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PostPosted: 06/01/14 1:00 pm • # 76 
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roseanne wrote:
Phil Robertson: Bibles in classrooms will prevent school shootings.

Snort. There have been Bibles in motels/hotels for a long time and they don't prevent fornication, adultery, sodomy and other horrors that Phil get's his panties in a wad over. lmao. I'm amazed how the religious right thinks a book can cure all ills, but won't support gun control because, well..... guns are harmless. :eyes

There's a whole lot of 16 and 17 year olds who lost their virginity in hotel rooms. Do you think having the Bible there contributed to that?

PostPosted: 06/01/14 1:43 pm • # 77 

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"Go forth and multiply" isn't about maths, ya know.

PostPosted: 06/01/14 1:43 pm • # 78 
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jimwilliam wrote:
roseanne wrote:
Phil Robertson: Bibles in classrooms will prevent school shootings.

Snort. There have been Bibles in motels/hotels for a long time and they don't prevent fornication, adultery, sodomy and other horrors that Phil get's his panties in a wad over. lmao. I'm amazed how the religious right thinks a book can cure all ills, but won't support gun control because, well..... guns are harmless. :eyes

There's a whole lot of 16 and 17 year olds who lost their virginity in hotel rooms. Do you think having the Bible there contributed to that?

LOL, it IS full of lascivious descriptions. Maybe so. ;) It certainly didn't stop it. And....what about murders that happen in hotel/motel rooms? Did the presence of a Bible stop that? (rhetorical question)

PostPosted: 06/01/14 2:28 pm • # 79 

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roseanne wrote:
jimwilliam wrote:
roseanne wrote:
Phil Robertson: Bibles in classrooms will prevent school shootings.

Snort. There have been Bibles in motels/hotels for a long time and they don't prevent fornication, adultery, sodomy and other horrors that Phil get's his panties in a wad over. lmao. I'm amazed how the religious right thinks a book can cure all ills, but won't support gun control because, well..... guns are harmless. :eyes

There's a whole lot of 16 and 17 year olds who lost their virginity in hotel rooms. Do you think having the Bible there contributed to that?

LOL, it IS full of lascivious descriptions. Maybe so. ;) It certainly didn't stop it. And....what about murders that happen in hotel/motel rooms? Did the presence of a Bible stop that? (rhetorical question)

Only if your Bible was faster than a speeding bullet.

PostPosted: 06/08/14 7:42 am • # 80 
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Here is this week's installment ~ I'll go one-up on Rand Paul's facetious comment to trade Dems to the Taliban by suggesting here are several better candidates to trade ~ :g ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
6 Right-Wing Lunacies This Week: I’m Not A Scientist But I’m Going to Wage War On Science Anyway
"Carbon dioxide is good for plants, why do we have to limit it?"

June 7, 2014 | 1. Gavin McInnes: White liberals love Neil deGrasse Tyson so much he could defecate on them.

Gavin McInnes, ousted founder of Vice, now noted for racist, homophobic and misogynistic comments, obviously has all the right credentials to be invited onto Fox for some sober commentary about important things.

Just kidding. He was invited on the show to spew hateful and vile things and that’s just what he did. In a segment devoted to picking apart an interview with “Cosmos” host Neil deGrasse Tyson and Chris Hayes, McGinnes did not disappoint.

While talking to Hayes, Tyson had the audacity to make a joke, about his “greatest fear” being that intelligent life would steer clear of making contact with Earth because of the signals we unwittingly put out into space — including past TV and radio programs.

Pretty funny, right? Maybe a little science nerdy, but he is a scientist after all.

“I hate this guy,” McInnes blurted out. “I remember hearing Chris Hardwick on a podcast talk about Neil deGrasse Tyson and he was just salivating. White liberal nerds love this guy so much, he could defecate on them like Martin Bashir’s fantasies and they would dance in the streets.”

Little surprise he then segued from not very veiled racism to out-and-out racism saying that Tyson deserved whatever racial profiling he got when he was young because he “looked the part.”

“He talks about things like, ‘when I was young in New York I would get racially profiled when I’d go into stores,’” McInnes said. “Back then he looked like he was in the Warriors. He had a huge afro and a cutoff shirt and New York was a war zone. Sorry, you fit the profile.”

Meaning of course, being black.

2. Virtually every Republican after new EPA rules came out: I’m not a scientist but... here’s a bunch of idiotic stuff I learned in grade school.

The “I’m not a scientist, but” statement of faux humility was the most popular refrain this week in Republican circles, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and press conferences. It was almost always followed by either second-grade level science like, “but carbon dioxide is good for plants, why do we have to limit it?” Or some other nonsensical argument against the new, much needed regulations.

There is, of course, only one retort to, “I’m not a scientist, but ….”

It's, “That’s right, so shut up and listen to what actual scientists have been saying about this for, like, ever.”

We know, we know. We live in dreamland.

The stupid reactions to Obama’s announced coal restrictions ran the gamut.

You can read about them here. And here. But if we had to pick a favorite, just on the grounds of moronic immaturity, the prize has to go to this pathetic imbecile:

“Thanks to the Obama administration’s EPA and the new regulations released today, America is poised to become the ‘no pee’ section of the global swimming pool,” said Marita Noon, executive director of some bogus right-wing group called Citizens Alliance for Responsible Energy. “Just because we declare that we won’t pee in the pool, won’t stop the others.… We’ll be stuck in our little no-pee section with a crippled economy while the rest of the world will be frolicking in unfettered growth.”

Well now, that is a terrific way of deciding on matters of vital national (and international) interest. C’mon everybody, let’s keep peeing in the pool, until, well, the pool is entirely urine, and no longer any water whatsoever. Or, they catch us, whatever comes last.

3. Glenn Beck: God speaks to me about destroying people’s political careers.

Hoo boy, Glenn Beck piled crazy on top of crazy this week reaching new paroxysms of crazy. First he told listeners to the Blaze that God told him to destroy Van Jones’ White House career. Holy moly. Yahweh himself. “I don’t know how we figured out Van Jones,” Beck said. “I really don’t know how we figured out Van Jones,” he said. “That was really — that was not from man.”

Cue spooky music.

“Because I didn’t even know who he was, and there was two conversations happening in my office. I have two producers talking about Van Jones, and they were getting ready to talk to me about something, and I was talking to another two producers. And as I’m listening and I’m engaged in that, I just hear the name ‘Van Jones,’ and I said to those producers, ‘Stop.’ I turn around and said, ‘What was the name you just said?’ They said, Van Jones.”

Okay, so hearing voices. Makes sense.

4. Brian Kilmeade: Bowe Bergdahl’s father’s beard strikes me as Taliban-ish.

A precondition to being a buffoon is blindness to your own buffoonery, and hypocrisy. And nothing beats the hypocrisy of the Republican response to the release of the American soldier Bowe Bergdahl. Initial cheers and tweets were immediately taken down and the distorted memory of Ronald Reagan as master-hostage-negotiator-with-terrorists has been resurrected. Iran/contra player Oliver North is making the rounds on conservative media, as if anything the convicted perjurer had to say was in the least bit relevant.

But the commentary on the release of Bergdahl from his Taliban captors reached its nadir when the right-wing commentariat decided to make the soldier’s father’s beard an issue. Brian Kilmeade told Fox & Friends that the beard, which Bergdahl’s father had been growing as a symbol of his son’s captivity, made the soldier’s father look like he was in the Taliban.

“I mean, he says he was growing his beard because his son was in captivity,” Kilmeade blathered. “Well, your son’s out now. So if you really don’t — no longer look like a member of the Taliban, you don’t have to look like a member of the Taliban. Are you out of razors?”

So, here’s the deal with long beards. They are copacetic with Fox & Friends as long as you say racist and homophobic things and declare Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, a la Phil Robertson and the Duck Dynasty clan. Otherwise, they're a no-go. Especially if you speak a word of Arabic. Then you’re obviously in cahoots with suspiciously clean-shaven Obama for the Muslim takeover of America.

5. Ben Carson: Obamacare is worse than 9/11.

It’s hard to top calling Obamacare worse than slavery for crazy and offensive comparison. But neurosurgeon-turned-right-wing crackpot Ben Carson has a restless mind. During an interview with the Daily Beast this week, Carson defended his position that Obamacare was sooooooo bad, it was worse than 9/11.

Carson pointed out that he thinks “9/11 is an isolated incident,” and of course, Obamacare is this ongoing catastrophe where millions of previously uninsured people now have access to healthcare.

When his questioner asked repeatedly what had done more harm to America, Obamacare or Osama bin Laden, Carson lost his cool.

Carson: “Will you listen? You have to take a long-term look at something that fundamentally changes the power structure of America. You have to be someone who reads. Who is well read.”

And if you read the same kinds of things Carson does —and believe them—you too can come up with crazily ridiculous comparisons.

6. Elisabeth Hasselbeck cheers on homophobic baker.

Haters gonna hate. Sometimes haters gonna pretend their hating is love. And so the right-wing has taken up the cause of the oh-so principled Colorado baker who courageously refused to sell cakes to same-sex couples. Well, now Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips has been ordered by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission to stop discriminating against people whose sexual preferences are different from his.

Fox Newsian Elisabeth Hasselbeck thinks that freedom is under assault here. Religious freedom, that is. Religious freedom to discriminate against others, as long as that religion is Christian.

“Keep going strong there,” she told the brave baker.

But the brave baker has taken his baking toys and is going home. He won’t bake if it must be for the kind of people he does not wish to eat his cake.

Strike another blow for freedom!

h/t: RawStory

PostPosted: 06/15/14 7:48 am • # 81 
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Here is this week's installment ~ obviously, there is no shortage for evidence of disturbed/disturbing right-wing "thinking" ~ :g ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
7 Odious Right-Wing Statements This Week: The Ignorant Bash Gays in Even New Ways, Edition
'Homosexuality is like alcoholism.'

June 14, 2014 | 1. Rick Perry: Homosexuality = alcoholism. Same thing.

The Texas GOP unveiled an all-out crazy platform this week, which includes climate denialism, appointment rather than election of senators, and a repeal of the state’s hate-crimes law. It also includes support for reparative therapy and treatment to patients who are seeking escape from the homosexual lifestyle, which has, of course, been completely discredited.

Asked what he thought of the inclusion of “gay cure therapy” in the platform, Gov. Rick Perry first said he didn't know if it works (no, Rick, it doesn’t), then added:

"Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that," he responded, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. "I may have the genetic coding that I’m inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way."

Putting homosexuality and alcoholism in the same category is beyond offensive. And not too bright. But then Perry is the guy who said evolution is ”a theory that’s out there,” and thought that was all he needed to say about it. The contemptible comparison between homosexuality and alcoholism only required him to hold two things in his head at the same time, instead of three, which he has a well-known problem doing.

Comic Paul Rudnick wrote a brief and hilarious response to the governor’s confusion called “Driving While Gay,” in which he chronicles some of the things he’s done “under the influence of homosexuality.”

- While driving gay, I once killed a busload of schoolchildren. With an offhand remark.

- I once became visibly gay at a party, and I vomited. Because of the wallpaper.

- A policeman once pulled me over and administered a test to determine how gay I was. The policeman was one of the Village People.

- I once became so gay that I lapsed into a coma. This was right after seeing Gypsy, Cage Aux Folles and Follies all in one weekend.

- I like to think of myself as only an occasional homosexual, but sometimes my gayness gets much worse. Sometimes I wake up gay.

- I once became so gay that I thought Rick Perry was cute. That was when I knew I needed help.

We aren't even going to attempt to top that.

2. Laura Ingraham: Now that same-sex marriage is legal, polyamorous marriages are next.

Laura Ingraham took time out from bashing immigrants and celebrating her anti-immigration, libertarian boy Dave Brat’s upset victory over Eric Cantor this week to bash gay marriage. First, she aired an interview with a young boy being raised in a polyamorous family, a household which the boy described as having “two dads, one mom, and two other people dating each other.”

“That’s a lot to keep track of,” the interviewer said.

“Not really,” the boy replied.

He may have been unperturbed, but Ingraham was very upset to hear this. (She loves children, except those immigrant kids, who kind of scare her.)

“I thought that was beyond sad and disturbing and very predictable,” she began. “The polyamorous cases for marriage are already making their way through the court system, I believe. I don’t know how the Supreme Court could possibly conclude that marriage isn’t appropriate for them. What’s so special about two? Why not three or four or five? Why not one? Why can’t I be married to myself?”

Yeah, why can’t she marry herself? She’s perfect for herself. Come to think of it, Laura, we fully support your right to be married to yourself, and live happily ever after.

But Laura is not happy.

“The logic just isn’t there,” she concluded. “Once you take it away from the biological underpinning, from the Judeo-Christian idea... anything goes.”

Sounds like a good idea for a musical.

3. Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid: Pot not guns made Vegas shooters kill.

