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PostPosted: 12/04/11 5:12 am • # 1 
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Joined: 01/20/09
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Seriously...get your tissues.....

Dog videos never fail to conjure up some sort of emotion. And this one really brings the waterworks. The above footage shows male beagles that were rescued from a California university animal testing lab seeing sunlight and stepping on grass for the first time.

PostPosted: 12/04/11 7:21 am • # 2 
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Wow. Thanks Chaos. We have residents here who foster dogs from California through an organization (I can't remember which one) who have been abandoned. They are dog lovers, with 3 of their own. Every dog they foster has a sad tale to tell and are usually damaged either physically or emotionally, but with their love and attention, they become healthy, loving pets. I do so admire this young couple and it's fun to watch the transformation. 

PostPosted: 12/05/11 6:47 am • # 3 
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These are the heroes we rarely hear about. Why is that, I wonder? There are people all over the place doing wonderful things. Not just for animals, but for people and veterans and sick kids......the list goes on. But somehow, they never get the press coverage because it's not scandalous enough to capture attention. I think stories like this would get ratings!

Edit for spelling.


Last edited by Chaos333 on 12/05/11 7:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 12/05/11 7:14 am • # 4 
As usual, I have tears.

I also hope they all have homes by now.   They seemed absolutely starved for human affection. 

PostPosted: 12/05/11 1:28 pm • # 5 

Joined: 08/04/09
Posts: 660
I was certain I would NOT cry.  And what do you know?  A hankie won't do.  I need a bath towel.  Such beautiful dogs.  I want to adopt them all.   There's something oddly wise about their eyes.  Thanks for posting this.  I am delighted to see them freed. Horrified to realize there are more like them, all over the world.


PostPosted: 12/05/11 4:21 pm • # 6 
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I warned you! lol Might as well put my beagle story here....seems fitting.

Working in a kennel, we had upper and lower runs. Easter weekend ( I think) and we were booked solid. The upper runs had outdoor areas with 8' chain link fences.

Mr. Doberman was in one run. Mr. Beagle came in, and I put him in the run next door. Came inside, looked up and there's Mr Beagle *in with the doberman* and I nearly had to change my pants thinking he was about to be a dobie snack! Thought maybe I stuck him in the wrong run, so I RAN up, grabbed him and moved him into his run. Came in, looked up, and there he was again.

Third time, I backed up and watched. Little sucker was climbing the chain link like an expert, tail wagging all the way. LOL So I swapped Mr. Beagle with another dog in a lower run...those had ceilings. Image 

PostPosted: 12/06/11 7:20 am • # 7 
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Joined: 05/05/10
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LOL Chaos! Beagles are such shifty critters. Image

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