They're lining up now.

5. CIA Director Hayden: Forcing food into people's rectums is medical.

CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden got a little defensive this week about just one of the alarming revelations in the CIA torture report, that detainees were sometimes forcibly rectally fed, and rectally rehydrated. On CNN in conversation with Jake Tapper, He called these instances “medical procedures” that were necessary to get fluids into dehydrated detainees and were not used as “a method of interrogation.”

Doctors and psychiatrists have noted that there is nothing "medical" about it, digestion does not work that way, and that this anally focused "treatment" resembles medieval torture, and is humiliating and kinda rapey.

But that's just them.

6. Phyllis Schlafly tells men that it is time for them to fear college.

Eagle Forum founder, and, let’s face it, doddering old windbag, Phyllis Schafly said this week that college is too dangerous for young men now because feminists are waging an all-out war on them.

She was, of course, discussing the unraveling of the Rolling Stone story chronicling the alleged gang rape of a University of Virginia freshman, which is a bonanza for rape deniers and conservative windbags everywhere.

“It’s really dangerous for a guy to go to college these days,” Schlafly told WorldNetDaily. “He’s better off if he doesn’t talk to any women when he gets there.”

Later she said: “There isn’t any rape culture. There is a war on men, and [feminists] are very open about it.”

Yeupp, it’s open season, all right.

Notably Schlafly also believes that a man cannot rape his wife, since marriage is, by definition, consent.

So, yeah, we should definitely listen to her.

PostPosted: 12/21/14 9:15 am • # 133 
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Here is this week's installment showcasing the fabled far, far right "wisdom" ~ :g ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
7 Demented Right-Wing Moments This Week: Fox Wants a Royalty Check From Colbert?
And Antonin Scalia explains his stunning torture logic.

December 20, 2014 | 1. Antonin Scalia: Torturing convicts is a no-go, but torturing suspects is A-OK.

Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia was asked this week by the BBC about the CIA’s fully exposed use of torture in the years after the 9/11 attacks, and he found, shall we say, some rather interesting hairs to split.

“We have laws against torture,” Scalia said. (Whew.) But then he added, “The Constitution says nothing whatever about torture. It speaks of punishment; ‘cruel and unusual’ punishments are forbidden.”

“So torture is forbidden, in that case?” his interlocutor asked.

“If it’s imposed as a punishment, yes,” Scalia responded. “If you condemn someone who has committed a crime to be tortured, that would be unconstitutional.”

OK, good. But notice how it seems to leave a bit of an opening for torture. That’s not a mistake. When Scalia is asked about torture as a tool for interrogation, his tune changes: “We have never held that that’s contrary to the Constitution. And I don’t know what provision of the Constitution that would contravene.”

Uh oh.

“Listen, I think it is very facile for people to say, ‘Oh, torture is terrible.’ You posit the situation where a person that you know for sure knows the location of a nuclear bomb that has been planted in Los Angeles and will kill millions of people. You think it’s an easy question? You think it’s clear that you cannot use extreme measures to get that information out of that person? I don’t think that’s so clear at all.

“And once again, it’s this sort of self-righteousness of European liberals who answer that question so readily and so easily. It’s not that easy a question.”

There you have it, you European liberals always unreasonably saying never to torture people. It's fine to torture some people, sometimes. Just not convicts.

2. Fox Newsian: No fair. Colbert got rich off of our idiocy.

A shocking outbreak of truthiness and Christmas spirit occurred on Fox News on Friday. The Five gang was sitting around acknowledging that Colbert’s finale was pretty darn impressive. Among the things they marveled at was Henry Kissinger’s presence on the show and Kareem Abdul Jabar’s height.

“It was an epic send-off,” co-host Eric Bolling said amongst the sparkling commentary, “one of the best I’ve ever seen.”

“Very fun,” former Bush administration press officer Dana Perino agreed. “I thought it would have been great to have Bill O’Reilly on there.”

Yes, Papa Bear was sorely missed. Then again, he is probably licking his wounds over all the blows Colbert has landed over the years.

“It was fine,” said Greg Gutfeld. “But he should really write an eight-figure check to Fox News because all of our gaffes made that man’s career.”

Yupp. He said that. Interesting that he calls them “gaffes.” Guess that’s his word for a relentless, years-long campaign of hate-spewing, truth-distorting bile, racism, spiteful misinformation, victim-blaming, and anti-intellectualism that has done real and lasting damage to actual people and set the country back a few decades and deepened its divisions.

