This makes it clear that they're coming for Obergefell v. Hodges and we've seen GOP politicians elsewhere state that interracial marriage should be left up to the states.
Samuel Alito's leaked anti-abortion decision: Supreme Court doesn't plan to stop at Roe
Alito sneers at rights after "the latter part of the 20th century" — inviting the reversal of 70 years of progressBy AMANDA MARCOTTEIt's fitting that, if the Supreme Court is going to overturn Roe v. Wade, they'd have the justice with the most incel-esque affect be the one to write the opinion. Samuel Alito has always been the conservative on the court who was least able to conceal the right-wing resentment that fuels him, glowering his way through President Barack Obama's State of the Union addresses and generally being a whiner on the level of Donald Trump. Clarence Thomas might be the most unhinged member of the court, Amy Coney Barret the most uncanny, and Brett Kavanaugh the best at spittle-flecked public meltdowns. But if I had to bet money on who is most likely to spend their nights on sleazy internet forums, whining that feminism has "ruined" women, it would 100% be on the court's creepiest member, Alito.
Late Monday night, Politico leaked a draft of the Supreme Court opinion, written by Alito, that would, without reservation, overturn Roe and allow states to ban abortion outright. (Which they are already doing.) Though heavy with legal-ese, Alito's misogyny shines through like a deplorable beacon. His contempt for the very idea that women are rights-bearing people is not hard to discern, even as he claims to hold no ill will towards them. Sewn throughout this decision is a deep, abiding belief that women simply aren't people in any meaningful sense. Women's lives, ambitions, pain, joys, and autonomy have absolutely no value he can discern. Instead, he treats women as .... ... op-at-roe/