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 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 09/15/11 7:16 am • # 1 
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We have lab results for the boys. 

UA on Danny showed a few small crystals, traces of blood, and was pretty concentrated. Plan is to continue adding extra water to his canned food, cut back a little on the dry urinary health crunchies, do another UA in early October. If no improvement, a switch to canned Rx food may be in his best interest. He's snoozing here on the bed right now, he really was getting frantic being locked in the bathroom and needed a sanity break, and I needed to clean up in there anyway. We're going to let him out under supervision and see how it goes. 

Draco's bloods show liver issues, elevated white cell counts- both not off the charts, but elevated- and UA showed very diluted urine, indicating kidneys that aren't quite 100% either.( If we could combine his kidneys with Danny's we'd be perfect, lol) Next step would be an x-ray and/or ultrasound to look around. 

But I say...he's @17, even if we found something, and even if I had unlimited resources, and even if whatever it was could be dealt with, I don't think I want to put him through a lot of medical intervention just to add a few years on to the end of his life, at best. Right now, that extra diluted urine is working in his favor anyway, he hasn't been  blocked in 5 years. lol He's happy, eating/drinking/purring. If or when he's not happy, we'll say goodbye knowing we gave him at least 14 years he wouldn't have had anyway. They were going to put him to sleep that day, and yet here he is. Multiple surgeries on his foot until most of it was amputated. Twice blocked and surgically unblocked. I think he's been a good sport, and deserves a break.

So not exactly good news, but no worse than I expected. Still have to take the girls in, but I don't anticipate any issues with them.  Hubby will be taking the dog for a once-over once I make a Sat. appt. Odin is not too keen on getting in the van anymore, and I can't lift him.Image 


 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 09/15/11 9:53 am • # 2 
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You take your children (girls) to the vet? ImageImage

Edited to add: Hope Danny improves. Draco does, indeed, deserve a break and you have given him a nice, long, happy life. There is a time we must understand that it's better to let go. I know you know that......and so does he.Image

Last edited by roseanne on 09/15/11 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 09/16/11 2:49 am • # 3 
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You take your children (girls) to the vet?

Why not?  You'd probably get the same results at less cost and the kids would get scratched behind the ears and a biscuit thrown in when they were done.

I feel bad for you Chaos.  Regardless of what happens, you're heading into that time when some hard decisions have to be made. 

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 09/16/11 3:28 am • # 4 
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Posts: 8188 bills seem to be just as much as people bills. lol The quote for an x-ray and ultrasound was near $500, and if he was fussy and needed to be sedated, even more. 

We've said goodbye to two dogs, two cats, finches, hermit crabs and multiple fishes within the past 7 years. I feel like I'm running a hospice sometimes. I have to clean out the little box where I keep all our vet records, I can't even close the lid right now. lol

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 10/07/11 8:53 am • # 5 
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Danny's UA is worse now. Ph going up instead of down. More concentrated instead of more dilute. Two kinds of crystals. And this is *with* the U health formula foods. 

Now we add meds twice a day. Image

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 10/09/11 10:17 am • # 6 

How does Danny seem?    Is he happy and still bouncing around?

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 10/10/11 2:27 pm • # 7 
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He seems very much himself, Kath. The sneak attacks from under the kitchen table continue...pestering his sister...a brat.Image 

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 10/11/11 3:01 am • # 8 
All of my cats are brats!!!!

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 10/11/11 5:11 am • # 9 
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First pill is in. Fingers crossed. He didn't give me a hard time about it...but then again he didn't know what I was up to. lol

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 4:20 am • # 10 
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Well, despite the last urinalysis being about as perfect as it could be a month ago....Danny is back in the hospital this morning.

He was FINE yesterday, in bed snuggling as usual last night. Went down after hubby for breakfast first thing this morning, as usual. I woke up to find he'd been sick. Found him in dd's room and when I picked him up, he growled and hissed the whole time I was holding him. Wouldn't eat. Threw up again. Looked just miserable. 

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 9:25 am • # 11 
Poor baby.

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 10:45 am • # 12 
Awww... po' kitty.... how's he doing now?

My Billy has to go to the vet next week for a cortisone shot. He's coughing again. Not as bad as the last time but I figure it's best to catch it early.

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 11:05 am • # 13 
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Chaos333 wrote:
Well, despite the last urinalysis being about as perfect as it could be a month ago....Danny is back in the hospital this morning.

