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PostPosted: 12/27/13 8:59 am • # 101 
jimwilliam wrote:
Jeanne: jim, do you believe there is now no discrimination against women?

Not at all! I think there is still some degree of discrimination against women. It's changed over the years and the legislation is in place in most western countries to combat the rest. The strident, caterwauling. blame men for everything crusaders in the women as victims industry are simply making matters worse. The legislation is in place in most western countries to even the playing field so, instead of hanging around, whining and seeking ever increasing amounts of government largesse, do something about it. Nowhere are women allowed to make less money than men for doing the same work, for example, so, instead of squirreling yourself away in some two bit nail painting shop working for some woman for minimum wage, learn to use a welding stinger and go suck up some smoke. You'd be amazed to find out that, not only do you make the same money as the guy sitting beside you, you're in demand because, by and large, women make better welders....also machinists.

In general, what I am saying is quit blaming men for everything and start shouldering some of the responsibility for making things better. There are individual men who are assholes, but most of us aren't so, if you don't want to be shunned, held back and isolated at the workplace, tell your industry to shut the fuck up, quit blaming all men for everything so that they have to be afraid of you and show them what you can do.

This is from post #26
"Why do women keep talking about it? Because men keep ignoring it. There are the guys who think the women could have prevented it if they had stayed in line. There are the guys that say excuse me if women are equals then they can take care of themselves. There are the guys that say, tough shit women, some of you abuse guys so let's call it even and shut the fuck up."

The thing I didn't get was that the men are afraid of the women who talk about the problems that still exist.

PostPosted: 12/27/13 10:52 am • # 102 

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The thing I didn't get was that the men are afraid of the women who talk about the problems that still exist.

Which men would those be?

PostPosted: 12/27/13 11:54 am • # 103 
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The thing I didn't get was that the men are afraid of the women who talk about the problems that still exist.

Kathy answered that in post 80 with:

Good Lord, they have a problem with I like your outfit. It can look nice, but it can't be attractive because that has a sexual connotation.

Because of the industry whining, guys aren't sure what they can say to the women they work when they have to parse their words to the degree the industry demands. No matter what they say the woman can screech "sexual harassment" and the guy loses his job. So what the guys do is just ignore the women they work with and that includes shunning them in lunchrooms and refusing to train them on-the-job.

Kathy's reference is a prime example of the kind of thing I call "the industry" where, whoever the consultant was, got paid big bucks just to make matters worse.

PostPosted: 12/27/13 12:08 pm • # 104 
Shore Medical Center didn't really care about us (the employees). They mandated that presentation because they didn't want the facility liable for lawsuits.

Molly, a nurse about my age, told me after her session that she'd tell me she liked my jacket if it was not sexual harassment. It's not.

Actually after this presentation I worried for my husband. He is the Program Manager, and he has a lot of women in their office. There was a huge deal (originated by the FAA) about someone having an angel calendar on their wall. An old Program Manager lost his job because he supported the employee. Things become monsters they should not become. Way outside the intent of actual sexual harassment, and it is very sad.

PostPosted: 12/27/13 2:18 pm • # 105 
I worded that badly. I do get, as in understand, what you meant by the statement. I just didn't realize, when I was listing the "guys that" in post 26, that fear was part of the reasons to hate feminists.

Many laws can go to an extreme. The people need to fight to get them back to reasonable. The ideal is, if a woman lets it be known (or a man) that they consider a compliment to their looks to be sexual harassment, then you don't compliment their looks anymore. Simple. Sexual harassment is still a big problem. As more women get in positions of power, there are more instances where it is the woman harassing a man. It is wrong regardless of whether it is a man doing it or a woman. When the law is enforced unfairly, people need to fight it just as women had to fight to get the laws in the first place. The laws are necessary. They have to mandate these sessions so no one can claim they didn't know.

PostPosted: 12/27/13 2:20 pm • # 106 
oskar576 wrote:
The thing I didn't get was that the men are afraid of the women who talk about the problems that still exist.

Which men would those be?

Did you ask me that question or jim? He's the one who said men are afraid.

PostPosted: 12/28/13 10:16 am • # 107 
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No matter what they say the woman can screech "sexual harassment" and the guy loses his job. ... 48381.html

IOWA CITY, Iowa -- A dentist acted legally when he fired an assistant that he found attractive simply because he and his wife viewed the woman as a threat to their marriage, the all-male Iowa Supreme Court ruled Friday.

