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 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/12/11 8:04 am • # 201 
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Chaos333 wrote:
Peeve of the day: Idiots who are too lazy to take their shopping carts to the return areas in the parking lot. Seriously, nobody is asking them to take the cart all the way back to the store door. 
Amen! Add to that, the people who take the cart back and instead of ramming it into an existing row of carts, they shove it in sideways and block all three rows! Grrrrrrrrrr, then everyone just puts their carts every which way and it ends up halfway out into the lane.
If it's nasty weather (snow) and the place doesn't have a covered cart area, I will take it back to the store.   Besides that's a few more steps of exercise for the day. Image


 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/13/11 2:45 am • # 202 
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they shove it in sideways and block all three rows! 

I second that, roseanne! 

I did take pity on a new father yesterday and took his cart back for him. He was parked next to me. Loaded the baby in the back first, reached across the front seat and started the engine and got the AC going ( it's very hot here!)....took the cart to the other side and unloaded the groceries into the back seat.

So now the baby is in the vehicle with the keys in the ignition and the engine running...and I could see the look of horror in his eyes when he realized he'd have to walk away to put the cart back. lol  So I gave him a big smile and grabbed it.

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/13/11 4:48 am • # 203 
What a nice thing to do Chaos.  Image

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/13/11 5:34 am • # 204 
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Hey, he had brownie points on tap with me when I overheard him tell the gal at the deli counter that he was taking the baby out and doing the shopping so his wife could take a nap! Image We've gotta help the good guys!

It was the idiot parked on the other side of me, who left HER cart shoved up against my door that prompted the peeve. Looked right at me as she backed out, too. No shame.

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/15/11 3:51 am • # 205 
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Not a peeve, but more of a pity party.......

I was reading an article about how the elderly ignore heat warnings thinking it doesn't apply to them. Then I read that the warnings are for people 60 and older. That makes it official. In a little over two years, I'll be........gasp.........elderly! Image Jesus tapdancing Christ! No way! No how! I refuse to believe that. Where the hell does time go? It seems to pass at warp speed these days. At work, I live for Fridays. Then a Friday passes, the next and the next, until it's been almost two years since I've seen my family. A long time maybe, but wasn't that just yesterday? Image

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/15/11 3:56 am • # 206 
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roseanne, I'm at an age where I finally understand my mother's oft-repeated comment that 'the days may drag on, but the years fly by' ~

And I remember being VERY pissed off when AARP starting sending me information ... because I was only 48 [then] ~ Image


 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/15/11 4:13 am • # 207 
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sooz08 wrote:
roseanne, I'm at an age where I finally understand my mother's oft-repeated comment that 'the days may drag on, but the years fly by' ~

And I remember being VERY pissed off when AARP starting sending me information ... because I was only 48 [then] ~ Image

LOL sooz, I was 48 too! What a shock and insult that was to me then.  Now I'd be thrilled for anyone to consider me "almost" eligible.

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/15/11 4:41 am • # 208 
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Speaking of it just me, or are they the biggest generator of junk mail? I'm sure the post office is happy...but how many forests have died for their brochures.....Image

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/19/11 5:01 am • # 209 
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People who don't read or have reading comprehension problems. We are refurbishing windows here. Our notice letter spells out exactly what we are doing and when. New insulation strips, new glides and new plastic locks (they are 30 yr old windows). We also state that if the beds, etc, are not moved out of our way on the scheduled day, we will come back after the entire complex is done since we have to remove the windows, turn them upside down, remove part of the frame,  etc etc.  We need space, people! Image


Today I get a call "We were scheduled to have our windows replaced last week. When will it be done? GRRRRR, I first explained that it was refurbishment, not replacement. Then I looked on our list. He already has newer windows and we left a note stating that and also saying there was no work needed.  Sigh. Gawd, people can be so stupid!Image

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/25/11 9:00 am • # 210 
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Sigh. Gawd, people can be so stupid!Image

LMAO!!! I sure don't miss dealing with the public. Sure, there's the occasional gem...but many more are cow pies.Image( with apologies to cow pies)

I'm sure this has been covered...but I had to laugh this morning dealing with the voice prompts/automated call system. Press 1 for English. Listen to menu. Press another number. Listen to another menu. Press another number. Enter account number.  2 more menus. Press the # to speak to someone-one of the options they give-and it asks again if I want to speak to someone. Press 1 for yes.  Then it puts me on hold, I get groovy music and they keep telling me how important my call starts to ring....and a recording comes on to tell me the office is closed.

WHAT THE ???????Image 

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/25/11 9:22 am • # 211 
I had that happen to me when my internet went down. I went through the whole menu... was put on hold long enough for the office to close - message: "The office is closed." - and then the phone hung up. All told - 40 minutes @ 35 cents a minute (cell phone) = $14 for that call.

To my mind, they don't want to help when there's a problem - they just want to take your money.