The Daily Beast's John Avlon wrote a rather convincing piece about Jerad and Amanda Miller, the couple who murdered two Las Vegas police officers last week, being right-wing Alex Jones fans and anti-government nuts. But, of course, this little nugget of truth about “hatriot politics” sent the right-wingnuts scurrying for another explanation.

Cliff Kincaid of right-wing Accuracy in Media sprung into action, claiming “progressives” had to take blame for the Millers because they supported legalization of pot. He also sought to make conspiracy theorist Alex Jones a progressive problem.

“[Alex] Jones is not a right-wing talk-radio host. He is a marijuana enthusiast who promoted a movie called Guns and Weed: The Road to Freedom,” he wrote. “The liberals would prefer to focus on the guns, not the drugs.”

Maybe that’s because weed doesn’t kill people, guns do.

For the remainder of the piece, Kincaid called Miller a pothead.

Hey Kincaid, potheads don’t kill people either, but guns do, with jarring and deplorable regularity. And guns together with combustible right-wing hate rhetoric? Deadly combo.

See more.

4. Pat Robertson to kid: Don’t call the cops on your gun-wielding dad. You wouldn’t want to get him in trouble.

The doddering “700 Club” preacher gave some highly questionable advice to a terrified child this week. The kid wrote in:

“Whenever my parents fight, my dad threatens my mom with his gun. Fortunately, this now means nothing to my mom, and she never goes nuts about it; she is very calm. But as a child, I get nervous and worried when this happens. Even my younger brother saw this incident. What should we do about it and him?”

"Well, you don't want to get your father busted... but you could," Robertson replied.

That was his first reaction.

"Say, 'Mom, this thing is scaring me and I ask you, please, to get my father to have some help,'" Robertson said.

Robertson rambled on, reassuring the child that the situation was indeed dangerous. "One day he's gonna pull the trigger. It doesn't take too much if you've got a loaded weapon and you're brandishing it around, 'I'm gonna kill you,' and the next thing you know the thing goes off. Maybe accidentally, but the mother will wind up dead," he said. "You need to do something to intervene but you're a kid, what do you do, y'know? Your mother ought to take care of that."

Hopefully, dad won’t shoot mom when she “takes care of that.”

h/t: RawStory

5. Creationist Darek Isaacs: If evolution is true, then rape must be okay.

What a confused little puppy Darek Isaacs is. That’s what comes of reading too much of the Bible, and taking it all very literally. Giant leaps of offensive illogic often ensue. In what has to be one of the more desperate attempts on record to discredit evolution, Isaacs claimed this week on an episode of “Creation Today” that if evolution is true, rape must be okay.

His exact words: “You have to start asking questions: Well, if evolution is true, and it’s just all about the male propagating their DNA, we had to ask hard questions, like, well, is rape wrong?”

Marriage should also be “anathema” in the evolutionary worldview, he added. “According to the evolutionary worldview, [if] that male is strong enough and he had wonderful genes, he should propagate his DNA as much as possible so that the species can progress,” Isaacs said. “So it redefines everything about our society.”

We have a feeling that Isaacs is just hoping that people will see the light of creationism when they turn these statements around. Rape is not okay, and we do have marriage, therefore... God obviously created the world in six days, exactly 6,000 years ago.

See? Makes perfect sense.

6. Tony Perkins: Gays plan a ‘holocaust’ against Christians. They are readying the boxcars.

Bill Maher has declared the culture wars over, citing the fact that Michael Sam kissed his white boyfriend on television during the NFL draft as evidence. But the cultural warriors on the other side are amping up the rhetoric (see above Rick Perry and Laura Ingraham, for starters). And then there’s Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, who is immersed in the ongoing right-wing apoplexia about the fact that the homophobic Colorado baker who refused to sell cakes to same-sex couples has been found to have unlawfully discriminated against them by Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission.

While discussing the case with the baker’s attorney, Perkins compared the whole thing to the Holocaust.

“I’m beginning to think, are re-education camps next?” he said. “When are they going to start rolling out the boxcars to start hauling off Christians?”

The attorney agreed it was nothing short of a “witch hunt.”

Hoo boy. The crazy metaphors are flying tonight.

See more.

7. Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran: I grew up doing all sorts of indecent things with animals.

Eric Cantor’s loss seems to have sent all sorts of Republicans off the deep end this week.

In a campaign appearance on Tuesday, embattled Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran (R), who is fighting off Tea Party challenger Chris McDaniel, thought he would connect with audience by referring to his youthful shenanigans and boyhood bestiality.

Cochran was addressing a group of donors and supporters at Forrest General Hospital in Hattiesburg, and thought this would be a good way to establish his connection to the area.

“I grew up coming down here for Christmas,” he said. “My father’s family was here. My mother’s family was from rural Hinds County in Utica.”

“It was fun, it was an adventure to be out there in the country and to see what goes on,” he said of his boyhood visits to Hattiesburg. “Picking up pecans, from that to all kinds of indecent things with animals.”

The audience chuckled. Politely, we’re going to say. At least we hope it was just polite. Cochran thought it was something else.

“And I know some of you know what that is,” Cochran said. Wink wink.

Boy, if that doesn’t get out the votes, we don’t know what will.

PostPosted: 06/15/14 3:24 pm • # 82 

Joined: 10/20/15
Posts: 4032
Putting homosexuality and alcoholism in the same category is beyond offensive.
The contemptible comparison between homosexuality and alcoholism

Maybe, but its just a little bit rough on us alcoholics.

PostPosted: 06/22/14 7:47 am • # 83 
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Here is this week's installment of more lunacy from the right ~ :g ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
6 Despicable Right-Wing Outrages This Week—The War on Women Rages On
George Will thinks he is "more serious" than you about rape.

June 21, 2014 | 1. George Will stumbles around defending his controversial rape column and pretty much says the same thing all over again.

George Will is an idiot. There, we said it. His idiocy and cluelessness have not stopped him from opining at length and in long sentences with fairly large words about things that he knows nothing about. Things like campus rape.

Well, he does know something about rape. He knows that it is very bad . . . for the reputations of people who are accused of it.

Two weeks after penning a totally absurd column casting doubt on the Obama Administration’s figures on campus sexual assault (one in five women), and coining the now famous description of college sexual assault survivors as enjoying “coveted status” (whee, yes, so fun), a phrase for which he has been deservedly ridiculed, and dropped from the St. Louis-Dispatch, Will is talking about rape again.

It seems that in Will’s Mobius strip of a mind, he is the hero because he’s the only one who actually takes rape seriously. And by taking it seriously, he means feeling sorry for the guys accused of it.

“This is my job, when dubious statistics become the basis of dubious and dangerous abandonment of due process, to step in and say ‘Take a deep breath, everybody,’” Will told C-SPAN in an interview taped Thursday. What he really means is that it is his job to question Obama Administration statistics by using specious Heritage Foundation statistics. He also blamed alcohol, and “hookup culture,” for the sexual assault problem, as opposed to, say, rapists.

“A lot of young men and young women (are) in this sea of hormones and alcohol, (so) you’re going to have charges of sexual assault,” Will said. “You’re going to have young men disciplined, their lives often permanently and seriously blighted by this — don’t get into medical school, don’t get into law school, all the rest, and you’re going to have litigation of tremendous expense as young men sue the colleges for damages done to them by abandonment of rules of due process.”

Cause, for sure we need doctors and lawyers who are also rapists.

This concern for the reputations of accused rapists is hardly an original idea. It has been a cornerstone of the men’s rights movement, the one that blames feminism and women who won’t just put out and shut up about it for ruining men’s lives.

But despite this stunning lack of originality, Will persists in seeing himself as a lonely crusader for the truth, one who takes “sexual assault more seriously” than his critics do.

Remember when Susan Sarandon said she thought George Will was kinda hot because he was so smart and egg-heady. Wonder if she still thinks that.

2. Unspeakably shameless Dick Cheney slithers out to blame Obama for Iraq mess that Cheney’s cabal created.

All around the country, people are scratching their heads. Why is Dick Cheney still talking? Why would anyone listen to someone some so demonstrably wrong about Iraq, who bullied and lied and cajoled the country into waging war in Iraq? Someone who Fox’s Megyn Kelly has even said was wrong about “everything about Iraq, sir.”

This week, the still undead Cheney and his failed senate-seat-seeking daughter Liz had the audacity to write a Wall Street Journal op-ed blaming Obama for the fiasco the Cheney gang created.

"Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many," they wrote.

Obviously, the next sentence in this paragraph should contain the word “Bush.”


"Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is ‘ending’ the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—as though wishing made it so. His rhetoric has now come crashing into reality."

It takes a higher order thought process to be able to reflect upon and take responsibility for one’s own actions and mistakes, but it is not an ability that Dick Cheney will ever acquire, no matter how long he lives, or how many new tickers he gets. Perhaps his heart transplant also erased his memory of all the lies he told to drag America into this war in the first place.

But we doubt it. He knows. He just doesn’t care.

For a summary of the odious op-ed, click here.

3. Erick Erickson defends anti-gay remark even Rick Perry knows to distance himself from.

Last week, Texas Governor Rick Perry acknowledged he “stepped right in it” when he compared homosexuality to alcoholism. Unlike the aforementioned Cheney Monster, Perry seems to have thought better of something he said and realized on some tiny little pea-brained level the error of his ways.

The problem is that once these idiotic thoughts hit the cold airwaves of reality they take on a life of their own among the other nutcases, and so on Friday, founder and Fox News contributor Erick Erickson wrote a column agreeing that homosexuality is a disorder like addiction or alcoholism that sufferers must “struggle” to “overcome,” Media Matters reported.

“I largely agree with Governor Rick Perry and appreciate him speaking up,” Erickson said, perhaps unaware that Perry had retracted his statement.

“Whether one is born gay or not does not mean God made a person gay,” Erickson said. “And whether it is the unrepentant alcoholic, homosexual, adulterer, liar, or any of the others the Duck Commander listed, none are going to be saved on the last day without repenting.”

So repent, ye sinners repent. Be holy and homophobic like your brothers on ‘Duck Dynasty.’ The kingdom of heaven will open its pearly gates to those who hate the ones who love differently.

Yah mon.

4. Rep. Mark Meadows: Obamacare should not cover pregnancy because I’m a guy, I’m 50, and I just don’t need it.

Remember that whole “war on women” problem the GOP has? How the party of old white men was really going to try to change the perception that their policies go out of their way to harm women? Not really working out. The memo does not seem to have circulated widely enough.

Either Rep. Mark Meadows is just stupid or he is just a colossal jerk. Or, perhaps both. He is part of the Republican posse that is still hopelessly flailing around, throwing absolutely anything at the wall to get Obamacare repealed. And if that means picking on pregnant women, so be it.

Here is the North Carolina Congressman badgering pregnant doctor Mandy Cohen, who works for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and is due to give birth in about two weeks, in a hearing targeting Obamacare.

MEADOWS: So you have to buy maternity, even though you may never have a child?

COHEN: That is correct.

MEADOWS: Are there other things you have to buy that you may never use?

COHEN: It depends on your personal family situation and your medical situation. I’ll say as an internist, and a primary care doc, that sometimes you don’t know what that medical situation will be going forward, and that’s the nature–

MEADOWS: But maternity is one that you can probably analyze pretty well for someone who’s in their 50s.

COHEN: Right, but it’s a minimal essential benefit we wanted to make sure that all Americans had access to.

Of course, there are plenty of things that health insurance covers that only affect older people—and not even all of them, like cancer, dementia and heart trouble—but they are included, and you don’t hear Meadows complaining about that. No, the oh-so pro-life Republican party just wants to exclude pregnant women.

h/t: ThinkProgress

5. Donald Trump continues being utterly despicable about the wrongfully convicted Central Park Five.

Back when the rape and beating of the Central Park Jogger grabbed headlines and horror, and the city’s collective rush to judgment helped arrest and convict five young black and Latino men for a crime they turned out not to have commited, Donald Trump was a leader of the wolf-pack. In a full-page ad in the New York Times, Trump called for the young men, ages 14-16, to be put to death. (This was before they were even wrongfully convicted.)

You might think that after they were exonerated completely, with DNA evidence and the real perpetrator’s confession, one having lost 13 years of his life in prison, that a certain amount of contrition on the part of the comb-over would be forthcoming.

Ha! Wrong universe!

Not only did Donald Trump never ever express the slightest regret for calling for the death of 5 youngsters who were coerced and terrified into confessing to a crime they did not commit, he’s pissed that they are now, finally, after all these years, getting a settlement from the city which robbed them of a good many years of their lives.

The shameless, birther-believing, stubby-fingered, spray-tanned, right-wing egomaniac has now penned an op-ed published in the New York Daily News Saturday, calling the $40 million settlement the city agreed to pay Antron McCray, Korey Wise, Kevin Richardson, Yusuf Salaam and Raymond Santana, a “disgrace.”

Why? Because Trump says that the Central Park Five were not angels. How does he know that? He doesn’t. He just assumes it. As he assumed their guilt in the attack. He does not need evidence. His opinions are what count.

