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PostPosted: 01/28/15 9:40 am • # 1 
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I'd be in favor of striking Ben Carson mute [and moot!] ~ :ey ~ emphasis/bolding below and "live links" to more/corroborating information is in the original ~ Sooz

Ben Carson Says Congress Should Remove Pro-Equality Judges, Which Is Unconstitutional
by Scott Keyes Posted on January 28, 2015 at 9:03 am Updated: January 28, 2015 at 10:08 am

Federal judges had better make sure that their future rulings don’t conflict with the policy preferences of a President Ben Carson. Otherwise, despite a lifetime appointment, they might quickly find themselves out of a job.

During an interview last week with conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace, Carson, who is considering running for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, discussed the wave of recent rulings by federal courts striking down same-sex marriage bans. He argued that statewide ballot initiative results should be the final word, saying it was “unconstitutional” that judges have ruled in favor of equality despite these votes.

Carson continued that, when federal judges make rulings like this, “our Congress actually has the right to reprimand or remove them.”

DEACE: Do our rights really come from God? Or do they come from the mob, do they come from the state?

CARSON: I think you’re right about that. The Constitution actually [inaudible] this message. It says that those kinds of matters are in the jurisdiction of the state. That is not a federal issue. And, what the president and what the Supreme Court needs to reiterate is the states have a mechanism whereby they can determine the will of the people. It’s called ballot referendum. It has been done multiple times already. 32 states have indicated that marriage is between a man and a woman, and a few judges have come and overturn that. That, as far as I’m concerned, is unconstitutional. And Congress actually has oversight of what they call the inferior courts, everything below the Supreme Court. That’s where those overturns have come. When judges do not carry out their duties in an appropriate way, our Congress actually has the right to reprimand or remove them. Most people don’t know that because they don’t know the Constitution.

Listen to it: [audio clip accessible via end link]

Setting aside Carson’s premise that the Constitution’s promise of equality should be put up to a vote, he is misguided about what the Constitution provides with respect to judges. Despite his assertion, Congress cannot simply remove a judge for ruling in a way the majority disagrees with. Judges may only be removed for impeachable offenses, which the Constitution defines as “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Under other circumstances, the Constitution declares that “judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour.

Admittedly, there are precedents for reducing a sitting judge’s jurisdiction. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, for example, was split into two courts in 1981. That was not done to punish the judges on that court, however, but rather because the old Fifth Circuit was viewed as too large an unwieldy. It would be something entirely different to strip a judge — and that judge’s court — of all of their authority.

Carson is not the only Republican to propose this type of governing through intimidation. Multiple times during his presidential bid, former Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested eliminating entire courts in order to punish judges he disagreed with.

Of course, it’s not terribly surprising that Carson would propose removing pro-equality judges, given his fervent opposition to LGBT rights. In 2013, he gained notoriety for comparing marriage equality to pedophilia and bestiality. He reiterated this view before eventually backing down and apologizing.

PostPosted: 01/29/15 12:42 pm • # 2 
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Proof that not all docs are created equal ~ here is more weirdness from the King of Weird ~ :ey ~ Sooz

Potential GOP Presidential Nominee Says Bakers Who Oppose Gay Marriage May Poison Wedding Cakes
Conservative political commentator Ben Carson made bizarre comments to reporters.

By Zaid Jilani / AlterNet / January 28, 2015

Former neurosurgeon and conservative political commentator Ben Carson is contemplating a run for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination. On Saturday, in remarks given to reporters after the Iowa Freedom Summit, Carson sounded off on LGBT rights with a truly bizarre comment:

"I believe in justice and fairness for everybody. And I don't care what people's sexual orientation is. If two adults want to be together, I'm not going to stop them from being together," Carson said, after being asked about same-sex marriage. "If they even want to have a legal contract so they can share property and have visitation rights, I don't have a problem with that. What I have a problem with is when people try to force people to act against their beliefs, because they say, 'they're discriminating against me.' So, you know, they can go right down the street and buy a cake, but no, let's bring a suit against this person because I want them to make my cake, even though they don't believe in it.