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/25/11 10:46 am • # 212 
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Chaos333 wrote:
Sigh. Gawd, people can be so stupid!Image

LMAO!!! I sure don't miss dealing with the public. Sure, there's the occasional gem...but many more are cow pies.Image( with apologies to cow pies)

I'm sure this has been covered...but I had to laugh this morning dealing with the voice prompts/automated call system. Press 1 for English. Listen to menu. Press another number. Listen to another menu. Press another number. Enter account number.  2 more menus. Press the # to speak to someone-one of the options they give-and it asks again if I want to speak to someone. Press 1 for yes.  Then it puts me on hold, I get groovy music and they keep telling me how important my call starts to ring....and a recording comes on to tell me the office is closed.

WHAT THE ???????Image 

The "Your call is important to us" crap really burns me up! If it WAS, you'd have your ass on this line speaking to me right now! hmph! FO!

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/26/11 3:58 am • # 213 

I am going to combine two subjects together; the elderly and those telephone menus.  I call Mother's prescriptions in to CVS for refill into what has to be the most confusing menu of all time.  Press 1 for the Pharmacy.  Get to the Pharmacy.  Press 1 to refill a prescription.  Press 2 for pharmacy.  Press 3 to speak to a pharmacist.  Press blah blah.

After you just Press 1 - you have to enter the prescription number highlighted in blue on the bottle.  No one really old could see or enter that number and make sure it's followed by the # or CVS doesn't know what to do with you and kicks you back up a step.  Then after you do that and there are actually refills left you have to select a pickup time.  Enter hours followed by minutes.  (No possibility for error there) and then 1 for AM and 2 for PM. 

I can navigate it, but could my Mother or even my sister!!!!  Absolutely NOT!!!!!

Now we've gotta go pick up Allopurinol!!!!! It never ends!!!!

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/26/11 4:40 am • # 214 
I want to set up one of those menus for the phone company and make them use it when they call to collect overdue payments.

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/27/11 2:17 am • # 215 
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I like that Sid. I made a "phone menu" as one of the first messages on our answering machine when hubby & I got married. Way too many people were treating my hubby as their personal, on call, free mechanic. It went something like "Welcome to the Auto Helpline! If you need help because you have failed to properly maintain your vehicle and now you have an emergency, press 1. If you want to borrow tools that you have no intention of returning because you're too cheap to buy them yourself, press 2. For simply stupid questions, press 3. etc. etc." At the end, I quoted prices for "consultations". 
Everyone thought it was hilarious. And they got the message. Image 

Anyhoo......I called the phone company back yesterday morning, re-navigated the system, and after @35 minutes I got to an actual supervisor, who actually listened. Once she pulled up the history on our account and said "Geez, yeah, I see it!" she called dispatch, and our phone was fixed less than 3 hours later. The guy showed up, I told him where the problem was ( the main box by the pizza joint around the corner) and what the problem was ( corrosion/crud on the connection, because that box is ancient and the company refuses to just replace it). It took him less than 15 minutes.  

Peeve for today: getting the phone fixed so I can have internet back, and then having to hijack my daughter's ancient laptop because mine crashed last night. Navigating without all my bookmarks has been an adventure.Image

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/27/11 3:35 am • # 216 
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I'd be lost without my bookmarks.

peeve for today: People who say to me (when trying to book an appointment or take care of office business) "Well, you know I work" Said with a little sarcastic laugh.

Well, guess what? SO DO I!! I have office hours and if you need to see ME, then you need to make arrangements to do that during office hours. Period.

I wonder how many people say that to their doctor, lawyer or utility company if they need to go to their offices? Why in the hell do they expect me to work outside of my office hours to accommodate them?  Image

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/27/11 4:35 pm • # 217 
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I hate to say it roseanne, but from time to time my hubby does run into problems trying to schedule things he needs to do. "Normal office hours" in many places start after he's at work and end before he's done. Image

Rains/pours department.....his vehicle died on the way home from work tonight. (Towed back to shop, a few hours later it was fixed.) I'm still on dd's laptop, mine is still dead. And just for fun, I have my poor Danny cat locked in the bathroom. I think he may have a blockage. If no pee by the AM, off to the vet for a costly emergency. He's miserable in there, and won't get to sleep all snuggled on my shoulder tonight. Very sad. Image

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 07/28/11 1:04 am • # 218 
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Chaos333 wrote:
I hate to say it roseanne, but from time to time my hubby does run into problems trying to schedule things he needs to do. "Normal office hours" in many places start after he's at work and end before he's done. Image

Rains/pours department.....his vehicle died on the way home from work tonight. (Towed back to shop, a few hours later it was fixed.) I'm still on dd's laptop, mine is still dead. And just for fun, I have my poor Danny cat locked in the bathroom. I think he may have a blockage. If no pee by the AM, off to the vet for a costly emergency. He's miserable in there, and won't get to sleep all snuggled on my shoulder tonight. Very sad. Image
I do too, Chaos, but then I make arrangements to: 1. leave work to take care of business or 2. go during my lunch hour. Image  My work hours have a start and an end too. 8-5, M-F. I've worked through my lunch hour to accommodate someone and I've come in a little early. What I won't do is stay later.  Nine hours is enough, don't you think?  I am salaried, so I don't make anything extra.