Last year, reported that Trump tweeted, then deleted, the question: "what were the men doing in the park, playing checkers?”

They were in the park, while black, a capital crime in Trump’s warped little mind.

h/t: Huffpo

6. Steve “Cantaloupe Calves” King becomes hysterical about Redskins decision.

We are truly worried about Iowa Tea Party Rep. Steve King’s mental health. After the Patent Office (USPTO) ruled that the “Redskins” name is both a racial slur and therefore not something a national football team can own the trademark for, the immigrant-hating, somewhat high-strung King tweeted this:

"Obama raids Redskins by weaponizing USPTO. Cancels Redskins logo! Free people will not tolerate a Kim Jong POTUS."

Time to call in the men in white coats.

PostPosted: 06/22/14 8:26 am • # 84 

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"Obama raids Redskins by weaponizing USPTO. Cancels Redskins logo! Free people will not tolerate a Kim Jong POTUS."

Would he object to calling them the Washington White Trash?

PostPosted: 06/29/14 7:43 am • # 85 
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Here is this week's installment of bizarre, offensive, and unhinged "right-wing utterances" ~ :ey ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating info in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
6 Totally Bonkers Right-Wing Utterances This Week—World Cup Evil Obama Plot
It's "a sign of the nation's moral decay."

June 28, 2014 | 1. Ann Coulter: Soccer represents everything that is wrong with the world and now America.

You may or may not care for soccer. You may or may not be swept up in World Cup fever. Chances are, if you are among those who do not particularly enjoy watching the sport, the existence and popularity of the World Cup does not make you hopping mad. Well, it makes Ann Coulter hopping, and rather hilariously, apoplectic. She wrote a syndicated column this week that was one long unhinged diatribe against a sport which she sees as foreign, amoral, socialistic, girly, un-American, and just really, ultimately, not even a sport.

She begins by saying she’s long held off writing about soccer “so as not to offend anyone.” That alone is laughable, as Coulter makes her an all-too handsome living on offending people. Quite intentionally.

“Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay.” There’s the old girl back doing what she does best, a kind of hysterical, right-wing, comically offensive crazy talk.

Her problems with soccer are numerous, and include some things that reasonable people might agree with, like the fact that a game which sometimes ends in a scoreless tie is not the most exciting sporting event in the world. Though one might counter that a no-hitter is hailed around America as a great sporting achievement, despite being a pretty dull affair for spectators. Nothing un-American about that, though.

But Coulter’s problems with soccer ultimately are the same jingoistic sentiments that color her entire world view. It’s foreign; people who don’t speak English enjoy it; it employs the metric system, and liberals seem to like it. Furthermore, not enough people get carried off the soccer fields into ambulances and girls are encouraged to play it when young, rendering it “not a sport.”

“I resent the force-fed aspect of soccer,” she writes. “The same people trying to push soccer on Americans are the ones demanding that we love HBO's "Girls," light-rail, Beyonce and Hillary Clinton. The number of New York Times articles claiming soccer is "catching on" is exceeded only by the ones pretending women's basketball is fascinating.”

And finally, on that moral decay theme. Well, I think we can all agree on who is responsible for America’s deteriorating ethical standards.*

Coulter concludes:

If more "Americans" are watching soccer today, it's only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law. I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time.

* Correct. Right-wingers, Fox News pundits, Republicans and provocateurs like Ann Coulter are responsible for America's declining ethical standards. Striving, hard-working, often family-oriented immigrants, not so much.

2. Fox’s Keith Ablow: The World Cup is an evil, pot-smoking Obama plot.

Right up there on the crazy scale, maybe even higher than Coulter, who after all makes a few rational points about soccer's potential to be dull.

“Why are we seeing soccer suddenly skyrocket?” Keith Ablow worried on FOX this week. “Why are we so ready to be entertained?”

That is a worrisome sign. People wanting to be entertained! Must be some sort of apocalyptic thing. People never wanted to be entertained when a Republican was president.

For Ablow, it is all a little too convenient. “I’m suspect,” he said, somewhat ungrammatically while sitting on the couch with a group of Fox women who were all kind of excited about the World Cup, and saw no harm in it. “Here’s the thing,” Ablow hectored them. “Why at a time when there are so many national and international issues of such prominence are we so willing to be entertained? I’m a little suspicious of yet another bread and circus routine. I mean, let’s roll out the marijuana. Let’s pull back the laws ... It’s all to distract people. It’s like Rome. I can see why Obama would love the World Cup.”

No, no Dr. Ablow, Obama does not just love the World Cup. The World Cup is all part of his dastardly plan to take it over and make it into a Muslim, socialist, pot-smoking republic and enslave white people and Christians.

The women were taken aback. Dr. Ablow had killed their soccer buzz. Might be time for the Debbie Downer Doc to see a psychiatrist about the depressing conspiracy theories encircling his brain. Oh, yeah, he is a psychiatrist.


3. William Gheen: Mail your dirty underwear to undocumented immigrant children.

Is it possible to come up with a greater douchebaggery than this?

William Gheen, who runs the anti-immigrant group Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC) and is a champion of a charming little concept called white rule, responded this week to the current border crisis and the news that Homeland Security is seeking underwear for thousands of detained immigrants by suggesting that “tens of thousands of Americans” mail used underwear, not just to "illegals," but to Speaker Boehner and President Obama too.

Or, alternatively, just launder your underwear.

ALIPAC has been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Today, we give William Gheen the additional designation of humanoid heap of diseased bile, dung and contents of used underwear.

But, maybe we’re being a little too easy on him.

4. Louie Gohmert: Obama is luring “scabies-infected” children to the U.S.

Picking on children is excellent for a politician's reputation. Even Sarah Palin knows better than to do that. But not Texas Tea Partier Louie Gohmert, who accused President Obama of luring diseased children to the U.S. during a House Judiciary hearing titled "An Administration Made Disaster: The South Texas Border Surge of Unaccompanied Alien Minors." (So, it's not like the explicit intent of the hearing was to go after Obama or anything.)

Gohmert does not want undocumented children to get some "free pass" to stay in the country.

He is so concerned about the welfare of these children that, at his own great peril, he even paid a visit to one of the facilities and found that some of the young detainees were "lying on a concrete floor." Only, Gohmert doesn’t call them detainees, or even children. They are “cases,” as in “scabies cases, lice cases and flu cases.”

Children, diseases, pretty much the same thing to Louie Gohmert. And all Obama’s fault for “luring” them here, which is a fairly ridiculous assertion given the huge numbers of undocumented immigrants Obama has deported.

Still, it’s the children that frighten Gohmert, who concluded: “the federal government is not doing their job in protecting us from those people who are coming in."

5. Loser in Oklahoma GOP primary: My opponent is actually dead and replaced by a body double.

Winner in the unhinged category, although, jeez, lots of stiff competition this week: The loser in a recent Republican primary who, quite creatively, refused to go quietly.

For out and out bonkers, no one beats Timothy Ray Murray, who lost to Oklahoma Representative Frank Lucas in the GOP primary, and responded to this loss by saying his opponent was actually dead and has been replaced by a robot. Naturally, this would disqualify him for office. It's in the Constitution. No dead people, or robots may serve in the government.

Timothy Ray Murray posted a press release — addressed to “News Person” — in which he demanded the Oklahoma Board of Elections shift votes from Rep. Lucas to him on account of the fact that “it is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed [sic] by a look alike.”

Murray further explained that Lucas had been “executed by The World Court on or about Jan. 11, 2011 in Southern Ukraine. On television they were depicted as being executed by the hanging about the neck until death on a white stage and in front of witnesses.”

Wow, that was more than three years ago. You would think people would have noticed that the guy is dead by now.

No, Murray explains, because he has been replaced by a body double. "It is possible to use look alike artificial or man-made replacements,” such “replacements” are not human, and therefore ineligible to serve in office. Murray went on to assure the board that he “will NEVER use Artificial Intelligence look alike to voice what The Representative’s Office is doing nor own a robot look alike.”

Well, that is very reassuring indeed.

h/t: RawStory

6. Rush Limbaugh says douchey things about black people for like the millionth time.

Rush Limbaugh was among the arch-conservatives who were devastated that Republican Thad Cochran triumphed over his Tea Party challenger Chris McDaniel, because wah, wah, wah, that’s not what the polls said was supposed to happen. And, no fair! Black people voted for Cochran. Why? Probably because, as Bill Maher said, Cochran was the "least shitty choice."

But to Rush, something more seemed amiss. Musta been some foul play. Voter fraud, and other coded racism, and well, just plain out and out racism.

"I wonder what the campaign slogan was in Mississippi the past few days, 'Uncle Toms for Thad'? Because I thought it was the worst thing you could do as an African American, vote for a Republican. The worst thing you could do," Limbaugh said on Wednesday. "But somehow they were made to believe that voting for old Thad would be fine and dandy. And why? Because they were told Thad's done a lot for black people in Mississippi. Must be the first time they were told that."

It’s all those black people’s fault. Rush knew they should never have been given the vote.

PostPosted: 06/29/14 9:13 am • # 86 
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yeah, soccer is the evil entertainment that distracts people from the real issues. Benghazi!!

Of course, the continuing renewal of such shit piles like Duck Dynasty, Honey Boo Boo, The real "whatevers" of "wherever", Survivor, Big Brother and the likes, I guess they don't think those are distracting entertainment. Neither do I, but for a very different reason. :tongue

PostPosted: 06/29/14 9:16 am • # 87 
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One other thing. Damn them furriners for bringing such a terrible thing into the US sports arenas! They should stick to bringing scabies and lice.......or flying airplanes into buildings. :ey

Good grief. Have people lost what little was left of their minds?

PostPosted: 06/29/14 11:28 am • # 88 
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It’s foreign; people who don’t speak English enjoy it; it employs the metric system, and liberals seem to like it.

So do people who speak proper English. Many of them watch the UK soccer league which is traditionally commentated in English. Many of those foreigners who enjoy soccer are bi-lingual or even multi-lingual. Does Coulter speak anything other than "American"?

And don't get me started on the metric versus non-metric systems. Did you know that since Burma changed to the metric system the US and Liberia are the last ones holding on to the non-metric system?

And here we have Germany's top conservative in action


I think she likes the game. :D

PostPosted: 07/06/14 11:58 am • # 89 
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Here is this week's installment of random idiocy from the far right ~ there are some "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
7 Vilest Right-wing Statements this Week—Laura Ingraham Hates Immigrants More than O'Reilly Does
And Hobby Lobby decision leads to series of absurd and hateful comments about women.

July 5, 2014 | 1. Laura Ingraham: Mass deportation is the way and the light.

Laura Ingraham did the impossible this week. She managed to make Bill O’Reilly seem like an almost reasonable man. Her anti-immigration fervor is surpassed by no one. She was right there in spirit with the anti-immigration protesters who turned up in Murietta, California with hateful signs and slogans and spit to turn back busloads of undocumented women and children on buses. For some reason, many of these people have no idea that they look exactly like the white protesters in Selma, Alabama in blocking school segregation, with their faces contorted in hatred, screaming vile things at children. But Laura Ingraham knows it. She’s an educated woman. She just does not care. Spitefulness towards immigrants is her brand.

Her solution: mass deportation: “By the thousands,” she says. But by all means keep the families together, by deporting entire families.

O’Reilly was worried. Might not play well on TV. Might hurt the Republicans. It’s not that he likes immigrants. He likes Republicans.

Screw them too, Ingraham said. She will stop at nothing to get rid of those immigrants. That is her brand. O’Reilly is too soft. Ingraham needs new friends. Those sign-wielding hate spewers are her new besties. And she is defending them.

“I think what you saw in Murietta, California, was not something that we should say should not happen in the United States,” Ingraham said. “No one wants people to spit on each other, I don’t agree with that, but the people saying ‘Oh no, you won’t do this to our community, you won’t do this to our wages, you won’t do this to our public schools,’ where do the people get satisfaction? Where do they go?”

2. Rush Limbaugh expresses totally incoherent hatefulness towards women in wake of Hobby Lobby decision, and his meaning is clear.

Rush Limbaugh does not even need to speak in sentences any more. His hatred, especially towards women, just oozes right out of him, without needing to be shaped by actual words or coherence. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., he said something, sort of. He said:

“Pregnancy is something that you have to do to cause. It doesn’t just happen to you while you’re walking down the street.”

So just to be clear, people, pregnancy is something that you have to do to cause.

If you don’t want to get pregnant, don’t do the thing to cause.

There you have it. The new sex ed. Got it kids?

So, since women do the thing to cause pregnancy, they should have their birth control options controlled by their employer.

Makes perfect sense, right?

Women, says Limbaugh, the world’s foremost expert on women, treat pregnancy "like a disease" even though it is the consequence of their actions. "And yet, they wouldn't have the problem if they didn't do a certain thing," he said. "It's that simple."