"Which is really not that smart," he quipped, "because they might put poison in your cake."

Carson has a history of making inflammatory remarks about gays and lesbians. He recently called on Congress to remove judges who rule in favor of gay marriage. In the past, he has compared gay and lesbian Americans to those who practice bestiality. When called out on those comments, Carson wrote in a later book that he didn't realize he was being offensive:

"Prior to my decision to withdraw as commencement speaker, I spoke to some prominent members of the gay community at Johns Hopkins. In doing so I found out two important things: First, bestiality is particularly abhorrent in the gay community and the mention of it evokes a very emotional response. Had I known that, I would have avoided the topic, since the last thing I wanted to do was to cause unnecessary offense and distract from the matters at hand."

Does Carson think hinting of homicide-by-wedding-cake is less offensive?

PostPosted: 01/29/15 7:59 pm • # 3 
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It comes as a huge surprise that beastiality is abhorrent in the gay community? I'd like to hear the assumptions that supported his pre-Johns-Hopkins chat..."Well these people want to marry the persons they love, want to raise families together, have legal protections - obviously they'd fornicate with goats."

What a dope.

PostPosted: 02/17/15 11:00 am • # 4 
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Posted without further comment while my blood pressure returns to normal ~ :g ~ there are a few "live links" to more/corroborating information in the original ~ Sooz

Carson makes a rare endorsement of war crimes
02/17/15 09:20 AM
By Steve Benen

Once a likely presidential candidate equates modern American life with Nazi Germany, it’s safe to say all bets are off when it comes to rhetorical excesses. Still, before yesterday, I honestly can’t remember the last time I heard a candidate in either party explicitly endorse war crimes.

Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon and conservative activist who is considering a run for president in 2016, said on Monday that there should be few or no restrictions on how America fights its wars.

While being interviewed on Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom” by Bill Hemmer, Carson was asked about the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

“Our military needs to know that they’re not gonna be prosecuted when they come back, because somebody has, said, ‘You did something that was politically incorrect,’” the likely Republican candidate told his national television audience. “There is no such thing as a politically correct war. We need to grow up, we need to mature. If you’re gonna have rules for war, you should just have a rule that says no war. Other than that, we have to win. Our life depends on it.”

Ben Carson didn’t actually clarify what actions taken during a war might count as “politically incorrect,” which is a shame because it sounded quite a bit like Carson was arguing that he believes war crimes should be acceptable – and possibly necessary.

The Hill’s report added, “The U.S. is bound by the Geneva Conventions, which governs the way that signatories can treat captured enemy soldiers during wartime or while occupying a country. The conventions also require that states have laws that can be used to punish people who violate the standards.”

Yes, and Carson’s twisted perspective notwithstanding, that’s a feature of American leadership, not a bug.

As the Republican neurosurgeon sees it, abandoning all combat rules is a sign of “maturity.” I don’t really expect Carson to appreciate the point, but the truth is the exact opposite – those who insist that literally anything goes in war, and there are simply no limits whatsoever on violent actions, have adopted an overly simple, child-like worldview.

That such a twisted perspective would do irreparable harm should go without saying, though in the case of Ben Carson, it apparently needs to be spelled out.

PostPosted: 02/17/15 11:19 am • # 5 
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sure. let's just throw out 500 years of rules of war. beauty idea.

PostPosted: 02/17/15 12:18 pm • # 6 
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Carson is too confused to be allowed out alone ~ :g ~ Sooz

Ben Carson: Obama May Be 'Guilty Of Treason' If DHS Is Shut Down
By Tracy Walsh Published February 17, 2015, 12:03 PM EST

Potential presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson suggested Monday that President Barack Obama could be "guilty of treason" in the event of a Department of Homeland Security shutdown.

Carson made the remarks on Newsmax TV's "America's Forum," when host and former Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ) asked whether the former pediatric neurosurgeon had advice for GOP congressional leaders facing an impasse over immigration that could lead to a partial defunding of DHS.

