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 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 08/16/11 1:58 pm • # 1 
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I really thought he'd pull through.  But I think they made the right decision.

BROOKSVILLE - A local kitten that initially survived a vicious beating in June at a local park won over animal lovers nationwide — becoming a celebrity with more than 3,000 Facebook fans cheering for the animal's recovery.

Those fans are now in mourning this week after learning the kitten — named Dexter — was put down Monday following medical complications.

Cathy Fitzgerald, manager of PetLuv in Brooksville, said it's been an emotional rollercoaster for her and other staff members who watched over Dexter's recovery and were heartbroken to watch as the animal's health take a turn for the worst begining late last week.

She said PetLuv technician Tiffany Sroka, who adopted Dexter, noticed the animal's seizures were becoming more frequent and severe.

The symptoms are believed to have stemmed from the head trauma the kitten sustained from the June incident when a woman and her two children beat both Dexter and another kitten with an aluminum baseball bat along with kicking both animals repeatedly.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 08/30/11 8:58 am • # 2 
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So sad!

I shudder to think the woman has 2 kids who participated in this. Can you say Jeffery Dahmer? So many times, criminals are "made", not born, largley due to this sort of crap. Image Damnit! I hope the kids have someone in their lives who is caring and nurturing along the way and can counter their sorry upbringing.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 08/30/11 9:00 am • # 3 
How anyone, adult or child, can do this to an animal is beyond me. I just can't fathom it.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 09/01/11 2:17 am • # 4 
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Poor Dexter and his sibling.  Were the sub-humans caught?  If so, did they have any excuse for what they did?  What happened to them?  I really hope their names were published far and wide.  I wouldn't wish the same fate on them that they dealt out to Dexter but getting run out of town would be fair.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 09/01/11 5:31 pm • # 5 
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It's not over yet....

Wilana Frazier, the woman accused of brutally beating two kittens in  Brooksville FL with an aluminum bat while spewing a tirade of curses and encouraging her two young sons to join in, is scheduled to appear at a pretrial court hearing on September 2. She has been out on bail since shortly after the June incident that left one kitten dead on the scene and the other with severe head trauma and other injuries.

The kitten that lived was taken to PetLuv Clinic and named Dexter. Dexter became a famed and much loved kitten, beloved by his thousands of fans and supporters, as well as clinic staff, one of whom adopted him. Dexter made remarkable progress and it looked like he would recover and live a fairly normal life, until a sudden downturn with increased and debilitating seizures from the head trauma caused his caregivers to make the difficult decision to free him from his distress.

Wilama Frazier claims she did nothing to the kittens, and that her relative who turned her in is out to get her. The other witnesses are children who may not attend the hearing. Hernando County, where the animal cruelty and child endangerment case will be tried, does not have a special animal advocate.

We will followup with any news after the hearing.


A woman wants Hernando County FL to adopt an animal abuser registry to honor a tiny, sweet victim, to name and shame abusers, and to spare other animals from little Dexter kitten's fate.

Brooksville FL resident Betty Dobson  has contacted all five Hernando County Commissioners asking them to adopt an animal abuser registry named for Dexter kitten, who died earlier this week after seeming to make a miraculous recovery from a despicably brutal beating with an aluminum baseball bat on June 10 that brought repeated blows to his tiny head.

Ms. Dobson would like Dexter's home county to enact an ordinance modeled after an online animal abuser registry in Suffolk County, NY. In Suffolk County, abusers convicted of mistreating animals must register their names, addresses and photos of themselves for five years and pay an annual fee of $50. The photos and data are available online at a website maintained by the SPCA. Ms. Dobson notes that Suffolk County's registry has overcome legal hurdles, making it a safe, tested model, and she suggests that fees and donations can be put toward the cost of having a local organization maintain the online registry.

At this point, Ms. Dobson's proposal is no more than one woman's request to the Commission, at least as far as we know. Hopefully, the widespread attention Dexter's case has brought to Hernando County will help get the proposed ordinance onto the County's agenda and influence its approval.  The proposed ordinance is not on the agenda for the Commissioners' meeting scheduled for next week, and agendas for later meetings have not yet been made public.

On a related, note,  Dexter's accused abuser Wilana Frazier will appear before Judge Daniel Merritt Jr. at a hearing on September2.

Board of County Commissioners
20 North Main Street
Room 263  Brooksville, FL
(352) 754-4000
Fax (352) 754-4477

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 09/01/11 5:34 pm • # 6 
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Keep us up-to-date, Chaos.  I would like to know what happens to her.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 09/02/11 12:54 am • # 7 
Yeah... who knows... maybe she'll "walk into a door" or something.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 09/05/11 2:28 am • # 8 
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Found a note on Dexer's FB page....

The case against Frazier has been continued until 9/27 as the discovery is not completed. A newspaper reporter has promised an update story, as soon as he gets the discovery! The case against the defendant seems to be very strong! Hopefully with the help of all of you kindred spirits, she will face severe penalties for her crimes! The Hernando State Attorney is doing their job well and resources are being deployed to make a full discovery of all of the facts of this act of cruelty!

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 10/19/11 2:55 am • # 9 
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Yesterday's pretrial hearing in Wilana Frazier's animal cruelty case in Hernando County FL has come and gone with seemingly little progress and yet another pretrial hearing set for October 28.

