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PostPosted: 04/13/10 12:05 pm • # 1 
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As I explained in the thread I just posted I, Jimwilliam, want to propose marriage to Butterfly4you.  Figuring out how to do that in a nice, warm romantic way that will encourage her to say yes is not an easy task for a guy that is basically shy, hates rejection and is of a "just do it" mind bent in pretty much everything he does.

I've considered simply working up the nerve and as soon as I've got it just blurting "hey, yuh wanna get married." That's direct and would probably get the job done unless my timing was bad and she was sitting on the crapper or something when it happened.  But it does lack a certain j'ne sais quoi and isn't all that romantic.  My second choice, just getting her really drunk one night and telling her she agreed in the morning, doesn't really cut it either.

What I need is some advice from you guys, especially the ladies who know these things, on how to go about it in such a manner that she's bound to say yes.  Remember, this is one hot babe I'm proposing to and she's much too good for me so, c'mon guys, make it good.

PostPosted: 04/13/10 12:32 pm • # 2 
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Okay ~ I've been thinking for, oh maybe, 15 minutes now ~ both of you love the outdoors and hiking ~ I say: go to one of the gorgeous locations we've seen via April's pictures ~ pack a picnic lunch ~ include a bottle of good wine ~ get comfy on a blanket ~ tell her how you've grown to love her this past year ~ that you know she is "the one" ~ that you know you were destined to be together ~ and then reach into your pocket and ... pull out a HUGE ring to slip on her finger ~ and while she is crying [we all know she will], say "April, I love you ~ will you marry me?"

Much much better than "wanna shack up forever" ~ Image


P.S.  I am REALLY excited about this!

PostPosted: 04/13/10 1:14 pm • # 3 
Well, any plan with a HUGE ring is likely to be successful.

Let me think on it a little while. I may come up with a Plan B.

PostPosted: 04/13/10 1:21 pm • # 4 
There's a little park between Victoria and Duncan called "Goldstream Provincial Park". If you take the trail down to Goldstream River, there's a gentle waterfalls nestled in the rainforest of Douglas Fir and Cedar.... sneak along some champagne... a couple champaigne glasses.... let nature take it's course.

PostPosted: 04/13/10 1:22 pm • # 5 
Maybe I misunderstood, but isn't this supposed to be a cyber-proposal and wedding?  So shouldn't any of our suggestions involve doing the proposal/wedding online?  And how are you going to keep it a secret from Butterfly if she is able to come in here and read these posts?  I think we need to lock her out until all plans have been finalized.

PostPosted: 04/13/10 1:34 pm • # 6 
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It's jim's call whether or not to lock April out of this board for the time being ~ I really do NOT want her to feel she was kicked out for some reason ~ but you make another good point, pic ~

HEY JIM ~ are we plotting the REAL or the CYBER proposal? ~ it's easy to change the names in my #1 post ~ Image


PostPosted: 04/13/10 1:39 pm • # 7 
OK... Now that I have the WHOLE story I have to tell you, I think this whole idea is pretty awesome!

PostPosted: 04/13/10 4:15 pm • # 8 
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I've been happily married for 17 years, Jim.

I had a ring in a ring box tossed at my head and "Will THIS do?" for a proposal. And I loved it. 'Cause he was and still is a smartass. 

Be true to yourself. What you find romantic, she'll find romantic, as long as it's authentic and from the heart. 

PostPosted: 04/13/10 4:20 pm • # 9 
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sooz08 wrote:
It's jim's call whether or not to lock April out of this board for the time being ~ I really do NOT want her to feel she was kicked out for some reason ~ but you make another good point, pic ~

HEY JIM ~ are we plotting the REAL or the CYBER proposal? ~ it's easy to change the names in my #1 post ~ Image

We're talking the cyber proposal, Sooz.  The real proposal never even really happened.  It was just decided.  Actually, I knew from about the second day after I met her that I was going to marry her.  The only question was and is, when.  It was only recently, though, that we got away from the "when your 85" stuff and made up our minds it was going to happen.

While I want all of us to have fun doing this, don't take it too lightly.  This group and CE11 have played a big part in our romance and relationship and we consider a lot of the members to be real friends - friends we may never meet but friends nonetheless and important to us.  Cyber weddings don't meet the criteria of being "legal" but then being "legal" isn't what makes you married either.  It's what is in your hearts and the commitment you make to each other that make the marriage stick.  When we get that far, the "I do's" we say will be as heartfelt and binding as if they were said in front of a JP or Minister. 

Judging from her post in the introductory thread, it's a bit late to accidentally have a glitch that keeps her out of here for a few days.  It doesn't matter, anyway, because she doesn't know when or how the proposal is going to come.  I just hope she says "yes".


PostPosted: 04/13/10 4:24 pm • # 10 
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Sidartha wrote:
There's a little park between Victoria and Duncan called "Goldstream Provincial Park". If you take the trail down to Goldstream River, there's a gentle waterfalls nestled in the rainforest of Douglas Fir and Cedar.... sneak along some champagne... a couple champaigne glasses.... let nature take it's course.
I know that park well, Sid.  I go to the Island frequently on business and it's one of the places I stop for a coffee, stretch or just to enjoy the outdoors when travelling between Victoria and Nanaimo.  April hasn't seen it yet but there's a better than good chance she will the weekend after next.  I've got work in Sydney on the following Monday so I thought we'd go over and spend the weekend on the Island. 


PostPosted: 04/14/10 1:01 am • # 11 

PostPosted: 04/14/10 3:45 am • # 12 
Sid wrote:  There's a little park between Victoria and Duncan called "Goldstream Provincial Park". If you take the trail down to Goldstream River, there's a gentle waterfalls nestled in the rainforest of Douglas Fir and Cedar.... sneak along some champagne... a couple champaigne glasses.... let nature take it's course.