Very simple. Women do something to cause pregnancy, and they do it all alone and are alone responsible for that thing that happened that they did the thing to cause. And women, like Sandra Fluke, who do that thing, are something that starts with an s- and ends with -luts.

And for his next act, Rush’s head will spin around and spew some more viscous green venom.

3. Fox’s Jesse Watters also says some remarkably stupid things about Hobby Lobby, women and birth control and calls single women “Beyonce voters.”

What is it with Fox News and Beyonce? Bill O’Reilly seems to think the pop star is solely responsible for every non-white teen pregnancy, because she is a role model, and what does she model? Being married and attracted to your husband. That’s what. No, wait.

Fox News host Jesse Watters calls single ladies (the same ones that everyone wants to keep birth control out of the hands of) “Beyonce voters” because she wrote a song about single ladies 10 or 15 years ago. That was a very morally degenerate song because it celebrates singlehood for ladies, which is no good. For one thing, single ladies tend to vote Democrat. For another, they rely on the government instead of their husbands for their birth control.

Oddly, he was surrounded by Fox News women when he divided women into the two camps of either husband-dependers or government-dependers, and not one of these working women pointed out that some women actually work for a living and get insurance from their jobs which covers their healthcare.

4. Ben Carson: Abortion is human sacrifice.

It’s hard to keep upping the ante about just how terrible abortion is. It’s been called murder and compared to the Holocaust, for example. But its opponents must soldier on and find new forms of hyperbole to describe a woman’s private decision not to become a mother.

Ben Carson to the rescue:

“It’s interesting,” Carson said this week, “that we sit around and call other ancient civilizations ‘heathen’ because of human sacrifice, but aren’t we actually guilty of the same thing?”

Hmmm. Yes, Ben, Sure wish we thought of that. Abortion is very much like an ancient religious ritual designed to appease an angry god in order to ensure a good harvest, or stop the volcano from erupting or whatever.

5. Fox News Business host concerned that the new jobs numbers are “too good.”

Last week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the June jobs report, and it seemed like good news. 288,000 new non-farm payroll jobs were added in June, and unemployment fell to 6.1 percent, the lowest it has been in years. Imagine the distress this caused at Fox News, which makes it a policy to ignore any positive news during the Obama administration. But one brave Fox newsian did not ignore the news. Business host Charles Payne bit the bullet, acknowledged the report existed and tried his best to put a negative spin on it. The jobs news might be "too good for the stock market," he tweeted, adding “. . . equity and futures are drifting lower not sure how to react.”

We understand that good economic news under Obama causes a certain amount of cognitive dissonance at Fox. God forbid, employment goes even lower than the now fairly low 6.1 percent. (Have no fear Mr. Payne, a lot of those new jobs are really crummy.) Oh, and just for some perspective on that stock market thing, note that the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which reached a new high near 17,000 last week. It was at 8,279 when Obama took office in January of 2009.

There’s got to be some negative spin to be put on that as well.

6. Texas official: Rick Perry dresses like a metro sexual.

It’s always fun, or maybe it’s deeply troubling, when it turns out that someone who you consider to be very right-wing turns out to have a critic to the right of them. (Kind of the way Laura Ingraham managed to make O’Reilly seem half human.)

Departing Texas Land Commissioner and former GOP candidate for lieutenant governor Jerry Patterson recently shared some of his thoughts on the way Gov. Rick Perry (R) dresses.

In particular, he does not care for the fact that Perry does not wear cowboy boots, which are more-or-less mandatory in Texas.

“I lament the fact that our governor could now pass for a West Coast metrosexual and has embarrassed us all with his sartorial change of direction,” Patterson wrote to a local magazine.

It’s not just a sartorial problem for Patterson, who has said he keeps a .22-caliber Magnum in his boot whenever he leaves home. He’s really not fond of the coastal states, and the people who dress like they live in them. He has also joked that California, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York should get axed from the union.

Then again, maybe he’s not kidding.

7. GOP Lawmaker calls climate control biggest deception in history of mankind.

Similar to abortion foes, climate denialists are in competition for who can be more hyperbolic about the threat that real science poses to mankind. Louisiana state Rep. Lenar Whitney (R) threw her hat in the climate denial ring this week when she released a campaign video accusing liberals, such as former Vice President Al Gore, of advancing "the greatest deception in the history of mankind" -- man-made climate change -- in a fiendish scheme to empower the executive branch and increase taxes.

Brilliant! Wish we had thought of that.

“A specter is haunting America,” Whitney warns ominously in the video. She goes on to claim, entirely inaccurately, that the planet "has done nothing but get colder each year” since the release of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” in 2006.

“Quite inconveniently for Al Gore, and for the rest of the politicians who continue to advance this delusion, any 10-year-old can invalidate their thesis with one of the simplest scientific devices known to man: a thermometer,” Whitney said, citing record sea ice in the Antarctic sector.

Yes, her argument is very much like that of a ten-year-old, who decides that because today is chilly, or it snowed last month, climate change is a big hoax, scientists be damned.

As Huffpo points out, “Whitney’s own state is one of the most vulnerable regions in the country to climate change, with rising coastal sea levels estimated to submerge the Louisiana coastline by 2100.”

PostPosted: 07/14/14 8:12 am • # 90 
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Here is this week's installment of random idiocy from the far right ~ there are a few more "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
6 Deranged Right-Wing Comments From Last Week—Todd Akin Is Sorry He Apologized for Woman-Hating Remark
Plus borderline crazies on the border crisis.

July 12, 2014 | 1. Todd Akin takes back his apology for his incredibly offensive comments on rape.

There is reason to believe that Todd Akin may still be laboring under the misconception that "if it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

He made that infamously offensive, and infamously dumb, remark in 2013, and it had two effects: 1. To reveal that the Republicans really are waging a war on women and, 2. To help derail Mitt Romney’s campaign.

Under duress and pressure from the party whose electoral prospects he had just diminished, Akin apologized. But now he has a new book out and is making the rounds to make it clear that he takes that whole apology thing back.

"By asking the public at large for forgiveness," Akin says in the book, "I was validating the willful misinterpretation of what I had said."

He goes on to prove that there really was no misinterpretation at all. His meaning was clear and intended, and just as ignorant as it seemed the first time.

In fact, he digs into the claim that there is some science behind his remark, because he was talking about stress and fertility, and how the first one affects the second one. “This is something fertility doctors debate and discuss. Doubt me? Google ‘stress and infertility,’ and you will find a library of research" on the impact of stress on fertilization.”

See, he’s into knowledge and science. He googles things. And he sometimes talks to doctors. A little further research would reveal to him that 30,000 women got pregnant from rape each year in the U.S., according to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. I’m sure these rape victims would find Akin’s theory most instructive. Maybe next time they could try being more stressed out when they are raped as a method of birth control. Come to think of it, stress could be a method of birth control that Republicans and Hobby Lobby could really get behind.

Akin also doubles down on his notion of, “legitimate” rape.

“Legitimate,” he says, refers to a rape claim that can be proved by “evidence.” Here, he demonstrates his ignorance of rape altogether.

Akin is right. His apology was bogus. He is every bit as neanderthal and anti-woman as his original comment made clear, and has the same endgame as right-wing Republicans everywhere: To deprive women of any agency over their body, their sex lives or when they have babies, of course. No abortions. No exceptions.

2. Very dopey Kentucky GOP Senator laughably tries to use climate on Mars to justify his climate denialism.

Climate change deniers will go to the ends of the earth to fight against reality. Sometimes beyond the ends of the earth. In a big embarrassing fail this week, Kentucky State Senator Brandon Smith cited Mars as the reason that earthlings do not have to worry about the planet’s man-made climate catastrophe. He apparently thinks that earth and Mars have the same climate, which would definitely disqualify him from being smarter than a fifth grader. During a hearing to discuss how Kentucky would implement the new EPA standards for coal emissions, which he clearly does not want to do, Smith said: “I think in academia we all agree that the temperature on Mars is exactly as it is here. Nobody will dispute that. Yet there are no coal mines on Mars. There are no factories on Mars that I’m aware of.”

He did. He said that.

Someone should probably inform Mr. Smith that Mars is 50 percent farther away from the sun than the earth is, and that the temperature is, at a minimum, 100 degrees colder on Mars than it is on earth.

Not that it would matter, or penetrate a mind seemingly impervious to facts.

3. Louie Gohmert’s aha moment: Children at the border are all part of Obama’s evil plot to take over Texas.

All those Central American children who’ve crossed the border are not fleeing violence and oppression. No, they have embarked on their sad, terrible and frightening journeys in order to vote for Obama when they grow up. That is genius Texas congressman Louis Gohmert’s theory: they’re flooding the border to secretly vote for Demmycrats.

Here’s Gohmert’s eureka! moment this week. Watch and wonder at the machinations of the Texas Republican’s deranged mind:

“In the end, they have said that they want to turn Texas blue, they want to turn America blue. And if you bring in hundreds of thousands or millions of people and give them the ability to vote and tell them — as Quico Canseco said, he had illegals in his district that were told, ‘If you want to keep getting the benefits, you have to vote, and President Obama’s lawyers are not going to allow them to ask for an ID, so go vote or you’re going to lose the benefits you’re getting now.’ That drives people to vote and it will ensure that Republicans don’t ever get elected again.”

It’s another one of those fiendishly brilliant Obama plots, even more devious than other plots various Republicans and right-wing pundits have read into the border crisis. Like it’s a sneaky way to get immigration reform passed. We’ll bet Obama wishes he could be as sneaky and devious as his accusers thiknk he is.

There is a reason that DailyKos calls Gohmert America's Dumbest Congressman, although there are certainly plenty of contenders.

4. Instead of using her column to actually be informative about the border crisis, Peggy Noonan takes the opportunity to spew a whole lot of nonsense about what she imagines to be how “Normal People” are reacting.

Unlike Louie Gohmert, Peggy Noonan is not a dope. The Wall Street Journal columnist knew exactly what she was doing when she deliberately, and bizarrely, misinformed her readers about the border crisis.

This week, Noonan wrote a lengthy piece of nonsense on the topic of, as Salon’s Jim Newell writes: “What is a day in the life like for a Normal Person near the border, with all these Guatemalan children just sort of chilling nearby?”

As Newell points out, Noonan is not anyone’s idea of a “Normal Person.” She lives a rather rarefied, wealthy, Upper East Side, Manhattan existence, and seldom, nay, never, goes down to interview Normal People in Southern Texas about what it’s like to live near the border, and near all those scary children. Still, her powers of projection enable her to imagine:

“All this gives normal people a feeling of besiegement and foreboding,” Noonan writes. “Is a nation without borders a nation?”

Nevermind that the children were in fact detained at the border, proving, it would seem, that there is indeed a border, and therefore, a nation. Much better to get all hysterical about it.

She then constructs a whole metaphor about America being similar to an rickety old house that needs fixing. It is also a house into which more and more children keep coming. And this is quite scary to the nromal people living inside the rickety old America house.

“And then one morning you look outside and see . . . all these people standing on your property, looking at you, making some mute demand. Little children looking lost—no one’s taking care of them. Older ones settling in the garage, or working a window to the cellar. You call the cops. At first they don’t come. Then they come and shout through a bull horn and take some of the kids and put them in a shelter a few blocks away. But more kids keep coming! You call your alderman and he says there’s nothing he can do. Then he says wait, we’re going to pass a bill and get more money to handle the crisis. You ask, “Does that mean the kids will go home?” He says no, but it may make things feel more orderly. You call the local TV station and they come do a report on your stoop and then they’re gone, because really, what can they do, and after a few days it’s getting to be an old story.

“No one’s in charge! No one is taking responsibility. No one who wants to help has authority, and no one with authority is helping.”

Calm down Peggy! Don't worry. You'll never have to live in that rickety old, child-infested house.

Read Jim Newell’s whole smart takedown of the right-wing columnist here.

5. Pastor Robert Jeffress is pretty sure Jesus would have built a fence to keep out those kids at the border.

People often ask themselves “What would Jesus do?” for guidance on issues both big and small. Sometimes they ask themselves whether Jesus would have salad or French fries on the side. Right-wing ideologues ask if Jesus prefers AK-47s or some other assault rifle.

One such holy man, Texas megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress has prayed mightily to the lord and searched his own conscience to find a humane solution to the problem of unaccompanied minors from Central America coming across the border. That’s how much he cares. And he has concluded that what Jesus would do is suggest we build a fence. Maybe this is because Jesus was a carpenter, and he wants more work.

But it is also because, as Pastor Jeffress told Fox News on Thursday, building a fence is the truly compassionate thing to do.

“What we are doing by having these unsecured borders is we are enticing children and mothers to make this dangerous journey,” the Christian leader said on Fox News this week. “The most compassionate thing we can do is secure the borders.”

Oh, so the whole serving the poor thing, washing their feet, feeding the multitudes and forgiving people their sins, those weren’t the most compassionate things?

No, not according to Pastor Jeffress, who has previously expressed the very compassionate view that President Obama is preparing the U.S. for the Antichrist.

