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PostPosted: 03/02/15 9:56 am • # 26 
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The sad fact is that O'Reilly actually believes his bullshit to be true. I was married to someone like that. It's weird. He would tell stories that I knew were lies with so much conviction that you could tell he believed he was telling the truth.

PostPosted: 03/02/15 6:34 pm • # 27 
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Sheesh! It would have been a shorter read if someone would have listed when O'Reilly didn't lie.

PostPosted: 03/02/15 6:42 pm • # 28 

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jabra2 wrote:
Sheesh! It would have been a shorter read if someone would have listed when O'Reilly didn't lie.

True. Blank pages are a pretty quick read.

PostPosted: 03/03/15 7:42 am • # 29 
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I wonder if O'Reilly has ever heard or used the phrase "karma's a bitch" ~ :ey ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

Flashback: Keith Olbermann has been calling out Bill O’Reilly’s lies for a very long time
Arturo Garcia | 02 Mar 2015 at 23:34 ET

With new allegations questioning Bill O’Reilly’s reporting on Monday, a segment late last year by ESPN’s Keith Olbermann can be seen in a new light.

On Nov. 19, Olbermann named the Factor host his daily “Worst Person In The World,” but not because of their long-standing political differences. Instead, a smiling Olbermann tore into O’Reilly’s public statements inflating his athletic prowess.

At the time, O’Reilly had given a radio interview talking about his days as a “varsity” football player at Marist College.

“We were undefeated our senior year,” O’Reilly told ESPN radio host Dan LeBatard. “That was a pretty good deal.”

But Olbermann had debunked that claim as far back as 2005, pointing out that Marist did not field a varsity team until 1978 — seven years after O’Reilly graduated.

“It was varsity football in the sense of that we played Georgetown, Catholic U., Fordham, Manhattan, Iona,” O’Reilly said in his defense. “So, you know, look. You know what it is, guys, you know what it is.”

In the months since, O’Reilly has come under more scrutiny for his reporting. On Monday, Mother Jones — which initiated the wave of questioning earlier this month — fired back at his assertion that he witnessed people getting shot during a “combat” situation following the end of the Falklands War in Argentina, publishing CBS News footage narrated by O’Reilly that makes no mention of any fatalities:

He says nothing about soldiers chasing him and his crew. And there’s no reference to a CBS cameraman being injured. (A reporter who witnesses soldiers shooting protesters and killing many civilians would presumably be compelled to report on those horrors.) His report depicts exactly what other journalists and eyewitnesses have said took place: a violent demonstration in which tear gas and rubber bullets were deployed. In this 1982 report, O’Reilly called the demonstration a “disturbance.” But in later years—on his Fox News show, in his writings, and at speaking engagements—he has claimed that the event was a bloody melee that amounted to “combat” in a “war zone.”

In the past, O’Reilly has attacked Mother Jones‘ David Corn as a “guttersnipe” and a “liar.” On Monday, however, he did not address the latest story on his program.

Watch Olbermann’s commentary on O’Reilly’s days as an athlete, as posted by ESPN, below.

PostPosted: 03/05/15 10:12 am • # 30 
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Personally, I pay more attention to ridicule than I do to anger ...mostly because ridicule can't be dismissed as easily by the target ~ Rachel [and a few others] has mastered the art of ridicule ~ there are a few "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

Maddow Fillets Bill O'Reilly's Tale Of Witnessing JFK Figure's Suicide (VIDEO)
By Brendan James Published March 5, 2015, 10:04 AM EST

If you come at "the king of cable news," you best not miss.

After calling Fox News host Bill O'Reilly "the king" of the business, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow went for the jugular on Wednesday night, mercilessly ridiculing O'Reilly for reportedly exaggerating stories throughout his career.

The attack on the Fox host's credibility started with a Feb. 9 article in the Nation magazine that questioned O'Reilly's reporting on the civil war in El Salvador. Soon after, a report by Mother Jones cast doubt on his claims to have been in a "war-zone" in Argentina, and kicked off a wave of fact-checking.

On Wednesday night, Maddow ran through other things that have come to light, such as the host's tendency to say he has "seen," say, people shot in the head, only to later clarify that he merely saw pictures of violence.

Then, Maddow leaned in.

"What [O'Reilly and Fox] haven't touched at all thus far is one where there appears to be no plausible, innocent explanation for what Mr. O'Reilly said," she said.

She ran a clip of O'Reilly on "Fox & Friends" repeating a story he has told in multiple books: That in 1977, he was on the scene in Florida at the suicide of George de Mohrenschildt, a friend of President John F. Kennedy's assassin.

Then, Maddow played audio tapes released by CNN last week, of phone calls made by O'Reilly from 1977 in which he said he was "coming down" "to Florida" after the suicide.

"Mr. O'Reilly does not seem to have been standing on the porch listening to the gun shot ring out as the guy killed himself," Maddow said.

"I mean, not unless that guy's porch was long enough to extend from that house in Florida all the way into Texas where Bill O'Reilly was working as a Dallas reporter," she added.

Maddow noted that she had reached out to Fox News about the stories, but was given an interesting response: Information on Bill O'Reilly's "great" ratings.

