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PostPosted: 04/30/09 6:47 am • # 1 
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PostPosted: 05/01/09 2:18 am • # 2 
I laughed when I saw all those "designer" face masks that became popular in Japan and China during the SARS scare. Most look like they're just a piece of fabric...totally useless against disease transmission, but perhaps the placebo effect is useful. But, if we ever have a big dust storm, I guess those folks will be better protected than the rest of us.

PostPosted: 05/01/09 5:49 am • # 3 
She'll catch her death in that outfit. Image

PostPosted: 05/01/09 11:02 am • # 4 
You Schweinhundt! You geht me ze Schweinflu! You vill be taken to za LORHEIM!!!!!Image

PostPosted: 05/01/09 11:04 am • # 5 
But seriously folks.....if the girl in that photo was suspected of having the Swineflu, I wouldn't mind taking her temperature!

PostPosted: 05/01/09 11:31 am • # 6 
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Funkutron wrote:
You Schweinhundt! You geht me ze Schweinflu! You vill be taken to za LORHEIM!!!!!Image
Arrrrgh! Image

Du Schweinehund! Du hast mir die Schweinegrippe gegeben! Du wirst nach "Lorheim???" geschafft! Image
Not that a German really would say it that way...Image

Funky, you wrote that Lorheim thingy several times. I don't quite get the meaning. Could you explain that to me?

PostPosted: 05/01/09 11:40 am • # 7 
Ahhhh, ze LORHEIM! ( a fictional concentration camp based on the name of an apartment building in Seattle that my cable company did some upgrade on back in 2000. My boss thought it would be a good name for a "camp"....we had a lot of joking around going on over our beer for a few weeks after that, about ze LORHEIM!....we're quite easily amused!) I have mentioned it a few times here, in reference to taking greedy CEO's there and such. Because it is not a real place, it's less offensive than say, Auschwitz or something, but the jist of the post still comes through! I am talking totally tongue in cheek with this last post, it's a mere joke....don't take me too seriously folks, my brain was fried YEARS ago!

PostPosted: 05/01/09 12:13 pm • # 8 

Of course, everyone knows concentration camps were such funny places and should be the subject of jokes.

I do take anyone who can joke about concentration camps (other than survivors themselves) seriously. There is something very very wrong with them.

PostPosted: 05/01/09 12:58 pm • # 9 
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Funkutron wrote:
Ahhhh, ze LORHEIM! ( a fictional concentration camp based on the name of an apartment building in Seattle that my cable company did some upgrade on back in 2000. My boss thought it would be a good name for a "camp"....we had a lot of joking around going on over our beer for a few weeks after that, about ze LORHEIM!....we're quite easily amused!) I have mentioned it a few times here, in reference to taking greedy CEO's there and such. Because it is not a real place, it's less offensive than say, Auschwitz or something, but the jist of the post still comes through! I am talking totally tongue in cheek with this last post, it's a mere joke....don't take me too seriously folks, my brain was fried YEARS ago!
based on the name of an apartment building in Seattle ...
Got it! LOL!
I figured it was a running joke, just wasn't sure if I possibly missed something in WWII history class. Image

PostPosted: 05/01/09 1:01 pm • # 10 
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Sammy6769 wrote:

Of course, everyone knows concentration camps were such funny places and should be the subject of jokes.

I do take anyone who can joke about concentration camps (other than survivors themselves) seriously. There is something very very wrong with them.

Hey, that's how I once thought about Hoogan's Heroes too before I finally started to laugh about it like everyone else.

PostPosted: 05/01/09 1:58 pm • # 11 
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Jab, I understand your point ~ we all have to find what works for each of us individually ~ I generally use humor as a healing tool ~ but for the record, I will NEVER be able to laugh or kid about concentration camps ~ personally, I believe desensitizing ourselves is a very slippery and dangerous slope ~ for everyone ~


PostPosted: 05/01/09 1:58 pm • # 12 
Hogan's Heroes was a pow camp and yes they were terrible. The concentration camps were where innocents got to watch their children brutalized and killed, were sent to gas chambers and crematoria and shot in pits after being forced to remove each others gold teeth, where medical experiments were performed like seeing how much concrete you can force down someone before they die (really important stuff), where twin tests were done, where people were starved and forced to work, etc. Not quite the same, jabra. I see no humor in concentration camps and personally saw no humor in people being held as pows, but maybe that's just me. The fact that Funk made excuses for what he said shows he knows better, too, but did it anyway.