That sounds good to me!!  Go for it!Image

PostPosted: 04/14/10 4:38 am • # 13 
proposal poem

We met amidst the chat and posts
With wonderful or lousy hosts
Some people may think a whim
That butterfly loves jimwilliam

But love we do as all can see
With dreams of life and things to be
Together now and evermore
A world before us to explore

Politics and silliness
Turn to love and the stolen kiss
With each post my love just grows
While others may come to blows

Words, opinions disappear
When you, my butterfly, are near
Together here in cyberspace
Makes life easier to face

So come with me my butterfly
Before any more time goes by
Cyber wife as my heart sings
And we fly away on butterfly wings

PostPosted: 04/14/10 4:57 am • # 14 
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OMG, Katy ~ that is perfect ~ just ... P E R F E C T ~Image


PostPosted: 04/14/10 11:55 am • # 15 
If it's going to be a cyber-proposal for a cyber-wedding, shouldn't the proposal be delivered via a text message on her phone?

PostPosted: 04/14/10 4:30 pm • # 16 
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That's a wonderful poem Kathy.  You've got real talent and captured my feeling exactly.

PostPosted: 04/14/10 4:34 pm • # 17 
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gopqed wrote:
If it's going to be a cyber-proposal for a cyber-wedding, shouldn't the proposal be delivered via a text message on her phone?
I considered that, Gop, but figured it might work better if she had a cel phone.

PostPosted: 04/14/10 6:05 pm • # 18 
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Okay guys, I guess it's about time I quit talking and did some doing.  Thanks a lot for your suggestions.  I'm going to use some of them...a bit differently, maybe, but they'll be there.  I love Kathy's poem but I think we should save it for the ceremony.

So here goes:

The weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow so, tomorrow evening I'm going to take her to Steveston, one of April and Jim's favorite places just for a walk:



As we walk along the boardwalk I'm going to say:

Sweetie, a year ago today you jumped in my car and we started holding hands;
We haven't stopped holding hands since;
My hand feels empty without your's in it.

A few days later, we bought each other some little stainless steel rings,
Mine hasn't left my finger since.  My life would be empty without that reminder of you.

I think the time has come where I want you to be a part of my life forever,
Will you marry me?

Then I'll give her this ring:


...and wait with a knot in my gut for her answer. 

Last edited by jimwilliam on 04/14/10 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 04/14/10 11:14 pm • # 19 
Ya know Jimwilliam... all the girls are cryin' right now.

PostPosted: 04/14/10 11:47 pm • # 20 
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Oh please.  Like there's any risk here.  She loves  you.

She's probably been reading the thread, and is waiting with baited breath.  haha

good luck

PostPosted: 04/14/10 11:47 pm • # 21 
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This one is, Sid ~ I also have a feeling, just a teeny tiny little tickle of a feeling, that Butterfly will be too ... when she whispers "yes" ~ and then jumps jim ~ Image


PostPosted: 04/15/10 1:10 am • # 22 
As we walk along the boardwalk I'm going to say:

Sweetie, a year ago today you jumped in my car and we started holding hands;
We haven't stopped holding hands since;
My hand feels empty without your's in it.

A few days later, we bought each other some little stainless steel rings,
Mine hasn't left my finger since.  My life would be empty without that reminder of you.

I think the time has come where I want you to be a part of my life forever,

Will you marry me?
YES Image

ohh my gosh!!!!....I'm crying right now..ha ha. Jim I have never awoken to see anything so beautiful written in my life.Image (I decided to take a sneak peak over here while haveing my wakeup coffee before getting ready for work). It's been one year ago today that we met in person and as you said,  held hands and never let go. Even thought we had 3 or 4 month separations your hand was always in mine spiritually.  
 Having a cyber wedding will be the real thing I think for us both,  as much of our relationship was spent online...I guess my new name will be Butterfly WilliamsImage   I'm so honored that V/C will be hosting this and we can plan a cyber wedding with our online friends that mean so very much to us. Ohhh and I totally looooove the ring Jim!!!!! It's a butterfly!!!! ....more tears ha ha

I'm looking forward JimWilliam to seeing you after work and going for a walk in Steveston...its going to be a beautiful sunny day too!!  Happy Anniversary honey!!!!

Love Always

PostPosted: 04/15/10 1:42 am • # 23 
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WOO - HOO !!!!!!!!!

She said yes! 

PostPosted: 04/15/10 2:02 am • # 24 
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LOL, jim ~ as if there were ever any doubt ~ Image

For the record, pic [glitterypickles] posted the following message in our Suggestions/Complaints board yesterday:

"I was just thinking about the cyber-wedding for Jimwilliam and Butterfly and all the preparations we would make if it was a RL wedding.  Why not set up a separate forum for the wedding threads?  This way, we could do a recipe thread for foods and beverages that will be eaten at the wedding (which could later be moved to the recipe forum) and different threads for other things, like wedding music for instance.  Just a thought..."

I like the idea of a dedicated board or sub-board to keep everything together without ending up with a gazillion threads stickied at the top ~ but I want to be sure that both B'fly and jim are comfortable with that ~ so ... B'fly and jim, please let me know your thoughts ~


PostPosted: 04/15/10 2:35 am • # 25 
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I'll talk to Butterfly about it tonight, Sooz.  I think it would be a good idea.  My only concern is that a dedicated board might not get the attention the occasion deserves from our (April and mine) perspective.  I'd hate to have a wedding and not have anybody show-up. 

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