The court ruled 7-0 that bosses can fire employees they see as an "irresistible attraction," even if the employees have not engaged in flirtatious behavior or otherwise done anything wrong. Such firings may be unfair, but they are not unlawful discrimination under the Iowa Civil Rights Act because they are motivated by feelings and emotions, not gender, Justice Edward Mansfield wrote.

PostPosted: 12/28/13 10:40 am • # 108 
Chaos333 wrote:
No matter what they say the woman can screech "sexual harassment" and the guy loses his job. ... 48381.html

IOWA CITY, Iowa -- A dentist acted legally when he fired an assistant that he found attractive simply because he and his wife viewed the woman as a threat to their marriage, the all-male Iowa Supreme Court ruled Friday.

The court ruled 7-0 that bosses can fire employees they see as an "irresistible attraction," even if the employees have not engaged in flirtatious behavior or otherwise done anything wrong. Such firings may be unfair, but they are not unlawful discrimination under the Iowa Civil Rights Act because they are motivated by feelings and emotions, not gender, Justice Edward Mansfield wrote.

chaos, the thing that got me most about this story when I saw it on tv is everyone seems to assume she would even consider being with him. She has no sexual interest in him and is happily married. People are acting like if he decided to act on it an affair would happen. His being potential slime does not mean she is. Fact is, too, his sexual harassment of her was blatant, talking about the bulge in his panta means her shirt was too tight and asking her how often she had orgasms. Not sure why his wife wants to keep him. :g

PostPosted: 12/28/13 10:52 am • # 109 
all this talk of ' the industry' getting rich.. i was on the board of directors for two years, of a local abuse/sexual assault organization locally.. we had to scrimp and cut to keep the shelter open, we were required by law to put up abused men too, but since we only have one shelter, the men got hotel/apartment, not enough men to justify a shelter to the grantors, we needed to get donations for toilet paper, totally not getting rich here.. the BOD were all volunteer btw.. we had to cut staff, because of lack of funding. in the two years i was on the board, we had two men come forward as abuse victims. we had hundreds of women.

PostPosted: 12/28/13 11:07 am • # 110 
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I don't think anyone is suggesting that individual shelters or the people who dedicate themselves to helping abused women are getting rich.

PostPosted: 12/28/13 1:00 pm • # 111 

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roseanne wrote:
I don't think anyone is suggesting that individual shelters or the people who dedicate themselves to helping abused women are getting rich.

Nope, no one has.
There are, however, hundreds (perhaps thousands) of fund-raising "professionals" raking in million$ on the backs of good intentions.

PostPosted: 12/28/13 2:35 pm • # 112 
Actually, I think it has been suggested. In reaction to articles about rape and abuse etc, any of us who agreed with them that there still is a problem have been called part of the industry where feminists are getting rich. Ldybroker obviously knows there is still the problem so I assume she would be considered part of the industry by jim and others. She has obviously been brainwashed by the industry. It couldn't possibly be that what she and we have seen makes us feel as we do. See the women who fought to get help for abused women have helped the guys, too. More help is needed. This will be discussed whether jim and others like it or not. Now we not only have to fight the people that control the money and the people that abuse and the people that make the laws, we also have to fight the whiney guys who get their feelings hurt and are afraid of feminists. A man's fear of being falsely accused of sexual harassment should not be the important point when discussing men who abuse and rape. Somebody's priorities are warped. Abused men have not been ignored, they get the help they need as well as the women do (though not nearly enough because of the guys controlling the funding). The attempt to rewrite reality by jumping on the general term men, saying women need to give up some of their help for men, making excuses for rapists and sexists etc. is not helping anyone.

PostPosted: 12/28/13 5:05 pm • # 113 

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Men’s Rights’ and ‘Revenge Porn’ Sites Seethe With Anger Over Women’s Autonomy Anatomy

PostPosted: 12/28/13 6:50 pm • # 114 
who are these professionals?? would love to put in a grant request for our local abuse shelter and rape victims!

PostPosted: 12/28/13 7:29 pm • # 115 

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Ldybroker wrote:
who are these professionals?? would love to put in a grant request for our local abuse shelter and rape victims!