PostPosted: 05/01/09 2:36 pm • # 13 
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Sammy, there are various types of humor. I don't/can't laugh at each kind of humor. Some can/do. Who are we to judge?

Now, Hoogan's heroes. A pet peeve of mine. When I saw the very first show, a re-run of course, I was disgusted that people could laugh about POW camps in WWII Germany.
I didn't exactly puke, but was close to it. I couldn't understand that Americans (or Brits for that matter) would find humor in such fantasy based on potential fatal reality.
Very few "jokes" by POWs, as depicted in HH, ended up not with a bullet into the "joker's" head or a noose around their neck. I don't think, no, I know that German POW camps weren't fun.
In a way HHs makes war and possibly getting captured kind of a fun event, at least to an American post war generation.
But that's just my opinion.

PostPosted: 05/01/09 4:08 pm • # 14 
I agree, jabra, that's why I don't and didn't find it funny. Concentration camps were even worse. So, there is no humor there.

PostPosted: 05/02/09 4:50 am • # 15 

It's a way to make an extreme point. If some of the people who are tearing up the financial world today thought that camps were a possibility, they may not behave the way they do. We have gotten so far beyond that possibility, and have gotten to the point where we go to the other extreme to coddle the rogues. We give them bailout money and they thumb their noses at us by raising our credit card interest. When I suggest taking them to the LORHEIM, it's an expression of disgust with them. Sammy, you don't like ANYTHING I say, let's face it!

Yes, I learned my "German" from watching Hogan's Hereoes, Jabra, as did most of the post war TV generation! And I think there sort of is a "Gallows humor" element to the whole Nazi thing, because even Colonel Klink found himself in trouble quite often in a system where you just really could not win.....human history is sort of a collage of one brutality after another. I also realize that civilized behaviour is something that can easily come undone, based on Europe's experience, and that very civilized people can resort to being very brutal given the opportunity. We can joke about it if we realize that we are a horrible, brutal species, but maybe we are past that? One can only hope, but probably we're not and never will be. I find a lot of things funny that Sammy does not, mainly because I have more contempt for the Human species as a whole.....I think the whole Human agenda is a joke! We're going to "Conquer" nature!Image

Footnote: Even the great philosopher Alan Watts, toward the end of his life, after exploring every avenue towards bettering the Human condition through enlightenment and ecological awareness, came to the conclusion that soon, "the only serious ethical question will be whether or not to commit suicide"......while I don't agree with that, and I still find pleasure in life, it's more in the realm of "sex, drugs (alcohol), and rock and roll" (and good food!) than anything noble or philanthropic. I'm a total hedonist, and make no apologies to anyone. As a matter of fact, I advocate total unabashed hedonism as the only valid lifestyle! You may as well party while Rome burns, because Rome is gonna burn whether you do or not! And at the end, we're all gonna die!

Last edited by Funkutron on 05/02/09 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 05/02/09 7:53 am • # 16 

You didn't make any point. You only gave further proof of the kind of person you are. I'm sure the white supremicists and other racist groups up there will love your concentration camp joking when you do your comedy bit and probably the sexist stuff, too.

When you mentioned the camps before I also jumped on it. Suggesting such camps for anyone merely shows you have no clue what they were about, neither the pow camps nor the concentration camps. You do realize that while the big money guys broke ethical rules and showed no concern for regular people, most broke no laws? The people who gave the bailouts are just as responsible for taking our money as the ceos. We elected those people. I have never supported the bailouts. However, the people taking them are not guilty of breaking laws in most cases if in any cases.

Funk, you are pretty much right that I don't like most of what you say because most of what you say is your sexist crap or "joking" about things like concentration camps. It's what you say that makes me feel that way, Funk. I have nothing else to go by. Thankfully, we never have met and never will.

