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 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/11/12 8:54 am • # 1 
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Joined: 05/05/10
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I just need to vent. GRRRR!

Ok, so here we go with balconies again this year. One owner threatening to sue because her leg supposedly went through the deck. First of all, she had a damn rug on it for years and only removed it when the downstairs neighbor wrote her a letter because it was rotting and water was leaking through. Secondly, she KNEW the condition of the deck and we had told her she would be added at the TOP of the list for this year. Yet, she went on the deck anyway.  Of course, we had rain and rain and rain, with no work being done. That is when she threatened to sue. Does anyone EVER take any personal responsibility? Image 

Then a private renter whose balcony was added to list because the renter whined to the owner, who whined to the management company was done first!
We predict in our letter to the tenant that the work will take a minimum of 3 days, depending on the weather. He comes to the office on the 4th day after rain delayed the coatings and has the balls to demand "WHEN IS MY BALCONY GOING TO BE FINISHED?" then "I want my grilled steaks" Fucker. That's what he gets for whining, lol!

Next, we are changing the locks on all the buildings that will make things more secure since the old keys can be duplicated and were here when this place was apartments! Do you think people even READ the notices we deliver a week prior to the change? Do you think they remember about it even if they do read it? Do you think that even notices RIGHT ON THE DAMN ENTRY DOORS get read? Nope. Good grief, what whiners.

Then we have one owner who is so damn negative, yet he knows it ALL. Seriously. The new locks won't make a difference and it's a waste of money. We are charging $10 per key over the allotted 3 since we do have to have them cut by our locksmith. Well, this owner is just sure that the management company will take those funds even when we told them that they will be put in the general fund to help offset the cost of the locks etc. ImageAfter all, he managed a place once. Makes you wonder how honest he was with their funds, eh?  Image

He even argued with me about how to stay cool in this heat. I finally said, LISTEN! I'm from ALABAMA and if anyone knows what to do when it's hot, its ME!

Next, we have a unit that was flooded by the woman above when she let the sink run over. The woman wants to cheap out on paying for the repairs, doesn't want to go through her insurance and has the young lady below a nervous wreck over her constant phone calls. We finally took charge with permission from the management company, authorized the floor replacement which they will charge against the account of the top unit. I tried several times to explain to the woman above how things had to be done, but she wouldn't listen. So be it. It's been a MONTH for god's sake. Enough, already.

LMAO! I haven't been sleeping well with this heat, my digestive system is all screwed up and I was up most of the night with a tummy ache, so don't fuck with me today. Hmph!

I want my MOMMY! Waaaaaaaaaaa! Image

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/11/12 9:30 am • # 2 
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Joined: 11/07/08
Posts: 42112
Look at the bright side, roseanne ~ you might be getting Jack Daniels fudge in the next few hours ~ Image


P.S. I'm guessing that's an "acquired taste" ~ Image

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/11/12 9:30 am • # 3 

Joined: 01/16/16
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At least no one is shooting at you.

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/11/12 9:43 am • # 4 
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LOL sooz, I'll let you know.

oskar, THEY had better be glad I don't have a gun today. Image

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/11/12 11:56 am • # 5 
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Ahhhh, yes. Dealing with the public is always such a joy. I hear you, roseanne...Image.

I was named in a lawsuit and had to give a deposition and the whole nine yards when I worked at the collector car insurance company. Some creep attempting insurance fraud. What fun!

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/14/12 12:11 am • # 6 
ROFL...  this thread is so funny.  Thanks for the laugh to go with my morning coffee.  Image

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/14/12 1:09 am • # 7 
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Joined: 01/22/09
Posts: 9530
Roseanne:  What you need is one of those whiffle critters that you whack around to your heart's content with whiffle bat.  then you could get pictures of each of your teneants and just tape the appropriate one to the critter and whack away.