He was FINE yesterday, in bed snuggling as usual last night. Went down after hubby for breakfast first thing this morning, as usual. I woke up to find he'd been sick. Found him in dd's room and when I picked him up, he growled and hissed the whole time I was holding him. Wouldn't eat. Threw up again. Looked just miserable. 
Image Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for Danny.


 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 11:06 am • # 14 
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Sidartha wrote:
Awww... po' kitty.... how's he doing now?

My Billy has to go to the vet next week for a cortisone shot. He's coughing again. Not as bad as the last time but I figure it's best to catch it early.
Good idea Sid. A stitch in time................


 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 11:40 am • # 15 
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Hoping for good reports on everyone's critters ~


 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 1:45 pm • # 16 
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Oh no-not Billy too!Image Did they plan this? 

Danny is home. Doc said he didn't complain while having his belly touched/squeezed, bladder wasn't terribly swollen. They kept him all day and saw no symptoms of blockage. In fact, Danny didn't do a thing all day but lay crammed between the pillow they gave him and the litter box. Didn't eat, drink, vomit or even attempt to pee. No fever.

We brought him home about an hour ago, set him up in he bathroom. He did pee already! (yay) But he also threw up again. (boo) So something has his tummy in an uproar, but darn if we can think of anything that's changed, or that he got into. He is exhausted, I doubt he snoozed much at the vet. I put an old towel on the floor and he stretched out and let me rub his belly a while, I snuck out as his eyes were closing. Vet said to call in the AM with a report and we'll figure out what to do from there. 

I'm stumped.  

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 2:53 pm • # 17 
He might have eaten a mouse or a bug overnight. Some bugs and spiders can be noxious to kitties.

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 2:55 pm • # 18 
Billy's had this cough annually since as far back as I can remember. We used to give him antibiotics with the cortisone but the vet is reluctant to do it now. So he gets just the cortisone.

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 3:58 pm • # 19 
Tinsel?   Anything on a Christmas tree?

My first cat, Kitty Belle ate a piece of ribbon.  I was upset that her urine was reddish.  A few days later a red ribbon was in the litter box.

Hopefully, Danny's okay.  My older cats throw up all over the place if they eat Duck's food.  Older digestive systems can't stand the same stuff as younger cats.  

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/14/11 5:20 pm • # 20 
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That's right Sid...Billy and winter don't seem to like each other much, do they? I found no mouse remains, but I guess a bug is possible. We still have the occasional box elder bug and asian "ladybug" in the house.

Kath, we don't use tinsel, and there are no decorations on the tree yet. I made sure the tree water in the stand isn't high enough for anyone to slurp it, too. I thought maybe he got pine tar on him and licked it off, but this isn't his first tree. No new plants in the house. No new foods he hasn't had before. No new cleaning agents or *anything* we can think of. Odin did chew up one of his stuffed toys yesterday-as usual-so there was stuffing fluff and some short threads around...but that's always around. LOL ( I watched a surgery on a cat once....he'd raided the trash after thanksgiving and swallowed about a 12" piece of cotton twine they'd trussed the bird with.Image)

He wouldn't even nibble a few of his favorite catnip treats just now. It's like he wants to, but...Image

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/15/11 3:18 pm • # 21 
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Still not eating. Shows interest, nuzzled the handle of the spoon....I tried his canned, another flavor of canned, two kinds of dry...he stared, he sniffed....nothing. I just resorted to pushing about 6ml of water into him with an oral syringe.Image

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/15/11 3:53 pm • # 22 
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 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/15/11 5:30 pm • # 23 

Another possibility: a friend's cat got sick from those flea drops that are applied to the back of the neck. Her other cat got sick from the flea spray that's applied to furniture and carpets.

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/16/11 5:28 am • # 24 
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Ittle ( Danny's sister) had a horrible reaction to flea drops, so we don't use 'em. A few years ago, my mom thought it would be a great idea to take Missy the cat outside on a leash. Missy had no flea protection, and sure enough we wound up with a flea problem. I had to give them all old-fashioned soap and water flea baths. They did not appreciate that.Image

I think the water helped. I caught Danny sipping from the fountain last night ( first time!) and he asked for a drink from the sink faucet before bed. He has nibbled a teeeeny bit of food today, and licked up some gravy. Better than yesterday, so I'll take it!  

 Post subject: Vet stuff...
PostPosted: 12/16/11 12:03 pm • # 25 
He's on the road to recovery!

One really good solution for fleas in carpets or upholstery: borax and water in a spray bottle... it works every time. Also... it's noncorrosive or caustic and won't harm pets or fabric.

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