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PostPosted: 02/11/13 8:25 pm • # 1 
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My first thought was that Nugent is beneath contempt ~ my second thought was that the GOP/TP rep who invited Nugent is an idiot ~ but now I'm thinking it could end up being a BIG benefit for gun regulation advocates and a BIG problem for the GOP if Nugent does what he does best, which is the patented rant that exposes his bigotry and racism ~ Sooz

Nugent: ‘I Will Be Taking On Media Orgy’ After SOTU
Pema Levy - 6:36 PM EST, Monday February 11, 2013

Outspoken rocker Ted Nugent will attend President Obama's State of the Union Address Tuesday in order to take on the media and "counter the scams and lies of the left," he explained to talk radio host Mike Broomhead Monday.

"We know that the president will have the state of the union stacked and jammed with props, children, and victims of violent crime, " Nugent said. "And my friends wanted me to attend to counter that the way that I do: with facts, statistics and common sense and logic and a celebration of self-evident truths. So I will be taking on the media orgy following the State of the Union Address."

Nugent said the media does not realize he is a "force to be reckoned with" and therefore he will "dominate them."

Nugent added that he would be outspoken after the event but "remain respectful to the office of the presidency and the event itself."

Nugent, an outspoken critic of Obama, had to be cleared by Secret Service this spring after saying that he would be "dead or in jail" if the president was re-elected. Nugent is a guest of Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX), whose spokesperson said the congressman invited Nugent “because he is a supporter of the Second Amendment and American values.”

Gun control advocates are also looking forward to Nugent's appearance.

Listen to the full interview: [Sooz comment: audio clip available at end link]

PostPosted: 02/11/13 8:56 pm • # 2 

Joined: 01/16/16
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Would be neat if the media simply ignored him.

PostPosted: 02/11/13 9:31 pm • # 3 
I'm looking forward to him keeping his word to either die or go to jail!

PostPosted: 02/12/13 8:21 am • # 4 
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It looks like I'm not alone in my thinking that this easily could be an enormous GOP/TP mistake ~ and today's "question of the day" is: what could possibly go wrong with Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and Ted Nugent all giving competing responses to Obama's SOTU address tonight? ~ :ey ~ LOVE the comment I emphasized/bolded below ~ there are "live links" to more/corroborating info in the original ~ Sooz

So much for shedding the 'stupid party' label
By Steve Benen - Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:35 AM EST

Shortly after the 2012 elections, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) urged Republicans to "stop being the stupid party" and move away from "dumbed-down conservatism." It seemed like reasonably good advice, which some in the GOP have apparently chosen to ignore.

Ted Nugent, the gun-loving, bow-hunting rocker whose staunch defense of Second Amendment rights and inflammatory insults of President Obama have made him a hero with many conservatives, will attend the president's State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

Mr. Nugent, who is also a National Rifle Association board member, will be a guest of Representative Steve Stockman, a Texas Republican who recently made headlines by threatening to file articles of impeachment against Mr. Obama if the president issued executive orders that strengthened gun control laws.

For the record, I don't much care about Nugent's ridiculous antics. He's obviously a fringe extremist who uses vile language; he hasn't had a hit since the '70s; and he's generally better left ignored.

But Nugent has also gone after President Obama with rhetoric that was violent enough to get the attention of the Secret Service. Try to imagine the political world's reaction if a washed-up entertainer targeted a Republican president with violent rhetoric, and then a Democratic member of Congress invited him as a special guest to attend the State of the Union.

Of course, that's not happening. On the contrary, Nugent was invited by a House Republican as a way to counteract Democratic lawmakers welcoming victims of gun violence to the Capitol.

Regardless, there's a larger context to this that's worth keeping in mind as the day unfolds.

First, this is arguably an opportunity for Democrats and a problem for Republicans. Remember, Republicans had a very clear plan in mind for this evening -- allow their swing-state rising star to deliver a carefully-crafted speech, in English and Spanish, hitting the precise points GOP leaders want to emphasize at this critical point.

Instead, Republicans find themselves in the awkward position of having two GOP senators delivering post-SOTU speeches, and while they're speaking, a musician/right-wing clown will be hosting a press conference on Capitol Hill, which seems likely to become a distracting spectacle.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Democratic offices spent the day issuing press statements, demanding to know what John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio think about Ted Nugent's record of ugly extremism, and whether they're comfortable with his presence in the chamber tonight.

Second, as Greg Sargent explained, let's also not overlook Steve Stockman's role in this burgeoning fiasco.

The problem lies in all the over-the-top stuff GOP lawmakers say regularly that isn't quite crazy enough to earn widespread condemnation, as Nugent's quotes have, but are still whacked out enough to encourage an atmosphere that helps keep millions of GOP base voters sealed off from reality. The problem is the perpetual winking and nodding to The Crazy that is deemed marginally acceptable -- the hints about creeping socialism, the claim that modest Obama executive actions amount to tyranny, the suggestions that Obama's values are vaguely un-American and that Obama is transforming the country and the economy into something no longer recognizably American, and so on -- more so than the glaringly awful stuff that gets the media refs to throw their flags. [...]

The problem isn't so much Ted Nugent as it is the Steve Stockmans of the world telling their constituents that Obama's sensible gun reforms rise to the level of impeachment.

Quite right. We talked last week about the new Republican effort to "marginalize" the "cranks, haters, and bigots," but as we're reminded regularly, it's extremely difficult for a political party to ostracize such a significant chunk of its own membership.

As the Stockman/Nugent story reminds us, the problem isn't that Republicans have some "cranks, haters, and bigots"; the problem is that Republicans are a radicalized party in which "cranks, haters, and bigots" routinely dominate.

If the GOP intends to stop being, in Bobby Jindal's words, the "stupid party," they have a long way to go.

PostPosted: 02/13/13 12:41 pm • # 5 
Did I miss something? I neither saw nor have read where he actually was there last night. Like others, I am waiting for him to fulfill his comment of either being dead or in jail.

PostPosted: 02/13/13 1:21 pm • # 6 

Joined: 01/16/16
Posts: 30003
Ted Nugent: Answer to reducing gun violence "so simple, it's stupid"

Nugent got that right. It's stupid. Must be why he "gets it".

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