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/17/12 6:50 pm • # 8 
Feature Writer

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Posts: 279
roseanne wrote:
I just need to vent. GRRRR!
   So other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/18/12 2:48 am • # 9 
I would probably lose it if I had to deal with all of that in the heat we've had. I live not too far from Roseanne; at least close enough to share weather patterns. It was uncharacteristically humid and bleating hot for days on end, then it rained buckets. Many of my friends got flooded basements and our freeway flooded leaving people stranded in their cars. I think people go insane in this sort of weather and couple that with tenant issues and yep I'd pretty much not envy your position. This week it's all just heavy rain warnings and flash floods up here. This is the month of 'Black Friday' and the weather is like this every July but not this humidly hot for so long. Yech.

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/18/12 3:11 am • # 10 
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Yeah, sis. We do have to remember that we are not the only ones suffering. We tend to deal with humor. "We don't charge extra for the sauna" type of remarks. lol

Now dealing with misogynistic roofing contractor. I was in the flower garden, doing some clean-up, and he was wandering around. I asked "Can I help you?" He said, "I need to speak to the manager". I said "That's me and my husband". He said "I need to speak with your husband" I asked "WHY?" He didn't really answer, but I told him that I had dealt with HIS manager in the first place. I showed him where the roofs need to be done and he says "Are you sure?" Image

He's an immigrant, probably from a patriarchal society. Women don't know nuttin'. Sigh. What would the fucker have done if I was the ONLY manager here? Image

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/18/12 3:15 am • # 11 
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He's an immigrant, probably from a patriarchal society. Women don't know nuttin'. Sigh. What would the fucker have done if I was the ONLY manager here?

Looked for the leaks on his own?

(Was that the wrong thing to say. today?)

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/18/12 3:38 am • # 12 
I'm always taken aback by that response; it's not very common and it's so archaic. I was shocked when a few years ago I applied for a job with the City for a position that involved administering both arts and sports programs. The guy interviewing me was one of those middle aged balding fat guys who probably once coached some amateur football team. He literally looked me up and down slowly and said "I see arts but I don't see much sports" What a fuckhole!! Even his interviewing buddy was visibly uncomfortable.

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/18/12 6:20 am • # 13 
Sistermoon wrote:
The guy interviewing me was one of those middle aged balding fat guys...
I would have looked him up and down and said "I don't see much sport either you fat fuck!" and walked out the door.

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/19/12 4:01 pm • # 14 
Yeah, that idea came to me later Sid, but you know what it's like when you're in the moment and you become like a deer in the headlights...

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/20/12 12:53 am • # 15 
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LOL sis, exactly! When someone says or does something totally ignorant,  you're too busy thinking:

"Seriously? S/he said/did what? Why?"  Meanwhile, things are ticking along as if nothing stupid has happened.

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/20/12 8:32 am • # 16 
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Weeellllll, the fun never ends here. Image They decided to have all the chimneys/flues cleaned. GREAT. BUT! We MUST have access to all the units with fireplaces (112). With the grief we get here when we don't have keys, it should be a hoot. We got a great price from the contractor based on doing them all within a few days. So, our letter will state that if we don't have access, we will schedule a convienient appoint for their unit, but they will have to pay the extra cost, including a service call charge over and above the great price we are getting. Ha! Bet that will quell the mealy mouthed protestors.......Image

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/20/12 8:43 am • # 17 
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He said "I need to speak with your husband" I asked "WHY?" He didn't really answer, but I told him that I had dealt with HIS manager in the first place. 

Call his manager back, and relay this, roseanne. The last thing you need is this....ummm....person claiming there's a problem with the finished work because he had to speak to the little woman. lol!

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/23/12 1:03 pm • # 18 
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He needs to speak with a counselor, not your husband.
Gimme a hint, what century is it now?

 Post subject: A rant
PostPosted: 07/26/12 5:29 am • # 19 
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Joined: 01/04/09
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Tell him he can talk to you, or pound sand.  And what's the name of his supervisor?

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