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PostPosted: 04/27/18 6:58 am • # 1 
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what is going on between N and S Korea? ... and by extension between North Korea and the US? ~ seems very strange to me that Kim Jong Un would suddenly do a 180* turn, but my local news mentioned something about North Korea's nuclear testing facilities "collapsing" without further detail ~ this snippet is from the Daily Beast "cheat sheet" ~ Sooz

North and South Korea Will Formally End 65-Year War This Year

History is being made on the border between North and South Korea. Kim Jong Un became the only North Korean leader to step over the border into South Korea when he met President Moon Jae-in. Now the two have confirmed they will sign a peace treaty later this year to bring an official end to 65 years of conflict. A peace treaty was never signed at the end of the Korean War in 1953, meaning the two countries have been in an effective state of war ever since. In a joint declaration signed by the two leaders Friday morning, one clause stated: “The two leaders solemnly declare... that there will be no more war on the Korean Peninsula and a new era of peace has begun.” Moon said after signing the declaration: “Chairman Kim Jong Un and I have agreed that complete denuclearization will be achieved, and that is our common goal.” President Trump tweeted following the agreement: "KOREAN WAR TO END! The United States, and all of its GREAT people, should be very proud of what is now taking place in Korea!"

Read it at CNN.

PostPosted: 04/27/18 7:07 am • # 2 
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Joined: 06/18/16
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Not sure - definitely feel something is fishy there and it may have something to do with
Kim Jong Un's supposed secret visit to China recently. Also had a thought, seeing trump is actually a very weak leader in the sense he is easily manipulated - they may think (China) now is the time for an alliance to give them strength without US involvement and to their advantage in their scheme of things, but who knows.

PostPosted: 04/27/18 7:33 am • # 3 

Joined: 01/16/16
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The world is moving ahead without the US and China is taking full advantage of it. I'd do the same.

PostPosted: 04/27/18 9:58 am • # 4 
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Fingers crossed ... but I'm with KB in "... definitely feel something is fishy ..." ~ :ey ~ Sooz

What the world is saying about historic Korea summit
Agence France-Presse / 27 Apr 2018 at 08:17 ET

World leaders and governments hailed the historic summit Friday between the leaders of North and South Korea as a step towards peace, but also sounded a note of caution about the challenges ahead.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, at the first such summit in 11 years, agreed to pursue a permanent peace and the complete denuclearisation of the divided peninsula.

– ‘Only time will tell’ –

“After a furious year of missile launches and Nuclear testing, a historic meeting between North and South Korea is now taking place,” tweeted US President Donald Trump.

“Good things are happening, but only time will tell!” added Trump, who is scheduled to meet Kim within weeks.

In a second tweet, Trump wrote: “KOREAN WAR TO END! The United States, and all of its GREAT people, should be very proud of what is now taking place in Korea!”

– ‘New journey to stability’ –

“We applaud the Korean leaders’ historic step and appreciate their political decisions and courage,” Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a press briefing.

“We hope and look forward to them taking this opportunity to further open a new journey of long-term stability on the peninsula.”

She also cited a poem that reads: “We remain brothers after all the vicissitudes; let’s forgo our old grudges, smiling we meet again.”

– ‘Watching North’s movements’ –

“Today President Moon Jae-in and Chairman Kim Jong Un held earnest discussions about North Korea’s denuclearisation. I want to welcome that as a positive move toward comprehensive resolution of various issues concerning North Korea,” Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters.

“We strongly hope that North Korea will take concrete action through this meeting and a summit between the US and North Korea.

“We will keep watching North Korea’s future movements.

“All in all, I wish to continue close coordination between Japan, the United States and South Korea towards comprehensive resolution of the abduction, nuclear and missile issues, and towards the US-North Korea summit talks.”

– ‘Very positive news’ –

“This is very positive news,” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman told reporters.

“Today we see that this direct dialogue has taken place (and) it has certain prospects,” he said.

“The will to seek agreement can be seen on both sides, including the most important thing — the will to begin and continue dialogue. That is a positive fact,” Dmitry Peskov said.

– ‘Hard work lies ahead’ –

“This is a first step, it is encouraging, but we have to realise there is still a lot of hard work that lies ahead of us,” NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels.

– ‘Don’t be over-optimistic –

“I am very encouraged by what’s happened. I don’t think that anyone looking at the history of North Korea’s plans to develop a nuclear weapon will be over-optimistic but it’s clearly good news that the two meet,” British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said in Brussels.

PostPosted: 04/27/18 4:30 pm • # 5 
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It may also be a case of Lil' Kim making lemonade out of lemons. Yesterday there was a report that said scientists figure the mountain around his nuclear testing facility has collapsed - hence a good time to announce he was suspending testing. He needs scads of money to rebuild it under a different mountain and where better to get money than the U.S.

"Oh Mr. Donald, you such a marvellous leader and with such big hands."

"Well said kid, here's $20 billion."

"Thank you, suc---err- I mean sir."

PostPosted: 05/16/18 9:20 am • # 6 
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Apparently our skepticism proves valid ~ :ey ~ Sooz

Bruce Lindner wrote:
Bruce Lindner
12 hrs ·

Breaking news from the AP: Pugsley just played his hand. No intent of giving up nukes. Trump has to be the most ignorant, gullible “deal maker” of all time.


PostPosted: 05/16/18 2:57 pm • # 7 

Joined: 10/20/15
Posts: 4032
Well that didn't last long did it ... ... spartanntp

PostPosted: 05/16/18 3:29 pm • # 8 
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Kim is going to show our orange pervert the real art of the deal. :D

PostPosted: 05/16/18 3:48 pm • # 9 

Joined: 01/16/16
Posts: 30003
Reckon the sabre-rattling on Kim's doorstep backfired.

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