Maddow burst out laughing.

“Your ratings are great! I’ve seen your ratings shoot my ratings right in the head,” Maddow said. “Well, I’ve seen pictures of that, I should say."

Watch the video, courtesy of Media Matters: [video accessible via end link]

PostPosted: 03/07/15 11:01 am • # 31 
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From my "saved to read/maybe post later" file ~ what's telling to me is that following more of Bill O'Reilly's lies being exposed, and a week+ of O'Reilly blasting everyone who dared to question his honestly coupled with a week+ of Fox "standing with O'Reilly", both O'Reilly and Fox have "gone quiet" ~ not sure what, if anything, that means ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

Fox News forced to backtrack again over Bill O’Reilly’s reporting claims
Alan Yuhas, The Guardian | 02 Mar 2015 at 13:43 ET

Fox News has admitted, in answer to questions from the Washington Post , that host Bill O’Reilly did not witness any bombings in Northern Ireland or murders in El Salvador. The network said he saw only photographs of such atrocities.

For more than a week, Fox defended O’Reilly from increasing accusations that he has for years exaggerated elements of his reporting. O’Reilly called such accusations “bullshit” and made vague threats against reporters who do not satisfy his demands about their own reporting.

The story took on increased relevancy after NBC suspended the Nightly News anchor Brian Williams , over inconsistencies in his version of events in Iraq in 2003 and around Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

The new Fox statement is the second time either Fox or O’Reilly has backtracked on such issues.

O’Reilly claimed in a broadcast to have taken part in “a raid” in Ireland, and in a 2013 book, Keep It Pithy, wrote that he had seen “Irish terrorists kill and maim their fellow citizens in Belfast with bombs”.

O’Reilly did not see any bombings or injuries but only saw photographs provided to reporters by police, a Fox spokesperson told the Post.

Last week, O’Reilly qualified his claims of having seen four nuns murdered in El Salvador in 1980, during that country’s civil war. O’Reilly had said he saw “guys gun down nuns in El Salvador” and “nuns get shot in the back of the head”. He now says he was among “reporters [who were] shown horrendous images of violence that were never broadcast”.

O’Reilly was forced to concede that point to the liberal media watchdog Mediaite, which pointed out that the nuns were murdered in December 1980 and that O’Reilly did not travel to El Salvador until he became a CBS correspondent in 1981.

O’Reilly has claimed in broadcasts and books to have covered “four wars”, citing Northern Ireland, El Salvador, the Falklands and an unspecified conflict in Israel.

O’Reilly’s claims about his experiences in Argentina were the first to raise questions about the anchor’s truthfulness, when the liberal magazine Mother Jones found inconsistencies between his stories and eyewitness accounts. He has defended his claims that he reported “on the ground in active war zones” and “survived a combat situation in Argentina during the Falklands war”, although he has admitted that he never reported from the islands and was instead 1,200 miles away, in Buenos Aires.

Former colleagues at CBS disputed O’Reilly’s account of what happened in Buenos Aires, where he claims to have dragged to safety a cameraman who had been wounded by a rioting crowd.

O’Reilly’s coverage of the 1992 LA riots has also been called into question by former colleagues, who said they could not recollect any incident that might resemble being “attacked by protesters” or having concrete “raining down on us”, as he claimed.

“It didn’t happen,” Rick Kirkham, Inside Edition’s lead reporter, told the Guardian last week. “If it did, how come none of the rest of us remember it?”

Fox has dismissed such questions as “nothing more than an orchestrated campaign by far-left advocates”.

“Responding to the unproven accusation du jour has become an exercise in futility,” a spokesperson told the Guardian in answer to questions over O’Reilly’s reporting of the LA riots. “Fox News maintains its staunch support of O’Reilly, who is no stranger to calculated onslaughts.”

PostPosted: 03/09/15 8:15 am • # 32 
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From someone who knows ~ if BillO's sleazy behavior and deceit haven't already disgusted you, this should do it ~ and interestingly, BillO and Fox have gone strangely quiet ~ :ey ~ Sooz

Phone Sex And Payoffs: What I Learned About Bill O'Reilly After Writing His Biography
By Marvin Kitman Published March 9, 2015, 8:49 AM EDT

With allegations of embellishment or outright lies about his work as a journalist falling out of the sky like acid rain, countless talking heads have called into question the character of iconic cable network news anchor Bill O’Reilly.

I don’t need to take their word for it: I am the author of The Man Who Would Not Shut Up: The Rise of Bill O’Reilly.

While it was an “unauthorized biography,” he did give me 29 interviews. As a Long Island boy, the dean of Fox News screaming had grown up reading my columns in Newsday, so he seemed thrilled to have the personal attention of his local TV critic for the 30-minute-a-week sessions over a two-year period, undisturbed by the cyclone fence and storm windows ads, the other staples of Newsday’s contribution to western civilization.

Among the laurels he handed out to himself in singing the praises of his 25-year apprenticeship as a TV newsman—rising from local TV beat reporter in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton market in 1970 to the top Fox News in 1996—is that nobody could tell him what to say or write.