PostPosted: 12/28/13 7:54 pm • # 116 
I was on 5th Floor Medical today and a nurse's aide, Tina, came back from six months of medical leave to light duty. She pressed an icon on her computer that said At Your Own Risk and up popped a nude picture of Santa. The charge nurse launched into the idiocy of our training and how the person who put it on there is at risk of being fired if admin finds out who did it. I said it's inappropriate but it should be taken down and the issue ended. Then we told Tina that she harassed my by telling me that she liked my outfit. I told her to relax that I wouldn't file charges.

Meanwhile down in the ER is a 72 yo man who set fire to his bedroom and caused enough smoke damage to his daughter's home that they(wife, daughter and son-in-law) are in a hotel for the night. I talked to the man and he stated that he wants to go his way and his wife, daughter and son in law theirs. He would kill them if they tried to stop him. I told the doc he threatened the family and I think he needed an institutionalization eval. The doc is mad at me because he stated the patient was stable and I irritated him and he won't qualify for Psych hospital because he is oriented to time, place and person. I said he threatened his family and set fire to his home and was a danger to self or others. The doc is mad. So be it.

The world is full of cases like these. This week was nutz btw!!!!

PostPosted: 12/28/13 8:50 pm • # 117 
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Long ago, I had a male boss who commented on my supposed "visible panty lines".

I told him he shouldn't be staring at my rear end anyway.

The end.

PostPosted: 12/28/13 9:09 pm • # 118 

You done good, chaos. I am trying to think back to back in the day when I was young. I know I was told I got an 8 percent raise and the guys got a 10 percent raise cause I had Jeff and they had families to feed. I am sure they do that now, but more covertly.

We all get 2 percent bumps in February. The hospital world is different. In the day I worked for relative large corporations and I think it's different from say, a dentist's office where I think they can fire people because they just don't like you or they like you too much.

PostPosted: 12/29/13 1:13 am • # 119 
nothing on just feminism eh oscar? was hoping to find a site that was geared to helping women, might be easier to get funding, that is one that is geared to teaching fundraising, for anything.. we cannot afford to hire a professional fundraiser.

PostPosted: 12/29/13 1:16 am • # 120 
kathyk1024 wrote:

You done good, chaos. I am trying to think back to back in the day when I was young. I know I was told I got an 8 percent raise and the guys got a 10 percent raise cause I had Jeff and they had families to feed. I am sure they do that now, but more covertly. .

now it is a violation of your contract to discuss salaries, so , if someone is being paid more, you are not supposed to know it. there was a nurse i knew a few years back, single mom with four daughters, she was an LPN.. there was a male LPN in her office also, and they were paying him more because 'he had a family to raise' one of the doctors pointed out that sandra Also had a family to raise!

PostPosted: 12/29/13 4:08 am • # 121 
Has the rule changed? Kathy, wouldn't you have to let her know that you considered compliments to your clothes sexual harassment first, then if she did it again it would be reportable? A compliment like that is not necessarily sexual. It only becomes a problem if the person it is said to is offended. They let that be known and then if done again it is sexual harassment.

I defended a guy who got in trouble for sexual harassment. He was not a very likeable guy. This good looking guy told a lot of naughty jokes. This one woman would always laugh at them. One day Mr. unlikeable told a naughty joke. She reported him for sexual harassment. I raised hell. It was unreasonable to expect him to know she didn't want to hear those when she would listen to and laugh at the ones told by the good looking guy.

PostPosted: 01/02/14 12:18 pm • # 122 
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RE post #58 at some point while in the other thread Queenie even suggested I must be a rapist.

Please provide evidence of this- I have never to my knowledge even intimated this, nor have I ever thought it to be true. And, as most of you have likely observed, it is not my style. Maybe you have mistaken me for someone else, or perhaps I have been misinterpreted.

PostPosted: 01/02/14 1:18 pm • # 123 
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Here's a couple of examples (from the hundreds available) of the pros at work. All yours, totally useless and sold out for roughly $1,000 a day....but not a dime for men shelters.

PostPosted: 01/02/14 1:31 pm • # 124 
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queenoftheuniverse wrote:
RE post #58 at some point while in the other thread Queenie even suggested I must be a rapist.

Please provide evidence of this- I have never to my knowledge even intimated this, nor have I ever thought it to be true. And, as most of you have likely observed, it is not my style. Maybe you have mistaken me for someone else, or perhaps I have been misinterpreted.

Sorry, Queenie. It was laughingalltheway. Post 84 of the "Can Men Be Taught Not To Be Rapists" thread.


PostPosted: 01/02/14 1:38 pm • # 125 
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Thanks for clearing that up. I appreciate it.

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