PostPosted: 05/02/09 8:31 am • # 17 
You remind me of my Dad! I cringe when I see you have responded to my post, because I know I'm in for a tongue lashing! I guess I don't take stuff as seriously as you do. Anything people do is subject to joking in my opinion, because the Human comedy is just that....a comedy! If I couldn't laugh, it would kill me to think about what people do.......

......"Jesus wept".......that says it all right there!

PostPosted: 05/02/09 9:06 am • # 18 
Sure it does. I'm sure you found what happened to Jesus a laugh riot.

I can laugh at a lot of things including some misfortune and horrible experiences that I myself have gone through. I can not and will not laugh at human misery from bigotry, war, camps, etc. I do not need to keep myself going by finding humor in things that others have to endure due to hatred and bigotry and our insensitivity to them.

No need to cringe at seeing i've responded. You have options. Ignore it. Laugh at it. Consider the source and blow it off. Read it and realize if it makes you feel uncomfortable, maybe you're wrong. I don't say people need to all jump in and get people for things like you do. People need to choose for themselves. I have a need to not condone what you say with my silence. There are things that break my heart. That's why I would not bring them up unless they were the subject of the discussion and I would never joke about them. I'm not perfect and people can clearly see that. You have freedom of speech, say what you want when you want and where you want. I will do the same.

PostPosted: 05/02/09 11:46 am • # 19 
No, I don't find what happened to Jesus funny at all. While I don't buy into everything the Christians do, whenever I see a portrayal of the crucifxion of Jesus, I weep too....actually, I am a caring, sensitive person, whatever you may think. I do make jokes about sending the CEO's to the Lorheim, because I have seen the impact of their wickedness in the workplace firsthand, among me and my coworkers. They are not breaking the law, but their greed and insensitivity and disloyalty and ungratefulness to those who even make it possible for them to live in such a vile and obscenely wealthy manner makes me want to harm them in every way possible. Revenge! Punishment for the wicked! I have a very simplistic attitude about this. They have nothing but contempt for those who they exploit. They are "smirking yuppies", who think that somehow natural selection has put them above all others, and that anything goes. I'm not an extremely educated person, and I can't sit there and tell you all the nuances of the "market" and all that stuff people talk about when they're defending the crooks that are picking their pockets and outsourcing their jobs....I'm a very direct and blunt person, but I can tell you this.... I would like to bash in their yuppie skulls with a baseball bat and wipe those smirks off their faces permanently. Image Image

Last edited by Funkutron on 05/02/09 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 05/02/09 2:19 pm • # 20 

Fine, if you accept violence as the way to deal with it then be prepared to have violence done to you. If it's acceptable for one group to do that then it must be acceptable for all to do it. Have you ever served in the military? Served in combat? Or are you one of those who loves war that has no clue, like Bush, Cheney, and the rest?

The most powerful weapon we have is our vote. If we keep electing crap that allows this and encourages it that is our own fault.

PostPosted: 05/03/09 4:45 am • # 21 
No, I don't love war at all. Nor do I love the war profiteers that have influenced policy for the last 6 decades. Eisenhower warned of that, and it's been true ever since.

PostPosted: 05/03/09 1:16 pm • # 22 
You don't like war but just love violence? You are calling for war aren't you? Or at least looking forward to it. Why vote for a good person if you can bash heads instead.

PostPosted: 05/04/09 2:57 am • # 23 
I don't like good boys dying to make war profiteers like Cheney richer. If we're going to have violence, I'd rather they go after the profiteers that have made a fortune spilling American blood.

PostPosted: 05/04/09 11:55 am • # 24 

What about the good women who are dying?

Then you seek to violently overthrow the government? They are the ones who send our kids off to die. Most of them have no experience, much like you, so talk of violence comes easily.

PostPosted: 05/05/09 2:25 am • # 25 
Not the government. The corporate greedmongers. I don't seek violence. I'm saying that if things don't change, history has shown us that violence is inevitable. I think Obama has the right ideas. He knows what's been going on and he's trying to change it. But it's uphill, because the greedy interests know how to milk the system. Right now, overseas profits are sheltered from tax. That's wrong, and it encourages businesses to go overseas. Obama is trying to change that.

When I say I'd LIKE to bash someone's head in, doesn't mean I would. Prison ain't my bag.

Last edited by Funkutron on 05/05/09 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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