3. Ann Coulter: Women who are raped just want attention.

Ann Coulter says she does not know anyone who has been raped. Odd, isn’t it. You’d think she’d be the warm and fuzzy female friend many a woman would turn to after a traumatizing event. Last week, the conservative radio personality appeared on the Lars Larson Show and asserted that the whole campus rape thing is an invented problem, and the Rolling Stone story proves it.

“People know what rape is,” she said, “and to have girls trying to get attention, from Lena Dunham to this poor psychotic at UVA, Lady Gaga claiming she was raped but she didn’t admit it to herself for five years. What major crime do people say, ‘I didn’t admit it to myself?'"

Coulter is shocked, shocked I tell you, at this appalling fraud. “There are a few, very few, percentage of actual rapists, and as I said on Hannity, but his idiot producer cut it, they’re usually Clintons or Kennedys.”

And a very merry Christmas to you, too, Ann.

4. Fox Business Newsian: Elizabeth Warren is the devil.

Melissa Francis needs to get a grip. The Faux Business host promised that Wall Street will devote all of its resources to defeat its arch nemesis Elizabeth Warren should the reform-minded Massachusetts senator decide to run for president. They will do this, Francis says, because bankers and traders believe Warren is “actually the devil.” Yes, actually. And she agrees with those bankers and traders. “I mean, without question, Elizabeth Warren is the devil,” she said.

It was all part of a very elevated discussion of 2016 presidential politics on Tuesday’s edition of Out Numbered, with America-is-awesome-even-though-it-tortures-people host Andrea Tantaros. This brain scientist noted that Hillary Clinton’s delay in announcing her candidacy is fueling Warren supporters.

“I think Elizabeth Warren is going to capitalize on not only her economic populism, but also the social justice aspect,” co-host Kennedy Montgomery said, pointing out that all of the senators who were potential presidential candidates had voted against a recent budget bill that weakened consumer financial protections.

“And she"—meaning she-devil Warren—“really came out smelling like a rose,” Francis said.

You know it’s bad when the devil wears her rose perfume.

5. Missouri GOPer: Women should get men’s permission for abortion.

This whole notion of a Republican war on women is pure poppycock. Amirite? You might have to ask a man because one super-enlightened Missouri legislator does not think women can make decisions about their own bodies.

This marvel of modern-day enlightenment thinking, state representative Rick Brattin, recently proposed a bill that says, “No abortion shall be performed or induced unless and until the father of the unborn child provides written, notarized consent to the abortion.”

There are exceptions for cases or rape and incest, but even those are limited, you know, to legitimate rape, "Just like any rape, you have to report it, and you have to prove it," Brattin tells Mother Jones. “So you couldn’t just go and say, ‘Oh yeah, I was raped’ and get an abortion. It has to be a legitimate rape.”

Women are always doing that, “Oh yeah, I was raped," thing.

Also, Brattin’s use of the term “legitimate rape” should in no way be confused with former Mo. Rep. Todd Akin's use of the term.

"I’m just saying if there was a legitimate rape, you’re going to make a police report, just as if you were robbed," Brattin says. "That’s just common sense." He hastened to add that “legitimate rape” is the kind of rape you can easily prove. Because you’re either dead or badly beaten.

What’s next, legitimate incest?

6. Gordon Klingenschmitt recommends you pray for your healthcare.

It used to be that you could pretty much laugh off right-wing Christian lunatic Gordon Klingenschmitt’s every utterance. But the hate-spewing former Navy chaplain went and got himself elected to the state legislature in Colorado, giving him an unfortunate mantle of legitimacy.

Well, at least he’s wearing it responsibly. This week he turned his ample intellect to the problem of healthcare and came up with an answer: Jesus.

He was commenting on a Fox News poll (Yeah, so totally on the up-and-up) that showed 58 percent of respondents wanted to repeal Obamacare, reported Right Wing Watch.

“We ought to look to the Lord for our healthcare,” Klingenschmitt said during his PIJN News program.

It’s right there in Exodus, Klingenschmitt pointed out (the Old Testament book, not the Ridley Scott movie, you heathens).

‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‏‏‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‏‏‎‏‎‎‏‎‏‏‏‏‎‏‏‏‏‎‏‎‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‏‎‏‏‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‎“He said, ‘If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.’”

“Isn’t that inspiring? I personally prefer to look to almighty God as my healer and not to the government as a substitute god or substitute healer,” Klingenschmitt said.

And then he prayed. No, really.

7. Rick Santorum assures us he has had sex, not that we asked.

Rick Santorum is such a fun guy. He had a wonderful time joshing around about his sex (tee-hee-hee, he said that word!) life in a recent interview with the Daily Caller.

His interviewer said: "If you run [for the White House], lots of people are going to shriek about sex, Christianity and accuse you of being a wild-eyed social conservative. And that’ll shape the willingness of younger voters, urban voters, upper-income voters to pull the lever for you. What are you going to tell these guys?"

Santorum responded: “I’ve spoken on a lot of college campuses and a lot of high schools, and [I've got] seven kids, so obviously sex isn’t a real problem for me….”

PostPosted: 12/21/14 12:44 pm • # 134 
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“Three were waterboarded. Five rectal rehydrations,” he allowed. “But zero died. Zero dismembered. Zero jumped to their death.” Yeah, c’mon guys, let’s not be so hard on ourselves. It’s not like we have a collection of hacked off body parts!

that statement is totally false. over 100 detainees have died under interrogation conditions.

PostPosted: 12/21/14 1:19 pm • # 135 

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“Listen, I think it is very facile for people to say, ‘Oh, torture is terrible.’ You posit the situation where a person that you know for sure knows the location of a nuclear bomb that has been planted in Los Angeles and will kill millions of people. You think it’s an easy question? You think it’s clear that you cannot use extreme measures to get that information out of that person? I don’t think that’s so clear at all.

“And once again, it’s this sort of self-righteousness of European liberals who answer that question so readily and so easily. It’s not that easy a question.”

Well, even as a non-European, non-liberal, I still reckon the answer is pretty easy.

I mean, this guy is a Supreme Court Justice and he thinks that laws should cover every possible and incredibly extreme situation?

Give me a law and I'm pretty sure I could come up with a scenario where the right thing to do is to break it.

That's one of the reasons we have judges in the first place ...

PostPosted: 12/21/14 9:37 pm • # 136 
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Whenever someone says "European Liberal" it's game over, IMHO.
Next up, Scalia will invoke the Nazis.

PostPosted: 12/28/14 8:31 am • # 137 
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Here is this week's installment ~ can't you just feel the far right whack-a-doodle's Christmas season "good will to all" spirit? ~ :ey ~ there are more "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
5 Absurd Right-Wing Moments this Week: Sarah Palin Hawks Christmas Book in a Negligee
And O'Reilly takes time out from his vacation to be a complete jerk.

December 27, 2014 | 1. Sarah Palin joyously hawks her Christmas book for the good of all mankind.

If you are not a regular viewer of the Sarah Palin YouTube channel, you might have missed Palin’s nearly four-minute infomercial for her book about recapturing the true heart of Christmas. It’s called Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas and it’s a must-have.

See, the heart of Christmas has been stolen by some mean-spirited atheists and their attorneys. You've heard about the War on Christmas? Well, if you can hear above the din of Christmas carols blaring from every speaker in the whole world.

Palin just really wants to “put the Christ back in Christmas.” And she wants to do that for people of all faiths so they too can be joyous. Isn’t that nice? Because Christmas for Sarah Palin is about freedom. It’s about her freedom to worship as she wants, and to simultaneously shove that freedom to only be Christian down everyone else’s throat. Another thing she’d like to shove down everyone’s throat is her special Christmas moose chili. She does not want to brag about her moose chili, but she does want everyone to know that it is “really, really, really good.”

She’d also like to show all her dedicated viewers that she often cooks that Christmas moose chili in a sexy black, shoulderless evening number, that she looks “really, really, really good” in.

You lucky ducks can watch it here.

2. Bill O’Reilly interrupts his vacation to be a complete jerk.

Bill O’Reilly offered his reliably incisive insight into New York politics in the wake of the murder of two police officers in Brooklyn. Just kidding, he was a total douche.

