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PostPosted: 04/02/15 10:43 am • # 51 

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“I think it’s important we have a sense of perspective,” [Senator Tom] Cotton said. “In Iran they hang you for the crime of being gay.”

And not so long ago they would hang you for the crime of being black... that attitude hasn't changed a whole lot in many states, right, Mr. Cotton?

PostPosted: 04/02/15 10:51 am • # 52 
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Yes, it is important have keep a sense of perspective. In Iran they shoot you for being Christian. What is your point, Sen Cotton?

PostPosted: 04/02/15 2:19 pm • # 53 
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I personally find this very disturbing, even tho I'm not surprised that a Glenn Beck entity would lead the charge ~ :g ~ I'll post the video next ~ Sooz

TheBlaze Raises $140k For Indiana Pizza Shop Refusing To Cater Gay Weddings


By Catherine Thompson Published April 2, 2015, 12:31 PM EDT

A crowdfunding campaign has raised nearly $140,000 for the Indiana pizzeria forced to close its doors after vowing never to cater a same-sex wedding.

The O'Connor family, which owns Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Ind., told local TV station WBND on Tuesday that they supported the Hoosier State's new "religious freedom" law and would refuse to cater a same-sex wedding if asked to do so because of their religious beliefs. The family clarified that they would never refuse service to a gay or non-Christian customer who came into the restaurant to eat, however.

Still, backlash against the pizzeria was swift from critics of the law, known as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Opponents flooded Memories Pizza's Yelp page with negative reviews on Wednesday.

Owner Kevin O'Connor later told Fox News that the restaurant was also flooded with so many calls for fake pizza orders that he had to close up shop. He said he wasn't sure when or whether he'd reopen.

Dana Loesch, a host on Glenn Beck's TheBlaze TV network, spoke earlier Wednesday with co-owner Crystal O'Connor. Loesch asked O'Connor how the backlash to the family's comments about the law had financially impacted them.

"I have absolutely no income coming in at all" without the pizzeria, O'Connor told Loesch.

Loesch then told O'Connor that her crew had set up a fundraiser for the pizzeria on the crowd-funding website GoFundMe.

"You've done nothing wrong here," Loesch told O'Connor.

The fundraiser had netted almost $140,000 from more than 4,800 donors as of Thursday early afternoon. The page's organizers had originally set a fundraising goal of $25,000 but increased that figure after the campaign took off.

"The intent was to help the family stave off the burdensome cost of having the media parked out front, activists tearing them down, and no customers coming in," the GoFundMe page read. "Our goal was simply to help take one thing off this family's plate as the strangers sought to destroy them."

PostPosted: 04/02/15 2:23 pm • # 54 
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Here's the video of the Dana Loesch/TheBlaze segment ~ :g ~ Sooz

PostPosted: 04/02/15 2:30 pm • # 55 

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So many suckers get taken in by that huckster.

PostPosted: 04/02/15 3:44 pm • # 56 
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grampatom wrote:
Yes, it is important have keep a sense of perspective. In Iran they shoot you for being Christian. What is your point, Sen Cotton?


PostPosted: 04/03/15 8:05 am • # 57 
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This is an interesting quote from a New York Times Article on this topic. What's most interesting is the last sentence.

"But now, many Christian conservatives say that what happened over the last week in Indiana — and in Arkansas, where lawmakers backed away from a similar law — has been a terrible blow to their movement. They are left with a law at war with itself, with language that seems to cancel out what it had been designed to accomplish." ... -news&_r=0

PostPosted: 04/03/15 8:32 am • # 58 
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I was "disturbed" yesterday when this funding was at $140,000 ... so just imagine how I'm feeling about this now that it has gone past $500,000 ~ :g ~ there are some "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

Conservative Fundraiser For Anti-Gay Indiana Pizzeria Now Tops $500K


By Catherine Thompson Published April 3, 2015, 9:43 AM EDT

A fundraiser for the Indiana pizzeria that closed its doors amid widespread outrage over its owners' beliefs about homosexuality topped $500,000 in less than 48 hours.