Generally speaking, the word was O’Reilly liked the book, especially the parts where I praised him. The one part he didn’t like was the part about his phone sex problem.

In the book, I recounted certain allegations of sexual harassment (offensive phone calls to a female coworker in 2004), and he was understandably embarrassed by her lawsuit. It was the kind of story he would have covered on his show with glee if he weren’t a principal part of the story. The news went viral on the Internet that day.

It turned out O’Reilly was hypersensitive about the subject. In his opinion, sex problems did not have a place in exhaustively researched biographies. I disagreed. Omitting it would be like not mentioning Monica in a definitive biography of Bill Clinton or omitting Watergate from a book about Nixon.

To his credit, O’Reilly had second thoughts. “Look, Marv,” he told me in a phone call back when he was still talking to me, “I realize as a journalist you have to deal with the subject.” He even gave me advice on how it should be handled. “Three sentences,” he said, orally writing them for me. “Sentence one: O’Reilly had a problem. Sentence two: O’Reilly dealt with the problem. Sentence three: It’s history.”

The irony: It didn’t seem to matter to O’Reilly that my account based on solid reporting was not only fair and balanced, but also concluded he was being blackmailed. All that cut no ice with him, from all reports.

He was so eager to flush the incident down the memory hole that he paid the plaintiff off. Keith Olbermann reported that O’ Reilly paid ten million dollars to make it disappear. “And he didn’t even get a kiss,” Olbermann said on MSNBC’s “Countdown,” which covered O’Reilly like the morning dew in those days.

Another thing I never shared with my readers: the aftermath of my relationship with the modern-day Wizard of Ooze. Not only did O’Reilly turn on me, but he put the Big Freeze on the book despite its critical success. He had been in the habit of dropping into our interviews that a mention on “The Factor” would guarantee instant bestseller-dom.

In the event, a newly-aggrieved O’Reilly vowed not a word would be said about the book, despite the chance to let his viewers know all about the 25 years before he became such an unimpeachable source of information and enlightenment.

He kept his word. I will give him credit for that.

As if that wasn’t enough of a helping hand to his old admired local TV critic, not only was the book officially killed elsewhere in the Murdoch world, as Liz Smith told me about why she couldn’t mention the book in her column, but he spread the word to his friends on right-wing talk radio that Kitman was persona non grata on the guest list.

Up until this moment, integrity is what O’Reilly is purportedly all about—at least according to him. “If you couldn’t play by those rules as a newsman,” he argued, “then you should be doing Entertainment Tonight.” How could he live with himself?

As one of his bosses at Fox News later told me, “Bill has two sets of principles. One for himself, one for others.” I had committed the cardinal sin of practicing what O’Reilly preached.

Marvin Kitman was the TV/ media critic at Newsday from 1969 to 2005. He is the author of nine books about American icons, including O’Reilly and George Washington. (“The Making of the Prefident 1789” and “George Washington’s Expense Account”). He writes a non-blog at

PostPosted: 03/09/15 9:24 am • # 33 

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Best thing O'Reilly could do for himself is retire.

PostPosted: 03/25/15 9:31 am • # 34 
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If Bill O'Reilly has never "fibbed" on the air, then I'm WonderWoman ~ and if he believes his own BS, then he's got a very serious problem ~ :g ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

Bill O’Reilly tells David Letterman: I’ve never ‘fibbed’ on the air ‘that I know of’
Arturo Garcia / 24 Mar 2015 at 22:39 ET

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly attempted to downplay the recent questions surrounding his recording in footage from his interview with CBS’ David Letterman released on Tuesday.

“Have you ever fibbed on the air?” Letterman asked the Factor host.

“Fibbed? Not that I know of,” O’Reilly responded. “What I do is analysis — different from what other people do. So I bioviate and give my opinion, as you well know. But it’s not worth it for me to do that.”

Letterman countered that there was a common factor linking O’Reilly’s editorializing and NBC’s Brian Williams’ position as a network anchor.

“Trust is the residue of both positions,” the Late Show host said. “People must trust you to the same degree. They might disagree with you, but they must trust you, the same way they trust Brian Williams.”

“And that’s an excellent point,” O’Reilly answered. “I’m in my 19th season now. Fifteen years at number 1. Our ratings now are as high as they’ve ever been, so I think they do trust me, and I’m glad they do.”

The footage released thus far, however, only covers the first allegation that O’Reilly fabricated his reporting — Mother Jones’ report last month questioning his account of his experiences following the end of the Falklands War.

O’Reilly called the magazine’s chief Washington correspondent, David Corn, a “despicable guttersnipe” following that story, but did not mention that insult when describing his response to Letterman.

“They didn’t think that, because I hit it immediately hard and said, ‘Look, this is the facts, this is what happened,” O’Reilly said.

However, the footage does not contain any references to the discrepancies that have surfaced since then, including the apparent debunking of O’Reilly’s claim that a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald’s killed himself when the Fox host was at his front door, and his backtracking on a claim to have seen nuns being shot to death in El Salvador.

O’Reilly has remained largely silent regarding those incidents, while his network has responded to questions by boasting about his ratings, as he can be seen doing in the Letterman clip.

The footage, as posted online on Tuesday, can be seen below.

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