O’Reilly bravely interrupted his vacation this week to call his own show and pompously spout off about New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. O’Reilly does not care for de Blasio (de Blasio is weeping copious tears over that), mostly because de Blasio is friends with Al Sharpton and sometimes expresses sympathy with black people. “He is a far left individual, who cannot run this city,” O’Reilly spewed. Also, the Fox Newsian blowhard has had cops in his family. And he, like a lot of other right-wingers, says de Blasio is anti-cop simply because the mayor has expressed support for reforming some abusive police practices. The proof that de Blasio is "anti-cop" is that he dared speak in a personal way about how his discussions with his black son Dante about taking “special care” in his dealings with police. Giving your black son honest if painful advice apparently meets the definition of bad parenting for O’Reilly. “What type of responsible father tells that to his son?” model father O’Reilly whined.

O’Reilly took pains not to blame the NYC mayor for the murders of the two police officers in Brooklyn, then basically blamed him, as well as the police reform protesters. “Aiding and abetting Brinsley, those protesters who yelled ‘we want dead cops.’ They should be shunned.”

But O’Reilly did have one nice word for the actual killer, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, saying, “I hope he’s enjoying hell right now.”

Presumably O’Reilly has gone back to enjoying a nice warm climate himself.

3. Rush Limbaugh is apoplectic at the thought of a black James Bond.

With all the problems in the world, the one that really had Rush Limbaugh worked up into a lather this week was a casting decision he disagrees with. Not even a decision, actually, a casting trial balloon. It turns out that Sony honcho Amy Pascal floated the idea of a black actor being the next James Bond in one of her hacked emails.

The horror.

Limbaugh was not quite sure how to pronounce British actor Idris Elba’s name, but the shock-jock is certain about Bond’s ethnic origins. “James Bond is a total concept put together by Ian Fleming,” Limbaugh said. “He was white and Scottish, period. That is who James Bond is. Was.”

This is a sacred fact about a fictional character that can never be altered. Of course, an actor from a country other than Scotland can play Bond, because, well, that’s acting! But he must be white!

Why? Dunno.

Limbaugh then engaged in a little tit-for-tat. How would people like it if white actors portrayed the Obamas, Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice? (Scarlett Johansson was his choice for Condi.) How ‘bout Kelsey Grammer for Nelson Mandela?

Then Limbaugh’s head simply exploded into tiny little confetti-like bits unable to sustain all the pressure from the build-up of gaseous hot air.

4. Bernard Kerik: Protesters against police violence are more dangerous than all our other enemies.

For some reason, saw fit to run an absurdly overblown piece of right-wing propaganda this week by Rudy Giuliani’s former police commissioner, Bernard Kerik. In it, ex-con Kerik breathlessly declares that there is a war going on right here in the homeland, a war on law and order and a war on cops. This war is being waged by an enemy more dangerous than all of our other enemies, including ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, combined. That enemy is us.


Cops, according to Kerik, are nothing but good. They never pick on blacks and "Hispanics." Nowhere does Kerik show the faintest glimmer of recognition that the protests are against abusive police practices, not police themselves. Details, details. Oh, but nevermind. Kerik needs to do some more unchecked, hysterical fearmongering courtesy of

It’s a lie! It’s a lie that has inflamed the hearts and minds of many and turned them against every cop in the nation. It’s a lie that has the potential to rip America at its seams and cause damage far worse than any attack on our country, including that on 9/11/2001.

Worse than 9/11? Calm down, Bernie. Breathe. Didn't you get anger management classes in prison?

5. Koch-backed, pro-fossil fuel group seems very mixed up what exactly torture is.

Much as Bernard Kerik compared largely peaceful protesters to 9/11 terrorists, the American Energy Alliance, a Koch-backed pro-fossil fuel group, says it is being tortured by environmental regulations. Tortured, they tell you. Rectal feedings and everything. That’s what it’s like when the EPA tells you to limit your smog emissions.

In a short and extremely comical recent blog post called "The EPA Torture Report," the group claimed that the EPA's proposed limits on smog-forming pollutants and carbon dioxide were comparable to the tactics used by the CIA on post 9/11 detainees. In fact, the post implied the EPA’s efforts to reduce pollution were even worse than torture. How could that be? Because it is being done to Americans, that’s why "[I]t's clear that the CIA isn't the only government agency engaged in torture," the post read. "At least the CIA isn't torturing Americans."

Seriously, they said that.

So save a spot in the line for war criminals to be tried at the Hague. Right behind Dick Cheney et al, those evildoers at the EPA.

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