6. Bryan Fischer is really unhappy at the prospect of gay-pride whopper.

Burger King is planning to sell an LGBT-pride-themed hamburger at one of its San Francisco locations. This seemingly rather innocuous marketing ploy has anti-gay activists in a tizzy, including right-wing radio bigot Bryan Fischer. On his radio program, Focal Point, the other day, Fischer said his homophobic American Family Association is thinking about issuing an "action alert" about the gay burger, because "if this isn't bottled up in San Francisco . . . then it's going to be spreading across the entire fruited plain and you're going to be going to your Burger King in Des Moines, Iowa and you're going to have a rainbow color wrapper for your Whopper."

No, not the rainbow-colored wrapper! This is not Bryan Fischer’s idea of having it your way, at all.

See more.

PostPosted: 07/27/14 9:03 am • # 91 
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Here is this week's installment ~ is it just me ... or do the lunatics seem to be getting ever more extreme in their hatred and "brain-free creativity"? ~ :g ~ there are more "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
6 Despicable Right-Wing Moments This Week—Fox News' Anti-Immigrant Hysteria
Brian Kilmeade wonders why 911 calls from Spanish speakers have to be answered.

July 26, 2014 | 1. Hannity invites Palestinian guest on his show and proceeds to yell at him the whole time.

Fox’s Sean Hannity’s position on the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza is that if you have any sympathy for Palestinians including civilians in Gaza, you sympathize with terrorists. Or maybe you are a terrorist. All the more so if you are a Muslim. And so, perhaps, it should not have been surprising when he invited Yousef Munayyer, the executive director of The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development and its educational program, the Palestine Center, on his show in order to shout at him, and not let him speak.

The exchange, and we use the word 'exchange' loosely, went something like this:

“Is Hamas a terrorist organization?” Hannity asked.

“Do I get to actually speak now?” Munayyer answered.

“You have to answer the question, it’s a simple yes or no question,” Hannity said.

“Sir, you invited me on here as a guest,” Munayyer said. He continued to try to speak, but Hannity wasn’t having it.

“I’m asking a question. Is Hamas, whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel, is that a terrorist organization?” Hannity shouted. “That’s a yes or no question.”

“Thank you for your question, now I will provide an answer,” Muayyer said.

Hannity kept shouting. Somehow Munayyer could be heard saying: “It’s very telling to me, and it should be telling to your viewers as well, that the moment you have a Palestinian voice on your program who begins to explain the legitimate grievances of the Palestinians, not just Hamas...”

Hannity cut off Munayyer, shouting at him to answer the question. At one point, Munayyer said that “the United States certainly considers Hamas a terrorist organization we all know that.”

“Is Hamas a terrorist organization? What part of this can’t you get through your thick head?” Hannity said.

Yeesh, rude much?

At the end of the exchange, Munayyer asked again if he would “get to say anything in this conversation.”

Hannity responded, “You had your chance, you didn’t say Hamas is a terrorist organization. Goodbye.”

That’s dialogue, Hannity style.

Watch the video here.

2. Michele Bachmann: Gays want to ‘freely prey on little children sexually.’ Oh, and she might run for president in 2016, yay!

Praise the Lord! Uber-Christian Michele Bachmann said this week she is contemplating a run for president in 2016. She said things like “Practice makes perfect,” since she tried this once before, raised lots of money and attended 15 debates. In February, she said that she didn’t think the country was ready for a woman president. Guess she changed her mind. Or maybe she just doesn’t remember saying that.

Because she does have some very important things on her mind, like her delusion that LGBT people are trying to make it legal to rape children in the U.S. and impose their “deviancy” on the entire country. She shared this hysterically insane view with a Christian radio show called Faith and Liberty.

Right Wing Watch also reported that Bachmann claimed that the “gay community” is taking steps to “abolish age of consent laws, which means we will do away with statutory rape laws so that adults will be able to freely prey on little children sexually. That’s the deviance that we’re seeing embraced in our culture today.”

Oblivious to the fact that she is inciting hate with these statements, she also said that “national hate crime laws” are a form of “tyrannical” oppression that liberals will use to silence Christians in this country. Self awareness is not her strong suit.

And of course, she’s upset with the Supreme Court for striking down the Defense of Marriage Act. When she’s president, things like that won’t happen, and marriage will only be between men and women, possibly multiple men and women, but definitely men and women.

3. ESPN Commentator says women should take responsibility for being abused, and is then annoyed by the fact that women "misconstrue" his meaning.

Save a spot for ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith in the club for men who just don’t get it. The co-host of “First Take” rambled on about domestic violence this week and how deplorable it is, and eventually asked why women don’t take more responsibility when they are violently assaulted by their partners. He also voiced his bewilderment about why society doesn’t pressure women to “prevent the situation from happening,” and by “situation” he means being violently attacked by a male mate.


There was, of course, an uproar on the Internet, and that really pissed Smith off, because he thought he made it abundantly clear that he thinks it is totally wrong for men to lay hands on women. Why was everyone focusing on the part of his monologue where he said: “We also have to make sure that we learn as much as we can about elements of provocation. Not that there’s real provocation, but the elements of provocation, you got to make sure that you address them, because we’ve got to do what we can to try to prevent the situation from happening in any way. And I don’t think that’s broached enough, is all I’m saying.”

That was all he was saying.

Still, in his eyes, people “misconstrued” his meaning by saying he was blaming women in some way when he laid out the classic abuser's argument that the victim somehow provoked the abuse. He composed quite a long tweet about how ANNOYED he was at that, and how he wasn’t BLAMING women for anything, proving just how much he continues not to get it.

Frankly, he felt a little provoked by it.

h/t Salon, Part 1.

And Part 2.

4. Fox & Friends does not think 9-1-1 should respond to calls from non-English speakers. Cause they might not be citizens.

Fox & Friends found a unique, and uniquely mean-spirited angle on the undocumented immigrant/unaccompanied minor story this week. Host Brian Kilmeade grilled a Texas official about providing emergency services to undocumented migrants. Kilmeade wondered if calls from immigrants have to be answered, "even though for the most part, when you get there, you realize they're not even American citizens."

The oh-so-fair-minded discussion was about how in Brooks County, Texas, immigrants are positively "bombarding" the police department with 911 calls. On the positive side, Kilmeade likes this because maybe those pesky immigrants are learning the hard way that crossing the border is no picnic. But on the other hand, can’t the emergency service people just ignore those calls?

To illustrate this humanitarian point, Fox & Friends aired two emergency calls from Spanish speakers who were both identified on-screen as "Immigrant." In one, a clearly distressed man asks for help for a cousin who he describes as turning blue. In the second, a man and a woman are telling the operator that they have not had access to water for a few days.

Why do you have to answer those? Kilmeade heartlessly wondered.

No joke, just a WTF is wrong with these people?

h/t mediamatters

5. Steve King: Obama not American because he was not raised with the “American experience.”

With the whole birther thing pretty much laid to rest except for the most out-there reality-refusers, like Donald Trump, xenophonic Obama haters must come up with another way to attack the president’s American-ness. Enter Steve King, the immigrant-hating, tea-partying Congressman from Iowa who has hit on another way to suggest the president is foreign.

“His vision of America isn’t like our version of America,” he told a crowd at an immigration reform rally this week, a crowd who, shall we say, was somewhat predisposed to disliking, 1. Immigrants, and 2. Black presidents. “Now I don’t assert where he was born, I will just tell you that we are all certain that he was not raised with an American experience. So these things that beat in our hearts when we hear the National Anthem and when we say the Pledge of Allegiance doesn’t beat the same for him.”

Those three years Obama spent not living in America turned him into a furriner, all right.

And, Steve King, who 'knows for a fact' that immigrants are just drug mules in disguise with their “cantaloupe calves”, is also the world’s foremost expert on what makes the president’s heart beat.

6. Pat Robertson: Your son’s pregnant girlfriend is ‘stained.’

Ever the voice of compassion and reason, televangelist Pat Robertson urged parents whose son had impregnated his girlfriend not to kick her out, despite the fact that she is a “stained woman.”

So kind. And so modern.

Yes, Uncle Pat acknowledged there was a time when people would have kicked out "stained women," and he was a bit nostalgic for that. In an email, a viewer coincidentally also named Pat told the 700 Club preacher that he and his wife had allowed the unmarried couple to live in their house because they were expecting a baby. But Pat, the email writer, and his wife were very upset because they suspect the son and his “stained woman” were having sex in the house.

The horror.

“It seems like fornication to us,” he wrote. “What is the line for us to help but not enable continued sin? Are WE sinning by allowing them both to live in our house?”

Robertson was most sympathetic and just as upset as the writer that times have changed (about fifty years ago).

“You know, the old thing was the little girl would show up on the doorstep with a baby, and the harsh father would slam the door in her face and say, ‘Go forth, you stained woman,’” Robertson said. “Look, that kid is going to be your grandchild, and it’s not a question of the fact that you’re now trying to keep them from having sex, they’ve already had sex, and they’re going to have a baby.”

Good that he cleared that up. Also, he was helpful on the definition of the word 'bastard,' which is what that kid is going to be.

PostPosted: 08/03/14 8:15 am • # 92 
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Here is this week's installment of the lunatic far-right fringe's "great thoughts" ~ :ey ~ there are some "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
5 Most Demented Right-Wing Moments This Week
Bachmann: "Obama is trying to bring foreign nationals to the country to do medical experimentation."

August 2, 2014 | 1. Peggy Noonan says the problem with the world is Obama "dropping his g's."

Peggy Noonan is quite possibly going off the deep end. Her worries about our country's divisions have driven her there, apparently. The conservative columnist and former Reagan speechwriter talked about those worries in her column in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal, in which for some bizarre reason, she made reference to the president’s grammar and posture.

“He shouldn’t be at campaign-type rallies where he speaks only to the base, he should be speaking to the country,” she wrote. “He shouldn’t be out there dropping his g’s, slouching around a podium, complaining about his ill treatment, describing his opponents with disdain: ‘Stop just hatin’ all the time.’”

Hmm, “dropping his g’s, slouching,” could that be code for something?

Also, the president's diction is what is divisive and alarming? Not the fact that Republicans will not work with him, are suing him and want to impeach him for doing his job???

Noonan’s complaint refers to Obama’s speech Wednesday in Kansas City, during which he made repeated requests for GOP lawmakers to “get some work done.” Never mind—or at least never in Noonan’s mind—the fact that Obama made the speech just hours before House Republicans passed an absurd, transparently partisan bill to sue the president over changes to the Affordable Care Act. No divisiveness there, and more importantly, no g-dropping.

But Noonan thinks it’s more important to criticize how the president talks.

Questions: Why does Peggy Noonan still exist, and why does she still have a forum, and does anyone care what she says?

Apparently, her editors don’t.

2. Michele Bachmann says Obama wants to use minors for medical experiments.

Not exactly a news flash, but Michele Bachmann is still bonkers. Her latest insane theory is that Obama wants to conduct medical experiments on the unaccompanied minors who are flooding the borders. That’s pretty far out there in crazy land, even for her.

Like any paranoid conspiracy theorist, Bachmann has a whole rationale for her nutjob idea. We’ll try to keep it brief: Bachmann’s paranoid fantasy stems from the case of Justina Pelletier, the teenage girl who was put in the custody of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families after a dispute between Boston Children's Hospital and her parents, who had the backing of other doctors from Tufts Medical Center, over the girl's medical diagnosis.

Bachmann and the religious right have inserted themselves into that case and misunderstood it thoroughly. Bachmann has even introduced a law called Justina’s Law prohibiting "federal funding for medical experimentation on a ward of the State," which is totally unnecessary since minors are already protected, and there is no reason to think Justina is being experimented on.

Out promoting her ridiculous law on "WallBuilders Live" the other day, Bachmann made her cuckoo connection to the unaccompanied minors from Central America. She said Obama and the medical community want to conduct medical experiments on them. Oh, so that's why all those kids are here. What an evil, dastardly plan.

Here’s Bachmann in her own inimitable words:

"Now President Obama is trying to bring all of those foreign nationals, those illegal aliens to the country and he has said that he will put them in the foster care system. That's more kids that you can see how — we can't imagine doing this, but if you have a hospital and they are going to get millions of dollars in government grants if they can conduct medical research on somebody, and a ward of the state can't say no, a little kid can't say no if they're a ward of the state; so here you could have this institution getting millions of dollars from our government to do medical experimentation and a kid can't even say no. It's sick."

Bingo Michele. We think you really nailed it this time.

h/t: rightwingwatch

3. Yeupp, Rush Limbaugh is still despicable. Latest instance: He applauds domestic violence because it upsets “Jurassic Park feminazis.”

Rush Limbaugh’s logic is that if something upsets his enemies, that thing must be good—even when that thing is morally indefensible, like domestic violence. Limbaugh decided to weigh in this week on the case of Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, who definitely appears to be engaging in some domestic violence on the side. There’s a tape of him dragging his unconscious then-fiancee through an Atlantic City hotel. The NFL suspended him for two games. As some have pointed out, they come down a lot harder on players caught using marijuana and other drugs.