A crew from Glenn Beck's TheBlaze TV network on Wednesday afternoon set up the fundraiser for the O'Connor family, which owns Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Ind., on the crowdfunding website GoFundMe. Donations poured in at an impressive clip.

The O'Connor family garnered national attention when they told a local TV station earlier this week that they supported the Hoosier State's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act and would refuse to cater a same-sex wedding if asked to do so.

They clarified that they would never refuse service to a gay or non-Christian customer who came into the restaurant to eat, however.

Critics of the law bombarded Memories Pizza's Yelp page with negative reviews and flooded the restaurant with phony orders, forcing the O'Connor family to close up shop Wednesday.

Co-owner Crystal O'Connor said Thursday night on Fox's "Cavuto" that the family appreciated donors' support and would reopen the restaurant sometime soon.

She also doubled down on her opposition to hypothetically catering a same-sex wedding.

"It is not a sin that we bring gays into our establishment and just serve them. It is a sin, though, if we cater their wedding," she told host Neil Cavuto. "We feel we are participating. We’re putting a stamp of approval on their wedding. And we cannot do that."

PostPosted: 04/05/15 9:40 am • # 59 
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Exposing the deep sociopathy of the far-right ~ :g ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

5 Craziest Conservative Reactions to the Pushback on Indiana's LGBT Discrimination Law
O'Reilly, Carlson and vile Sen. Tom Cotton all outdo themselves.
By Kali Holloway / AlterNet / April 2, 2015

The backlash to Indiana’s newly passed "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" – a complex name for a simple law that lets business owners discriminate against LGBT people – has been fierce and swift. Both the famous and the slightly less famous took to Twitter to criticize the law. Wilco and comedians Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman cancelled plans to perform in the state. Businesses pulled sponsorships for the Indy Big Data tech conference. The National Forensic Association, The Mid-American Conference, and the AFSCME workers’ union have cancelled events. And mayors and governors from states and cities around the country – including Connecticut, Denver, New York City and state, Portland, San Francisco, Vermont and Washington, D.C. – have announced bans on government-funded travel to Indiana. Even the Christian Church aka Disciples of Christ just announced plans to relocate its 2017 General Assembly gathering.

And there were other signs of opposition. The Internet, making brilliant use of Yelp, did some serious trolling of an Indiana pizzeria that planned to use the law to justify discrimination against LGBT patrons. And the famously Libertarian Penn Jillette, speaking about the legislation on CNN, was moved to explain to one of its defenders that no one is "forcing people to engage in gay sex."

And yet conservatives, in a familiar chorus, have pulled out the stops defending the legislation. We know this song and dance well: It involves feigned outrage and cries of religious persecution. Start your wahmbulance engines now and take a drive through the 5 most ridiculous right-wing reactions to the pushback against Indiana’s anti-LGBT law.

1. Bill O’Reilly Equates Protesters of the Law with “Jihadists.” Calling in to offer wisdom to his “Fox & Friends” cohorts, O’Reilly suggested they “link everything together,” implying some sort of global anti-Christian conspiracy. Mentioning attacks on Christians in Kenya, O’Reilly stated, “You’ve got two things in play. You’ve got the Muslim extremists – jihadists. They want to kill Christians…And then in the United States and Western Europe, you have a civil war between the secular progressive movement and the traditional religious people. In both cases, Christians are targets.”

O’Reilly then complained that the “totalitarian left is pretty much out of control in America” and said the mainstream media “sympathizes with the fascists.” He also noted that “the fanatics in the secular progressive community” counts among its members “a lot of entertainment figures.”

[Video accessible via end link]

2. Tucker Carlson Calls Opponents of the Law “Jihadis.” You remember Tucker Carlson. Last week, he was mansplaining manners to a female spokesperson for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and then being a smug jerk about his brother’s reference to the woman as a “self-righteous bitch” and “labiaface.” So when Tucker Carlson speaks about tolerance and acceptance, there’s nothing to do but listen and marvel at the astonishing lack of self-awareness on display.

Case in point: Just the other night, when Carlson was a panelist in a discussion about the Indiana law on Fox News’ “Special Report with Bret Baier." Said Carlson of those protesting against it, “These are absolutists. These are jihadis. These are people who want to make you obey. They don’t brook any opposition to their worldview at all. They will crush you.”

