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PostPosted: 02/22/20 11:00 am • # 1 
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I've been watching too many happy cow gifs over the past couple years and now I can't stand the idea of eating beef. Chickens are soon to go on the don't eat list - I haven't seen many gifs of happy chickens but I do watch a lot of bird videos (parrots, eagles, cockatiels, etc) and chickens are birds so...

PostPosted: 02/22/20 9:27 pm • # 2 
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Hmmm. I just don't think I have the discipline to become vegetarian. Trying to make sure to get all the proper nutrients and vitamins without eating meat is tricky. Besides, I love meat! lol Good luck laffin. Just make sure to keep an eye on your protein and iron.

PostPosted: 02/23/20 4:52 am • # 3 
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I'm moving slowly, transitioning over to it. I still want to eat low carb though because it's the only way I've been able to lose weight and keep my T2 in normal ranges. Apparently, there is now an Eco Atkins diet that's vegetarian so I'm looking into that. And there are plenty of mock meat options now than there were even 10 years ago so that helps too. I've already been taking a B complex supplement (for other problems) so the B12 issue is covered - it's just making sure I'm getting enough protein which shouldn't be a problem since I love eggs and they're pretty cheap.

PostPosted: 02/23/20 10:40 am • # 4 
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