Limbaugh is overjoyed about all of this light wrist slap. Not so much the wrist slap itself, but the fact that it upsets liberals and his other main enemies, those “feminazis.” (Such a cute little coinage. Rush sure does have a way with words.) He also thinks physically abusing your girlfriend is pretty funny. Is there any depth to which the shock jock won't sink? Does not appear likely.

So to review, anything that upsets feminists is good, even if it involves punching and abusing women. Limbaugh particularly enjoyed referring to “elderly feminazis on CNN” as “Jurassic Park feminazis.” This is because he wants everyone to believe that young women are rejecting feminism; that’s important to him. And who could be more of an expert on what millennial women are thinking than 63-year-old Rush Limbaugh?

4. Absurd orange man Donald Trump panics about ebola.

Among birther and general right-wing-nut Donald Trump’s most endearing qualities is his irrational germophobia. We’re talking germophobia of Howard Hughes proportions. Donald Trump does not even like to shake people's hands. So, of course, he went into a full-on panic at the news that the U.S. is bringing two Americans who have contracted the disease in Liberia to America for treatment. And when Trump panics, he tweets.

“Ebola patient will be brought to the U.S. in a few days—now I know for sure that our leaders are incompetent. KEEP THEM OUT OF HERE!”

That was one of them.

Friday morning he added:

“Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S. Treat them, at the highest level, over there. THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS!”

The two ebola patients are being treated at Emory University in Atlanta which offers state-of-the-art facilities for treating highly infectious diseases, but Trump is still very worried he is going to get ebola if we do the humanitarian thing and treat these people here, where we are much more equipped to deal with the disease than in Liberia.

Then again, no one ever accused Trump of being a humanitarian. Hysterical hatemonger, yes. Ebola is not an airborne disease and can only be contracted via physical contact or body fluids, just in case he is ever interested in learning the actual facts.

h/t: rawstory

5. Ann Coulter wonders why we can’t deal with our border the way Netanyahu deals with Hamas.

The headline kind of says it all. Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu is Ann Coulter’s kind of president. He bombs civilians and seems pretty unconcerned about killing hundreds of Palestininian kids. She segued to a discussion of Netanyahu's iron fist in a discussion on Fox News' Hannity about tunnels found at the U.S./Mexican border. Tunnels, hey, that reminds Ann of the tunnels in Gaza used by Hamas.

“More than a hundred tunnels have been found on our border,” Coulter told Hannity. “To smuggle in weapons, guns, they’re invading, They’re murdering, they’re raping. The head of the DEA said about a year ago that he thinks the surge of homicides in Chicago is a Mexican drug cartel.”

Then she added: “I just wish we would talk about our border the way we talk about Israel’s border.”

Now she was on a roll.

“We need a Netanyahu here. Can you imagine all these — yes, sometimes Palestinian kids get killed, ” she said as she began to laugh. Then she laughed and laughed, and then her head started spinning around and she vomited green fluid.

h/t: rawstory

PostPosted: 08/10/14 8:33 am • # 93 
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Here is this week's installment ~ I'm really trying to imagine a world withOUT this constant lying, misinterpreting, manipulating reality ~ :g ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
6 Bonkers Right-Wing Statements This Week: Peace Prizes for Warmongers Edition
War brings out the worst in conservatives.

August 9, 2014 | 1. Ayan Hirsi Ali: Bibi Netanyahu deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Say what?

Unless the whole definition of peace was suddenly changed without our knowing it, we’re a little befuddled at noted Somali-born, anti-Islamic author and activist Ayan Hirsi Ali’s suggestion that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

For waging war.

According to Salon, the suggestion came during an interview published Friday by Israel HaYom, the Sheldon Adelson-backed Israeli daily.

“Asked whom she admired, Ali — who once called Islam a ‘nihilistic cult of death’— included Netanyahu on a list featuring her husband, Harvard professor Niall Ferguson, as well as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Princeton professor Bernard Lewis,” Salon reported. “Ali said she admired Netanyahu ‘because he is under so much pressure, from so many sources, and yet he does what is best for the people of Israel, he does his duty.’”

“I really think he should get the Nobel Peace Prize,” she continued, unperturbed by the hundreds of Palestinian civilians killed in Israel's recent war on Gaza. “In a fair world he would get it.”

Hard to fathom that even Netanyahu himself would agree.

h/t: Salon

2. Ultra-conservative Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback isn’t very popular anymore. And that’s gotta be Obama’s fault.

Republican Gov. Sam Brownback has managed the seemingly impossible: turning redder-than-red state Kansas against Republicans. He had a very poor showing in his state’s recent primary, nearly a third of the voters voting against him, and that can’t possibly have anything to do with how he’s driven the state into the ground with far-right fiscal policies, tax-slashing and a hard-right Christian social agenda.

Nope, it has to be that dastardly Obama’s fault. Because, what isn’t? People are taking out their irritation at Obama on Brownback. Yeah, that's it. Never mind that the president and Brownback’s politics are pretty much diametrically opposed.

“I think a big part of it is Barack Obama,” Brownback said, explaining his poor showing in the primary. “[A] lot of people are so irritated at what the president is doing, they want somebody to throw a brick. I think it’s a lot of deep irritation with the way the president has taken the country, so much so that people are so angry about it they’re just trying to express it somehow.”

That sound you hear is the sound of a lot of heads being scratched in unison.

h/t: Salon

3. GOP Rep. Mo Brooks: Democratic Party is waging a war on whites.

Not sure if you were aware of this. But there’s a war going on. A war against white people. Kind of similar to the war on Christmas and the war on rich people. It’s awful. And it’s being waged by the Democratic Party. So says GOP Rep. Mo Brooks during an interview this week with Laura Ingraham

Brooks was responding to comments made by National Journal's Ron Fournier, who told Fox News’ Chris Wallace that "the fastest growing voting bloc in this country thinks the Republican Party hates them. This party, your party, cannot be the party of the future beyond November if you’re seen as the party of white people.”

Subscribing to the philosophy that the best defense is a good offense, Brooks said to Ingraham, “This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else.”

And of course, we all know who is behind that war. “It’s part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of thing,” Brooks explained.

Even Laura Ingraham thought he was a little out there. Now that’s really saying something.

Full story: HuffPo

4. Christian wacko Bryan Fischer: Of course Obama would defend those devil-worshipping Yazidis.

Hoo boy, Christian nutjob Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association heard the words “devil worshippers” and “Obama” in the same sentence and he was off to the races. Never mind that the source was the uber-violent Sunni extremist group ISIS, which, as the world now knows, is terrorizing, butchering and attempting to exterminate a group of people in Iraq called the Yazidis for practicing a different faith than ISIS-approved Sunni extremism. Obama has ordered air strikes and help for the stranded Yazidis, whom ISIS considers to be “devil worshipers.” And why would they lie?

And why would Obama help them? Outraged Bryan Fischer thinks he knows, because Obama only wants to help and defend “devil worshippers.” Because, you know, Obama has been in league with Lucifer all along. Everyone knows that

“They go after devil worshipers and all of a sudden the entire weight of the United States government is sent in there to relieve them and to avenge them,” Fischer said. “Those are the Yazidis.” Coincidence? HE thinks not.

“In a rare point of theological accord, both Muslims and Christians agree that the archangel revered by the Yazidis is in fact the Prince of Darkness,” the very theologically knowledgeable Fischer wrote in his column today. “The New Testament describes him this way, 'Satan (who) disguises himself as an angel of light' (2 Cor. 11:14), eager to deceive the gullible into believing that he is good rather than evil.' The Yazidis have fallen for his lies."

The belief system of the very insular Yazidis is extremely complicated, but that’s not what’s important to Fischer. He’s after that devil-worshipping president of ours.

h/t: rightwingwatch

5. Ann Coulter’s unhinged Ebola rant reveals her to be more hateful than previously imagined.

Ebola brings out the vitriol in people like Donald Trump and Ann Coulter. Well, to be fair, everything brings out Coulter’s vitriol, like soccer and the metric system. She let it fly in a column this week clearly meant to shock with its hatefulness, in which she said, “Ebola doc’s condition downgraded to ‘idiocy.'” She was referring to Dr. Ken Brantly, one of the two Americans who has been diagnosed with Ebola. His crime: taking his Christian missionary zeal to Africa to help the sick and poor.

“Can’t anyone serve Christ in America anymore?” Ann wonders. America has all sorts of problems, she says. Murder! Drug overdoses! Babies born out of wedlock! But no, no Christian can spare a moment for these worthy causes.

Ultimately, she does ease up on Dr. Brantly, but only in order to blame Hollywood and liberals for driving Christians to go on “mission trips abroad to disease-ridden cesspools. They’re tired of fighting the culture war in the U.S., tired of being called homophobes, racists, sexists and bigots. So they slink off to Third World countries.”

Wow, yeah. Never thought of it that way. Think she really nailed it.

h/t: Salon

6. Rush Limbaugh wonders if Obama is bombing Iraq to distract us, because, of course he does.

Since the dawn of time, or at least the dawn of the Obama administration, Rush Limbaugh has been pretty sure it’s all a plot. Nothing is ever as it is said to be. It’s all smoke and mirrors, a devious scheme to distract the gullible masses so they will not notice the truly evil deeds, like Obamacare, this administration is perpetrating.

And so it is with the new airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq.

In Limbaugh’s dark and twisty little mind, it is only reasonable to suspect Obama of wanting to distract the multitudes from all the problems we are facing. Because Obama once accused President Bush of using the Iraq war to distract Americans from the economic catastrophe that was unfolding.

Fair is fair to Rush. Tit for tat.

“Would it be too cynical to suggest that Obama might be bombing Iraq to distract us from his numerous problems? I mean, we’ve got an immigration disaster taking place. Our economy is a disaster. Obamacare is a disaster.”

Oh c’mon, Rush. You're being too modest. Nothing is too cynical for you.

PostPosted: 08/17/14 10:00 am • # 94 
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Here is this week's installment of the deeply despicable far right GOP/TPer mindset ~ :g ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
5 Worst Right-Wing Moments This Week: Limbaugh Set to Drown in Own Toxic Spewage
Tragic events really bring out the worst in the right.

August 16, 2014 | 1. Rush Limbaugh’s toxicity reaches new heights with Robin Williams comments.

There were many contenders for biggest a**hole in response to the news of Robin Williams' suicide this week. Fox’s Shep Smith called the beloved entertainer a “coward,” and a pro-life group absurdly opined that a long-ago abortion led to Williams’ depression. But old reliable Rush Limbaugh came out on top of the soulless heap, and remains the undisputed king of the toxic right-wing spew-i-verse. Depression and suicide are not even remotely political issues, yet Rush decided to try to score some points off the actor and his family’s tragedy. It was Williams’ left-wing politics that killed him, Rush asserted. We suspect even he knows this is utter poppycock.

"What is the left’s worldview in general?” Limbaugh said on his radio show, a day after Williams’ death was announced. “If you had to attach, not a philosophy, but an attitude to a leftist world view, it’s one of pessimism and darkness and sadness. They’re never happy, are they?”

One can hardly blame progressives for being a bit demoralized these days, and listening to Rush is enough to drive any reasonable person around the bend, but this has nothing to do with depression, which strikes people everywhere on the political spectrum. Rush knows that. It hardly matters that he tried lamely to walk back those comments the next day. Well, not really, he just tried to blame—who else—the leftist media for misconstruing his words. Not so. We heard you Rush. Loud and despicably clear. Again.

2. Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Atheists persecute Christians kind of like ISIS persecutes Christians.

During the summer, when the war on Christmas is not being waged, atheists must contend themselves with waging war on Christians, cruelly depriving them of the Bible in all sorts of public spaces. This is the view put forward by Fox & Friends’ Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who said this week: “It looks like two groups might not get the Bible.... Bibles are booted from Navy base guest rooms, and an atheist group is telling a Georgia high school football team to punt the prayers.” (First of all, who writes this stuff? Punt the prayers? Good one!)

You know who those mean old atheists persecuting Christians and making them bring their own Bibles to Navy base guest rooms remind Hasselbeck of? ISIS, that’s who. Islamic terrorists. She reads the papers. She knows what’s going on in the world. Christians are being persecuted in Iraq by extremist Sunni militants. It’s all part of the worldwide plot to eliminate Christianity, and those atheist/terrorists right here at home are in on it, by insisting that Bibles have no place in public institutions.

Oy gevalt.

Hasselbeck calls what atheists are doing “eliminating religious freedom,” when in fact both freedom of religion and freedom from religion are enshrined in the good ol' constitution. A small detail.