Court documents merely note a status check and  another waiving of the right to a speedy trial from yesterdays hearing, along with the setting of October 28 for the next step in the process to getting to trial.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 10/21/11 6:14 pm • # 10 
Any other updates on this?  It just makes me sick to see children and animals abused.  A couple days ago I was coming out of a grocery store about 10 pm and heard this kitten just meowing really loud and I noticed a security officer looking all around so I asked him if he was looking for the kitten and he said yes so I helped him find it and this kitten is so small it fit in one of my hands... a cute little gray and white kitten.... the security guard said people are always trying to give kittens or dogs away in their parking lot every weekend and if nooone takes the animals the people just let them loose and he figures this is what happend with this kitten.  Anyway, I brought the kitten home with me, gave it some milk and food and she has fit in really well with our other cats.  We have 17 cats/kittens, 3 dogs and a donkey.   Good thing we have plenty of land and the house is big. LOL  I have named her Pumpkin as the security guard and I finally found her hiding behind a display of pumpkins in front of the grocery store.  She is the sweetest little kitten and purrs really loud. 

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 10/22/11 1:53 am • # 11 

My neighbor is moving. He's only been there for a bit better than a year and he has a cat.

Well... guess what? He can't take kitty with him where he's moving so he asked me if I wanted her. I gave him shit! I told him "you have taken a living creature into your home. YOU are responsible for the quality of its life!". This angers me to no end. People have no business having a pet if they have no intentions of taking care of it.

I have no idea what that little kitty's fate is... I would take her if I didn't have two of my own already.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 10/22/11 4:19 am • # 12 
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So glad you were in the right place at the right time Dee. No telling what would have happened to poor 'lil Pumpkin. ( I wonder if there are any siblings still lost over there?) Congrats on the new family member! Image 

Sid, you can't become the answer whenever a kitty in the building needs a home, that's just the way it is. You don't have a ton of room like Dee does! 

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 10/22/11 5:03 am • # 13 
Oh I know Chaos... but she's such a cutie. I hope her destiny isn't to be abandoned out in the parking lot. Given the owner's personality, I wouldn't put it past him.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 10/29/11 6:48 am • # 14 
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Another seems obvious that the prosecutor isn't taking this seriously.

Well, the beat goes on. Frazier's next court date is Nov. 22nd at 200PM.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 12/19/11 6:03 pm • # 15 
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another update, another delay....

Well everyone, we were in court for 2hours and 15mins. ! 

Apparently the defense has a witness list. Frazier will be back in court at 9:00 AM on FEb.17th At least there was no plea deal like some people were predicting.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 01/10/12 11:12 am • # 16 
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Dexter's Law on the agenda as FL legislative session opens next week

SB 618, or Dexter's Law, would institute an animal abuser registry in the state of Florida. The legislature will consider whether to enact it.

State Senator Mike Fasano from New Port Richey, friend to Florida's animals and the bill's sponsor, speaks in the news report below, filed as the state Legislature prepares to open its 2012 session.

Dexter's Law will, if enacted, create an abuser registry for those convicted of abuse or neglect of an animal. It honors the sweet kitten who, along with his brother Drake, was brutally beaten in a Brooksville park last year. Dexter became the object of worldwide interest and support as he appeared to beat the odds and recover while in the care or PetLuv Clinic and his adopter Tiffany Sroka.  Debilitating seizures returned after he appeared to be recovered, and he was euthanized by those who loved and cared for him. The court case against accused killer Wilana Frazier continues to drag on through a series of court hearings.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 02/10/12 2:19 pm • # 17 
Pumpkin is doing fine and growing and Comet (my female Calico) has taken Pumpkin as her own.  She washes her and when she goes to sleep she will go where Pumpkin is sleeeping and curl up next to her and when you give them a second look Pumpkin has stuck her face and nestled it in Comet's long fur coat.  Such a sweet picture I will take one for you all to see soon.  For a little kitten, Pumpkin sure purrs loud. 

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 02/10/12 5:45 pm • # 18 
Dee wrote:
Pumpkin is doing fine and growing and Comet (my female Calico) has taken Pumpkin as her own.  She washes her and when she goes to sleep she will go where Pumpkin is sleeeping and curl up next to her and when you give them a second look Pumpkin has stuck her face and nestled it in Comet's long fur coat.  Such a sweet picture I will take one for you all to see soon.  For a little kitten, Pumpkin sure purrs loud. 
That sounds so sweet. Can't wait to see the pics.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 02/11/12 11:49 am • # 19 
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Awwww...that's nice, Dee. Pumpkin has a heck of a motor, eh?

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 02/11/12 1:26 pm • # 20 
I just love the look on kitties' faces when I give 'em a skritchin' between the ears or under the chin.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 02/11/12 2:26 pm • # 21 
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Sidartha wrote:
I just love the look on kitties' faces when I give 'em a skritchin' between the ears or under the chin.
You mean that.."This is the best     thing     [/i] ever!!!!!!!!!"   [/i]look? Image As if you've never done it before?

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 02/11/12 3:08 pm • # 22 
That's the look!

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 02/29/12 3:34 am • # 23 
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Wilana Frazier Dexter Kitten Case Trial Approaches

Wilana Frazier appeared at yet another pretrial hearing on Friday. The judge was visibly displeased with her and told her she would go to trial in April or May for the brutal killing of kittens Dexter and Drake.

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 04/04/12 5:29 pm • # 24 
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Keeping an eye out for news of a trial. Judge said April or May last time. 

 Post subject: From hope, to sadness
PostPosted: 07/09/12 8:20 am • # 25 
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Latest update, trial is to go forward this Wednesday, "unless something earth-shattering happens". 

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