Carlson then went on to paraphrase one of his Daily Caller editors (another guy with whom, we have to assume, he also makes gross misogynist jokes): “Today’s social liberals…set the societal norms. Anyone who deviates from them is punished. That’s not tolerance. That’s authoritarianism.”

[Video accessible via end link]

3. John Stossel Proves He, Too, Can Regurgitate a Memo; Complains About the Left’s “Totalitarianism.” John Stossel joined O’Reilly to discuss the law, because Fox News isn’t covering anything else right now, apparently. Stossel, famously Libertarian, agrees with gay marriage. But he doesn’t think you should have to serve gay people who come into your shop, and the people suggesting you do – because otherwise you are discriminating – are no better than dictators in Stossel’s book.

“I think this movement has moved from tolerance to totalitarianism. The totalitarianism of the left,” Stossel said.

“You are absolutely right on that,” said O’Reilly, because of course he did.

Then they spent the rest of the segment agreeing with each other.

4. Tom Cotton Basically Suggests Gays Should Be Happy They Aren’t Being Hung. Tom Cotton is off-the-charts awful in nearly every observable way. He led the traitorous group of 47 Republican lawmakers who penned a letter to Iran in an effort to undermine multinational nuclear negotiations. He vetoed equal pay for women. He thinks we should be throwing more people into Guantanamo. And he’s pretty sure the problem with the gays is that they don’t realize how lucky we are that we aren’t killing them for being gay.

In an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, Cotton essentially said as much. When asked about the “discrimination potential” of the law against LGBT people, Cotton said: “I…think it’s important that we have a sense of perspective about our priorities. In Iran they hang you for the crime of being gay.” See? Instead of protesting and complaining about laws that further marginalize gay people, gay people should be celebrating just being allowed to live. Because Tom Cotton is an idiot.

5. Mark Levin Says Those Who Oppose Indiana’s Law (Of Course) “Hate America.” When we last visited with him, Mark Levin was comparing Obama to Hitler. In his continuing quest to embody every caricature of conservatism possible, Levin went on a spiel about how liberals are anti-American, because that is the sort of the thing uncreative right-wingers do.

On his radio show, discussing the Indiana and other laws for “religious freedom” – his words – Levin said, “Ladies and gentleman, the people who oppose these laws hate liberty. They hate the Constitution. I’ll go even further. They hate America.”

Audio below. Be sure to put on boots before you listen. [Audio clip accessible via end link]

PostPosted: 04/05/15 10:06 am • # 60 

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Who decides on the rightwingnut talking points?
A committee? Hitler's ghost? Jesus? God? and if so, whose god?
It's obvious somebody is orchestrating them since they all spew the same drivel at the same time... like trained seals.

PostPosted: 04/06/15 2:27 pm • # 61 
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"Carlson then went on to paraphrase one of his Daily Caller editors (another guy with whom, we have to assume, he also makes gross misogynist jokes): “Today’s social liberals…set the societal norms. Anyone who deviates from them is punished. That’s not tolerance. That’s authoritarianism.”

Yesterday's social conservatives actually did set societal norms. And anyone who deviated from them, esp. re homosexuality, actually was punished for it. That actually was totalitarianism, from the point of view of gay people. And what Cotton wants is for today's social conservatives to again have the power to set societal norms and punish those who deviate. He wants social conservatives to regain that authority.

PostPosted: 04/06/15 2:46 pm • # 62 

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Its the "you are oppressing me by not agreeing with me" plea.

PostPosted: 04/06/15 2:58 pm • # 63 
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Is there a difference between "social conservatives" and the "religious right"? ~ if there is, I'm not seeing it ~


PostPosted: 04/06/15 3:10 pm • # 64 
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There must be social conservatives who are not religious. But the religious right are definitely more noticeable because they are pre-organized, i.e. in Christian denominations, and they make the audacious claim that God's on their side and is going to punish us for our disagreement with them.

PostPosted: 04/06/15 3:17 pm • # 65 

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I'm a "social conservative".
At least about some things.

Lots of things actually.

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