Dang it! It does pour. I hope Danny cat is ok. Image 

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 08/01/11 2:30 am • # 219 
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Well you don't work for the same guy my husband does, roseanne. lol  This is a guy who thought I should take a cab home from the hospital rather than give hubby a few hours to pick me up. ( I wound up waiting until the end of the work day.) 

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 08/01/11 2:53 am • # 220 
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roseanne, is there any way you can tweak your hours a bit? ~ we have an on-site building manager Monday - Friday ~ he works 9a-5p on M, T, W ~ but on Thursdays, he works 10a-6p and on Fridays, he works 8a-4p ~ that tweak seems to have lessened dramatically the complaints about 'inconvenient hours' from working residents ~


 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 08/01/11 2:54 am • # 221 
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Chaos333 wrote:
Well you don't work for the same guy my husband does, roseanne. lol  This is a guy who thought I should take a cab home from the hospital rather than give hubby a few hours to pick me up. ( I wound up waiting until the end of the work day.) 

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ~ Image


 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 08/01/11 4:44 am • # 222 
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sooz08 wrote:
roseanne, is there any way you can tweak your hours a bit? ~ we have an on-site building manager Monday - Friday ~ he works 9a-5p on M, T, W ~ but on Thursdays, he works 10a-6p and on Fridays, he works 8a-4p ~ that tweak seems to have lessened dramatically the complaints about 'inconvenient hours' from working residents ~

Not really sooz. We have to deal with contractors all the time, so need to keep the 8 am start time. A couple of them would be happy if we started at 6am, lol. No way!Image It's not the residents that complain, because I can deliver things to their unit (like paperwork etc) and they can deliver things to our convenient mail slots (signed paperwork or payments). They leave messages, I return them. If they have emergencies, we are on call via the answering service.

It's usually prospective tenants for our rental pool units who whine. If I have several empties, I will stay after hours slightly to show them. Hasn't happened in the 1 1/2 years I've been here. Image However, the current tenants do not want people tromping around their units in the evenings either, when they are home.

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 08/01/11 4:49 am • # 223 
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Chaos333 wrote:
Well you don't work for the same guy my husband does, roseanne. lol  This is a guy who thought I should take a cab home from the hospital rather than give hubby a few hours to pick me up. ( I wound up waiting until the end of the work day.) 
Sounds like a prince..........of darkness, lol. I've never had an employer who didn't let me leave for appointments.

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 08/04/11 4:44 am • # 224 
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Okay, so now we got a peeve from a building manager.  Here's one about a building manager.  A few months ago I got a notice from the manager of April and my aparetment building that they were going to be replacing the sliding glass doors and refurbishing the balconies.  Could we please make sure the balconies were cleared and things off the walls inside the apartment because there could be some banging that could cause stuff to fall.  That's cool and reasonable.  The only thing is they didn't say when the work would begin.  I figured it was just an initial warning and we would get notice of when the work would actually start.  Weeks went by and nothing happened except another notice or two saying the same thing as the first.  Then one day I go out there and my balcony stuff is down on the lawn and the manager is mad at me for not clearing it.  I'm like "WTF, I'm supposed to have the balcony in the bedroom for two months while you get your act in gear."  She's a real sweetheart and pretty reasonable so I didn't even get the statisfaction of a good,blood stirring, sleep depriving, "I shoulda said" , argument out of it.

 Post subject: Pet peeve(s) of the day
PostPosted: 08/04/11 5:07 am • # 225 
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Oh my jim. We are doing the same balcony reno's here. The crap part about it is in dealing with the contractor. We really like him and he is very good. However, he gets slammed with tons of work come the summer season (especially here), so we try our best to not send notices until the actual start date. Then, that gets delayed because of rain or the contractor is delayed on another job because of rain and/or other problems. THEN, he gets the balcony started, but again with the rain delay. The sealant cannot be put on until he is certain it is not going to rain for 24 hours. THEN, lol, he may have to order more sealant that is out of stock at the warehouse, but it's the best around, so we wait.  Our contractor tore into one balcony and found that the joists were rotted. They go about 6 feet into the ceiling of the unit underneath. We had to tear out that ceiling, replace the joists and then continue on with the decking etc. That delayed the others by at least a week. See what I mean? The other's we had given  notice too had moved their stuff already, but what can we do? It is what it is.

Sigh, I hear you, but you also need to understand it from the managers perspective. She cannot control many of the factors. As much as you are "put out", the end reward is a new deck that is sturdy and safe. Image

LOL, one of the buildings we used to work at an 18 story high-rise is doing balcony work. They tear off all the balconies first. Then they must do some repairs on the buildings themselves where the old balcony attached. Then they start constructing the new, concrete balconies from the top down. Forms must be put in place, the concrete poured etc. etc. Then, the start on the railings top down again. All in all it's about 8 months that the residents must keep their stuff inside. Image

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