"I would say break the funding for Homeland Security up into parcels. Don't present it as a whole bill. That makes it much more difficult for [Obama] to stand in the way," Carson said.

"And, if he does stand in the way, particularly of things that are vital to the security of this country, then I think we can start talking about treason," Carson said. "If things are done to the contrary to the security of this country, whoever does them is guilty of treason."

Watch below:

h/t Right Wing Watch

PostPosted: 02/17/15 12:49 pm • # 7 

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Since Murrica elected one black guy he must think he's a shoe-in. Problem is Obama isn't insane. Carson is.

PostPosted: 02/17/15 1:57 pm • # 8 
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Ben, Ben, Ben...You can't accuse a President of treason because you happen to disagree with a policy and imagine it's not in the national interest. What kind of country do you really want to live in? Haven't you ever taken a history course, or high school civics? And you can't throw out laws against raping the womenfolk of the town you just took in battle, or hoisting the heads of the mayor and town council on pikes at the city limit signs. I can't understand why you can't understand this citizenship and morality stuff. It's not brain surgery, Ben.

If I'm in a car crash and sustain a bad head injury, I'll do my best to whisper with my last weak, conscious breath into the ears of the medics bending over me, "Please, please...not Ben Carson."

PostPosted: 03/04/15 10:32 am • # 9 
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Exposing his own total lack of critical thinking ~ too bad [or maybe "thankfully"] Carson gave up his day job ~ :ey ~ Sooz

Ben Carson floors CNN host: Homosexuality is a sham because prison makes you ‘come out gay’
David Edwards | 04 Mar 2015 at 09:53 ET

Possible Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Wednesday asserted that homosexuality was a choice because people who went to prison “come out gay.”

During an interview on CNN, host Chris Cuomo asked Carson if the courts should step in when people of a state voted for laws that infringed on the rights of others “like happened very often with slavery, like many would argue is happening now with people who are gay.”

Carson said that in the case of slavery, “our Constitution was followed and we corrected those things.”

But the former neurosurgeon insisted that LGBT people did not deserve the same equal protection under the law because they could choose not to be gay.

“You can’t just say because it happened that way, this time this is the same situation,” Carson opined. “It’s not the same situation. Because people have no control over their race for instance.”

“You think they have control over their sexuality?” Cuomo wondered.

“Absolutely,” Carson replied.

“You think being gay is a choice,” Cuomo pressed.

“Absolutely,” Carson said. “Because a lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight, and when they come out they’re gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question.”

“Most gay people never go to prison,” Cuomo pointed out. “And you know, there’s a whole theory of dominance.”

“Wait a minute, I said a lot of people who go in come out [gay],” Carson clarified.

“I’m denying that’s a basis for understanding homosexuality,” the CNN host argued.

“If in fact that is the case then it obviously thwarts what you just said,” Carson continued. “But here’s what’s important, why do gay people want to get married? Because they want to have various rights, property rights, visitation rights.”

“They want their commitment to count just like mine and my wife’s.” Cuomo observed.

“Why can’t any two human beings — I don’t care what their sexual orientation is — why can’t they the legal right to do those things?” Carson asked. “That does not require a change in the definition of marriage.”

“But it would require covering that union as you do others, which is called marriage in our society,” Cuomo shot back.

“I don’t think so,” Carson concluded.

Watch the video below from CNN’s New Day, broadcast March 4, 2014.

PostPosted: 03/04/15 4:19 pm • # 10 
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So THAT'S where all the gays come from! Prison! :lol

PostPosted: 03/04/15 6:20 pm • # 11 

Joined: 10/20/15
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And, following that logic Chaos, what needs to be done to get rid of the vile abomination is to get rid of prisons!!!

You should send a note to Ben!!!!


PostPosted: 03/04/15 7:31 pm • # 12 
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I wouldn't trust that fool with a foam rubber hacksaw, he is so sure to totally screw up any topic he hears about. If you drop him a note, use a false address, Chaos.

PostPosted: 03/04/15 8:41 pm • # 13 
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I try to avoid anything that begins, "Ben Carson Says..."

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