3. Fox News ‘Doc’ Ablow insults First Lady’s fitness, figuring it’s fair because she hates America.

Keith Ablow, that sterling member of Fox’s “Medical A-Team” is rapidly becoming one of the most gag-inducing figures on the network. He went there this week, all the way to the depths of douchebaggery, criticizing Michelle Obama’s figure, not once, but twice, the second time in defense of the first time. “I’m not taking food advice from an American who dislikes America, who in many photographs during her tenure as First Lady is obviously not fit,” he told Politico, just doubling down on being a full-on cretinous troll.

The head case, whoops, we mean "head doctor," had already gone there on the subject of Michelle Obama’s body on the air, commenting that she needs to “drop a few.” Not even his right-wing female colleagues at Fox could stomach that. Not that it is at all pertinent, but the First Lady’s fitness is rather legendary, her arms the envy of many. Ablow’s comments are transparently misogynist, and it is probably only a matter of time before he and his twisted colleagues decide the Obama daughters are fair game, since their father has the audacity to be president while black, and their mother has the gall to try to educate Americans about food, nutrition, health and exercise while black. She obviously hates America if she is trying to do that.

4. Steve King: Racial profiling in Ferguson? What racial profiling? They are all from the same continent.

Pretty much every time the Iowa Rep opens his mouth something cringe-worthy emerges, and this week was no exception. Iowa is kind of the new Missouri, so J.D. Hayworth of Newsmax decided it would be a good idea to get the extremist Tea Partying congressman most known for his blatantly racist views about immigrants to comment on the disturbing events in Ferguson.

The question for Steve King (and who would question his credentials on this topic?) was whether the call for an investigation into racial profiling on the part of Ferguson’s trigger-happy, riot gear-wielding police force was legit. King’s statements were predictably and headscratchingly offensive.

“I’ve seen the video,” he said. “And it looks to me like you don’t need to bother with that particular factor because they all appear to be of a single origin. I should say continental origin might be the way to phrase that.”

Okay, so huh? Are we talking about the continent of Africa? Because, yes, that appears to be what King is saying. You can’t have racial profiling when everyone is black.

There you have it. A prime example of the logic of the insane.

5. Laura Ingraham: Arrested journalists in Ferguson deliberately provoked the police. This is obviously true because Obama criticized the police and whatever side he takes is wrong.

Fox’s Laura Ingraham maintained her status in the pantheon of the hateful this week by going after journalists doing their job in Ferguson, and getting arrested for it. Really, Laura? That’s the position you’re going to take? That WaPo reporter Les Lowry was “looking for a confrontation” with the police inside a McDonalds, and deserved not only to be arrested, but to have his head slammed into a soda machine. President Obama spoke out against the police overreaction, and Ingraham is contractually bound never to agree with anything the President says, so what else could she do?

In an interview with the hardly radical Howie Kurtz, who defended the reporters, Ingraham insisted on repeatedly expressing sympathy for the “young cops” who were dealing with a difficult situation, and who, after all, were being provoked by the reporters trying to record them by “holding iPhones up in their faces.” The more she talked, the more she made it clear she believed that the mere presence of journalists, with their cameras, satellite dishes, computers, and other tools of the trade were deliberate provocations to the police, who quite understandably sprayed tear gas at an entire Al Jazeera television crew.

She said she hated to sound like a “police apologist” but...ummm...if the shoe fits.

PostPosted: 08/17/14 10:29 am • # 95 
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Sooz, are you starting to feel like Sisyphus trying to keep up with all the insanity out there?

PostPosted: 08/17/14 6:08 pm • # 96 
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John59 wrote:
Sooz, are you starting to feel like Sisyphus trying to keep up with all the insanity out there?

That's a really good analogy, John ~ every time I'm convinced the GOP/TPers canNOT possibly get worse, they do ~ :g


PostPosted: 08/24/14 8:52 am • # 97 
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I've turned a corner ~ for a long time, I thought these fringe-y players were spewing anger, hatred, conspiracies, bigotry, and easily provable lies for the attention and for the $$$ ~ but I'm now convinced they are deeply/despicably disturbed and are spewing just for the "joy" of spewing ~ :g ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
5 Insane Right-Wing Rants This Week: The Bizarre Connection Between Ferguson and ISIS Edition
The wing-nuts could not control their bigoted apoplexy about recent events.

August 23, 2014 | 1. Kevin Sorbo calls Ferguson protestors animals, apologizes for it unconvincingly.

Former "Hercules" star Kevin Sorbo who has a sideline as a political conservative and outspoken Christian, probably should have just sat back and enjoyed Faux News' coverage of the unrest in Ferguson, MO, after police shot an unarmed black teen. Surely, he would have gotten his victim-smearing, race-baiting, Obama-blaming fill there. But no, he took to Facebook to rant about the protestors in Ferguson, calling them "losers" and "animals"—animals with ulterior motives. (Wait, can animals have ulterior motives?)

"Ferguson riots have very little to do with the shooting of the young man," Sorbo wrote, because, of course, he knows. "It is an excuse to be the losers these animals truly are. It is a tipping point to frustration built up over years of not trying, but blaming everyone else, the Man, for their failures. It's always someone else's fault when you give up. Hopefully this is a reminder to the African Americans (I always thought we (sic) just Americans. Oh, well) that their President the (sic) voted in has only made things worse for them, not better."

He later apologized. “I stand humiliated and humbled. My most sincere apologies for my post on the events in Ferguson,” he said. “I posted out of frustration and anger over the violence and looting. My words were never meant to hurt the African-American community.”

Well, who were they meant to hurt?

The apology rang just a little hollow. It may rank Sorbo slightly lower on the douchebag scale than, say, Ted Nugent, but that’s not saying much. And it’s not like this was his first conservative rant. Earlier this week, Sorbo dubbed atheists "angry" while promoting his recent film, God Is Not Dead, in which he plays an atheist, according to RawStory. Last year, he took aim at Hollywood for liberal hypocrisy.

Finally, in an interview with his pal Hannity later in the week, Sorbo pointed out that 97 percent of black people voted for Obama. “Isn’t that kind of racist?”

A deep thinker, this Sorbo.

2. Fox host confuses ISIS with Islam—suggests solution is “bullet in the head.”

Among the distinctions Fox hosts are unable to make is the difference between violent, extremist Muslims and all other Muslims. They are all alike to the Islamophobe. It takes almost no provocation to draw out this confusion, and the beheading of journalist James Foley by the militant group ISIS easily did the trick. On Wednesday’s edition of “Outnumbered,” co-host Andrea Tantaros, a beacon of subtle thinking, really let her ignorance fly.

“If you study the history of Islam,” she said, as if she had actually studied the history of Islam, “our ship captains were getting murdered. The French had to tip us off. I mean these were the days of Thomas Jefferson. They’ve been doing the same thing. This isn’t a surprise. You can’t solve it with a dialogue. You can’t solve it with a summit. You solve it with a bullet to the head. It’s the only thing these people understand. And all we’ve heard from this President is a case to heap praise on this religion, as if to appease them.”

Apart from the rather dubious history, and the idea that going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson's day gives you a complete picture of Islam, we couldn't help notice the use of the lovely catchphrase “these people.” Always a tip off.

Right Andrea, this whole ISIS thing is nothing a little ethnic cleansing wouldn’t solve.

3. Dinesh D’Souza sees similarity between ISIS and Ferguson protestors.

Conservative commentator and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza also had some thoughts this week. That is almost never a good thing. When thoughts rattle around D’Souza’s feverish brain, weird connections get made, and then D’Souza is apt to voice those thoughts and connections, which are uniformly nutso. This week, D’Souza thought he saw a connection between ISIS fighters and Ferguson protestors. This is certifiably insane. We’re hoping we don’t have to explain why. Here is what he said on NewsMaxTV’s Steve Malzberg’s show:

“The common thread between ISIS and what’s going on in Ferguson is you have these people who basically believe that to correct a perceived injustice, it’s perfectly okay to inflict all types of new injustices.”

(Notice, again, the use of the phrase “these people,” the equivalent of sticking a Post-It on your forehead that says, “I’m a stupid racist.”)

“Behead guys who had nothing to do with it. Go and loot shops from business owners who were not part of the original problem whatsoever.”

See the similarities?

We realize that D’Souza needs to kill time while he waits to be sentenced for violating campaign finance law and lying about it. But, thinking, making absurd connections and saying them aloud is not the way to go.

4. Iowa Republican: Child migrants are ‘highly trained as warriors.’

Not all children are created equal, a Republican official in Iowa argued this week. For instance, child migrants are nothing like American children; they are dangerous threats, and could be “highly trained warriors” who will rise up against us.

The author of this paranoid delusion is Tamara Scott, a Republican National Committeewoman and state director of Concerned Women for America. She made her deranged comments Thursday on her weekly radio show.

Like Fox News’ Andrea Tantaros, this wingnut hangs her theory on a shaky understanding of history, and like Dinesh D’Souza, she's good at making totally specious comparisons.

“We know back in our revolution, we had 12-year-olds fighting in our revolution, and for many of these kids, depending on where they’re coming from, they could be coming from other countries and be highly trained as warriors who will meet up with their group here and actually rise up against us as Americans,” she said.

There was more crazy after that—we're talking biblical crazy. Scott said enticing children to cross the U.S. border violates biblical principles. Her listeners must have been pretty confused about that because the U.S. wasn’t around in biblical times, and the Bible actually entreats people to treat guests and foreigners well. Then again, if they are listening to Scott, "these people" (yep, we did that on purpose) are likely to be confused anyway.

5. Louis Gohmert: Obama's Muslim brothers are giving him bad advice about ISIS.

Drooling hatemonger Louis Gohmert spewed his two cents this week on President Obama’s handling of ISIS and the beheading of James Foley. The Tea Partying congressman from Texas is not able or willing to come to terms with the fact that, despite his name, the president is not actually a Muslim. Gohmert’s Obamaphobia coupled with his Islamophobia led him to conclude that President Obama would not be able to adequately protect the nation from the threat posed by ISIS because the administration’s policy is being guided and influenced by “Muslim brothers.”

Okay, Louie, please explain. WTF are you talking about?

Here’s how he, somewhat inarticulately, said it on SiriusXM’s “The Wilkow Majority.” “If you’re Commander-in-Chief you can’t be listening to Muslim brother advise on when it’s time to stop destroying Muslim brothers.”

See, Gohmert has a theory. Well, theory might be too nice a word for it, since it is more of a paranoid delusion informed by no evidence and a lot of racist hysteria. Anyway, Gohmert thinks the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government, and that the President’s top six advisors are Muslims. He’s even called for an investigation of this phenom along with Michele Bachmann, who is definitely the sort of towering intellect you want to throw your lot in with.

PostPosted: 08/25/14 7:53 am • # 98 
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I've turned a corner ~ for a long time, I thought these fringe-y players were spewing anger, hatred, conspiracies, bigotry, and easily provable lies for the attention and for the $$$ ~ but I'm now convinced they are deeply/despicably disturbed

It's about time. Welcome to the club.

PostPosted: 08/31/14 7:56 am • # 99 
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Here is this week's installment ~ what's especially troubling to me is that each of these warped/sick mindsets found a voice, a platform, and an audience ~ :g ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
6 Unhinged Right-Wing Moments This Week: Fox's Comical Beyoncé Freakout
Where are her pants? How can she be a feminist without pants?

August 30, 2014 | 1. Bill O’Reilly’s 'Achey breaky heart' about Beyoncé videos.

Young women of America, please stop watching Beyoncé videos. It breaks Bill O’Reilly’s heart for some strange reason he has yet to coherently explain.

The good folks at Fox News were mightily confused this week after viewing the pop diva’s performance at the Video Music Awards in which she appeared in front of a huge screen with the word “FEMINIST.” But here's the thing: she seemed to have forgotten her pants. Her pants! How can you be a feminist when you don’t have any pants on? They were stumped.

Later in the week, O’Reilly was chatting away with Dr. Ben Carson about the usual stuff, how black people are to blame for all their own problems, welfare, blah blah blah. It’s very disappointing for O’Reilly; he thought he had already given black people all the moral instructions they need. Because, in the past, there were some really good black people. Why can’t today’s black people be more like black people of the days of old?

“You remember Motown. Do you not?” O’Reilly reminisced. “Wasn't that a fabulous, fabulous music industry, uplifting? You remember Jackie Robinson and Willie Mays. Weren’t they fabulous athletes — I idolized Willie Mays....”

Awww, thanks for sharing that, Uncle Bill. We’re always up for hearing more about the black people you approve of. Alas, there are fewer and fewer of them. “And what do we have now?” O'Reilly continued. “What do we have now? Gangster rappers, you know, Beyoncé. The most famous, you know, doing these videos that show these kinds of things to young, 9, 10, 11-year-old girls? I mean — and it’s celebrated. It’s celebrated. You know, that’s the big change.”

He was obviously pretty worked up because he was having some trouble stringing those thoughts together into sentences, you know, that's a problem. It's widespread. It's widespread!

Ben Carson said some things, including thanking Bill O’Reilly for his leadership on these issues (yes, leadership). Then Bill O’Reilly, the great civil rights leader, broke in and declared, “It breaks my heart! It really does.”

