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 Post subject: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/04/15 9:10 am • # 1 
This season was a bore until episode 8 and I am afraid I missed good stuff in eps 1-7 because I was only half paying attention.

The last half of ep 8 was the best thing I saw on TV all year. I am of the belief Jon Snow is not Ned's bastard son but the product of the oldest Targaryan son and Lyanna Stark (Ned's sister). Ned took him for his safety. I also always thought Dany, Tyrion and Jon would ultimately be the winners of the game.

We know dragon glass (which Jon seemed to leave behind) and dragon steel kill Whitewalkers. Jon's got one sword so, that's not gonna work. I think Brienne and Tommen have the other two, but three's not a whole lot better against that army.

I definitely think Jon needs the dragons, but outside of Varys and Sam there doesn't seem to be much of a brain trust anywhere on the screen.

Chaos or any GOT fan - Any clue where Varys is and how much he knows?

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/04/15 12:11 pm • # 2 
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INteresting theory on Jon Snow. But why would Ned keep that a secret from his wife and let her resent Jon all those years? lol

Varys just sort of snuck off, didn't he? I don't think we know where he is right now. But he always seems to know more about what's going on than anybody else. LOL

I'm thinking someone with 3 dragons is going to be very popular when the White Walkers and their army of the dead come calling. But Khaleesi can't really control the dragons anymore. A warg can! And all the Stark children seem to have the warg thing going on. :happydance

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/04/15 12:12 pm • # 3 
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I never read the books...but I don't mind spoilers!

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/04/15 12:38 pm • # 4 
I never read the books either and I can't spoil anything. Basically these are my thoughts.

I think the last we saw Varys was when Tyrion got kidnapped at the whore house.

Ned probably promised his sister that he'd never tell and he didn't. Honorable and all that. I think Sean Bean (the actor playing Ned said Jon wasn't his) AFTER he was killed off the show.

Can Jon warg or will they bring back boring Bran for that?

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/05/15 3:59 pm • # 5 
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GRRM has said that all the Stark children have warg talents, but some are stronger than others.

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/07/15 9:47 pm • # 6 
So Daeny flies off on a dragon. That was both a horrifying and great episode!!!!!

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/07/15 10:36 pm • # 7 
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kathyk1024 wrote:
So Daeny flies off on a dragon. That was both a horrifying and great episode!!!!!

.....and the other two dragons are chained up, cornered, easy targets. I have a feeling the dragon that saved her is the only one left. :(

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/14/15 8:56 pm • # 8 
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I'm not even sure which thread to put this on, but....spoiler alert.....

They KILLED JON SNOW! Now, do we change my foster kitty's name to Kit Harington? LOL

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/15/15 8:16 am • # 9 
I'm thinking the red witch will bring him back to life. How can they kill him? Good riddens to Stannis and his awful wife.

I am getting tired of being upset over TV shows. If I had an interesting life I'd quit watching everything! Lol!

Kit is a cool name for a kitty.

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/15/15 10:11 am • # 10 
So did Jon warg into his direwolf? I am upset and have no one to babble to.

Jeff even watched this with me last night, but he doesn't know anything and really doesn't babble about plot anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/16/15 6:20 am • # 11 
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I've seen that theory floating around, along with several others. The red witch nurses him back to health or brings him back to life, that he comes back as a White Walker along with some other dragon(s) that are awakened, to take on Dany and her dragons. Who knows? lol

In a quote from the book his last word was "Ghost". So I sure hope so! But why wouldn't Ghost have jumped in to protect him? (I knew that little creep squire was up to no good.)

And Arya!! She's really not getting the whole "nobody" thing is she? WTH was she thinking? "Somebody" can't be faceless! And as long as she has Needle stashed, she can't really be a "nobody", can she?

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/16/15 8:30 am • # 12 
Supposedly Jon Snow is dead and Kit Harington can cut his hair. So if the mind of Jon Snow comes back it will be in another actor. Bummer.

So did you rename Kit? LOL!!!

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 09/11/15 3:51 pm • # 13 
Today I was walking out of class and walking down the side walk was a Jon Snow doppelganger.

Long black curly hair. Brown eyes. He was taller than I am so he'd be taller than Kit, but it was surprising.

Maybe I just miss Game of Thrones, but....

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 09/20/15 7:12 am • # 14 
I want Cersei/Lena to win her Emmy tonight. Her walk of shame was incredibly acted. Dinklage has already won an Emmy and I don't think this was his strongest year (less material). I didn't watch Mad Men this year. No explanation. I just didn't want to, but I think it will win best series even though I'd probably vote GOT. So much more expansive.

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 09/21/15 7:47 am • # 15 
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OKAY Emmys...we get loved Olive Kitteridge. geez!

That episode of GoT did win for writing and directing, I think?

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 09/21/15 9:03 am • # 16 
I never even heard of Olive Kitteridge.

I actually think the voting is now skewed HBO. I mean who watches or likes VEEP? I see it and quickly turn it off.

I think they voted Jon Hamm a sympathy win and went HBO with just about everything else.

I don't like Viola Davis' show. I watched it half a season. I don't think I like any Shonda Rhimes stuff; Grey's, Scandal, HTGAWM.

That said; I miss GoT and want it back ASAP.

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 04/19/16 9:26 pm • # 17 
So Chaos, any other fans are you ready?

I watched last season's finale. I am soooooo ready for Game of Thrones Season 6,

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 04/22/16 11:47 am • # 18 
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You know I am! They've been showing the last season one episode at a time late at night and I'm even loving the reruns. :)

I really hope we get a warg together with one of the dragons this year.

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 05/02/16 11:21 am • # 19 
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That was a game-changing episode.

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 05/02/16 5:30 pm • # 20 
It was great!!!! I'm thinking Bran will fill in Jon's backstory.

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/18/16 8:01 pm • # 21 
Hey Chaos!

You ready for the battle of the bastards???? I'm excited already

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/24/16 10:26 pm • # 22 
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What a delicious end to Ramsay. Muwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/26/16 11:05 pm • # 23 
Omg!!!! The last two episodes were soooo good. Nothing on TV can touch it.

The negative. Nothing on tv this summer comes close.

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 06/29/16 4:05 pm • # 24 
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I lost count of how many "HOLY *&^%!" I let out during that finale. lol

"King's Landing" has new meaning. :lol

 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones
PostPosted: 08/31/16 7:00 am • # 25 

Joined: 10/20/15
Posts: 4032
Are you two (and me) the only fans here?

Its really an incredible series.

But don't you find it just a tiny bit worrying that we all cheered when Ramsey got his? Lets face it, that was not a pleasant way for anyone to die ...

And even when Cersei got her revenge ... I mean, it was mass murder ....

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