Stop, stop, we’re weeping, Uncle Bill. Can't stand to see you suffer so.

2. Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly: If women were more focused on getting married, maybe men wouldn’t sexually assault them so much.

Phyllis Schlafly shared some pearls of wisdom with young women on her radio show this week: Stop focusing on your career so much and get hitched. That’ll stop the menfolk from raping.

Brilliant! Why didn’t we think of that?

Wise old Phyllis asked a question she already had an answer for: “What’s the answer for women who worry about male violence?" (Wait, isn't that all women? And all people?) "It’s not to fear all men," Schlafly continued. "It’s to reject the lifestyle of frequent 'hookups,' which is so much promoted on college campuses today, while the women pursue a career and avoid marriage.”

Hell, what are young ladies even going to college for? To selfishly get educated? What’s next? Are they going to selfishly go out and support themselves? And have boyfriends or girlfriends? That is pretty much asking to be raped.

Had enough crazy? Here’s more.

3. Ex-college president says women should be trained not to drink so they can punch their sexual assaulters in the nose accurately.

Direct your letters to Dr. Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, former president of George Washington University, and apparent expert on Greek life and women’s drinking habits. While appearing on the Diane Rehm Show, this beacon of higher education said we should not blame the victims of sexual assault. Then he proceeded to blame them.

"One of the groups that have to be trained not to drink in excess are women. They need to be in a position to punch the guys in the nose if they misbehave," he said, perhaps thinking he was being clever, or kind of cool for that nose-punch line. "And so part of the problem is you have men who take advantage of women who drink too much and there are women who drink too much. And we need to educate our daughters and our children in that regard."

Wait, did we miss the part where he said young men should drink less, and stop raping people? We must have.

4. Always wrong on Iraq and everything else, war-loving Bill Kristol says Obama should bomb them faster and more.

The editor of the Weekly Standard does not let the fact that he was dead-wrong about Iraq last time the U.S. invaded the country stand in the way of his desire to mouth off about what we should do there now. He does not like the fact that Obama is taking so long to bomb ISIS (a.k.a. ISIL) in Iraq, even though Obama had already started bombing Iraq when Kristol said this, so, what the hell is he talking about? Does he even know what he is talking about? It appears not.

He was particularly critical of Obama’s speech in which the President said the whole world is “appalled by the brutal murder of Jim Foley by the terrorist group, ISIL.” Kristol apparently found this statement “appalling" because the President is doing “nothing,” which we suppose is the word in Kristol-speak for launching airstrikes and helping to arm Kurdish militias to fight ISIL. (Although it is not the usual definition of “nothing” as others know it.)

Here’s an example of how Kristol, who no one in their right mind would listen to since he is unfailingly wrong, would handle the problem with ISIS (and possibly every other problem ever, like, say, having to wait too long in a checkout line).

“You know, why don’t we just [bomb]?” he asked military expert Laura Ingraham on her show. “What’s the harm of bombing them at least for a few weeks and seeing what happens?”

Yeah, just bomb. That never hurts anything.

5. Fox News contributor: Can Michael Brown really be considered an “unarmed” teen when he was just so big?

This bit of genius comes from Fox contributor Linda Chavez, who was on the air this week doing her darndest to dismantle what she regarded as the “mantra” about Michael Brown, namely, the "unarmed black teenager shot by a white cop.” She would prefer a different mantra, perhaps something like Ommmm.

What she does not like about the description, “unarmed black teen shot (six times) by a white cop” is this: “We’re talking about an 18-year-old man who is six-foot-four and weighs almost 300 pounds.”

So, our question is this: What exactly is the size cut-off? When does a person become too big to be considered unarmed? When exactly does flesh morph into a weapon?

We know, we know, when the flesh is black.

6. Tea Partier, former presidential hopeful Herman Cain: Obama is plotting to be impeached.

Remember Herman Cain? The Godfather’s Pizza mogul from Georgia who ran for the Republican presidential nomination and made Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich look, well, sane? He’s still kicking. In fact, in his recollection he “damn near won” that nomination, which isn’t how anyone else recollects it... probably because it didn’t happen.

So, the Tea Partier is no stranger to delusional thinking. Cain recently shared a theory with Rick Wiles' End Times radio show. His theory is that Obama is trying to get impeached. It’s all part of his devilish scheme to keep Democrats in power. Kind of counter-intuitive, right? Cain specializes in that. Also, nonsense.

Cain says the way Obama will accomplish this feat is by issuing an executive order that provides undocumented immigrants with a pathway to citizenship. This will cause Hispanic voters to turn out in droves in the midterm election (and vote for Democrats). But even better for Obama, it will force Republicans to impeach him, which he loves. Everyone loves getting impeached. Just ask Bill Clinton. Here’s how Cain figures it:

"The Democrats would love for the media to be obsessed with impeachment proceedings leading up to November because the Democrats do not want the media to be focusing on failed economic policy, no foreign policy, [and] corruption that's going on in all of the various departments."

So, there it is. The whole dastardly plot. You've been warned.

PostPosted: 09/06/14 8:55 pm • # 100 
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Here is this week's installment ... of arrogant/pathetic/paranoid/depraved/sociopathic "minds" ~ :g ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

AlterNet / By Janet Allon
7 Asinine Right-Wing Moments This Week: Celebrities Get As Vile As Politicians
Nonsense and victim-blaming runs amok amongst wingnuts.

September 6, 2014 | 1. CeeLo Green tweets: It’s only rape if she remembers it.

Former Voice coach and performer CeeLo Green is very, very, very confused about consent. Confused as in Todd Akin “legitimate rape” confused. This week, Green made a series of ill-advised tweets, including “If someone is passed out they’re not even WITH you consciously. So WITH Implies consent,” and “People who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!”

The tweets were connected to a criminal case where he is accused of slipping ecstasy to a woman on a date without her consent. He has pleaded no contest to those charges, but he has not been formally charged with rape. So, let’s just review how deeply offensive—and weirdly passive aggressive—these tweets are. There’s the obvious nonsense about it being okay to rape unconscious people. Then there’s the fact that, if this particular woman does not remember—and his accuser has said she woke up in bed next to Green unsure of what happened the night before—then his slipping her ecstasy is the likely cause of her memory failure.

Perhaps a friend, his lawyer, someone, pointed out how colossally stupid the tweets were, so Green deleted his Twitter account and faux apologized for them. It was one of those, ‘sorry . . . if you were offended’ apologies, popular with the passive aggressive crowd. He said he was sorry “for my comments being taken so far out of context.” So, it was not that the comments were wrong, in fact, Green said they were meant as part of a “healthy exchange to help heal those who love me from the pain I had already caused from this.”

All those who feel healed, say aye.

2. Sean Hannity consults 'Duck Dynasty' star on foreign policy and ISIS. 'Duck Dynasty' star says predictably asinine things.

It’s hard to say who is the bigger fool in this bit of tomfoolery. This week, Sean Hannity invited Phil Robertson, the bible-thumping patriarch of ‘Duck Dynasty’ to talk about ISIS, the extremist Sunni group bent on setting up a new Caliphate in Iraq and Syria. On second thought, maybe it’s not that hard. Hannity wins.

Robertson was just doing what he does, saying predictably dumb, bible-quoting, over-simplifying things about evil and Jesus, like, "The whole world is under the control of the Evil One." And, "All who hate me love death." Most memorably, he advised this strategy to combat ISIS: “Convert them, or kill them.” Coincidentally, this is also reportedly ISIS’ strategy. Wonder if Robertson also advocates beheading.

Hannity expressed concern that the liberal media will jump all over Robertson for that convert or kill remark. Robertson replied that, he’s prepared, “I'll have a Bible study and preach the gospel of Jesus."

Later in the week, normally military-loving Sean Hannity revealed that he cannot, “in good conscience recommend people serve” in the military while Obama is president. So ... so much for jumping all over that ISIS, bombing, killing and converting thing.

3. Kevin Sorbo, washed up Hercules star, just wants to remind Jews that they killed Jesus.

Right-wing, uber-Christian actor Kevin Sorbo has been running his mouth quite a bit lately, with a hot new Christian film to promote and all. (We know, we know; “hot” and “Christian” are kind of oxymoronic.) He had already targeted black protesters in Ferguson, calling them “animals,” then taking it back, sort of. He stretches himself and plays an atheist professor in the film—an atheist; now that’s acting!—and to show his deep understanding of his character, has accused atheists of always being “so angry.”

This week, he went for the trifecta, by going after Jewish people. He talked to Jerry Newcombe on “Vocal Point” about Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion of the Christ” and the accusations that it was anti-Semitic. Sorbo did not get why the Jewish community was upset about the film's portrayal of ancient Jews as vicious, ugly Christ-killers. He had this message for them: “News bulletin: you did kill Jesus!”

Good that he cleared that up.

4. Pat Robertson to 80-year-old broke woman: Get a job, and keep up the tithing.

Pat Robertson tended to his television flock with all the usual love and compassion he always musters this week.

A faithful 80-year-old viewer wrote in to the show about how she and her 80-plus husband have always dutifully tithed to the church. “We both love the Lord and give willingly and our tithe is over 10 percent,” she wrote. But now the elderly couple are having trouble making ends meet. “We never have an extra penny after our monthly bills are paid,” she lamented. And more bills await, a car needing fixing, dental care, medical needs, you know, luxuries.

Uncle Pat had some wonderful advice for the writer. First and foremost, keep tithing. (Did he not hear what she said about not being able to make ends meet?) Secondly, sell your belongings on e-Bay. And third, get a job, lazy. Just “ask God to show you some ways of making money,” the televangelist helpfully suggested.

Also, stop being so neggo. “You’re looking at the downside of all the bills you’ve got instead of saying, ‘God, I’ve been faithful to you. Now, I claim my blessing, and I ask you to open the windows of heaven and pour me out a blessing. Show me what you’re going to do, show me how I can move into blessing.’ So, just ask him.”

Yeah. That’ll work. Problem solved.

5. Fox News guests: 'Feminists are not godly,' basically.

Hoo boy, some more geniuses have been given a forum on Fox News. In an appearance on Fox & Friends to promote their new book, What Women Really Want, hosts of the Internet video show Politichicks excitedly announced their “new brand of feminism.”

But first, they trashed the current brand of feminists, who they think are “intolerant,” among other undesirable traits.

“They claim they’re feminists, but what they actually are, they are sexualists,” said Politichicks Editor in Chief Ann-Marie Murrell. “It has nothing to do with empowering women anymore.”

Sexualists. No idea what she’s talking about. Anyone?

Another one, Politichicks host Dr. Gina Loudon explained. “Women don’t want to be objectified, and what the feminist movement has successfully done, is really, sexualized women instead of feminizing women.”

Oh, okay. Wait. Wha…?

“So, we’re here with a new brand of feminism,” Loudon announced, “saying drop the shackles of the old feminism. It’s time for women who really want to be women, who want to be feminine, who want to be what God designed them to be.”

Hurray, a new brand of feminism that purports to know what God intended for women.

Just what the world needs now.

6. Heartless GOPer: Just because children are being murdered, doesn’t mean we should not deport them.

Remember compassionate conservatism? Neither do we. Probably because it never materialized.

Certainly, House Republican Robert Pittenger of North Carolina certainly never got the memo on the compassion part. He is very concerned about the unaccompanied minors flooding the U.S./Mexico border (if by concerned you mean he wants to get rid of them at all costs). To be fair, he’s not just picking on those kids; he also told constituents at a reportedly all-white town hall meeting this week that he’d also like to have DREAMers, or children of undocumented immigrants raised here, deported.

ThinkProgress asked Pittenger if the deportations of the unaccompanied minors should continue in the light of reports that some of the children have been killed upon return. Yes, he said, they should.

He told ThinkProgress: “Do you want to open up America’s doors to the entire world? We can’t handle the healthcare and education today for our own population! We have to be sensible about what we our system can manage. So you put them on planes and you send them back.”

7. Gohmert: Non-English speakers bring education down. Ban them from the schools.

Horrible Texas tea partier Louie Gohmert said some more horrible things this week. He suggested that non-English speaking people be banned from the education system. He was talking about those unaccompanied minors fleeing violence in Central America, of course, but he really meant all immigrants.

“It’s not fair to kids that come in and speak only Spanish, throw them in a classroom with English-speaking students,” Gohmert whined to Tucker Carlson on Fox News. “It’s unfair to both the English-speaking and to the Spanish-speaking students. It is not fair.”

Not to be outdone, Carlson ventured an even far crazier, though admittedly less whiny, theory: Carlson argued that immigrants who were going to school in the U.S. were part of a “scam” because some who tried to enroll were “people who were pretending to be kids who aren’t.”

Huh? Why would they do this? Nobody knows. Nor was it explained because Gohmert was on a roll, blaming President Obama for everything, because Obama is “thinking only about the foreign students,” because … of course he is. (Because, shhh, he’s not really an Amurrican.)

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